
IImage Browser

författare - malyfred / 11. 10. 2004 /
  • english
  • česky

If you know very nice Image Browser plugin for WordPress but you are still looking for something even more sophisticated – you should try my own version.

New features:

  • You can browse through the subdirectories.
  • I have added a lot of JavaScript code to allow you insert pictures to your post as easy as possible.
  • You can delete selected files from the server.
  • You can upload files to the server and create thumbnails.

Look at these examples:

Select image

We are at the bottom of the directory structure my_upload_dir/fred/zelkovice as you can see. First picture has a thumbnail as red T indicates. Full size of picture is accessible through the link.

Thumbnails are recognised by prefix. This prefix could be changed in iimage-browser.php.

Click on the picture you like and the hidden menu shows up.

Get the code

It's hidden by CSS so you don't have to load new page – it's fast and easy. Then you choose which code you'd like to get. Optionally fill the description and press Get the code. The code is generated to the text area where you can modify it. Finally Add it to the post!.

When you click on picture second time – menu disappears.

Maybe you'd rather delete these ****** pictures from the server – no problem. Look at this:

Delete images

Click twice and they've gone!

But sometimes you probably need to upload some files to the server. I've added new button for this.


And when you click on it:

Full upload menu

full upload menu shows up.

If you can use PHP function imagecopyresampled() on your server you can choose between two different methods for resizing of thumbnail.

Quality is used only for JPEG thumbnails.

For the images that don't have thumbnails yet is the same function for creating thumbnails offered at the bottom of their own menu.

create thumbnail

Other recommended plugins

Download: – compatible with WordPress 2.0 & higher. Please note, that you must have WYSWYG editor turned off to be able to use IIB. (Go to your user profile and uncheck " Use the visual rich editor when writing")

Let me know

I'd appreciate if you let me know that you use IImage Browser on your web. You can also choose whether you want to be informed about new versions:


  • Unpack iimage-browser.php to your wp-admin directory and iimage-browser-plugin.php to your wp-content/plugins directory.
  • (for WP version < 2)Check TWICE if “URI of this directory” of “Allow File Uploads” in “administration> options> miscellaneous” is FULL address like: http://domain/blblabla
  • Activate IImage Browser plugin in administration area.
  • When editing post – you should have Insert Image in upper right corner of your screen or "IImage Browser" button in your Quicktags area. Click on it!


27.05.2007 Improved handling of non-image files
28.12.2006 Many fixes due to changes in WP 2.0
21.03.2006 Custom pattern added
03.02.2005 "Create dir" button added
02.01.2005 It's possible to create thumnails not just during the upload
23.12.2004 Fixed problem with wrong encoding of spaces
14.11.2004 Uploading of images added.
07.11.2004 Fixed version for 1.3 2004-11-02 or higher
04.11.2004 You can delete images with IImage Browser.
20.10.2004 I've added insert_image_placement.txt file to the archive, where is description how to change the placement of "insert image button".
13.10.2004 – $ib_set_title didn't work – it's fixed now

  1. marvin 11. 10. 2004 / 19.56

    no pekny :) jen tak dal. Nemohlo by to i obrazky mazat?

  2. malyfred 11. 10. 2004 / 20.51

    A taky přejmenovávat, zvětšovat/zmenšovat, otáčet, doostřovat, měnit jas, kontrast… To by bylo moc štěstí najednou. Musí přeci zůstat nějaký prostor pro zlepšování:o) Ale taky mě to už napadlo.

  3. marvin 13. 10. 2004 / 15.49

    Mno me by stacilo to mazani :) Zvetsim/zmensim, otocim, doostrim, nastavim jas/kontrast ve photoshopu, ale ze serveru chybne uploadovany obrazek photoshopem nesmazu, kvuli tomu tam musim vlezt pres ftp.

  4. malyfred 13. 10. 2004 / 19.59

    Dobrá, už na tom pracuju.

  5. marvin 14. 10. 2004 / 15.44

    Bezva, díky!

  6. Markus Weimer 15. 10. 2004 / 20.25


    just installed it and I really like it! The only question I have: Your screenshots show the possibility to create a thumbnail for the picture. This is missing in my installation. Do you have any hint on how to fix it?

    Thanks in advance,


  7. malyfred 16. 10. 2004 / 23.18

    Dear Markus,
    actually there is no possibility to create thumbnails with IImage Browser now. IImage Browser recognise filename.jpg as a full size image and _filename.jpg as a thumbnail of that image. Recognised thumbnail is indicated by red T. You can change thumbnail prefix in iimage-browser.php. (I have added this ”prefix description” to the original text.)

    Creating of thumbnails could be added to the IImage Browser in future.

  8. Anonym 23. 10. 2004 / 15.11

    Need a tool for crating 3 copies of an image
    1. original size 2-3 mb
    2. web friendly viewing size 80 -120Kb
    3. thumnail size 5-10 kb

  9. Laisan 25. 10. 2004 / 16.42

    Thank you for the great plugin!

    By the way, Markus – I’m using
    to create thumbnails – it allows batch thumbnail creation based on profiles.
    As for me – I would like to have upload tool included -just to have everything in one place.

  10. BH 6. 11. 2004 / 7.21

    I would love it if this plugin could upload images too. This would make it the perfect solution for wordpress.

    Also, does this work with 1.3 alpha builds?


  11. Christopher 6. 11. 2004 / 18.42

    Very new to blogging and php, was searching for a simpler and more effective image handling system. yours was not only the easiest to install but also worked very well!


  12. malyfred 7. 11. 2004 / 20.46

    IImage Browser is fully tested until 1.3 alpha 2004-10-08 build. Later builds seem to be problematic – I am working on fix.

  13. malyfred 7. 11. 2004 / 21.06

    I have added new fixed version for WP 1.3 2004-11-02 or higher.

  14. bh 13. 11. 2004 / 13.18

    On the wordpress forum indi has stripped back the upload code so it can be called from the post/edit page. It would be perfect if your plug-in added the functionality that indi created.

  15. malyfred 14. 11. 2004 / 4.33

    Thanks. I’ll take a look what can I do with it.

  16. skysquare 18. 11. 2004 / 1.19

    Hi, I just found and installed Image Browser and your tool, IImage Browser for WP 1.2. I did everything correctly but was a little confused when I activate your tool and I get back to anywhere in the menu, e.g. post, everywhere is just a blank page! So I deactivated it and Image Browser worked without a problem, then I reactivated it and restarted my browser to login: just a blank page (shock!). So I deleted the two files on my server and now on the next login luckily everythings working. What did I do wrong? Additionally, is it normal that the link of your plugin in the plugin menu contains unreadable letters: Martin Chlupáč
    Thanks for your help!

  17. skysquare 18. 11. 2004 / 1.26

    me again, sorry for bothering, now it works, should’ve known that both plugins are not working together :)(am very new to WP, but your plugin is so great!)

  18. malyfred 19. 11. 2004 / 0.50

    The reason why these plugins don’t work together is probably that both use the same ”insert image” code. I have not tested it.

    Those unreadable letters are originally czech letters ’á’ and ’č’. You see them as unreadable because you probably don’t use UTF-8 encoding or you don’t use font containing those letters.

  19. robert 20. 11. 2004 / 21.51

    Hi, maybe I am doing something wrong, but I think I followed your directions perfectly and it is not working. When I click on ”insert image” I get a popup saying this:

    Warning: main(/home/urobertc/public_html/grabaka/wp-admin/admin.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/urobertc/public_html/grabaka/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 34

    Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required ’/home/urobertc/public_html/grabaka/wp-admin/admin.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/urobertc/public_html/grabaka/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 34

  20. Mule 21. 11. 2004 / 1.56

    I can’t figure out where in the iimage-browser.php file to put the path for the local directory. I’ve tried numerous places and I just can’t get it to work I just get the message:

    Could no open upload directory :-(
    [root] />

    Sorry, I can’t find any files in this directory :-(

    Close window

    How do I fix this?

  21. malyfred 22. 11. 2004 / 1.39

    >robert: It seems that you don’t use right version of IImage Browser for your version of WordPress. You can try comment/uncomment this part of code in iimage-browser.php:

    /*comment next two lines for version 1.3 2004-11-02 and higher*/
    $standalone = 1;

    /*uncomment next two lines for version 1.3 2004-11-02 and higher*/
    //require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin.php');

  22. malyfred 22. 11. 2004 / 1.42

    >Mule: IImage Browser uses your default upload directory. You can change this directory in administration>options>miscellaneous

  23. rfek 23. 12. 2004 / 2.48

    if you upload a file with a space in the title it truncates to ”blah+blah” using a + as opposed to ”blah%20blah” or just ”blah blah” : making it unreadable to the browser.

    how can this be fixed?
    works great otherwise!

  24. malyfred 23. 12. 2004 / 15.43

    >rfek: Fixed! Thank you.

  25. rfek 25. 12. 2004 / 1.06

    it works perfectly now!
    now you just need button encapsulation for the ”image upload” item added to the quicktags and you can sleep well again!


  26. snook789 27. 12. 2004 / 1.43

    love this plug in, thank you!!

    only problem I have, is if I am browsing and image folder, that has more then one page, if I click on pg2,3, 4 or what have you, I get an error that says ”Cannot load 2 (or whatever page)
    This is on WordPress 1.3….

  27. malyfred 27. 12. 2004 / 12.57

    >snook hmmmm. I am sorry but I have absolutely no idea what could cause your problem. I am pretty sure that it has nothing to do with WP version and using more than one page should work everywhere….:o( Don’t you have ’..’ in the name of that problematic directory? Or do you have the same problem in every directory?

  28. snook789 27. 12. 2004 / 18.21

    ahh, I know what caused it.
    I renamed wp-admin.
    I changed every file that calls this, to the new one
    Including any new plug-ins I install (like the iimage-browser.php page)

    I do a replace, with new name, but somewhere in your code, it wants to point to wp-admin still..

  29. malyfred 27. 12. 2004 / 20.10

    >snook789 Yes! line 34
    require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin.php');

  30. Jon 30. 12. 2004 / 19.52

    Need some help, please.

    Getting the errors:

    Warning: main(/home/hsphere/local/home/jrbond/ failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/hsphere/local/home/jrbond/ on line 34

    Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required ’/home/hsphere/local/home/jrbond/’ (include_path=’.:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/hsphere/local/home/jrbond/ on line 34

    Any ideas, what file is ’admin.php’? Is it suppose to be pointing to ’admin-functions.php’?


  31. malyfred 30. 12. 2004 / 20.56

    >Jon I think you have downloaded wrong version of IImage Browser for your WP. If you have WP 1.2 you should use or try to edit iimage-browser.php lines 29-34.

  32. Patrick 4. 1. 2005 / 14.01

    Gidday mate.
    I just wanted to let you know, I think your plug in is simply the best WordPress plug in I have seen so far. It installs without hassel and it works without a glitch. You are certainly a clever dude. Thank you very much.

  33. malyfred 4. 1. 2005 / 15.20

    >Patrick Thank you – it’s really nice to hear this:o)

  34. malyfred 4. 1. 2005 / 15.29

    >ALL If you like this plug in or anything else – don’t hesitate to link to my page – that’s what everyone appreciates:o)

  35. Patrick 5. 1. 2005 / 16.44

    Done! (sorry I didn’t think of it myself)

  36. Alister Ferguson 5. 1. 2005 / 16.47

    i found that in wordpress/options/miscellaneous the recommended directories wont work due to permissions, & if you 766 the permissions on the /wp-content/ directory, then the image browser button wont appear! catch 22! i’d assume its because the plugins directory lives in the wp-content directory, & likes its permissions left as -is for some reason?

    so, after much farting about, i found i had to puta ”gallery” directory OUTSIDE the entire blog directory (root of my site) to get it to work… but now it works great! phew.

  37. malyfred 6. 1. 2005 / 3.01

    >Alister huuuh:o) but I think you should try 755 because you need to have the right execute the plugin not just read. And 777 for ”gallery” directory if you want to write in it.

  38. Alister Ferguson 6. 1. 2005 / 15.10

    oh right, nice one, thanks :)
    im not down with chmod really… used to use it back when i was using unix boxes at work, but only ever did chmod 777 on anything.
    im just about to check out your gallery plugin, cos wordpress isnt very good at tables.
    keep up the good work :thumbs up:

  39. alexander 6. 1. 2005 / 17.24

    When I click on the “Insert Image”-button, I get the following message:

    Warning: main(/www/htdocs/v122825/wordpress/wordpress/wp-admin/admin.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /www/htdocs/v122825/wordpress/wordpress/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 35

    What should I do?


  40. malyfred 7. 1. 2005 / 10.40

    >alexander Download right version of IImage Browser for your version of WordPress. See comments #30 and #31

  41. cyh 8. 1. 2005 / 13.25

    I found that there are instruction for ”Better placement of the ’insert image’ button”, which is for WP 1.3.? only. Would you please advise if it is possible to do the same hack in WP 1.2.2. and how ?

    Thanks in advance.

  42. malyfred 8. 1. 2005 / 18.56

    >cyh&all One day I will add the ”inser image” button among the quicktags buttons but until that day…

    Better placement of the button for WP 1.2
    hack on the code:

    * Make a backup of wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php, so if you messed up anything, you can always go back to the original version and start over.
    * Open wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php with your preferred editor. Search for ’editcomment’. It should look like:

    if ($action != 'editcomment') {

    Add a new line between ’</script>’ and ’<?php’ to make it look like:
    <p><?php do_action('edit_form_advanced_buttons', ''); ?></p>
    if ($action != 'editcomment') {

    This will add a new hook to the plugin API. Save the file.
    * Open wp-content/plugins/iimage-browser-plugin.php and set
    $ib_use_hack = TRUE; (don’t forget the semicolon).
    * The button will now appear just below the content area.

  43. LcF 8. 1. 2005 / 21.35

    There is an EASIER way for “Better placement of the ‘insert image’ button”…

    1. set $ib_use_hack = TRUE;
    2. Edit /wp-admin/quicktags.php, add the following line to the bottom of the code:
    <?php do_action(’edit_form_advanced_buttons’, ”); ?&gt
    3. Done!

  44. LcF 8. 1. 2005 / 21.36

    2. Edit /wp-admin/quicktags.php, add the following line to the bottom of the code:
    <?php do_action(’edit_form_advanced_buttons’, ”); ?>

  45. malyfred 9. 1. 2005 / 16.20

    >LcF You are right! I copied my ”recipe” from old image browser and I haven’t thought of better way. Thank You.

  46. alexander 9. 1. 2005 / 20.39

    Hello Maylfred,

    thanks for helping so quickly. Now it seems to work – but in the window where the images should appear, I just see the name of the files and not the images themself. So I can’t click them to insert them…


  47. malyfred 10. 1. 2005 / 0.29

    >alexander Check if ”URI of this directory” in admin area > options > miscellaneous is OK. Then look into the source code of that IImage Browser page if src attribute of images is correct.

  48. In Windows ? 11. 1. 2005 / 6.05

    Hi can you please help me.. I installed the plugin but i work in windows so the root file does not work. I tried to change it in the file Iimage_browser.php but it wont work. Help will be apreciated


  49. malyfred 12. 1. 2005 / 3.03

    >#48 Sorry I don’t understand what exactly is your problem. I am using IIB and developing it on windows too and it should work with default settings everywhere.

  50. Shane 15. 1. 2005 / 8.13

    This is an amazing plugin! Thank you for all the time and thought you put into it!

    Question: I’m able to upload and create thumbnails with the regular WP (using 1.3-alpha-5) function and adjusted the iimage-browser.php setting to recognize ’thumb-’ as the thumbnail prefix. Everything works fine if I upload using the WP upload.
    But the plugin popup window shows ”[root] /> images ” and my uploading folder is /media and I can NOT upload or create thumbnails with the plugin. Everything else works with the plugin so long as images are uploaded via WP first.

    Any ideas?

  51. John T. Kennedy 15. 1. 2005 / 13.48

    I also cannot upload or create thumbs with the plugin, though it works with already uploaded images.

