Emanuel Kodet

One of the strangest czech christmas traditions: You have to buy live carp on the street few days before Christmas. Then bring your brand-new friend to your bathtub and wait untill Chtismas Eve comes. In the afternoon on 24th December the strongest one of your family goes to the bathroom and KILLS THE CARP! Christmas Eve dinner: fried carp, potato salad and fish soup:o)
Well, actually number of people who let vendors to kill their carp is growing up every year:o(
AnimeWorld (school project) is small and VERY SIMPLE example of using C# and DirectX. I am a complete beginner on this field and I had to fight quite a lot with STUPID MSDN to finish this program. DirectX is badly documented piece of …… at the moment and most of examples that can be found on internet don't work as you need so I have decided to offer this example to other newbies.
It's 3D game (something like Half Life 2 or Doom 3:o) where you collect items and shoot at everything that moves.
Here are some screenshots:
You can create your own map! It's located in /data/bludiste.txt
. In the first line of this plain text file is specified size of your map. You can use these symbols:
You need DirectX (I think 9.0 or higher is necessary, but I have not tested lower versions.)
You need .Net Framework 1.1 (or higher?)
When you have DirectX and .Net installed you can try to run the AnimeWorld.exe
but it probably doesn't work – you have to install the Managed DirectX. It means that you have to run mdxredist.msi
from ManagedDX.CAB
. This .cab file is in the directory where you have unpacked DirectX at the beginning of installation.
That's all – enjoy the game:o)
Of course the example is good for nothing when you cannot see souce code – everything is located in src
directory. (MS Visual Studio project and all source files) I am REALLY sorry for some czech words and error messages, but I am not going to fix it. This project is partly based on D3DUT framework that is being developed at University of West Bohemia. D3DUT should allow you in near future to move your DirectX projects to Linux and OpenGL…huh:o) But don't worry – I have used just some functions from this framework (fullscreen…).
In the left upper corner: FPS, collected items/remaining items, hit targets/remaining targets, time from start in miliseconds – it stops when you have got all items and targets. Don't forget to turn on your speakers and look at your belly!
AnimeWorld.zip – 596kB
Velmi dobře natočený (režie Terry Gilliam), nevýjimečný až nezajímavý scénář s vynikajícími herci. Ve stručnosti: příběh o tom jak se jeden napravil a druhý uzdravil. Ten film ve mně nic nezanechal, protože se tam opravdu nic překvapivého nestane, ale všechno ostatní je vynikající a i když si neříkáte: „A co se asi stane teď?” tak se máte celou dobu na co dívat.