
U41 – Sister I’m a poet

autor - malyfred / 5. 5. 2005

Simon (Belgie, vlámština)

Unknown Artist
Unknown (bobdylanština)

Pol (Španělsko, katalánština a španělština)

Unknown Artist
Unknown (bobdylanština)

Francesca (Itálie, italština)

…a další se svými jazyky: korejštinou, japonštinou, švédštinou, angličtinou, francouzštinou, němčinou, malajštinou…


  1. Géraldine 8. 1. 2006 / 20.33

    Hej !!

    I really impress by your webpage. Congratulations !!
    Tt’s so nice tzo see all these wonderfuls pictures.

    By the way the unknnow poet is Pol Forn a catalan friend.

  2. malyfred 8. 1. 2006 / 21.27

    Hej Gege,
    Tack så mycket! Det är jätte bra att höra att du läser min websida.

    Well, my swedish is not that good but nice to hear of you again.

    Unknown is that unknow “Bob Dylan” guy. Names are beneath each picture and Pol is mentioned there becuase I really liked him so it’d be shame not to remember his name:)

    Btw have you heard anything about Cæcilie since we’ve left Sweden?

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