  52. malyfred 15. 1. 2005 / 20.19

    >Shane&JTK And you don’t get any warnings or errors? That’s very strange. Check options > Miscellaneous > Destination directory. Especially the trailing ’/’ that should not be there.

  53. Marco 16. 1. 2005 / 1.52

    @JTK I had exactly the same problem.

    @malyfred Is your server using the php option ”register_globals =on”? Because some function in your script rely on this option.
    I had to change these functions, so that ”$_REQUEST” is used.
    Now everything seems to work fine.

  54. malyfred 16. 1. 2005 / 2.07

    >Marco Yes – that is good idea/suggestion – more and more servers are not using register_globals=on. I’ll fix it in future version. You know – I have added new code and not rewrited old one:o)

  55. malyfred 16. 1. 2005 / 12.55

    >ALL&Marco Try new 1.4.1 beta version. We have now one version for all WP versions and it should work with register_globals=off.

  56. Marco 16. 1. 2005 / 14.55

    I`ve just tested this release. Looks good.
    Only one small glitch. admin-header.php is included everytime, regardless of which version of WP is used. Should be easy to fix.

  57. malyfred 16. 1. 2005 / 15.04

    >Marco Fixed, thx.

  58. Lo 17. 1. 2005 / 0.00

    I’ve just uploaded your plugin. Here is the error message displayed when I hit the insert image button. Any hints ? I’m using WP 1.2.
    Warning: opendir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/your/site/wordpress/images/) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/users/l/laurentjanolin:/home/temporaire/upload) in /home/users/l/laurentjanolin/www/blog/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 484

    Warning: opendir(/home/your/site/wordpress/images/): failed to open dir: Operation not permitted in /home/users/l/laurentjanolin/www/blog/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 484

    Could no open upload directory :-(
    [root] />

    Sorry, I can’t find any files in this directory :-(

    Close window

  59. malyfred 17. 1. 2005 / 0.18

    >Lo Set ”Destination directory” and ”URI of this directory” in admin area > options > miscellaneous to proper values.

  60. malyfred 18. 1. 2005 / 3.14

    >Hapax hej,let me think a little about your suggestions, because I’d like to have IIB light and simple, but it seems that it could be useful.

    IIG is basically for different purposes than IIB. But it could be changed easily to leave your titles at proper place. I’ll do that in next version.

    thank you for your remarks

  61. Hapax 18. 1. 2005 / 6.56

    Just an ”ergonomique” remark on IIB : I have change the place of the deleting checkboxes in the panel of each image to have them before and not after the Delete button. It’s a micro-thing but I believe it’s more intuitive like that. I tell this because I haven’t understood immediately how to use this checkboxes. So now, I have the 2 buttons for code generation on a line, and under (I have put a brak too :-)) The 2 checkboxes on the left and the delete button on the right. Crystal clear for my little brain :-).

  62. malyfred 18. 1. 2005 / 12.45

    > OK:o) I was trying to explain the meaning of these checkboxes with ’:’ behind the ”delete”:o)

  63. hans 19. 1. 2005 / 7.39

    respect and all this for the plugin. nicely js there.. i missed the option of a popup which sizes according to the original image size. So, for i don’t have any experience in doing such things, i did it quick and dirty. Is there any way of putting additional js in the index without modifying it manually?

  64. Lo 21. 1. 2005 / 0.11

    Thanks for the help. It works great now ! You’ve done a really nice work.

  65. klaus 21. 1. 2005 / 5.12

    I’ve uploaded both the browser and the image gallery. Neither can create thumbnails.

    I get an error in iimage browser that says ”Filetype not supported. Thumbnail not created.”

    This happens for jpeg, jpg, gif and png.

    Any ideas.

  66. malyfred 21. 1. 2005 / 14.05

    >klaus You don’t have GD library on your server or it doesn’t work properly. Ask your admin.

  67. BB 22. 1. 2005 / 16.15

    I’m having the same problem as that referenced in comment #26. When I have multiple pages of thumbnails, I am unable to go to pages after number 1. For example, I get the message, ”Cannot load 2.” when I try to go to page two.

    I didn’t understand his fix for this (something about changing wp-admin?). Any ideas what could be causing this and, more importantly, how can it be fixed?

    I’m using WP 1.5-beta-1.

  68. malyfred 22. 1. 2005 / 19.32

    >BB The problem wasn’t in IIB. He was/is using very ’hacked version’ of WP – and that was the problem. Try to download IIB1.4.1 – it is not so ’sensitive’. But I cannot imagine what could be the problem – except very strange configuration of your server.

  69. BB 23. 1. 2005 / 18.48

    I have been using v1.4.1. On a whim, I tried v1.3 and got the same result. My host server is remote, so I have no control of its configuration. I guess I’ll just have to split the images up into separate directories and then add them to the post that way.

  70. malyfred 23. 1. 2005 / 19.39

    >BB You can also change number of images shown on one page. $ib_images_per_page in iimage-browser.php

  71. kaki 26. 1. 2005 / 16.09


    i’m using wordpress 1.2.2 and iimage browser for 1.2
    I can upload picture with wordpress but it’s impossible with iimage B.
    and i can insert image with iimageB. when it’s already upload…

    How to do it directly with iimage Browser
    Thanks for your help

  72. malyfred 26. 1. 2005 / 19.13

    >kaki Have you got any error?

  73. sepp 28. 1. 2005 / 11.39

    i discovered your plugin yesterday and it is really good :) so i sent mu old image-browser had to retire the office :P

    one hint: you’re letting to browse through subfolders and you can, of course, uplad pictures. if you cpuld add ability to create subfolders from this image browser, the plugin is more or less complete :)

  74. Tuulelohelend 28. 1. 2005 / 12.30

    TrackBack: Tuulelohelend » Mu mütsil on kuus nurka…

  75. malyfred 28. 1. 2005 / 22.06

    >sepp&all I’m considering the placement of ’Create dir’ button at least one week. What would you recommend me?:o)

  76. hfcoma 30. 1. 2005 / 2.57

    Well, I succeeded in installign the IImageBrowser plugin. However when I try to upload a picture nothing happens ;(
    I can´t browse through the given directories too!
    The wp-content directory is set to 775. Any suggestions?

  77. malyfred 30. 1. 2005 / 13.04

    >hfcoma And you get NO errors? Which version of WP do you use?

  78. BB 30. 1. 2005 / 19.18

    >malyfred I set $ib_images_per_page to ”300” per your instructions. Now, all I don’t have to worry about the page problem. Something quite unexpected but welcomed is that I no longer have to save a post as a draft anymore. With the most-recent WP CVS, I can insert them from post write! Pretty cool!

  79. malyfred 30. 1. 2005 / 21.32

    >sepp&BB&ALL I have added ’Create Dir’ button and fixed the ”page problem” under WP 1.5. Download 1.4.1beta now and test it please!

  80. sepp 31. 1. 2005 / 3.03

    Creating dir’s works just fine. Great. Thanks :)

  81. BB 31. 1. 2005 / 12.57

    And pages are working now! VERY nice! Thanks a bunch.

  82. malyfred 31. 1. 2005 / 18.02

    >hfcoma (Sorry I have deleted you comment by mistake.) Try to describe me what exactly happens when you try to browse through subdirectories.

  83. hfcoma 31. 1. 2005 / 19.17

    Well right now I am tackling the problem that I have moved the wordpress installation and the IImageBrowser still wants to operate on the old directory structure. However before that he said no files available and when I was clicking on e.g. root nothing happend. Furthermore the upload function did nothing either. The browser seems to upload the picture however it never gets stored on the server. No error messages whatsover have been encountered.

  84. malyfred 31. 1. 2005 / 23.09

    >hfcoma see comment #52. When you click on root nothing should happen because you are in root of your upload directory. Are you able to upload images through standard WP upload page?

  85. hfcoma 31. 1. 2005 / 23.48

    >malyfred Yes I am able to upload through WP upload page. I can not change to any subdirectory either. It appears no matter what directory I click on the script always remains within/reloads the ”wp-content” directory. In case I manually upload pictures to the ”wp-content” directory your browser displays them fine. By the way in case you are still working on the plug-in it might be a good idea to recheck the IIB paths which are stored within the options table against the configured WP-Paths ;) (another nice to have feature)

  86. malyfred 1. 2. 2005 / 0.04

    >hfcoma Sorry, I don’t know what could cause your problem. You can try to change name of variable $rel_path everywhere in the source code if there is not any collision but…

    I get all paths from WP so I don’t understand exactly your suggestion.

  87. hfcoma 1. 2. 2005 / 2.12

    >malyfred Well in case you move the WP installation from one directory to another (as I just did ;) the IIB does not update the paths within the options table. I tried to disabel and enable the plugin – without any changes. I finally updated the paths manually

  88. malyfred 1. 2. 2005 / 2.45

    >hfcoma Ok I understand now – but there should not be saved paths – just names of plugins. Anyway that is the problem of WP – it has nothing to do with plugin.

  89. hfcoma 1. 2. 2005 / 18.36

    >malyfred Do not ask me why but with 1.4.1 Beta everything works fine. However when I try to upload a picture I receive an error message stating: ”File type not supported”. Har det trevligt i Svergie.

  90. malyfred 2. 2. 2005 / 2.06

    >hfcoma Hmm what should I say… I don’t have this error message in my code – do you quote it exactly? Something similar should be shown during thumbnail creation.

    Tack så mycket!:o)

  91. geoff 9. 2. 2005 / 18.19

    Hi there. Been busy trying to find a good image plug-in for WP 1.2.2. Yours seems about right, however all I get with the Insert Image option is a blank window. I’m using Safari. Would that be a problem?

  92. malyfred 9. 2. 2005 / 18.57

    >geoff It should not be problem of Safari. When you are logged in the administration – try to open http://yourblogaddress/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php and you should see the browser. If not, and you get no error message – something very strange is going on…

  93. geoff 9. 2. 2005 / 19.07

    Well, it opened that way. Wonder why it’s not working as a separate window. Thanks.

  94. Jean 9. 2. 2005 / 23.52

    Thank you for your plugin. I added it to wordpress 1.2 on my web Blog. The problem I have is :
    In WordPress miscellaneous option there is a minimun user level which authorizes the file posting. ( Level 4 by default)
    I tried with a user of level 1 and noticed it is possible to send a file with a so low level.
    So is there a way for you to hide the ”insert image” tag according to the level choosed in the cobo of miscelaneous option menu ?

  95. malyfred 10. 2. 2005 / 1.41

    >Jean Yes, you are right – IIB doesn’t respect user level at the moment – I have to fix it in next version. Thank you!

  96. Jens 10. 2. 2005 / 20.11

    Very impressive plugin. Well done and thanks.

  97. Madcore 13. 2. 2005 / 23.49

    Hi. Wonderfull plug-in. But I´ve upgraded my wordpress to 1.5, and not work for more. Only a blank screen. Theres a way I can fix that?

  98. malyfred 14. 2. 2005 / 1.25

    >Madcore Have you tried to download latest version of IIB?

  99. malyfred 14. 2. 2005 / 1.28

    >Jens Tack så mycket!:o)

  100. Madcore 14. 2. 2005 / 18.59

    Yes. I´ve downloaded 1.4.2 beta. But blank screen again.

  101. malyfred 14. 2. 2005 / 20.21

    >Madcore Hmmmm I have tested IIB under latest build of WP 1.5 and no problem… Try what I’ve written in #92 and let me know if it works.

  102. Bryan Villarin 14. 2. 2005 / 23.29

    Just wanted to say that IImage Browser has been really awesome! Would there be a possible way to upload multiple files? That’d be even better, especially if you’ve got a a few pictures to upload – not just one.

    Also, in the IImage Browser window, next to the ”Max upload size” value, could you add another row that shows what filetypes are allowed to be uploaded?

    Thanks, and keep up the great work!

  103. Ben 19. 2. 2005 / 17.02


    I installed iimage-browser and iimage gallery as per your instructions, but when I try to activate the plugins in wordpress 1.5, I get the following error. Could you help me figure out how to use this?

    Parse error: parse error in /home/virtual/site51/fst/var/www/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/iimage-browser-plugin.php on line 93

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/virtual/site51/fst/var/www/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/iimage-browser-plugin.php:93) in /home/virtual/site51/fst/var/www/html/blog/wp-admin/admin.php on line 6

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/virtual/site51/fst/var/www/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/iimage-browser-plugin.php:93) in /home/virtual/site51/fst/var/www/html/blog/wp-admin/admin.php on line 7

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/virtual/site51/fst/var/www/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/iimage-browser-plugin.php:93) in /home/virtual/site51/fst/var/www/html/blog/wp-admin/admin.php on line 8

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/virtual/site51/fst/var/www/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/iimage-browser-plugin.php:93) in /home/virtual/site51/fst/var/www/html/blog/wp-admin/admin.php on line 9

  104. malyfred 19. 2. 2005 / 17.24

    >Ben Haven’t you tried to edit iimage-browser-plugin.php with some non UTF-8 editor? Or is it just unpacked from archive? Which encoding do you use for you blog?

  105. Ben 19. 2. 2005 / 18.11

    mlyfred, It’s just unpacked from the archive… I’m not sure what encoding I use for my blog. It’s MySQL with PHP if that means anything. I’m a newbie, so be gentle…

  106. malyfred 20. 2. 2005 / 4.18

    >Ben Well actually this error is very – hmm – how to say that – weird. Only one error has happend – parse error, everything else is just because of this one, but I have no idea what could be a reason for parse error there. You can find out which encoding you use in options>reading but if you have not tried to edit iimage-browser-plugin.php I don’t need to know that. IImage Gallery is working fine?

  107. Ron 21. 2. 2005 / 5.58

    I recently got error msgs like this when I installed a plugin and it turned out the reason was a blank space after the final ?> in the script.

    I believe that a blank line after the ?> can also cause the problem.

  108. Ben 21. 2. 2005 / 15.01

    I haven’t tried to use IImage Gallery yet, but I’ll let you know if it works. I upgraded Iimage Browser to 1.4.2 and I haven’t got any errors in activating or deactivating. However, when I click on the insert image button and try to upload an image to a images folder I created, it says ”admin disabled this function.” Is there a way to reach a folder that’s below the root folder of my blog? I store most of my images in a folder on the root folder of my site.

  109. borgo 21. 2. 2005 / 15.04

    Hi ! uploaded and activated in wp1.5 strayhorn (latest official version), and the insert button does not appear anywhere :s
    Any clue ?

  110. malyfred 21. 2. 2005 / 16.41

    >Ben – you have to enable file uploads WP administration > Options > Miscellaneous.

    Yes – you get list of directories in your default upload directory – just click on their names. You can change your default upload directory in administration as well.

  111. malyfred 21. 2. 2005 / 16.44

    >borgo Have you tried the latest version of IIB?

  112. Jonathan 22. 2. 2005 / 16.04


    Sorry for posting under the image-gallery section. I must say, I am VERY impressed with this plug-in. I only came across wordpress yesterday and am already having a great time with it.

    One final question (that’s what they all say!)…can I select multiple files to upload? Seems I can only select one at a time from the browser.

    Thanks again for your help thus far.

  113. malyfred 22. 2. 2005 / 16.26

    >Jonathan Not at the moment:o( For me – upload through IIB browser is just for occasional use – I’d recommend FTP for more files. Maybe I’ll add multiple file upload in the future.

  114. Jonathan 22. 2. 2005 / 16.32

    Makes sense.

    Again, impressive plug-in. It’s going to add a lot of spunk to my new site.

    Take care…

  115. Jonathan 22. 2. 2005 / 17.27

    I’m back. =)

    I can upload images and create thumbnails on the fly, but when I browse a folder and for each picture click Create Thumbnail, I receive the following error…

    Warning: imagejpeg(): Unable to open ’…/ Gates 092.jpg’ for writing in …/ on line 353
    Thumbnail path invalid

  116. Jonathan 22. 2. 2005 / 17.33

    NM, I didn’t give Write rights to the folder. That’s a pain because if someone creates a folder, how can they give Write rights? Unless I allow them to modify these permissions on my server.

