
News from La repubblica delle banane

autor - thefly / 29. 3. 2006
The two opponents

I often ask Berlusconi's supporters about the opinion foreign countries and journalists have about us. If, as Mr.B says, in Italy everything is controlled by the communists, from television (that's incredibly silly as he controls 90% of the television) to newspapers, tribunals etc., that shouldn't be true about foreign sources.

I post two links to articles by foreign online newspapers here:

Here, in our beautiful Republic, we have at least three big newspapers: La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera and Il Sole 24 Ore. The first one doesn't hide it's central-left wing position and anti-berlusconi policy, but Il Corriere was a big supporter of Mr.B. during the last elections. It was pretty shocking to read two weeks ago the editorial by the newspaper's Director Paolo Mieli where he officially suggests the election of Romano Prodi and of the central-left wing coalition.

Il Sole 24 Ore is Confindustria's newspaper. "Founded in 1910 Confindustria is the lead organization representing the manufacturing, construction, energy, transportation, ITC, tourism and services industries in Italy." It's director is also suggesting the left wings coalition election, which is a representative opinion considering it comes from a "business" newspaper which is supposed, by common-sense, to support Berlusconi.

Three big events happened since my first post that I'd like to report and comment:

  1. Berlusconi's visit to USA's Congress: 1 month ago (the 1st of March) Berlusconi was invited for a speech where he talked about USA as the example of freedom and democracy. He told a small story about his father bringing him to the military graveyard explaining him about the sacrifice of Americans during WW2 to set us free. He later recieved the Intrepid Freedom award for his efforts to promote and defend the values of freedom and democracy. Useless to say that in Italy this was considered nearly like a "joke", one of those Mr.B. likes to tell during his TV shows. One of his Tv channels broadcasted the whole speech LIVE and this was criticised in Italy considering we are under elections (do you remember about the Par Condicio law?). My personal opinion is that it's not a bad thing to broadcast our Prime Minister's visit to USA's Congress, but it's a pretty weird coincidence this happened 1 month before the elections… and on his own TV channel. But we are just wrong-minded communists.
  2. Official Face-to-Face between Romano Prodi and Silvio Berlusconi: we had the first of two face-to-face discussions using USA's rules (each of them had 2:30minutes for their answers plus 1 more minute to add something). It was hard to see a winner out of this fight, but the polls reported 1 more point for the left-wing coalition. Berlusconi's reaction was a big attack to this face-to-face format, stating it's illiberal. Pretty funny considering it was him who pushed Prodi to accept this fight and considering that the rules were accepted by both the politicians.
  3. Berlusconi goes to Annunziata: Berlusconi was invited to Mrs. Annunziata's (former state TV's fairness authority guarantor) "30 minuti" (30 minutes) TV programme. But only after 15 minutes Mr.B. left the show after repeatedly requesting Mrs. Annunziata to ask him to explain his government plan for the next 5 years. As a reaction Mrs. Annunziata kept on asking him to answer to HER questions, as that is the aim of a journalist. The result was Berlusconi's escape from the programme.

    It's a common opinion that Annunziata looked for the clash, but for sure she was the first journalist, after many years, who disallowed the Premier from performing his own TV show.

I strongly advice reading the two quoted articles.
As usual Wikipedia does a great work.


autor - mik / 23. 3. 2006

Picture above shows randomly generated simple polygons with no edges overlays. Bounding boxes are used to simplify polygons shape and are kept in interval trees for faster searching.

Ali Farka Touré

autor - malyfred / 19. 3. 2006
Ali Farka Touré


One of Africa's best known musicians, Ali Farka Toure, has died after a long illness in his home country of Mali.

On 7th March 2006 the Ministry of Culture of Mali announced his death at the age of 67, from bone cancer, against which he had been battling for some time in Bamako. His record label, World Circuit, said that he had just completed work on a new solo album.

BBC: My memories of Ali Farka Touré

Canoë: Ali Farka Touré est mort mardi Malischer Grammy-Gewinner Ali Farka Touré gestorben

Wiki: Ali Farka Touré

True Sweden

autor - malyfred / 18. 3. 2006

This post can be understood properly only by those who have a longer experience with Sweden, Swedes and their culture.

Swedish girl from:

Well, this girl looks as Swedish as possible. Am I right Claudio?:) But the most Swedish "stuff" around is something else, something extraordinary!

„Všemi deseti” snadno a tryskem – den čtvrtý

autor - sony / 17. 3. 2006

Já vím. Říkala jsem už několikrát, že se omlouvám, ale asi budu muset znovu. Omlouvám se za tu velkou pauzu, ale nic by se nemělo přehánět. Ani rychlost učení čehokoli. Proto dnes jen ve stručnosti.

Od poslední hodiny jsem přidala na intenzitě a z lekce 7 jsem postoupila až do lekce 15. Nebylo to zrovna tryskovou rychlostí, ale relativně bez chyb. Minimálně jsem postupovala plynule bez nutnosti opakování. Takže má dnešní rada zní: nenechte se nikým stresovat.

