
Podcasting v Čechách? Kde? Co?

author - malyfred / 2005-12-06

No co už taky jiného by člověk měl dělat, než sledovat poslední trendy a být in, ne? Dnes to tedy bude o podcastingu.

Již nějaký ten čtvrtek poslouchám Odvážné palce (podpořad pořadu Film o páté) na Radiu 1, kde pánové Fuka a Baldýnský, umírňováni Sašou Michailidisem, rozprávějí o filmových premiérách toho kterého týdne. Je to takový hezký pořad tří lidí, kteří nedokáží žít ve dvojici ani sami.

Baldýnský jak ho neznáme Fuka jak ho známe

Ale k věci, pan Michailidis má složité jméno a dobré nápady. Jedním z nich je i zveřejňování jednotlivých dílů Odvážných palců na webu ve formátu MP3, což je pro mě, žijícího v nepravidelném rytmu moderní doby, spása, neboť jen málokdy stihnu Palce on-line, neřku-li on-air.

Pravidelně jsem tedy brouzdal na jejich web a stahoval si nejnovější díl do svého přehrávače. Logické by bylo, mít pro takový pravidelně aktualizovaný „obsah” RSS kanál a nespoléhat na svoji chabou paměť. Tím se dostáváme k podcastingu, jelikož podcasting není nic jiného než umístění odkazů na zvukové nahrávky do RSS a jejich automatické nahrání do mp3 přehrávače.

Takový RSS feed (feed ~ kanál, máte někdo lepší název?) sice Radio 1 nenabízí, ale nabízím ho já.

Na adrese:

je k dispozici podcast pořadu Odvážné palce. Zařaďte si ho do svých čteček. Stačí vám obyčejná RSS čtečka, kliknout pak na odkaz a uložit si soubor zvládnete jistě hravě.

Ti z vás, kteří to myslí s podcastingem vážně, nechť šáhnou po čtečkách k tomu určených:

Všechny mají ovšem k mým představám daleko, stejně jako všechny ostatní RSS čtečky co jsem kdy vyzkoušel, ale to je na jinou diskusi. Jediné čím se liší od obyčejné RSS čtečky je, že za vás automaticky stáhnou nahrávky z internetu a uloží je do zvolené složky na disku. Pozor – ani jedna z nich nezobrazuje správně české znaky.

Ziepod je o řád lepší než zbytek. Umí české znaky, dokáže rovnou přehrávat (streamovat) soubory bez externího přehrávače atd. Pokud nemáte nějaké větší požadavky, tak se dá dobře používat i jako vaše hlavní RSS čtečka.

Pokud máte tip na jiné zajímavé pořady českých rádií, pro které by stálo za úvahu vytvořit jejich vlastní podcast – napište ho do komentářů a já se o to pokusím. V Čechách zatím experimentálně funguje Rádio na přání Českého rozhlasu, ten také provozuje archiv svých pořadů. (Podcast pro něj už chystám.)

Update: Zde je návod, jak získat podcast pro celkem libovolný pořad Českého rozhlasu.

Pro seznam podcastů v angličtině lze doporučit nebo a protože podcasting je hit, máte tam na výběr z několika tisíc různých zdrojů.

Zdravím Odvážné palce!

How to use FeedBurner with WordPress without .htaccess file

author - malyfred / 2005-12-02

What is FeedBurner?


For those who don't know FeedBurner yet – continue to services description. Shortly – you get statistics and some aditional services for your RSS feed for free.


How to use it with WordPress?

If you use .htaccess file on your web – continue to WordPress FeedBurner Plugin.

The other people (including me) who are not allowed to use .htaccess files by their webhosting company. (So we have to have index.php in the permalink structure of our WordPress powered website.) must employ simple hack to achieve the same result.

Step by step

  1. Register at FeedBurner and when they ask you about your feed address use this:
  2. Now the hack comes. Open wp-feed.php in the root directory of your site and edit it according to this example:

    if (empty($doing_rss)) {
    $doing_rss = 1;
    require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-blog-header.php');

    //this is the code for FeedBurner
    if( $wp_query->query =='feed=feed' ){
    //end of the added code

    where you replace with the address that you've got from the FeedBurner.

  3. All feeds from the default RSS address generated by WordPress (http://yourweb/index.php/feed/ e.g. are redirected to the FeedBurner but your readers don't notice any change.