  117. malyfred 22. 2. 2005 / 17.55

    >Jonathan IIB browser try to set write permission to created folders.

  118. kaki 23. 2. 2005 / 12.42

    bonjour et merci for this great plug-in
    i’m using it with wp 1.5 (i try it before see comment 71)
    everything is ok

    just an wp question

    how to align picture ? i’m using default theme my text is jusitfy
    i’d like to align center my image

    how to please ?

  119. malyfred 23. 2. 2005 / 14.16

    >kaki You need to change your CSS file. You should add there something like this:
    img {margin-left:auto;
    margin-right: auto;}

    Try google for more details about CSS:o)

  120. kaki 23. 2. 2005 / 16.57

    thanks for the answer !!but i try i try and i don’t find how to
    do it.
    i can change align text and picture left or right but when i want text justify and image center i don’t find how to combinated both !!

  121. malyfred 23. 2. 2005 / 20.29

    >kaki Sorry you have to add this:
    img {margin-left:auto;
    margin-right: auto;

    But anyway – google could help you faster: google’s answer

  122. MH 23. 2. 2005 / 23.34

    when i try to upload something i get:
    ”File of type is not allowed.”

    I tried it with various standard jpg file. (Is something required to be set in PHP?)

    my config: WP 1.5, PHP5, Apache 2

  123. malyfred 24. 2. 2005 / 0.03

    >MG No – that’s something that you have to set in your WP admin > Options area.

  124. MH 24. 2. 2005 / 0.35

    i’ve set it to:
    jpg jpeg gif png

    the standard WP upload works, but not the plugin?

    i’m using ”1.5-gamma 2005-02-06”

  125. malyfred 24. 2. 2005 / 2.18

    >MH Plugin gets the settings from WP so… Have you got the same error message?

  126. kaki 24. 2. 2005 / 10.30

    thanks malyfred !
    i promise to learn more about css
    i saw somewhere the line display:block; and now i know how to use it
    sorry to bother you !!

    why iimage browser is not include with wp1.5 ?

  127. malyfred 24. 2. 2005 / 12.44

    >kaki I’d be very pleased if WP contained IIB. You can ask at – it could help. Czech version of WP will include IIB and IIG because we think that something like this is ”essential” for WP.

  128. MH 24. 2. 2005 / 18.21

    No, I don’t get the same error when using the standard WP upload tool …

  129. WO 24. 2. 2005 / 18.49

    Tohle mi funguje bezva. Ale nevím, proč to ukazuje obrázky v plné velikosti, to je celkem zbytečné, mělo by to snad ukazovat náhledy?

  130. MaX 24. 2. 2005 / 21.30

    Thank you for such a wonderful tool!..
    I´m trying to make it work with no success, since whenever i try to click on an image name to check the picture i get an error of the path structure.

    See, my website is located at /max and not in the root. Is there a way to point that out to the plugin so it´ll work with the correct path?

    My WordPress installation is the latest 1.5

    Thank you!

  131. kaki 25. 2. 2005 / 1.17

    Encore moi !!
    i’d like to automatically activate the checkbox Create thumbnail in the upload picture menu (i find where to change the largest side value and quality (line 458)
    but i don’t find in iimage-browser.php how to activate this checkbox

    Thanks again

  132. malyfred 25. 2. 2005 / 3.11

    >kaki line 469: <input type="Checkbox" name="create_thumbnail" value="true" checked="checked" />

  133. malyfred 25. 2. 2005 / 3.16

    >MH I’m sorry to say that but I don’t know how to solve your problem – I’m using just standard WP functions so – it should work everywhere…:o(

  134. malyfred 25. 2. 2005 / 3.19

    >WO s náhledy je problém. Buď se budou generovat za běhu a bude to VELMI pomalé, nebo dokonce uživatel neuvidí nic, kvůli vypršení doby určené pro běh jednoho skriptu, nebo budou někde ukládány a tím nedělám nic jiného než co si může uživatel udělat sám a dle vlastního uvážení – vytvořením náhledů, takže?

  135. malyfred 25. 2. 2005 / 3.23

    >MaX You probably hasn’t set proper value in WP admin > Options > Misc > ”URI of this…”.

  136. kaki 25. 2. 2005 / 10.50

    Thanks a lot again !!
    did you never sleep??

  137. WO 25. 2. 2005 / 13.59

    Tyhle obrázky se stejně musí načíst, ne? Není lepší rovnou vyrobit minináhled a načíst ten? Stačil by 60 x 40, orientační, a všechny volby pro rozměr/uložení dát hnedle vedle, uložit celý/jen náhled/náhled s odkazem, a rovnou taky roletku pro umístění (default float:left). V pluginu dát možnost nastavit border/margins a default rozměr náhledu. A rovnou prsknout kód do textu (případné úpravy se dají udělat v editaci). A taky možnost defaultně ZAKÁZAT mazání. Uvažuju blbě?

  138. eric 25. 2. 2005 / 21.16

    I keep getting the error ”The admin disabled this function” when i try to upload. By ’admin’ does the program mean the php/mysql/apache admin or the admin for wordpress? I’m the admin for both and, having just installed php, mysql, apache, and wordpress today, i’m kind of new to the whole process.

    regardless, the tool looks great. thanks for all of your hard work.

  139. MaX 25. 2. 2005 / 23.45

    malyfred..thanks for replying.
    strange…cause actually I did.
    It can read the image data, but it will not show it directly to browse it, nor when I click on the link.

    But i´ll keep trying to solve it and let you know. Just tell me if you think it miight be something else.


  140. Morgaine 26. 2. 2005 / 3.55

    Hi there, I just downloaded and tried your plugin, it works like a charm. I have one feature request though, would it be possible to have an option to display the thumbnail in my post, and then have it linked to a popup version of the bigger image (with the size of the image), instead of it opening an entire browser window? That would be awesome :-)

  141. malyfred 26. 2. 2005 / 12.04

    >eric You have to enable upload of images in WP admin > Options > Miscelanous.

  142. malyfred 26. 2. 2005 / 12.08

    >Morgaine New 1.4.2 beta version is preapared for this (custom patterns for code) but you need ”JavaScript friend” who does it for you:o) Or stay tuned and I’ll add this in few weeks.

  143. deifl 4. 3. 2005 / 15.16

    Great work – thanks! Works nearly perfect in WP 1.5. Only thing I’m missing is a Insert image link in the popup-window from the bookmarklet.php. With this link your iimage-browser will be totally perfect.


    P.S. Excuse bad english please

  144. malyfred 4. 3. 2005 / 17.19

    >deifl Added to ToDo list:o)

  145. Morgaine 6. 3. 2005 / 15.00

    After fiddling with onclick="' … I’ve decided patience really IS a virtue, and instead of getting entangled in quotes and double quotes, and frustrated because I can’t seem to get it right, I’ll try and wait :-)

  146. Giles 7. 3. 2005 / 2.47

    I am using this plugin and am hoping to use the album one too .. but I have a problem wordpress 1.5 both 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 of image browser let me upload images fine, they even mke thumbnails, but they don’t show me the image like it seems your screenshots show, and I have no option to include.

    I want this to work sooo bad :) please help

  147. malyfred 7. 3. 2005 / 14.04

    >Giles Please check if you have set proper values in administration as comment #59 says. Or look into the source code of generated page to see what’s wrong.

  148. Sara 8. 3. 2005 / 1.09

    Awsome plugin and it works well with my local WP 1.5 install while I’m trying to decide whether or not to switch from MT or not. My only wish that would make this really useful for my need, is the ability to link to other files. Say I have _img1.jpg and, then it would be handy to either being able to click the _img.jpg and download the zip file or make a seperate text link to the zip file below the thumbnail.

  149. Looking Out 8. 3. 2005 / 1.21

    TrackBack: Looking Out » So Close

  150. malyfred 8. 3. 2005 / 12.55

    >Sara Well, this is quite special request and I am not sure if IIB will ever be able to do that. I prefer simple and fast image manager than complex file manager. But it’s not a big problem to enhance IIB to do this – so if you have some PHP friend…

  151. simon 9. 3. 2005 / 3.24

    Nice work! This rocks. It makes it so much easier now to post images.

  152. kaki 9. 3. 2005 / 17.36

    hello i’m back with questions !!!
    i need multi-users in my site with WP
    i don’t want users (level 1) can delete picture..just can upload pictures and i just need the admin to have permission to delete pictures from server with iiB. how to ??

  153. malyfred 9. 3. 2005 / 21.23

    >kaki No chance at the moment – it’s on my ToDo list

  154. kaki 10. 3. 2005 / 2.18

    ok i will wait !!!
    thank you

  155. kaki 10. 3. 2005 / 21.41

    something about IIB

  156. Prem 11. 3. 2005 / 0.41

    I don’t know if someone’s come up with this before, but for WP 1.5, I made the following hack of the quicktags.js file. This changes the [img] button of the edit window to directly display the IImage browser, rather than popping up the standard prompt for an image url.

    The instructions for IImage refer to changing ”quicktags.php”, which I assume is only valid for earlier versions of WordPress.

    The Hack:

    1) Right at the end of quicktags.js, there is a function called function edInsertImage(myField).

    2) ”Comment out” all the code within this function, by putting /* at the start of the code and */ at the end. But leave the {} curly braces in place.

    3) Insert this line in between the curly braces:
    return insert_image_popup("iimage-browser.php", 'IImageBrowser');

    4) If you wanted to, you could just deactivate the plugin file, since the plugin itself is only creating a link to the image-browser.php file, which does all the image browsing magic.


  157. Prem 11. 3. 2005 / 0.46

    Ah, my assertion in part 4 of my last post may well be incorrect. It seems that I can’t just deactivate the plugin and hope for it to work…

    But I stand by everything else I said (…for the moment).

  158. Chris 11. 3. 2005 / 9.30

    First off, great plugin. I really like it for uploading images from work. So here’s the questions:

    1). Is there a syntax example for the custom code insertion? Basically I want to change the code to include target=”blank (at least) or to include a javascript:popImage.

    2). I can’t seem to get thumnails created.

    Any suggestions?


  159. malyfred 11. 3. 2005 / 12.40

    >Prem Thanks but in next version you could simply choose if you want to have IIB button among other Quicktags… so your hack will not be necessary:o)

  160. malyfred 11. 3. 2005 / 12.42

    >Chris 1) yes it is – just look into the code of iimage-browser.php and edit the example there.
    2) This is more problematic part – actually IIB should say what’s wrong – so have you got some errors?

  161. utem 11. 3. 2005 / 15.03

    Hallo malfred,

    I’m from Germany, so please apologize my bad English. I tried to install the plugin, but I don’t see any button. I use WP 1.5 German. I installed image-browser-plugin.php in the plugin-folder and the image-browser.php in the wp-admin folder and I activated the plugin in WP. Is there anything else that I have to change or activate?
    Many regards

  162. utem 11. 3. 2005 / 16.29

    Hi Malfred,

    I can see now the button and I can also make an upload, but after clicking on the file there is a error message that there is not such a file. I’m working on a local computer installation on WIN XP with XAMPP

  163. malyfred 11. 3. 2005 / 18.49

    >utem Maybe comment #47 could help you.

  164. Take My Advice - I'm Not Using It! - Blog Archive - ScriptyGoddess and other WordPress Goodies 15. 3. 2005 / 0.01

    […] ional PHP scripts that add functionality to your blog. For example, I use a plugin called IImage Browser to easily insert images into my photo blog. If you are interested in using P […]

  165. indi 16. 3. 2005 / 21.06

    This is great work. Do you think it could be made into a full file uploader? I’d like to upload docs (PDF, Word).
    I’m able to upload them, but not get the code. That would make this a killer ap for me

  166. Fyodor Golos 18. 3. 2005 / 2.25

    Feature request: once a directory is created (Create Dir > Name of directory: > Create!), it would be nice to make that new directory the current directory. Is it just me, or does it make sense to everyone that you are normally creating a directory just so that you can immediately upload an image into it?

  167. Viper007Bond 20. 3. 2005 / 11.43

    First off, thanks a lot for this excellent plugin! I’m using v1.4.2 Beta of it with WordPress v1.5 on one of my sites and it works great. :)

    However, I didn’t like having the link in the upper right nor did I like just having a plain text link below the Quicktag buttons for opening the IImage Browser window. So, I made a Quicktag button of my own that pops up the window when you click it.

    Instructions are here if interested: Click me! (too much to post here in the comments)

    Also at that link is a replacement for the code output as I didn’t like the default output (I screwed around with the alt and title tags.

  168. malyfred 20. 3. 2005 / 12.49

    >Viper007Bond Thank you for your help. We have already QuicTags button in SVN – look at I’m not sure but I think your code doesn’t work properly under all browsers.

  169. Vitor 20. 3. 2005 / 18.48

    Excellent work man! Thanks!

  170. Viper007Bond 21. 3. 2005 / 1.14

    RE: Comment #168

    Oh, didn’t think to look there since it wasn’t mentioned here. :(

    As for it working with all browsers – no idea, I only tested it with the broswer I use, Firefox. I just tested it now in IE and it works there too.

  171. Viper007Bond 21. 3. 2005 / 1.20

    Er, forgot to add, I have no clue when it comes to Javascript. I just copied the code outta the link from the original script.

  172. Madcore 21. 3. 2005 / 2.17

    there´s a way I can put and use the Insert Image tag in the Write Page instead on the Write Post on WordPress 1.5?

  173. malyfred 21. 3. 2005 / 5.40

    >Madcode Thank you! I have fixed this and you can try it in new 1.4.3 version. We now use ”IImage Browser” button among QuickTags instead of ”insert link”

  174. Polyglot | skriker 21. 3. 2005 / 5.51

    […] y yourself. Supporting of this plugin has no priority in my schedule. Some others have:o): IImage Browser, IImage Gallery, IImage Panorama Known bugs Under certain circumstances doesn […]

  175. IImage Gallery | skriker 21. 3. 2005 / 5.52

    […] be created from them and saved into your thumb-cache directory. Don’t forget to use IImage Browser for adding images to you galleries and IImage Panorama if you like 360° pan […]

  176. stuey 21. 3. 2005 / 13.15

    Great plug-in! Thanks. Two things though.

    1) I can’t resize the pop-up window. I can’t where in the code this is defined to change it.

    2) Can you add a facility to align the image using the img align=left or align=right to make the text wrap around the image? It would be good if this also automatically added hspace=10 (or some number) to give it some space between text and image.


  177. stuey 21. 3. 2005 / 14.34

    actually I’ve done 2) easy mod.
    added new cases to switch(selectedRadio){ e.g.
    case "fullalignright":
    done by simply copying
    case "full":
    but adding
    align="right" hspace="10"
    and then adding all the new cases to the radio buttons array, i.e.
    $ib_filetype = 'image';
    $ib_imgselect_radiobuttons = array(

    similarly copied and modified the various thumb cases and thumblink cases except here they are reffered to in:
    $ib_filetype = 'thumb';
    $ib_imgselect_radiobuttons = array(


  178. sv blog - Blog Archive - This blog is made of 21. 3. 2005 / 21.18

    […] I’m using WordPress 1.5 (so far, so good). Additionally, I’m using the plugins Iimage-Browser to upload pictures onto my webserver and Iimage-Gallery to generate the Galle […]

  179. Madcore 21. 3. 2005 / 22.34

    1.4.3 don´t work on my WordPress 1.5. It put the IImage Browser in the quick tags, but when I push the tag, nothing happens. The Popup doesn´t appear.

  180. malyfred 22. 3. 2005 / 0.32

    >Madcore hmmm – Which browser (and version) do you use? Don’t you have some kind of pop-up blocker?

