
Character Map

autor - malyfred / 8. 7. 2005

Try to type all these characters on your keyboard:


Not easy, right?:) You obviously need new Character Map plugin in your WordPress if you want to use these weird characters in your posts.

After the simplest possible installation (unpack and activate it) – you get the "Character Map" button in the Quicktags area:

Character Map

New window is opened when you click on this button and the whole new world of never seen characters is waiting for you.

Character Map

Try demo of Character Map!

Select the subset in the menu on the left side or turn it off by clicking on the name of the subset (in the menu or above the characters). Enlarged version of character is shown in the top left corner when you put the cursor over the character. Then you have to just click once and selected character is copied to the post text area.


IImage Gallery 1.3

autor - malyfred / 14. 6. 2005

After a long long time – new and quite often requested feature has been added: stand-alone browser for images with link to next/previous image in the gallery.

Try it here:

For more info and download continue to IImage Gallery

B46 – cnRaytracer release

autor - cnainee / 13. 6. 2005 /
  • english

Uff, tak jsem konecne odevzdal zapoctovku na .Net. Puvodne to melo umet vic veci, ale cas je neuprosny nepritel. Za zminku stoji knihovna SandBar diky ktere mam takovy hezky vzhled jako je u office aplikaci. A hlavne je free pro nekomercni vyuziti.

A tady je to me dilo. Pro spusteni je potreba .Net Framework 1.1, jinak snad nic zvlastniho.

B44 – Rady

autor - cnainee / 9. 6. 2005

Inu, to zas bylo odpoledne stravene nad trivialitou. To by clovek nerekl jaky je problem spocitat soucet rady 1 + 3 + 6 + … + n(n+1)/2. Ani cely kontaktlist v Icq mi nepomohl (no teda Ivo jo, ale to uz jsem to pak mel :O)). A dokonce ani Spanelka Ellis, co tu dela poslednim rokem Master of mathematics s tim nehnula. Je to k placi.

Zopakujeme si tedy dva stredoskolske (opet) vzorecky pro soucet jednoduchych rad:

Vypocet vyse uvedene rady:

A k cemu ze jsem to potreboval?
Ke spocitani poctu pruchodu algoritmem:

for i = 1 to n
  for j = 1 to i
    for k = 1 to j
      x = x + 1;

bzzzt, nobody is perfect…

Jimbo Project: Handwriting recognition using an Artificial Neural Network

autor - malyfred / 5. 6. 2005


This work deals with recognition of isolated hand-written characters using an artifical neural network. The characters are written on a regular sheet of paper using a special pen that produces biometric signals which are after analized by a computer. In this document we describe our research and tests on different MLP and RBF network architecture trying to find a solution and compare it to the current based on K-means.

Download: Jimbo Project: Handwriting recognition using an ANN.pdf

Arificial Neural Network

JÄÅ Preview

autor - malyfred / 16. 5. 2005

This is a right time to realease another nice WordPress plugin, isn't it?

If you would like to see the preview of your post exactly as it looks like on your page (with all formating etc.) before you publish it – JÄÅ Preview plugin is what you need. Because JÄÅ Preview works with all themes!

How it works

After installation – you get a new button in your Quicktags area. Just click on it!

JÄÅ Preview Plugin

New window with your post should be opened. Don't forget that you have to save your post before you click on the "preview" button.

You are allowed to see the preview of the post only if you are logged into the administration of you web and your user level is heigher than the authors level or you are the author of the post.



Unpack preview-plugin.php to your wp-content/plugins directory and activate it.

P. S.

You should also try these plugins: IImage Browser, IImage Gallery, Polyglot, IImage Panorama

BTW do you know how to pronounce JÄÅ?
Ok – just like this: yaeo:)


23. 05. 2005 – preview.php removed – we don't need it anymore as I have found much smarter way how to do that. Thanks to

Widescreen gaming

autor - cnainee / 6. 5. 2005 /
  • english

Tak jsem badal, jak rozchodit Need for Speed: Underground v sirokouhlem rozliseni, az jsem objevil skvele forum, kde jsou reseni i pro dalsi hry.


Forum je na adrese Reseni jsou zde. Na nektere hry existuji zaplaty.

GeForce FX Go5200 s poslednimy ForceWare drivery

autor - cnainee / 28. 4. 2005 /
  • english

Nvidie standardne nepodporuje Geforce FX Go karty ve svych ForceWare driverech. Kdo by ale cekal na uvedeni driveru od vyrobcu notebooku?

Zde je reseni. Stahnete si oficialni ForceWare drivery a rozpakujte do libovolneho adresare. Nahradte soubor nv4_disp.inf timto souborem (kde jsou pridany radky identifikujici kartu Go5200). Potom ze Spravce zarizeni/Graficke adaptery/GeForce FX Go5200 zvolte aktualizovat ovladace a vyberte ty nove, upravene.


autor - cnainee / 13. 4. 2005


Acer Aspire 1363WLMi – drivers, firmware

autor - cnainee / 28. 3. 2005 /
  • english

As a happy new user of Acer Aspire 1363WLMi notebook I found useful to place here some related links.

Official Acer Aspire 1360 driver page

Via Hyperion drivers & Vinyl Stylus audio driver & Ethernet driver

Drivers for Vinyl audio are far from perfection. For reducing most of the noise and cracking I recommend to use drivers obtained thorough Windows Update (not the ones from Via with Vinyl deck) and mute all audio inputs – especially pc speaker, line in and microphone.

nVidia ForceWare driver
Note, that not all versions of ForceWare drivers contain driver for GeForce FX Go graphic accelerator.

Synaptics Touch pad driver

Modem driver

Mobile Sempron processor driver

INPROCOMM IPN2220 page (wifi chip)

Service manual

Thread at Notebooks forum

Acer Aspire 1360 Virtual tour

Model I own has LiteOn SOSW-852S DVD writer that can be easily flashed to support dual layer DVD+R discs.

Flash utility

Firmware page at CDFreaks

Originally I had PRS7 firmware. I tried PST3, 6SO7 but when comes to DVD burning it fails. At this moment best working firmware seems to be PS01.

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