Tim Burton – The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories

author - malyfred / 2005-11-30 /
  • česky
Tim Burton's The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories

Stick Boy and Match Girl in Love

Stick Boy and Match Girl

Stick Boy liked Match Girl,
He liked her a lot.
He liked her cute figure,
he thought she was hot.

Stick Boy and Match Girl

But could a flame ever burn
for a match and a stick?
It did quite literally;
he burned up quick.

The Boy with Nails in his Eyes

The Boy with Nails in his Eyes
put up his aluminium tree.
It looked pretty strange
because he couldn't really see.

The Boy with Nails in his Eyes.

Thanks to:

And don't forget to buy this book! (Where to buy?)

Monitor Calibration

author - malyfred / 2005-11-28

If you want to see pictures on your monitor at least a bit like what the author wanted you to see – you should have a calibrated monitor.

I like for example my Dark skriker theme for this web but there are always a few people asking about the reason why I have completely unreadable website. Well, the problem is in their monitor adjustment.

There is a huge theory behind the monitor calibration and also quite many thick books have been written about this topic but I am not going to bother you with all that stuff. You should actually check just two (ok, three) things. Let's do it in two steps:

Brightness and Contrast

The pattern that should be visible on the next two images:

What you should see

Try to play around with the brightness and the contrast as long as needed to make all "edges" visible on this picture:

The best case

If you have a really "shitty" monitor and you cannot find the settings that work with the previous image – try to do the same thing with this one (and you should consider buying a new monitor):

The worst case

OK, the most important part is behind us and you can stop here.

If you have nothing to do or you have just realized that your monitor has actually quite many buttons that are changing "something" you can continue to:


The gamma is a bit more problematic because the difference between CRT (you know, these old analog monitors) and new LCD displays is pretty big when you consider gamma curves. Anyway – you should be able to see the border between 90% and 100% at least on the last two stripes. Preferably the difference should be visible also on the first stripe. Don't care about the yellow stripe, that's another story.

Note: gamma could be hidden under the "Color temperature" in your monitor settings where it could be possible to change the values for Red, Green and Blue separately.

Gamma test

More detailed instructions:

the id3alist – competent ID3 editor and mp3 manager

author - malyfred / 2005-11-24

What does it do?

The id3alist is ID3 tag editor (up to version 2.3) and file manager of some kind. It helps you to edit the ID3 tags in your mp3 files and then rename and organize these files according to the values saved in the tags so you'll get well organized bunch of folders that have the structure as you defined. The playlists are created as a bonus.

This program is not for those who have 20 mp3 songs. It's not even for those who have 200MB of mp3 files. It's for those who have to manage tons and tons of music because only guys facing to such a boring work can appreciate this carefully designed and thought out program:) (just co-operation with is missing)




author - malyfred / 2005-11-21

Friday November 17, 1989

author - malyfred / 2005-11-17

Well, this is a bad picture but who cares… everybody knows that November 17 is very important day for us.

November 17, 2005

Velvet Revolution on Wiki

Za sedmé: nepokradeš

author - Miroslav Jandovský / 2005-11-16

Krádež zřejmě doprovází člověka po celou dobu jeho existence. Ukrást tři borovice může být, za jistých okolností, existenční čin. Děj se odehrál v Třeboni koncem 19. století a jeho hrdiny byli jak dva pražští vzdělanci, tak místní lidé, lesáci a pytlák.

Za sedmé.doc (945 kB)

Quest For The Lost Sea

author - Martin Chlupáč / 2005-11-12

Troy Found Anew

The ancient city of Troy has been discovered several times already. It lies in Turkey, also in Britain, even in Finland … We came across an unknown work of a deceased amateur scientist who developed a theory (based on convincing arguments) that turns on its head the traditional explanation of Europe’s oldest written history.

The author says, for example, that the Argonauts stole the Golden Fleece in Romania, Ovid spent his exile in Serbia, Troy was in the mountains of Rumania and Ulysses lost his boat and his loot on the Danube. All this happened around a huge freshwater sea covering most of what is now Hungary. The sea dried up at the end of that ancient era and the world soon forgot about it. Well, at least the Pannon Sea seems to be a fact. Is the rest of the story real as well? That’s what I would like to know.

I am a TV director, not a scientist. I know for sure this is the sort of thing that promises an interesting movie. Erich von Däniken became famous with much less plausible theories. So I offer the basic arguments of the author. I intend to shoot a TV series about it in the future and I would welcome any contribution.

Pannon Sea


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