  181. Ralf »Searge« Pappers 22. 3. 2005 / 5.08

    Hi, i had the same problem, like Madcore. Version 1.4.3 doesn’t work under firefox 1.01 and IE 6 SP1. The pop-up blocker are deaktivated. (Sorry for my bad english). :)

  182. Thomas Vogt, Illerkirchberg | Weblog - Umstieg geschafft 22. 3. 2005 / 9.13

    […]Die WordPress-Entwickler haben ganze Arbeit geleistet. Bei gleicher Funktionalität wie vorher benötige ich nur noch 3 Plugins (Acronym Replacer, Adhesive, IImageBrowser).
    Vorher waren es 7![…]

  183. Clark 22. 3. 2005 / 10.46

    Is there a way to get the ”root” to go deeper than the plugins directory. The ”root” link only takes me as deep as plugins/. I get stuck only seeing folders in I want to access my pics in What am I missing? Is there a config option I missed when I looked?

  184. malyfred 22. 3. 2005 / 13.30

    >RSP But IIB is fully tested under these browsers and works there! Don’t you have some restrictive proxy or firewall or something? This javascript code should be as compatible as possible.

  185. malyfred 22. 3. 2005 / 13.32

    >Clark Look at comment #22

  186. Sarah 22. 3. 2005 / 17.55

    I am getting the following errors if I try to sort the images. Images comes out correctly at first, but if I try to sort them, the following error occurs. How to fix this? Thanks!

    Warning: OpenDir: No such file or directory (errno 2) in /rmounts/vol0-nas/yorkweb/webs/fsc/MyWebSite/demo/wpen15/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 501

    Cannot open upload directory :-(
    Check Destination directory and URI of this directory in admin area > options > miscellaneous
    [root] /%2F/>

    Sorry, I can’t find any files in this directory :-(

    Close window

  187. Daniel Peterson 23. 3. 2005 / 1.48

    I have trouble with – beta when I upload files to my blog.

    I can’t see the pictures. The directory is and the real directory is

    When I “get the code” I get and that code is right.

    What did I do wrong when I installed it?

    I have WordPress 1.5

  188. malyfred 23. 3. 2005 / 2.40

    >Sarah&Daniel Check Destination directory and URI of this directory in admin area > options > miscellaneous. If there are no spare spaces or slashes or something like that.

  189. Julod 23. 3. 2005 / 4.41

    Hello !
    I wish to upload other types of files e.g. .pdf or .doc but it says that the file type aren’t supported. Is there a hack ?

  190. Kevin Haryett 23. 3. 2005 / 6.34

    Great plugin.

    Can I make one suggestion?

    The insert image link should not show if the current user level is not able to upload as defined in the options -> upload -> Min level.

    Here is a change that will only sow the link if the userlevel is at least that level.

    In the iimage_browser.php

    // Create a link to the image selector in the post screen
    function ib_print_insert_image_link() {
    global $ib_use_hack;
    if (!strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post.php'))
    return 0;

    if ($ib_use_hack) {
    get_currentuserinfo(); global $user_level;
    if ($user_level > get_settings('fileupload_minlevel')-1) {
    print ''
    . 'Insert Image
    } else {
    } else {
    get_currentuserinfo(); global $user_level;
    if ($user_level > get_settings('fileupload_minlevel')-1) {
    print ''
    . ''
    . 'Insert Image
    } else {

    Notice the changes to check the userlevel.

    Works great on my setup on 2 blogs.

  191. Kevin Haryett 23. 3. 2005 / 6.37

    Sorry the code doesn’t transfer properly.

    Basically, after the ib_use_hack, add these lines:

    get_currentuserinfo(); global $user_level;
    if ($user_level > get_settings(’fileupload_minlevel’)-1) {

    and then again after the else do the same.

  192. malyfred 23. 3. 2005 / 9.04

    >Kevin Thank you for suggestion – I’d like to offer possibility to define different user levels for different operations – uploading/deleting/creating dirs… so – give me just a bit more time:o)

  193. malyfred 23. 3. 2005 / 9.09

    >Julod Just add other types to the list (admin area > options > miscellaneous). But there is a bug in IIB that doesn’t allow you to show the form for generating code to add the link to your post – I know that and I’m gona to fix it.

  194. Daniel Peterson 23. 3. 2005 / 11.58

    My admin area > options > miscellaneous:

    Destination directory: /home/virtual/

    URI of this directory: wp-content/photos

    It’s wrong?

  195. Julod 23. 3. 2005 / 12.10

    Thanks for your quick answer. Concerning the bug that doesn’t allow you to show the form, it works if you click on the ”?” image displayed when it is not a image type file.
    However there is still another problem. The ”delete” button is grayed out unless you click on the ”full size” checkbox. Then it does its job perfectly.

    Anyway GREAT plugin !

  196. Daniel Peterson 23. 3. 2005 / 12.17

    I fix my trouble with write instead for wp-content/photos.

    1 I try to delete pictures with your script, but i can’t do it. Nothing happend then I click on that buttom.

    When I upload a picture without a thumb I get this warning:
    Warning: chmod() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/virtual/ on line 823

    When I upload a picture with a thumb I get this warning:
    Warning: chmod() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/virtual/ on line 823

    Warning: chmod() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/virtual/ on line 382

  197. Daniel Peterson 23. 3. 2005 / 12.21

    I can delete pictures now.

    Thanks for great plugin!!!

  198. Sarah 23. 3. 2005 / 16.37

    #malyfred 23. 3. 2005 / 2.40

    >Sarah&Daniel Check Destination directory and URI of this directory in admin area > options > miscellaneous. If there are no spare spaces or slashes or something like that.

    Hi Malyfred,
    No spaces and slashes. Still getting the same error. :(
    Also I can’t delete any photos or create directory. same error occurs.

  199. Sarah 23. 3. 2005 / 16.39

    Daniel Peterson,

    What was the problem that you are having? Could you share how you fixed the problem?


  200. the soulpass project - Blog Archive - Photos 23. 3. 2005 / 16.45

    […] a good efficient way to embed images into WordPress posts. These were done with the aid of IImage Browser, but I really don’t like how it works. I’d say it could stand to […]

  201. Daniel Peterson 23. 3. 2005 / 23.47


    The “delete” button is grayed out unless you click on the ”full size” or ”thumb” checkbox.

    URI of this directory: wp-content/photos was wrong so I write this instead URI of this directory: instead for wp-content/photos.

  202. mindtrap::weblog - Wordpress Plugin: IImage Browser 24. 3. 2005 / 16.40

    […] WordPress Plugin: IImage Browser

    March 24th, 2005

    IImage Browser | skriker If you know very nice Image Browser plugin for WordPress but you a […]

  203. Noah 24. 3. 2005 / 17.47

    I am also having problems with Firefox MAC 1.0.2 and the quicktag link from wordpress 1.5 and iimage 1.4.3. It doesn’t pop up

  204. Pete 25. 3. 2005 / 23.04

    Very cool plugin. Just one suggestion though, although it may be a bit much work and thus make it a plugin witha bit of a hack as an optional extra.

    It would be nice to be able to store the description and the file name in a database table. This way you could have [img=*num*] in the post, with *num* being the image ID. It’d make it a lot less confusing for people who don;t get what the html code is all about and a simple preg_replace could replace it with the correct code when viewing the post.

  205. Hapax 26. 3. 2005 / 1.47

    The ”insert image” doesn’t appear when you create a ”page” (WP 1.5). It’s very not confortable. I use IImage Browser 1.4.2. Is there a way to fix it ? Thankx in advance.

  206. malyfred 26. 3. 2005 / 2.44

    >Hapax 1.4.3

  207. - Added IIMageBrowser plugin. 26. 3. 2005 / 20.14

    […] es/37FordCoupe.jpg”>Found this great plugin via the WP CODEX pages. It’s called IIMageBrowser, and helps you easily insert images with links into your posts. It has its own […]

  208. Alex 26. 3. 2005 / 22.01

    The problem I have with new beta of this plugin
    is that it is not able to post HTML into the main window
    if I use WYSI-Wordpress 2.0 from

    Second problem. It seems impossible to define
    where is the root located for this plugin.
    It always goes to /wp-content
    How to get him to go above one level, to /albums for instance?

  209. Maciej Miasik 27. 3. 2005 / 14.43

    Great plugin! Good work.

  210. Scott 27. 3. 2005 / 18.33

    Hey, I installed IImage Browser and it worked great and now all of the sudden it wont work anymore. IF I go right to the file it works, but it will not open when I click the link on the Write Post page. It worked before like I said, every aspect of it, but now this.

    Any suggestions?

  211. Antoinette 28. 3. 2005 / 14.46

    What I do wrong?
    It does not work?
    How to install the IImage browser?
    I am a very newby with WordPress.
    This is the weblog:

  212. aoiro_blog - Blog Archive - WordPress - IImage Browser 29. 3. 2005 / 16.19


  213. malyfred 30. 3. 2005 / 23.28

    >Alex 1) I cannot ensure 100% compatibility with everything:o(
    2) comment #59

  214. malyfred 30. 3. 2005 / 23.30

    >Scott Haven’t you installed or upgraded some kind of pop-up blocker?

  215. malyfred 30. 3. 2005 / 23.41

    >Antoinette If you want some help – you should provide more informations…

  216. |enzephalographie| - Iimage Browser 2. 4. 2005 / 17.35

    […]Korrekt! Endlich wieder vern�nftig Bilder in WordPress verwalten! Und zwar mit Iimagebrowser von skriker Der hat auch noch n paar extrafeatures eingebaut, die es beim alt […]

  217. mike little 3. 4. 2005 / 13.41

    Great plugin! Thanks! I’ve just installed it on 3 blogs that I manage.

    I made a change to make it work with pages too.
    I changed line 46 to be

    if (!strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'post.php') && !strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'page-new.php'))


  218. malyfred 3. 4. 2005 / 22.32

    >mike litle This is already fixed in version 1.4.3

  219. Makki 4. 4. 2005 / 2.32

    I am on OSX does this plugin not work but only on windows? i ask because judging by your screenshots above it shows windows.

    I am on OSX and i got no sign of IImage Browser and it is proerly installed in wordpress

  220. malyfred 4. 4. 2005 / 10.41

    >Makki It has nothing to do with OS you use. There are hundreds of happy Mac users of IIB. If you have installed version 1.4.2 you should get ”insert image” link in top right corner of your post edit page. If you have installed 1.4.3 – there should be ”IImage Browser” button among other Quicktags buttons.

  221. Garnet 5. 4. 2005 / 6.13

    tried both 1.4.2 and .3, unable to upload photo. get this message–
    The admin disabled this function
    [root] />BackupRestorePlugin | DT photos | WPBlacklistPlugin | enhanced-views | image-headlines | livecalendar | plugin_manager | plugins | spam-karma | spell-plugin | tarpit | themes | wp-feedster-plugin | wp-plugin-mgr-plugin |

    Sorry, I can’t find any files in this directory :-(

  222. malyfred 5. 4. 2005 / 10.51

    >Garnet Comment #108/#110. I know that list of comments is quite long but…

  223. Spy98's Weblog | Blog Archive | Moving to Wordpress. 6. 4. 2005 / 15.08

    […] t think so. This is an all new stuff. I’m probably starting clean! Links: WordPress IImage Browser PhpExec This entry was posted on Wedn […]

  224. el nota 7. 4. 2005 / 16.39

    hi there! first of all, great plugin!! and sorry for my lack of english (i´m spanish) and wp knowledge (i´m newbie)…

    I installed iimage browser properly, and it works but i´m not able to manage my photos on the browser. i only get the names but no the preview images (like yours on the screenshots) so i can´t do anything with them, i just get their names, size and width. Im under wp 1.5 and my upload folder is the default one (wp-content), it has its permisions given (777), and on the ”upload” settings it says its working correctly, in fact i´m able to upload images without problem.

    the only thing bothers me is that im browsing in Mozilla Firefox and under Mac OSX…anything wrong?

    what should i do? do i´ve to modify any code…???

    Let me know, please, i need this plugin working so baad!!


  225. malyfred 8. 4. 2005 / 1.58

    >el nota comment #59 – URI must be full address like: ”http://blabla…”

  226. The World Through My Eyes | Blog Archive | add more Wordpress Plugin 10. 4. 2005 / 5.22

    […] e fixing my blog and try up some wordpress plugin.  what i add is IImage Browser – enchance version of Original Image Browser , which allow you to insert imag […]

  227. jeremy 11. 4. 2005 / 6.12

    I can’t seem to get the preferences working so that i can upload files using your IImageBrowser pluggin. The error message i get is:
    ”It doesn’t look like you can use the file upload feature at this time because the directory you have specified (/home/jeronimo/domains/ doesn’t appear to be writable by WordPress. Check the permissions on the directory and for typos.”

    I have changed the ”allow uploads” box to ticked in the Options>>Miscellaneous, and it dosn’t seem to make a difference.

    Please help,


  228. malyfred 11. 4. 2005 / 8.45

    >jeremy You have to change write permision of your upload directory by using command chmod or similar. For some help look at what google says.

  229. No Idea | Gallery Test 11. 4. 2005 / 21.57

    […] llery plugin that I found here, works nicely with the image browser found on the same site here. So as a test/example here are some snaps that I have taken with my crappy phone cam. […]

  230. al 13. 4. 2005 / 2.15

    I was wonderng how to set up the minimum level to upload with your script. I have my minimum level to upload set in my upload options but it does not seem to apply to the plugin.

  231. malyfred 13. 4. 2005 / 9.35

    >al this is known bug. Will be fixed in the future version of this plugin.

  232. CFK ONE | Blog Archive | Image Plugin 13. 4. 2005 / 18.27

    […] en Schleicher Image Plugin Hurra, habe endlich das Image-Plugin (IImage-Browser) nach langem Hin und Her zum Laufen gebracht. Manchmal sollte man doch hin un […]

  233. sekhu 17. 4. 2005 / 17.36

    Good plugin but there is a bug, I think, in that the quicktag button fails to work. The 1.4.2 version works flawlessly, where as the 1.4.3beta doesn’t. With regards to popup blockers, everything is turned off, even using it in IE fails. I know this has happened to quite a few people tha thave tried the plugin, the majority seem to have it working.

    Any suggestions on this problem? The idea of an ugly link in the top right is a little off putting.


  234. al 17. 4. 2005 / 22.54

    I kind of like the link in the corner. Im just hopeing for the minimum level to upload to work soon. expecially because i let anyone register. I use this to upload eveything. Ive stoped useing the regular upload. Hows the work on that bug comeing along?

  235. Holy Shmoly! :: WordPress Image Browser 18. 4. 2005 / 18.05

    […] rowser – WordPress
    Not sure if I played with IImage Browser yet but it looks useful and pretty! Something to import into WPMU maybe?


  236. kaki 19. 4. 2005 / 15.35

    hello Malyfred !! Thanks for your script … do you have an idea when you can add user level option to permit upload and forbid the delete option for different user level?
    ”En attensdant” I just deactivate the delete option
    Thanks a lot and bon courage

  237. LcF 21. 4. 2005 / 11.41

    I installed iimage-browser ver1.4.3-beta on WP1.5. The iimage browser button appear at ”Write” but it does not function when clicked.

    I installed iimage-browser ver1.4.2. Works fine at WP1.5 but need to manually edit ”wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php” and add:

    <?php do_action(’edit_form_advanced_buttons’, ”); ?>

  238. malyfred 21. 4. 2005 / 21.38

    >kaki&ALL Test new 1.4.4 beta version. You can specify different user levels for different functions such as upload, delete, etc. Let me know if it works. I have also returned code for ”insert image” link. You can choose this if ”image browser” button doesn’t work in iimage-browser-plugin.php

  239. World in progress... | Blog Archive | Config WP 22. 4. 2005 / 12.22

    […] o; YATTA ! Config WP Bon configuration de WP en cours ! Install de iimage-browser This entry was posted on Friday, Apr […]

  240. Pieni nurkkaus ajassa sekä tilassa | iimage-browser 22. 4. 2005 / 13.42

    […] lain / uploadi härveli. Noh sellainen löytyi aika nopeasti ja hyvältä vaikuttaa. ref:


  241. Geren 22. 4. 2005 / 22.05

    I’m having a problem with iimage-browser and WordPress 1.5.