Pokud bych se měla vyjádřit ke komentáři k poslednímu článku, pak u mě lékaři nadbytečný 21. chromozom nezjistili. Zdá se tedy, že má pomaloběžnost a naprostá důvěra v inteligenci tvůrců počítačových programů ja naprosto fyziologická, bohužel.:)

  • Lekce: 7-15
  • Čas: asi 6 hod (zahrnuty i občerstvovací pauzy)


autor - malyfred / 16. 3. 2006 /
  • english


Čtěte denně oficiální Dilbertův web a nebo si přidejte do svých RSS čteček odkaz:

Šťastný pracovní život zaručen!


Občan Berlusconi – zítra na ČT2

autor - malyfred / 13. 3. 2006
Citizen Berlusconi

Britský dokument Občan Berlusconi je svérázným portrétem nejkontroverznějšího evropského politika a ukazuje, čeho lze dosáhnout obratnou manipulací a za přispění moderních médií.

Nezapomeňte se dívat! Dávají to v úterý od 20:30 resp. ve středu od 23:00 na ČT2.

St ČT2 20:30
Čt ČT2 23:00
Občan Berlusconi (Ozvěny festivalu Jeden svět)

Navrch si můžete ještě přečíst: „Berlusconi odešel z televizní debaty

Vnesme barvy do těchto šedých dnů!

autor - malyfred / 12. 3. 2006 /
  • english

Tento psychedelický obrazec představuje hotnoty vah jednotlivých synapsí neuronové sítě, a jejich změny, během jednoho sta tréninkových cyklů. Má diplomová práce JE krásná!

„Všemi deseti” snadno a tryskem – den třetí

autor - sony / 8. 3. 2006

Vzhledem k mnoha opakovaným žádostem se k vám zase vracím s dalším dílem. Příznávám se dobrovolně, že jsem nepostoupila nijak mílovými kroky. Možná, že mnoho z Vás je již dále a měli by jste tedy dávat rady vy mě. V tom případě budu ráda za každý komentář.

Ale zpět k tématu. Jak jsem se zmínila již v prvním díle, kapitola číslo 3 mi byla osudná a odsoudila mě k zoufalství. Sednout si znovu k počítači a začít skoro od začátku bylo těžké. A tak jsem to protahovala, jak se jen dalo. Ano, veřejně si zde sypu popel na hlavu.

Dnes jsem tu opět s dalším dílem, takže je všem jasné, že jsem se nakonec překonala a vrhla se do práce. Lekci 3 jsem už tentokrát zvládla bez větších problémů. Následovaly lekce 4 a 5, které jsem poctivě odťukala přímo šnečí rychlosí, ale program mě pochválil, tak jsem se dmula pýchou jako páv. V lekci 5 bych však měla upozornit na jednu malou chybičku- v kolonce „úkol” je popis jak psát písmena R a L, ale fakticky jde o písmena R a U. Datlovala jsem zběsile dál, až mě zastavila pochvala na konci sedmé, opakovací, lekce.

A jaké je resumé? Nejsem ve 20. lekci, nejsem ještě ani v 10. Nemůžu říci, že ráda, ale často si něco zopakuji, a nestydím se za to. Ostatně, posuďte sami:

  • chybovost: 0,6% / úhozy
  • absolutní rychlost: 83 úhozů/min.
  • Lekce: 3-7
  • Čas: 3,5 hod (s přestávkami na čaj)

“Let me introduce il Nano”

autor - thefly / 6. 3. 2006

Mr. BThese are special days for our (italian) democracy. On The 9th of February we officially entered the 2 months elections period before the 9th of April, the day of the truth. Why do I call it that way? The actual Government lasted longer than any in our history and as a matter of fact it was the only one able to reach the end of the mandate. And, as everybody knows, our Prime Minister was the well known Silvio Berlusconi (aka "il Nano" – The Midget). The point is: has our society's immune system built a vaccine for this well known criminal? I'm not going to talk about what he has done (or should I say what he has NOT done?) in these last 5 years (in this post) for now, but I'll try to concentrate on his campaign, and his efforts to get elected again.

We have a special law for this 2 months period (from the day when the Parliament and the Senate are closed to the day of the elections) called Par Condicio. This law grants that both the coalitions (we have a sort of bipolar system) and their candidates get the same amount of time on televisions and radios following a principle of fairness. In the last month Silvio Berlusconi tried to delete this law as he pointed out that such an illiberal law is not democratic but, as his allied parties did not agree with him, he realized that the only way to fill the gap between his coalition and the opponents [at that time the opponent coalition was about 6 points ahead in all the polls] was to “invade” Italy's medias. So, for about two weeks, before the “par condicio” law would be applied, we had to see his face in all kinds of TV shows (he was guest even in shows in which the format did not include guests).

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