
What beauty. I saw clouds and their light shadows on the distant dear earth… The water looked like darkish, slightly gleaming spots… When I watched the horizon, I saw the abrupt, contrasting transition from the earth's light-colored surface to the absolutely black sky. I enjoyed the rich color spectrum of the earth. It is surrounded by a light blue aureole that gradually darkens, becoming turquiose, dark blue, violet, and finally coal black.
Authors: Jaromír Hnilička / Pavel Pácl
Performed by: Gustav Brom
Written and recorded on April 12th 1961 in Ostrava, Czechoslovakia just few hours after Gagarin's successful landing.
More about Yuri Gagarini: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gagarin
The marked value is the average czech salary in the last quarter 2005.
Let me explain what is behind the term “average salary”. The average salary is:
This “stealing rate” is more visible if your income is equal to … let's say… average German salary:
For some reason most (all?) european governments think that progressive taxation is a good idea. Well, I don't think that I can change it but the government shouldn't hide the fact the the taxes are actually much higher than the employees think!
Your company pays for your work twice more
than you earn!
One of Africa's best known musicians, Ali Farka Toure, has died after a long illness in his home country of Mali.
On 7th March 2006 the Ministry of Culture of Mali announced his death at the age of 67, from bone cancer, against which he had been battling for some time in Bamako. His record label, World Circuit, said that he had just completed work on a new solo album.
BBC: My memories of Ali Farka Touré
Canoë: Ali Farka Touré est mort mardi
Tirol.com: Malischer Grammy-Gewinner Ali Farka Touré gestorben
Wiki: Ali Farka Touré
This post can be understood properly only by those who have a longer experience with Sweden, Swedes and their culture.
Well, this girl looks as Swedish as possible. Am I right Claudio?:) But the most Swedish "stuff" around is something else, something extraordinary!
Everybody should read Dilbert's official web page every day.
But one should avoid any unnecessary work so I've created RSS feed for Dilbert. Just add this address:
http://fredfred.net/rss/rss.php?n=dilbert to your favourite RSS reader (e.g. orijinn.com).