    When I try to use iimage-browser, the new window opens, and it begins to draw the images in the directory, at least putting boxes in the window where the images are to go. Then, it collapses the boxes, and leaves me with only a list of the images and the size. I have no way to preview or select an image to use in a post. The browser in question is Firefox. When using IE, I get only a little red ”X” where the image is supposed to be, but I can select the image. However, it does not generate the correct code to insert into the blog entry.

  242. Geren 22. 4. 2005 / 22.21

    Okay, I figured out that, for some reason, it’s not seeing the fully qualified URL for the images. And, I figured out the correct procedure to use the thing. So, now my question is how to get iimage-browser to deal with the fully qualified URL.


  243. Prochaine 22. 4. 2005 / 23.29

    Upravil jsem si IImage Browser 1.4.4 (beta) tak, aby nejenom zmensil vetsi stranu na konkretni velikost, ale take aby byla moznost zmensit bud sirku nebo vysku na konkretni velikost. Hodi se napriklad pokud chcete sjednotit sloupec nebo radek fotek o ruznych velikostech.

    Pokud bys mel zajem, mohu provedene upravy zaslat.

  244. malyfred 24. 4. 2005 / 15.08

    >Geren IIB is getting all settings from WP so look at comment #47 or write me an example of problematic URL.

  245. malyfred 24. 4. 2005 / 15.09

    >Prochaine Ano prosim, e-mail je dole na strance.

  246. zsolt 27. 4. 2005 / 5.33

    i just installed your plugin (the alpha version, 1.4.3) and i like it. the only thing left is the upload functionality.
    your plugin says: File of type is not allowed
    it works with the normal wordpress upload though.

  247. third:thought @ 27. 4. 2005 / 13.03

    […] e ich lange suchen müssen, um einen Ersatz zu finden – und die zweitbeste Alternative war IImage Browser. Das Script habe ich nun erfolgreich installieren können (w […]

  248. | Blog Archive | Wordpress Document Upload Plugin 28. 4. 2005 / 10.26

    […] to copy-and-paste the link into the post manually. I took Martin Chlupac’s elegant IImage-Browser plugin and changed a few lines so that it pops up the WordPress Upload page i […]

  249. J.M. Hardin 28. 4. 2005 / 14.54

    I love this plugin! I finally found the delete button today and it’s making my life much easier. Are there any plans to support one-click installs through the WP Plugin Manager?

  250. David Eads 28. 4. 2005 / 16.45

    I did some extending (read: kludging) of iimage-browser to allow for PDF and .doc files. All I’m doing is pulling in an icon for PDFs/.doc files. However, you could do other things — for example, with appropriate libraries, you could generate a png/jpeg preview of the first page of a PDF. I’m not including such functionality with my hacks at the moment, because I didn’t want to add bloat via external dependencies.

    The code is available at (no changes to the plugin were necessary). Grep it for ”Dave” to see what I changed.

    The key change is with the function ib_make_html_img. I made some other changes to the program logic (such as not showing the thumbnail create form for non-image files), but start with that code.

  251. leon 29. 4. 2005 / 14.17

    Getting a HTTP 404 NOT FOUND – error after clicking on the quikck tag ’IImage browser’.
    What is wrong??

  252. Spnak-Me » Blog Archive | My attempt at a 404 page 29. 4. 2005 / 16.03

    […] ated ons… (oh I am going to hell for that one). This post also serves as a test for IImage Browser which seems to be a great little plug-in for WordPress. If you use WP then ch […]

  253. Chris 30. 4. 2005 / 17.56

    Hi, I have a problem with this plugin. When I try to delet a picture or anything I get forwaored to a diff site. I viewed the source of the iimage browser pop up window and it is trying to post to:

    And I need it to go to:

    What do I change in the iimage-borwser.php file? This is what it says now:


  254. malyfred 30. 4. 2005 / 18.42

    >leon&Chris comment #52 – have you set FULL URL there?

  255. Chris 30. 4. 2005 / 19.44

    I have that path set correct… /mnt/web_g/d01/s14/b023daeb/www/chrisgeddes/wp-content

  256. Chris 30. 4. 2005 / 19.46

    It shows this in the page source of the pop up window…

  257. Chris 30. 4. 2005 / 19.47


  258. sekhu 30. 4. 2005 / 22.36

    how do I get old style links back. Grabbed 1.4.4 but the quicktags still doesn’t work. So trying to revert back to the old style top right link, but don’t know how.


  259. malyfred 1. 5. 2005 / 2.10

    >sekhu Open iimage-browser-plugin.php and Go on! Be a Tiger!

  260. malyfred 1. 5. 2005 / 2.25

    >Chris it should look like: action='/chrisgeddes/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php. But that value is returned by standard PHP function $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']. Ask your admin what’s wrong.

  261. PaRis 1. 5. 2005 / 16.51

    hi, when trying to upload things or just open that images browser window, i get the following errors, send me plz by email ( a solution, thanks!

    It doesn’t look like you can use the file upload feature at this time because the directory you have specified (/home/parisgv/public_html/fansite/wp-content/) doesn’t appear to be writable by WordPress. Check the permissions on the directory and for typos.
    Warning: opendir(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/home/parisgv/public_html/fansite/wp-content/) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home2/parisgv/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home2/parisgv/public_html/site/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 506

    Warning: opendir(/home/parisgv/public_html/fansite/wp-content/): failed to open dir: Operation not permitted in /home2/parisgv/public_html/site/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 506

    Cannot open upload directory :-(
    Check Destination directory and URI of this directory in admin area > options > miscellaneous
    [root] />

    Sorry, I can’t find any files in this directory :-(

    Close window

  262. Firefox extensions 1. 5. 2005 / 16.58

    […] e att lägga in bilder i inlägg. Pluginet heter IImage Browser och går att ladda ner på

    No Comments […]

  263. buggs 1. 5. 2005 / 22.01

    I am having opening Image Browser 1.4.4 zip Beta, including in mirror site. It says file is corrupt. I can open 1.4.2 with no problem

  264. blog-bloggen | bildplugin 2. 5. 2005 / 13.20

    […] Bloggens motor: WordPress

    bildplugin Marcus tipsade om en bildplugin till WordPress. Den ska jag testa – när jag hinner. 2 May 20 […]

  265. SK 3. 5. 2005 / 14.38

    Hi malyfred,

    I have the ”File of type is not allowed.”-Problem when trying to upload with iimage browser 1.4.2 and 1.4.4.
    WP native file upload works, PHP5 has uploads enabled, directory is 777…. and I have no clue what to do…

  266. Flametoad | Ch…ch…ch…changes 3. 5. 2005 / 18.03

    […] omizing the header, is used almost exactly as-is. I also found a nifty image plugin called IImage Browser. Yea photos! It even creates thumbnails on the fly. This was the final piec […]

  267. malyfred 4. 5. 2005 / 1.36

    >SK&zsolt Ok guys, so you are two who have the same problem. If any of you is familiar with PHP – could you try to debug that part of the code? Because it seems that this problem is very rare and I have never experienced it and I cannot even imagine what could be the reason for this.

  268. Silverboy 4. 5. 2005 / 3.42

    Malyfred, I have just installed iimage browser and coming up with a problem. the browser works fine (no errors) but the images are blank (x). Whats happening?

  269. malyfred 4. 5. 2005 / 4.23

    >Silverboy Comment #52. You have obviously set inappropriate values there. This is also the answer to your IIGs question.

  270. 如果說 | 本格‧關於 4. 5. 2005 / 12.34

    […] ��plugins以及其他哩哩摳摳的設定,好方便日後回憶… Plugins: IImage Browser:由Martin Chlupáč所開發的圖像管理外掛,這個� […]

  271. kaki 4. 5. 2005 / 15.06

    Merci beaucoup
    I’m testing the 1.4.4 beta since this morning with multi users and it works fine !!!
    exactly what i need for a multi users wordpress site
    IIB the best wordpress plugin !!

  272. Royke 4. 5. 2005 / 15.39

    Inserted your plugin and it works great! Thank you. Perhaps you can insert the ”align= ” tag so people can place there photo’s and wrap text around the foto.

    Keep it up


  273. Silverboy 5. 5. 2005 / 0.09


    Here’s what my Destination Directory reads:


    The ”URI of this directory” reads:


    I’m still having the problem, links to the actual picture/page but won’t produce the thumb.

    I appreciate the patience, i’m new at this!

  274. malyfred 5. 5. 2005 / 21.35

    >Silverboy URI of this directory means: http://yourdomain/wp-content/thumb-cache

  275. Al 7. 5. 2005 / 7.42

    I am useing the 1.4.4 Beta and when i click the link i put in my favorites it doesnt have that button show up. I only saw it show up when i do it on my site. In the previous versions i manually put the link in the booklet file.

  276. View from the bench | Blog Archive | More Updates 7. 5. 2005 / 8.50

    […] shows how much spam it has cleaned out since the last reset. The second one I updated was Iimage Browser. No, I didn’t misspell it; it purposely includes the ex […]

  277. Forban 7. 5. 2005 / 11.37

    Hi Malyfred and many thanks for your *great* WP plugins !

    I use both iimage browser and iimage gallery and it works fine.
    In the gallery PHP code I changed the location and the name of the thumbnails (I don’t like the md5() function to generate the name and I keep the same method as the browser with the prefix ”_”).
    At this point I wonder if it is possible to integrate the gallery function in the browser ? I think it will be great to have an option generating the code … with all the images located in a subdirectory (album) !!

    It’s a suggestion for the next version to have a powerful and complete image browser plugin !

  278. Silverboy 8. 5. 2005 / 16.08


    My URI Directory seems correct. Any other ideas of what is wrong? Again, the only problem is that the thumb is not created. The link to the full size picture works fine. Hate to be a pain, but I’m running out of solutions….thanks again.


  279. 如果說 | 本格‧關於 8. 5. 2005 / 16.21

    […] ��plugins以及其他哩哩摳摳的設定,好方便日後回憶… Plugins: IImage Browser:由Martin Chlupáč所開發的圖像管理外掛,這個� […]

  280. [MoK] | Blog Archive | More on Plugins 9. 5. 2005 / 21.39

    Current list of plugins running on my website: Huddled Masses: Acronym Replacer skriker: IImage Browser WP-Amazon

    Webde […]

  281. Richard 10. 5. 2005 / 0.12

    Installed the plugin today. Everything works except when I try to upload an image or create a directory. I get a ”Page cannot be dispalyed” ”Can’t find server” in IE. I can change directories, view photos on the server but can not ”make thumbs, upload images or create directories.

    Destination directory: /mnt/web_g/d03/s49/b021eca5/www/blog2/wp-content/images

    URI of this directory:

    Any help would be appreciated.

  282. malyfred 10. 5. 2005 / 0.55

    >Richard No clue:o( What about some collision with other plugins?

  283. Richard 10. 5. 2005 / 1.26

    Thanks malyfred for the reply.

    The only plugins I’m using are Blogtimes, Time of Day, WeatherIcon 1.1.2 and Witty Text and of course, IImageBrowser. I tried disabling my ZoneAlarm firewall and my Norton Antivirus to see if they were preventing IE from refreshing to the next page. No joy.

    I’ll try disabling each plugin to see if that will help.

    thanks, would really like to get this one working…


  284. Richard 10. 5. 2005 / 2.09


    I tried deactivating each plugin and it did not change things. I did notice that the page IE is trying to load after I press ”Create dir”, ”Create Thumbnail” or ”Upload” after selecting a file from my hard drive is ”http://blog2///wp-admin/image-browser.php?rel_” ( I can’t see the rest). Is there a place in the image-browser.php to set a path to for this?



  285. markus 10. 5. 2005 / 10.50

    This is really a great plugin.
    First the thumbs did not display, but after changing according to the message 59 all went fine.
    Gratulation … ah, I use WP 1.5 and your Beta-IImage Browser.

    PS: I wished, there would be such an easy event-Calendar out there for WP1.5

  286. malyfred 10. 5. 2005 / 11.25

    >Richard Ok, you have the same problem as comment #253… $_SERVER[’PHP_SELF’] doesn’t return correct value. Download new IIB 1.4.5 and set $ib_settings['path_to_iib'] as you need.

  287. malyfred 10. 5. 2005 / 11.26

    >ALL New custom patterns variables have been added. Try new IIB1.4.5

  288. Richard 10. 5. 2005 / 18.55


    Thanks for your patience and time… Worked like a charm. I have been waiting for a plugin like this for a long time… Great job!


  289. Maza 10. 5. 2005 / 21.20

    Hi Malifred, I’ve used your version of imagebrowser V1.4.2 for some time now. Yesterday I upgraded to V 1.45 beta (the one with the ”button” in the post area. But when clicking the button no browser show up (while using IE explorer 6). So for now I switched back to the older version. What could cause this problem ?
    Gretings Maza webmaster of

  290. malyfred 10. 5. 2005 / 23.22

    >Maza Hard to say – you are not the only one with this problem, but as it works fine for me and for most of people with all browsers – I’m not able to find out what’s wrong:o( Anyway – you still can use 1.4.5 and old-stlye link in the corner – just set it in iimage-browser-plugin.php

  291. Al 11. 5. 2005 / 5.01

    Anything about the Press it bookmarklet. It would be nice to be able to use your plugin without opening my website going to admin and writing the article. I use the booklet thing alot.

  292. Walter Hutchens' Journal | Blog Archive | Posting Images through WordPress Plug-in IImage Browser 11. 5. 2005 / 5.50

    […] trying a modification to the Image Browser plug-in that makes it work even better. Called IImage Browser, it puts the upload and insert functions all in the same place. I offer the […]

  293. Walter Hutchens 11. 5. 2005 / 6.03

    Thanks, thanks, thanks for your work on the IImage Browser Plug-in. Flowers to express my appreciation at the URI.

  294. malyfred 11. 5. 2005 / 11.13

    >Al It should work without any problems. Just put address like: http://yourdomain/blog/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php to your bookmarks and it opens the IIB window. Maybe I just don’t understand your question properly:o(

  295. malyfred 11. 5. 2005 / 11.15

    >markus,Richard,Walter Hutchens&others Thank you guys! It’s pretty good feeling to know that somebody likes my work:o)

  296. Al 12. 5. 2005 / 1.28

    What im saying is that the booklet for wordpress. You know where you click the bookmark and it opens up a popup to write a post automaticly giving it a title and a link back to the page you were on when you clicked the bookmark. The IImage browser button does not show up. I think we all like your image browser. I mean you have 300 comments.

  297. malyfred 12. 5. 2005 / 2.52

    >Al Ok, I have got it now:o) And I have fixed it in 1.4.5. Just download it again.

  298. Al 12. 5. 2005 / 4.03

    Thanks alot it works now. I use this plugin like it was a feature built into wordpress. Keep up with the good work.

  299. Chronomag 13. 5. 2005 / 9.49

    Chtěl jsem poděkovat – plugin jsem si nainstalovala je úplně úžasný! Díky moc za tu práci s ním!

  300. En trappa ner | testar bild 13. 5. 2005 / 14.21

    […] testar bild Kategori: Allmänt   kl. 13:18 Jag testar bara ett plugin, Iimage Browser Och ser att jag har strulat i min kod, när jag uppdaterade t […]

  301. The Examined Life | Blog Archive 14. 5. 2005 / 18.20

    […] clicked on for full size images. For other wordpress users the two plugins I am using are IImage Browser and


  302. JÄÅ Preview | skriker 16. 5. 2005 / 8.50

    […] our wp-content/plugins directory and activate it. P. S. You should also try these plugins: IImage Browser, IImage Gallery, Polyglot, IImage Panorama BTW do you know how to pronounce J […]

  303. station 17. 5. 2005 / 2.28

    Just to make it 303, and to inquire : what could I add or modify to have each user / author access their own directory? ex: wp-content/all_authors_media/author_one would be the default directory for author one.
    ps. great tool, thanx a tonne a pixels

  304. TAL Beta | IImage browser for Wordpress 17. 5. 2005 / 23.20

    […] ted on
    Martedì 17 Maggio 2005

    If you know very nice Image Browser plugin for WordPress but you are still looking for something even more sophist […]

  305. Secret Weapon Labs » Blog Archive » Plugin Mania 18. 5. 2005 / 18.46

    […] onsorships! Chris J. Davis’ Rate-It plugin – adds some sweetness and personality IImage Browser – an AWESOME way to manage image uploads for and WordPress writer […]

  306. Ajay D'Souza 20. 5. 2005 / 11.43

    Really love your IImage Browser Plugin.
    Managing my images is so much easier.

    I modified it a wee bit so that clicking on a thumbnailed image will open it into a new centered browser window without scrollbars etc.

    Code if you are interested:
    case "thumbfull":
    htmlCode = "";

  307. Ajay - On the Road called Life! » Blog Archive » IImage Browser Hack 20. 5. 2005 / 11.59

    […] day, May 20th, 2005
    IImage Browser Hack

    Have been using IImage Browser plugin for WordPress since a long time. Managing my images h […]

  308. Ajay D'Souza 20. 5. 2005 / 12.01

    Damn, the code above didn’t come.

    Posted the same on my blog.

    Also, the window won’t be centered. Would require additional code to do so.

    I also forgot to mention that the new window size is same as that off the full size image.

  309. marc 20. 5. 2005 / 13.22


    uploaded files -stop- activated plugin -stop- can see the button -stop- BUT nothing happens when i click on it -stop-

    any idea what could cure this? thanks for your help. btw. i tested in firefox and ie getting the same ’effect’.

  310. malyfred 21. 5. 2005 / 2.43

    >station I’d recommend you to edit $abs_path = get_settings('fileupload_url'); and add the user’s id or something like that.

  311. malyfred 21. 5. 2005 / 2.48

    >marc Comment #290 and I am still looking for somebody who can debugg it and try to find what’s wrong

  312. GalleryScape » A300 Aircraft 21. 5. 2005 / 19.29

    […] /images/image001.jpg”> This is a test to see how well we can upload an image with the IImage Browser plugin.   Leave a Reply […]

  313. Jack Ventura’s Blog » Blog Archive » Finalmente le immagini! 22. 5. 2005 / 18.00

    […] sara’.. infatti devo ringraziare malyfred, un programmatore della Repubblica Ceca, e il suo plug-in iimage browser (da non confondere con Image Browser) se ora ho una possibilit […]

  314. Training Today’s Athlete » WordPress Plugins 23. 5. 2005 / 2.44

    […] rsonal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. Iimage Browser WP-Contact Form: It’s here but it’s for 1.5 […]

  315. 前天.昨天.今天.明天.后天 - Everyday is a new day » Blog Archive » Public Holiday? 23. 5. 2005 / 5.31

    […] press. Here is the list of wordpress plugin, a lot of plugin you can play with. I am using Iimage browser for my wordpress, simple and straight forward for the install […]

  316. Pick 6 » Betere Image plugin 23. 5. 2005 / 18.57

    […] etere Image plugin
    Filed under: Uncategorized — May 23, 2005 @ 6:56 pm

    Deze werkt nog weer beter. Nog meer wensen de Bruijn? […]

  317. irablog » Blog Archive » IImage Browser 24. 5. 2005 / 1.11

    […] « �ץ饰����ȳ�Ʈ�� IImage Browser IImage Browser�Ȥ���������Ƥ������wordpress�Υץ饰����1.4.2���ܸ��Ǥ�1.5.1�إ��åץ��� […]

  318. La Taberna del Turco » Posts antiguos » Dos plugins imprescindibles para Wordpress 24. 5. 2005 / 23.27

    […] sólo click, que generará un fichero con la fecha del día de hoy. El segundo plugin, el IImage Browser, permite subir imágenes de forma integrada co […]

  319. WordPress Reference Centre » IImage Browser 31. 5. 2005 / 22.06

    May 31st, 2005

    Plugin Name: IImage Browser Plugin URI: […]

  320. Ajay D'Souza 1. 6. 2005 / 5.56

    To comment #311

    Could it be possible that some kind of popup blocker is blocking the popup window?

    Can he try an alternate browser?

  321. Ajay - On the Road called Life! » IImage Browser Hack 1. 6. 2005 / 8.59

    […] Fri 20 May 2005 IImage Browser Hack Posted by Ajay under Blogging  Have been using IImage Browser plugin for WordPress since a long time. Managing my images h […]

  322. Will 1. 6. 2005 / 11.17

    Love it. Would like to insert images as left floating by default though. Perhaps a ”class” tag would be helpful…

  323. bingu 2. 6. 2005 / 14.19

    very nice plugin!
    thank you for the work!

  324. IImage Browser 1.2 | skriker 2. 6. 2005 / 21.24


    IImage Browser 1.2
    author – m […]

  325. IImage Browser 1.1 | skriker 2. 6. 2005 / 21.28


    IImage Browser 1.1
    author – m […]

  326. Pierre 4. 6. 2005 / 15.08

    I just installed your plugin on my 1.5 WordPress, but I get the following message when I click on ”insert image” in a post:

    [root] />plugins | themes |

    Sorry, I can’t find any files in this directory :-(

  327. malyfred 4. 6. 2005 / 15.13

    >Pierre So everything is ok:) Upload some images there and enjoy the IIB.

  328. Swing tanzen verboten! » Blog Archive » Image-Manger für Wordpress 4. 6. 2005 / 18.42

    […] ser, sieht sehr gut aus, habe ich jetzt mal installiert, ist glaube ich viel komfortabler: This entry w […]

  329. Mark 4. 6. 2005 / 19.48


    This one and gallery plugin are both very nice plugins.

    One suggestion, since gallery plugin require the img with full URI, why doesn’t image browser plugin generate full URI? I have to manually insert the site URI befere the relative URI generated by image browser.

  330. malyfred 4. 6. 2005 / 20.12

    >Mark – let me quote from Installation instructions: ”Check TWICE if “URI of this directory” in administration> options> miscellaneous is FULL address like: http://domain/blblabla

  331. Mark 5. 6. 2005 / 3.27


    Ok, I do read that. But I confuse ”URI of this directory” with ”WordPress address (URI)” and ”WordPress address (URI)”.

    Maybe, you say ”URI of this directory” of ”Allow File Uploads” in ”administration> options> miscellaneous” is more clear.


  332. jafer 5. 6. 2005 / 18.02

    I don’t understand what’s happening, but the plugin loaded fine, and I can use it except that where it shows all the pictures… none of the pictures are showing.

    The names show and the width, etc., and it will add the code to my post, but the pictures are showing ”X”’s instead of the pictures showing up.

    The pictures are there, and I changed the URI in Miscellaneous>Options to be talk/images (because my blog is in talk, and all my images are stored in images.

    I don’t get why they don’t show? Can yo

    Can you give me a hint on what I’m doing wrong? I’m using WP 1.5.1

    Thanks very much.

  333. malyfred 6. 6. 2005 / 2.28

    >jafer Have you changed the path to the FULL path? With ”http://” at the begining?

  334. void space » Blog Archive » post with image 6. 6. 2005 / 13.45

    […] o use… PS: There is also an extended version of the Image Browser from above called IImage Browser This entry was posted on Monday, June […]

  335. jafer 7. 6. 2005 / 1.10

    Oh, thanks very much malyfred, that was it exactly – one part had the full url and the other only had /images – now that I put the full path in there, it shows up fine.

    Thank you, thank you :)

  336. IImage Browser 8. 6. 2005 / 18.48

    IImage Browser

    IImage Browser

  337. Evelina Piorunek 9. 6. 2005 / 8.23


    quick question….do you know of a way for the full image to come up without all the browser menues above, and sized EXACTLY to the image size….?

    appreciate it

  338. The Daily Slice » Links for Plugins from Mike 9. 6. 2005 / 22.02

    […] :// […]

  339. Roman2K 10. 6. 2005 / 16.56

    Thanks a lot ! I love it !
    (I just installed v1.4.5 beta without any problem)

  340. Buenni 11. 6. 2005 / 1.23

    I better shot myself. I tryed to get 1.45 to work for more than 1 h but it never showed the new options. Reason: I copied both files into the plugins folder. ”Never forget ot read the manual!!”

    The plugin is great – thanx a lot!!

  341. stchatterbox 11. 6. 2005 / 12.30

    hmm……does this plugin allows multiple upload? thanks

  342. Sidney 11. 6. 2005 / 17.33

    I finally got a solution to the ”quicktag-button-not-working-problem”: The problem, at least in my case was that the FF (1.0.4) JS engine didn’t understand the theButton.onclick command in the edit_insert_button() function.
    [Probably has something to do with JS, DOM and the attributes.]
    The solution is to replace theButton.onclick= blah; with
    theButton.setAttribute(’onclick’,'<?php echo $js_onclick; ?>’);
    This is the official way, according to my JS reference, and it works on my blog. Hope this helps someone.


  343. B:log.isch - WordPress Weblog » Engelhardt Promotions online 12. 6. 2005 / 12.19

    […] 221; User kinderleicht bedienen lässt. Verwendete Plugins: […]

  344. malyfred 12. 6. 2005 / 22.14

    >stchatterbox Not yet, but I am working on it.

  345. malyfred 12. 6. 2005 / 22.16

    >Sidney Well done! I’ll test it and fix IIB if it works under every browser.

  346. Gabriel Serafini » Blog Archive » Damon Wallace - Freelance illustrator, designer, artist and musician 16. 6. 2005 / 13.01

    […] tent soon since he sent me a ton. Running on WordPress of course. Using the very nice iimage browser plugin to upload images and create nice thumbnails. By the way, Damon is an […]

  347. ViB 16. 6. 2005 / 16.12

    Hi malyfred!
    I just installed IIM and after went trough the whole post I’m still with no solution to my problem:

    – No thumbs created no matter what I do. It only shows links based on the alt and title attributes
    – The source code shows the image divs created
    – If I click on them I go to the gallery where all the images are shown perfectly
    – But no thumbs!!!:(
    Already checked with my host admin and they have GD1.8 installed. Is that the reason why I’m getting no thumbs?

    URI triple checked!
    Please, I need some help on this

  348. ViB 16. 6. 2005 / 20.10

    Ok, don’t ask me how but after 2 hours moving stuff around I managed to make IIB 1.4.2 run as an angel. Cool!
    But now I’ve found out that 1.4.2 doesn’t let me insert images on ”pages” and just installed 1.4.5 because I really need to insert them on diff pages I have around my blog.
    And now (this is like the never ending history ;) the insert images button on the quicktags bar doesn’t work anymore…:(…no popup windows around.
    Already tryed the Sidney’s code to replace theButton.onclick and then the button doesn’t even show up.
    Am I doing something wrong?
    Please, any help will be deeply appreciated!
    Thx in advance

  349. malyfred 17. 6. 2005 / 0.25

    >ViB You can use old ”inser image” link in top right corner – just set: $ib_use_quicktags_button = false; in iimage-browser-plugin.php.

    In your first comment – you were talkig about IImage Galery, right? Does it work now?

  350. ViB 17. 6. 2005 / 1.40

    Oh man!!!!
    Thank you, thank you very much!!!!!!
    I was about to give up on IIB when read your reply…And you know what? Now I have the suspition that the link was always at the top right corner and I just missed it! Should I shut myself ;)?
    Now is everything working fine and I think is time for some cssing.
    Again, thank you very much for oyur support and for the beautifull plugin you just come up with

  351. ViB 17. 6. 2005 / 18.43

    Hi skriker!
    It’s me again :)
    Maybe its because I’m a bit tired and running out of time to dig in a bit more but I need your help in something that doesn’t seems to be so difficult but I haven’t been able to solve:
    What should I do in order to popup a new window when I click on my thumbs? There is a way to adjust the look-and-feel of that new window?
    Thanks in advance

  352. malyfred 17. 6. 2005 / 19.47

    >ViB You should define you custom code patterns – for inspiration: Custom patterns for IImage Gallery

  353. ViB 17. 6. 2005 / 22.12

    Sorry malyfred, but it seems you think I’m talking about IImage Gallery…but no, its about IImage Browser 1.4.5. Is there a way to make it work in the same way that IIG (modify the template and stuff like that)?…Whoa! That definitelly will rock since I’ve been unable to make IIG run, no thumbs whatsoever, but IIB 1.4.5 does the job gracefully and I have no other choice than use it.

  354. malyfred 18. 6. 2005 / 3.42

    >ViB No mate, I’m talking about IIB, you can define custome patterns there as well. Just open iimage-browser.php. But as I don’t have a set of examples for IIB yet – I’ve recommended you patterns for IIG – they are basically the same.

  355. whl 18. 6. 2005 / 9.32


    Just wanted to say Thank You Very Much for creating this plug-in. I just added it to my site and will be putting up pictures soon. I’m really new to php and blogging, but this was super easy to use. Thanks! WHL

  356. matthew 18. 6. 2005 / 22.06

    Great plugin! unfortunatly i have a small problem with it.
    My WP is in a /blog folder, but the plugin gives me this code when i want to input an image
    [a href=”/wp-content/images/picture.jpg”][img src=”/wp-content/images/_picture.jpg” width=”300″ height=”195″ alt=”” title=”” /][/a] therefore all i see in the display and post is a red X

    In order for the picture to show up right i need to modify that code to this:
    [a href=”/blog/wp-content/images/picture.jpg”][img src=”../blog/wp-content/images/_picture.jpg” width=”300″ height=”195″ alt=”” title=”” /][/a]

    how should i fix this?

  357. Ladybird 18. 6. 2005 / 23.26

    Please help

    I use 1.4.5 when I click on IImage Browser nothing happend

  358. malyfred 19. 6. 2005 / 1.23

    >matthew – let me quote from Installation instructions: “Check TWICE if “URI of this directory” in administration> options> miscellaneous is FULL address like: http://domain/blblabla”

  359. malyfred 19. 6. 2005 / 1.24

    >Ladybird Try comment #349

  360. david 19. 6. 2005 / 18.06


    seems to be great this plugin! installed everything and works fine! thanks.

  361. sven 20. 6. 2005 / 22.37

    really nice plugin!
    the only problem i have is, that i can create folders, but when i try to upload pics in these folders it says:
    Couldn't upload your file to /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/web98/html/wordpress/wp-content/images/juni/Bild003.jpg.

    can you help?!

  362. kaki 21. 6. 2005 / 1.33

    hy malyfred..
    Just question about class !!
    If i want to automatically had a class=”xxxx” to my pictures how to change in the following line (193 and 194 of 1.4.5)
    case ”thumbfull”:
    htmlCode = ””;
    i don’t find the good syntaxes
    merci beaucoup

  363. malyfred 23. 6. 2005 / 0.01

    >kaki I’d recommend you to use $ib_custom_code_thumb or $ib_custom_code_full.

  364. malyfred 23. 6. 2005 / 0.03

    >sven Probably comment #228. If not – ask your admin how you are supposed to move uploaded files in PHP scripts as none of copy() nor move_uploaded_file() functions works.

  365. » Wordpress Plugin: Image Browser 25. 6. 2005 / 7.56


    WordPress Plugin: Image Browser One of the best looking image tools inside WordPress I’ve seen to date.

  366. Martin Lomas 26. 6. 2005 / 17.05

    Hi malyfred – thanks for an excellent plugin, and all your support here. I have v1.4.5 beta working beautifully.

    I don’t know if it’s worth a feature request, but can you advise me how I could modify for thumbnails being in a separate folder? Because of two other image utilities I use, my thumbnails are always in a folder called ”thumbs” at the same level as the images.

    Many thanks for any help.

  367. Michael B 27. 6. 2005 / 7.24

    I also tried Sydney’s fix with FF 1.0.4 mac, and the button disappeared, otherwise doesn’t work. I turned off the feature until a solution, otherwise I love the plugin, and intend to use it for other another site and will look at the gallery plugin as well.

  368. MySchizoBuddy 28. 6. 2005 / 13.10

    I don’t see the insert Image tags anywhere.
    U said to add a line in quicktags.php. but i don’t ahve that file. its quicktags.js


  369. gdsingh 28. 6. 2005 / 16.57

    I uploaded everything, and then clicked on the button and found the directory with the image but as soon as the page loads, it shows the image name and outline of the image and then disappears. Dont know whats wrong. And I tried both beta and stable, same problem. Thanks for the help.

  370. gdsingh 28. 6. 2005 / 21.03

    i fixed that problem, now it doesnt let me make thumbnails… i think its a chmod problem.

  371. michael 30. 6. 2005 / 1.35

    For people getting the following error: ”File of type is not allowed”, open up iimage-browser.php and replace every instance of




    save and then image uploading should work.

  372. Mikel 5. 7. 2005 / 1.51

    Opps, it doesn’ t seem to work, I must have done something wrong but I cand find what.

    Can u help?

    This is what I get…
    The admin disabled this function
    [root] />plugins | themes |
    Sorry, I can’t find any files in this directory :-(

    Close window

    Thanks Mikel

  373. Mikel 5. 7. 2005 / 2.46

    upon reading the other messages above, I fixed the first part ( I had put both files in the plug-ins folder), sorry.

    Now, however, I get ”It doesn’t look like you can use the file upload feature at this time because the directory you have specified (/home/mikelp/public_html/lifesavers/wp-content/) doesn’t appear to be writable by WordPress. Check the permissions on the directory and for typos”

    I see from other posts, above, that I have to change the permissions using CHMOD?, but I have know idea how to do this, can u help?

    thank you,


  374. » Archiwum » Intro 5. 7. 2005 / 10.53

    […] XHTML 1.0 Strict / CSS 2.1, Backend: WordPress (z wtyczkami: Acronym Replacer, Gravatar, IImage Browser oraz Yahoo/MSN Style Smileys – z małą modyfikacją ), Emoty: Zapożyczone […]

  375. Mikel 5. 7. 2005 / 11.32

    Oh Man, I worked that permissions thing out now, and it looks promising, but unfortuntely the image browswer, all though finding the image, wont load it. I just get a little question mark. Also if I do carry on and get the code and addit it to the post, the post will show this broken image symbol too. Is this a permission’s thing too?

    Thanks, Mikel

  376. malyfred 5. 7. 2005 / 19.52

    >Mikel No, this is one billion times repeated: ”Check TWICE if “URI of this directory” in administration> options> miscellaneous is FULL address like: http://domain/blblabla ” from installation instructions.

  377. malyfred 5. 7. 2005 / 20.52

    >Martin Lomas It’s not possible without huge changes of the code – sorry:(

  378. Mikel 5. 7. 2005 / 22.51

    Thanks very much, all go now, I didn’t understand the instructions either, I was checking the wrong URI (TWICE) posts 330-333 cleared it up for me. Maybe you could paraphrase them in your instructions.

    Thanks your plugin is very good.


  379. malyfred 6. 7. 2005 / 0.10

    >Mikel OK, done:)

  380. Epper 9. 7. 2005 / 16.37

    Hi, yours is a very useful plugin.

    But I’ve a request. Will be possible to ”Upload” an image from an URL and not from the Administrator PC?


    (Excuse me for my English… I’m italian)

  381. malyfred 9. 7. 2005 / 18.03

    >Epper That’s quite special feature and you can always save a picture from the certain URL to your PC and then upload it in normal way. I’m not sure if I’ll implement this:(

  382. Justin 10. 7. 2005 / 6.59

    Hi malyfred, amazing job on this plugin. I just have one issue: images display properly on the main page,and if I view a post containing an image’s respective link. However, if I try to view the same post on via an archived category, no image is displayed whatsoever. There’s no ”red x” or a broken image, just no image at all.

    Again, this only happens when viewing a post via an archive. Images work and display properly when used with your plugin everywhere else on the site.

  383. malyfred 10. 7. 2005 / 9.46

    >Justin I guess you are talking about IImage Gallery, right? Check the page related to the IImage Gallery and check the comment 219.

  384. Justin 10. 7. 2005 / 17.26

    Hi Malyfred

    The plugin itself is fine, and works fine. The images I’ve added with it, however, display on all pages in my WP blog except for when they are displayed via an archived area. When I view the source on those pages, it’s like the code for the images was stripped out (it’s not even there).

  385. malyfred 10. 7. 2005 / 21.47

    >Justin Well, it has nothing to do with IImage Browser. That is the way how your current theme that you use on you web handles posts.

  386. Justin 10. 7. 2005 / 23.06

    Thanks Malyfred, that’s exactly correct upon further investigation in ruling out IImage Browser as a potential cause. Delving further into the WordPress forums revealed this:

    That was the final solution. Thanks for the time and for the brilliant work.

  387. Walter Hutchens’ Blog » Blog Archive » Who’s afraid of CSS? How to remove the Picasa logo from web pages generated with Picasa 11. 7. 2005 / 19.18

    […] single sample image in the post itself. For uploading a single image to a WordPress entry IImage works well for me.

    This entry was posted


  388. .sit 13. 7. 2005 / 9.52

    It seems I post in the wrong section :-)
    I have problems with iimage browser: when I upload a file it does not create any thumb and does not preview the image (only appears a question mark and alt text). It seems that my jpeg files are not supported by the system. I run everithing locally on Mac OsX/ Apache2.

  389. Adam 13. 7. 2005 / 18.37

    some webservers (say, mine for example) have a fixed writable/uploadable directory. i’ve changed the path in WP and can upload just fine.

    i can also upload just fine with your plugin, despite my paths being a bit different. what i can’t do is use the images, because ii still starts off with /wp-content and not destination i’ve got set in my miscellaneous options. can ii be made to use the path set in the miscellaneous options?



  390. malyfred 13. 7. 2005 / 19.12

    >.sit Try IIG and comment # 190 for ’not supported’ error.

  391. malyfred 13. 7. 2005 / 19.14

    >.sit&Adam As installation instructions say: Check TWICE if “URI of this directory” of “Allow File Uploads” in “administration> options> miscellaneous” is FULL address like: http://domain/blblabla

  392. Adam 14. 7. 2005 / 2.52

    this option doesn’t work, as my writable/uploadable directory is below the public_html. :(

  393. Adam 14. 7. 2005 / 4.29

    oh wow. i’m dumb. sorry :) it works great! :)

  394. wp@odc » and wed nes day 14. 7. 2005 / 5.57

    […] play with it. it’s too cute. my WordPress is all hooked up now i guess. i got the image browser up too. it’s cute. so i’m now doing mypress, live press, spell check […]

  395. dave 18. 7. 2005 / 5.00

    fantastic plugin. i’ve been looking for this for a while. excellent work!

  396. .sit 18. 7. 2005 / 17.17

    malyfred, thank you. It was a missing ”fullpath” URI

  397. Rob 18. 7. 2005 / 21.22

    I’am getting the following problem when uploading a file “File of type is not allowed.”. Did someone resolve this problem?

    Setup: OpenBSD (not chrooted)
    PHP5 (php.ini: no safemode, upload files = yes, upload dir = /tmp) WordPress 1.5, imageuploader 1.4.3

    Rob Sessink

  398. Rob 18. 7. 2005 / 21.27

    Found the answer a minute later on this page; post 371. Stupid me. Please ignore previous post

  399. inforedesign » Blog Archive » стартовый набор начинающего wordpress-блоггера 19. 7. 2005 / 16.18

    […] чно обширная статистика посещений вашего блога. iimage-browser — плагин для загрузки/вставки изображе […]

  400. Avalúo y Tecnologías de Aprendizaje » Mis plugins favoritos 22. 7. 2005 / 0.24

    […] mini-chat para tu blog en WP 4. Witty Text: Para añadir citas aleatorias a tu blog 5. IImage Browser: Para manejar las imágenes en tu blog 6. Democracy: Para a […]

  401. Chris 22. 7. 2005 / 5.52

    I just wanted to say THANK YOU for the great plug-in! You’re a miracle worker! :)

  402. Toguna » Blog Archive » iimage browser 22. 7. 2005 / 15.45

    […] 005 iimage browser utilizza il plugin iimagebrowser per gestire l’inserimento di immagini. Grazie a […]

  403. April 28. 7. 2005 / 6.24

    I uploaded the files, but I’m having a hard time with the Miscellaneous arena. I’m not sure what url I should use.

  404. malyfred 29. 7. 2005 / 0.10

    >April There are recommended values there that usually work fine.

  405. LumpySimon 30. 7. 2005 / 15.53

    I know that IImage Browser is for images, but given that WP doesn’t come with a file manager, I wondered if Iimage Brwoser could be slightly expanded to deal with any fiel types?

    I’ve set the allowed upload file types in WP to also include doc, xls and pdf. I can upload these files in WP upload page.

    However, I can’;t then use Iimage Browser to generate the code to link to them.

    Is there any chance it could detect ’non-image’ files and just create the link code (a href….) without thumbnail, etc?


  406. malyfred 30. 7. 2005 / 16.36

    >LumpySimon Be patient, please:) I am already working on successor of IIB and it will allow you to work with all kinds of files. Give me just some time.

  407. LumpySimon 31. 7. 2005 / 13.59

    Malyfred – before I thought you were great, now I think I truly love you! ;-)


  408. dave 1. 8. 2005 / 17.10

    First off, love it! Works like a charm! I need to make a mod though so it automatically adds a div tag before () and after () the images when it generates the code. Being familiar with css but not PHP programming I see where it generates it in the code but there are symbols that show up in there that look foreign to me so I’m afraid to mess with it.

    Can someone post the code for that line including my tags?


  409. dave 1. 8. 2005 / 17.13

    Oops, the tags came out as code. They are

    div class=”img-shadow”

    and the /div closing tag afterwards.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  410. malyfred 9. 8. 2005 / 23.52

    >dave Don’t hesitate and try this code:
    $ib_custom_code_full = '<div class="img-shadow"><a href="%src"><img src="%src" title="%title" alt="%title" width="%width" height="%height" /></a></div>';
    and similar for thumbnails. good luck!

  411. Hapax 10. 8. 2005 / 3.35

    Outxch ! I use the 1.4.5 version of IImage browser but the button doesn’t appear anymore in quicktags with WordPress… Is there a trick to make things go like yesterday ?? :-)

  412. Asa Fuckin’ Taylor » Blog Archive » Let’s try the double “I” 10. 8. 2005 / 10.03

    […] Let’s try the double “I” This time I’m trying-out IImage Browser by malyfred […]

  413. weasel’s blog » Blog Archive » WImage Browser Plugin 11. 8. 2005 / 12.39

    […] , 2005 — Posted in Webber Oh boy, oh boy, my first WordPress plugin! If you know Iimage Browser by Martin Chlupáč, then you’ll be glad to find out that I’ve ad […]

  414. WeaselMan 11. 8. 2005 / 12.43

    Hi everybody!

    I have improved your plugin with 2 very useful functions: Create Mass Plugins and Add All Codes, and I have released a new plugin on my website. There are also some minor improvements for people who need to create galleries fast.

    You can get the plugin from here

    Best wishes,

  415. WeaselMan 11. 8. 2005 / 19.05

    That’s -> Create Mass Thumbnails

  416. » Favorite Wordpress Plugins and Themes 12. 8. 2005 / 5.45

    […] day 12 August 2005

    In no particular order… Plugins Favatars IImage Browser File Manager Themes the Spider Box (duh!) Rin


  417.   Wordpress Plugin: WImage Browser by Blogging Pro 12. 8. 2005 / 15.15

    […] August 12th, 2005 WordPress Plugin: WImage Browser This new plugin is an add on to the plugin […]

  418. Blogging Pro China » Wordpress Plugin: IImage Browser 13. 8. 2005 / 2.49

    […] IImage Browser […]

  419. VicenteBalvanera 14. 8. 2005 / 17.30

    Success with 1.4.5 and WP 1.5.3
    Just for the record, and to clear up the confusion in versions, etc.
    I am totally new to Word Press, Serendipity was the blog installed on my hosting. They have a javascript button built into the htmlarea toolbar to handle images much the way this plugin does.
    I downloaded and installed WordPress yesterday (wordpress-
    I installed the ”double II” image-browser, the beta version 1.4.5.

    I used it vanilla, without editing any configuration, leaving the ”$ib_use_quicktags_button = true;” as it is right out of the box.

    Worked perfectly, was able to navigate and create directories, upload, create thumbnails on the fly.

    Very happy with it.

    Just one question: obviously if I looked at the code I could see this, but where do you have to go to configure default thumbnail size? The thumbs seem a bit biggish for my purposes.

    Thanks a million for a great plug-in (and thanks also has to go to the ”single-i” it is based on). ”We stand on the shoulders of giants”.

  420. N. Mallory 14. 8. 2005 / 17.38

    Very nice plugin! Thanks~

  421. “Tindómierel sindaroniello…” » Blog Archive » Plugins imprescindibles para wordpress 14. 8. 2005 / 21.16

    […] k” title=”Abrir en una ventana nueva”> IImage Browser Version: 1.4.2 Plugin url: […]

  422. malyfred 15. 8. 2005 / 15.14

    >VicenteBalvanera Download IIB 1.4.5 again – I’ve added $ib_settings['default_thumbnail_size']

  423. Jennie 15. 8. 2005 / 16.47

    hi I downloaded and installed your plugin today… just wanted to say a huge thanks for making it SO easy absolutely love it as it is only thing I could think to make it better would be auto insert of the pop up in new window code. but yeah loving this version… well done!!!

    signed a very happy noobie.

  424. Deep 15. 8. 2005 / 22.59

    I liked this plugin a lot but I think there is some big in it…try to upload image which has space in the name…

    It should remove the spce and make everything as one word (as its there in default image uploader of WP)

    and because of this it doesnt show correct path of the image….

    I think there should not be any problem to fix it :)


  425. .082net. » Wimage Browser 16. 8. 2005 / 1.35

    TrackBack: .082net. » Wimage Browser

  426. VicenteBalvanera 16. 8. 2005 / 12.03

    >Download IIB 1.4.5 again – I’ve added $ib_settings[’default_thumbnail_size’]
    Thanks! but download link on this page ( and mirror give same package as before. Will check back soon. Thanks again.

  427. malyfred 16. 8. 2005 / 14.15

    >VicenteBalvanera That’s because of the cache of your browser. Delete the cache or download it in some other one.

  428. malyfred 16. 8. 2005 / 17.38

    >Deep Since 23.12.2004 (comment #23) is the problem with spaces fixed and even the code genereated for files with space in the name is correct. That must be problem of your webserver or something like that.

  429. matopc :: computing » WordPress Admin Design: Tiger 16. 8. 2005 / 20.38

    TrackBack: matopc :: computing » WordPress Admin Design: Tiger

  430. .: HK Vie :. » WP Plugin: IImage Browser & Hack 17. 8. 2005 / 9.56

    […] 05
    WP Plugin: IImage Browser & Hack
    Posted by Ralph in WordPress 

    Plugin: IImage Browser Features: 可以在編寫時直接插入圖片 可以直接upload圖片 […]

  431. Hapax 18. 8. 2005 / 2.57

    I’m desesperate. The plugin doesn’t work. I have download the last 1.4.5 zip today but the button doesn’t appear in quicktags of my WP I have look in configuration and it’s on ”true”. I have try ”false” but whitout any change. My WP is in a specific folder, is it a problem ? I can’t use my site now :-((

  432. pc.watanet 18. 8. 2005 / 5.17


  433. .: HK Vie :. » WP Plugin: IImage Browser & Hack 18. 8. 2005 / 6.14

    WP Plugin: IImage Browser & Hack
    Posted by Ralph in WordPress 

    Plugin: IImage Browser Features: 可以在編寫時直接插入圖片 可以直接upload圖片 […]

  434. malyfred 18. 8. 2005 / 10.01

    >Hapax Specific folder should not be a problem. I guess it’s some collision with some other plugin.

  435. Homerboy 19. 8. 2005 / 18.26

    Installed it and its amazingly well done. Thanks so much for the work on this. I do have one small problem though that it will not allow me to create a thumbnail for the uploaded or added image. I get the following error: Filetype not supported. Thumbnail not created.

    The image will upload and appear in the blog n/p but it will not allow me to create a thumb of it :(

  436. malyfred 19. 8. 2005 / 22.04

    Homerboy> Ask you admin abotu GD library . If it is installed and if there are not some restrictions.

  437. Wubbonius 20. 8. 2005 / 13.56

    I have the same problem: cannot create thumbs; only though I have this with bigger images. Smaller once are easy generating thumbs.
    I checked my phpinfo file but everything with GD seems to be normal…

  438. yovko 21. 8. 2005 / 13.51

    It seems like there is some problem with WP 1.5.2

  439. quakemachine 22. 8. 2005 / 1.48

    perfect plugin!

    but i suggest u can add mutil file uploder to it.many time wil upload many files…and can u add ”get iimage gallery code” function?when i select some picture,i can get the iimage galllery code for it.

    thx at all.

  440. jafer 22. 8. 2005 / 21.44

    I’ve got the most updated version of WP and while the iimage browser used to work, now it doesn’t.

    Is there something I can do to get it working again? I recently installed the new version of the WP Amazon plugin, I don’t know if that has anything to do with it, but it won’t do anything when I click on the Image Browser button to add a pic.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

  441. malyfred 22. 8. 2005 / 23.36

    yovko&jafer> I’ve just updated to WP1.5.2 and it works for me… Could you check JavaScript console or similar in you browser if it says somathing when you click on IIB button?

  442. malyfred 22. 8. 2005 / 23.42

    Wubbonius> When the images are too big – GD library has sometimes problems or, more likely – when the server is busy – the script exceeds the defined time limit. Try to add set_time_limit(0); to the first line of iimage-browser.php

  443. Tutto a memoria: WP PLUGINS FEAST 23. 8. 2005 / 0.13

    […] daily bookmarks that I’ve added to into WordPress" // posted by t.a.l. @ 11:53 PM    Comments: Post a Comment <<Home […]

  444. My Life Stories » Blog Archive » Post-it Note 23. 8. 2005 / 4.11

    […] Today school was exhausting for me. A bunch of stuff have to be done which I should have on last weekend. I just setup Iimage Browser modded by skriker. It works great except the permission problem I have to work on. I called Xing today. Thought I am going to tell alot of stuff about myself and get to know her daily stuff more. Turned out the conversation was somewhat boring comparing to the old time. In retrospect, we had fun talking together, about both life and the past. That was definitely fun, that gives me the courage to live to persuit this happiness once again. […]

  445. Eddie 24. 8. 2005 / 16.41

    I’m using wordpress 1.5 and have downloaded the latest version of Iimagebrowser. I also have WP-Amazon installed.

    If WP-Amazon is activated, the iimage button on the write screen does nothing.
    If WP-Amazon is deactivated, and I click on the iimage button, I get a popup window and the following text ”Internal Server Error, this is an error with your script, check your error log for more information.”
    Interestingly, the WP-Amzaon button also gives me exactly the same popup window and text.

    Any ideas? Many thanks

  446. malyfred 24. 8. 2005 / 21.03

    Eddie> Wp-Amazon makes IIB button unclickable because WP-Amazon is not using recommended way for adding buttons to the quicktag area. Ask the author of WP-Amazon about that.

    I’d recommend you to check error log of your webserver as there is no obvious reason for such an error produced by IIB:(

  447. The Hawke 24. 8. 2005 / 23.40

    FYI,It appears this plugin also clashes with the intouch plugin. Dagnabbit! I NEED both plugins desperately!

  448. Eddie 25. 8. 2005 / 11.13

    Thanks MalyFred.

    I’ve removed the WP-Amazon plugin and gone back to an earlier version of Iimage Browser. This version runs … almost. But it won’t insert the image into the post, I have to have it generate the code and then cut and paste it. Also, the close window buttons don’t work. Could this be a firefox problem?

  449. malyfred 25. 8. 2005 / 11.50

    Eddie> It’s definitely not a problem of Firefox. I wrote to WP-Amazon’s author and he replied that he is gona to fix in next release. But back to the IIB – could you check javascript console for error messages when you click on the IIB button ’Add it to the post’?

  450. Valerie 25. 8. 2005 / 17.12

    I installed this plugin for a friend whose wp blog I am administering. She is using the most recent version of wp and your plugin. But she knows very little html, and I would like to make it as easy as possible for her to add photos to her blog posts. I’ve already added instructions at the top of the image browser window so she knows to click on a photo to see options for it (which isn’t necessarily obvious to everyone), but it would really be great to add clickable options for choosing the position of each photo, which I have predefined in the css as classes ”alignleft”, ”alignright” and ”centered”.

    Would you pretty please email me how I could add code which would allow her to click ”Center Photo”, ”Align Left”, or ”Align Right” which would add the appropriate class code within the the generated img code?

    This is really a great plugin! I enjoy using it myself! I now use alot more images in my own posts. Great work!

  451. quakemachine 25. 8. 2005 / 17.24

    Download the file

    readme in it.

  452. Eddie 26. 8. 2005 / 12.00

    The Javascript console says:

    Error: window.opener has no properties

    Hope this makes sense to someone!

    Thanks again,


  453. malyfred 26. 8. 2005 / 18.39

    Eddie> Try to use old “inser image” link in top right corner – just set: $ib_use_quicktags_button = false; in iimage-browser-plugin.php. Does it work?

  454. ToÑo.! 26. 8. 2005 / 21.06

    dont work in wordpress 1.5.2

  455. ToÑo.! 27. 8. 2005 / 0.16

    $ib_use_quicktags_button = false; in iimage-browser-plugin.php works fine in wordpress

    link in top right corner :-)

    TRUE dont work for me

  456. Ajay - On the Road called Life! » Using Open Browser Window Plugin with IImage Browser 28. 8. 2005 / 11.39

    […] Use my Open Browser Window Plugin with IImage browser. […]

  457. quakemachine 30. 8. 2005 / 10.41

    When i install the LiveSearch 1.1 Plugin,the IIB quicktag button cannot open browser windows…..but the topright link work fine?

    is IIB bug or LiveSearch wrong?

    btw:at the same time,JAA Preview quicktag button work fine with livesearch plugin.

  458. malyfred 30. 8. 2005 / 11.01

    quakemachine> It’s very commont that other plugins don’t use recommended way for adding buttons to the quicktag area. LiveSearch is onother example of that. Ask the author of that plugin to look at: and implement the proper way as is shown in Edit Button Template.

  459. quakemachine 30. 8. 2005 / 12.38

    ok,i done it with ”Edit Button Template”,now work fine with IImage Browser;

    who want LiveSearch work with IIB,you can download it at:

    Thank you very much honey malyfred :)

  460. quakemachine 30. 8. 2005 / 13.28

    修改Live Search兼容IImage Browser

    昨天安装了Live Search后,发现IImage Browser的QuickTag按钮失去反应了;然后去了两个插件的作者Blog反映情况,最后了解到是Live Search添加QuickTag按钮的代码不够规范的原因;非常感谢malyfred的热心…

  461. quakemachine 30. 8. 2005 / 20.36

    Multi Image Uploader 1.5
    Plugin Name: Multi Image Uploader
    Plugin URI:
    Description: A Plugin which can upload five images at the same time.Best work with IImage Browser.
    Version: 1.5
    Author: AvP
    Author URI:
    How to Install:
    For WordPress powered sites:
    1.Download the Multi Image Uploader WordPress Plugin.
    2.Extract the files.
    3.Upload the files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory (do not alter the structure).
    4.Go into your WordPress Administration, and activate the Multi Image Uploader Plugin.
    5.That’s all.:)

  462. quakemachine 30. 8. 2005 / 21.53

    I only talk about the method , do not say theory because of my poor English .

    If after loading other plug-in, QuickTag button of IIB goes wrong, deactivate the plug-in of IIB at first, then change file iimage-browser-plug.php to aaa-iimage-browser-plug.php, and then activate the plug-in of IIB again, how is the situation? Maybe fine.

    I find that the order that WordPress loads the plug-in relates to the first letter of master file name of the plug-in – -You can finding out from the plug-in List , the same plug-in package , after changing the name of the file, very great change has taken place in the permutation position in wordpress plugin list .

    I guess some plug-in packages, the code that they produce QuickTag is unstandard, and load before IIB, then IIB will go wrong ; A very good example is Amazon WordPress Plugin, because the first letter of Amazon is A, it will be before ranking IIB! It is that Multi Image Uploader of mine, if the name of the master file is multi-image-uploader.php, then it can’t ”produce” QuickTag button at all, the just simple one makes the name of the file into any letter beginning between A-E, it is normal on everything – –This is because I have a plug-in package which calls FOOTNOTE, it will produce QuickTag button, and its code may be unstandard; Have understood? Because of A –E > F >M. . . .

    I HOPE is helpful to everybody.

  463. malyfred 31. 8. 2005 / 0.49

    quakemachine> Good hint! But the best solution is to use recommended way of adding buttons to the QuickTags area:) Comment #456.

  464. Spun » Wordpress kudos and wishlist 1. 9. 2005 / 15.42

    […] Provide an easy way to add images to a post. I installed the IImage Browser plugin but it’s still way clunky. Images are good! It should be easy to include them in a post. (Aside: MT’s image handling, while better than WP’s, could still improve.) […]

  465. » Image Browser für Wordpress 2. 9. 2005 / 10.54

    […] Was ich sehr vermisst habe bei WordPress, war ein ImageBrowser. Also schnell das Netz durchstöbert und prompt fündig geworden. Auf hab ich ein PlugIn gefunden, das sich kein WordPress User entgehen lassen sollte […]

  466. Theo Richel 2. 9. 2005 / 11.34

    3 remarks:
    1. Wonderful plugin, many compliments!
    2. Had to change the permissions of my wp-content dir to 777 in order to be able to upload. (Do not know whether this is a WP problem or a IIB problem)
    3. Like to support the people on this list that have called for aligment-options and the like. Or put code on this site that we can paste in the specific PHP-file.
    Many thanks any way.

  467. lower-case g » Powered by wordpress! 3. 9. 2005 / 8.40

    […] New Plugins that I’ve added Yahoo Smileys! Contact Page IImage Browser IImage Gallery Headline Images My Netflix Search Everything […]

  468. » IImage Browser | skriker 6. 9. 2005 / 4.17

    […] IImage Browser | skriker test this […]

  469. Raffaell 7. 9. 2005 / 11.49

    how I could add code which would allow her to click “Center Photo”, “Align Left”, or “Align Right” which would add the appropriate class code within the the generated img code?

  470. quakemachine 7. 9. 2005 / 15.24


    WordPress default have these class for u. samply add:
    class=”l” //image float left
    into your tag is ok.

  471. Borek 7. 9. 2005 / 18.23

    Ahoj, nevim, jestli už to někdo nereportoval (nechce se mi číst 500 komentářů), ale celé to nefunguje, pokud wordpress není v rootu ale třeba ve složce /blog. Potom se chybně vygeneruje

  472. Borek 7. 9. 2005 / 18.33

    Sorry, spolklo to HTML tagy. Pokračování:

    … img src=”/wp-content/atd.” místo src=”/blog/wp-content/atd.”

    Jinak dobrá práce, díky.

  473. malyfred 7. 9. 2005 / 19.26

    Borek> koukam, ze v ceske verzi jsem opomnel to co je v anglicke verzi zdurazneno… viz komentar cislo 330.

  474. View from the bench » Blog Archive » New Plugin 8. 9. 2005 / 2.53

    […] Just downloaded, installed and configured a new plugin for WordPress. It’s called SH-Autolink. It basically takes pre-configured key words (like WordPress) and makes the key word into a link to a web site. I used to use a program called phpGiggle (written by a co-worker, actually) but it didn’t get some of the words and was harder to configure to get it to work. It was also what is called a WordPress hack whereas SH-Autolink is a WordPress plugin. This is a great addition to the plugins I currently use. The plugins I currently use are: Auto-Close Comments, Blogroll Update, Category Image(s), Countdown, Content Show/Hide, Gravatar, Iimage Browser, Random Quote of the Day, Easy Post-To-Post Links, Recent Comments, Recent Posts, SH-Autolink, Spam Karma 2, Spam Karma 2 Stats, and WP Contact Form. I also use the WP Admin plugins SpotMilk (what I am currently using), SpotPress, and Tiger Style Administration. […]

  475. Public Holiday? Paul Ooi 8. 9. 2005 / 5.20

    […] WordPress Image Browser 星 is asking me what image browser am I using for WordPress. Here is the list of wordpress plugin, a lot of plugin you can play with. I am using Iimage browser for my wordpress, simple and straight forward for the installation, upload the files and configure the setting. Well 星, I think you are better than me on configuration right? […]

  476. Borek 8. 9. 2005 / 14.12

    malyfred> Nastavení je v pořádku. V kódu jsem musel provést nahrazení abspath za ’http://mojedomena/blog’ a už to funguje. Jinak se ale v kódu WP vůbec nevyznám, takže ani nevím, co proměnná abspath obsahuje.

  477. Vidablog » Blog Archive » Probando WordPress 1.6 8. 9. 2005 / 21.55

    […] El editor que trae por defecto me parece de ayuda, aunque talvez va a ser un dolor de cabeza para todos los que desarrollaron plugins y que añadían Quicktags para agilizar el uso, por ejemplo el IImage-Browser para insertar imágenes, habrá que ver info de la API de WordPress para saber como modificar y agregar botones a la barrita, que entre otras cosas puedo comentar. […]

  478. » Probando WordPress 1.6 8. 9. 2005 / 22.17

    […] El editor que trae por defecto me parece de ayuda, aunque talvez va a ser un dolor de cabeza para todos los que desarrollaron plugins y que añadían Quicktags para agilizar el uso, por ejemplo el IImage-Browser para insertar imágenes, habrá que ver info de la API de WordPress para saber como modificar y agregar botones a la barrita, que entre otras cosas puedo comentar. […]

  479. IKTeroak :: Chenpress 3.0 plugina Worpresserako :: September :: 2005 11. 9. 2005 / 18.38

    […] WordPress-ek lehenetsita dituen “quicktags” direlakoekin erabili ahal daiteke: ezagutzen ditudan WordPresseko WYSIWYG editore gehienek tag horiek edizio eremutik ezabatzen dituzte (hauen artean beste plugin batzuenak agertzen dira, halanola, IImage Browser, Filepress…). Chenpress-ek editorearen botoiekin batera tag horiek mantentzen ditu aukera guztiak bere horretan mantentzen direlarik. […]

  480. WordPress-Eu » Chenpress 3.0 plugina Worpresserako 11. 9. 2005 / 18.47

    […] WordPress-ek lehenetsita dituen “quicktags” direlakoekin erabili ahal daiteke: ezagutzen ditudan WordPresseko WYSIWYG editore gehienek tag horiek edizio eremutik ezabatzen dituzte (hauen artean beste plugin batzuenak agertzen dira, halanola, IImage Browser, Filepress…). Chenpress-ek editorearen botoiekin batera tag horiek mantentzen ditu aukera guztiak bere horretan mantentzen direlarik. […]

  481. Подробно » Водяные знаки 13. 9. 2005 / 16.31

    […] Q. Супер! И как же этим пользоваться? A. Распакуйте архив в соответствующие каталоги. 1) для настройки PhotoZip & IImageBrowser воспользуйтесь соответствующими инструкциями от их авторов 2) В файле phpWaterMark вначале есть следующие переменные: $addWaterMark = “checked”; эта переменная по умолчанию разрешает добавления watermark ко всем загружаемым фотографиям. Если вы хотите, замените эту строчку на: $addWaterMark = “”; теперь по умолчанию все загружаемые при помощи плагинов фотографии не будут маркироваться вашей watermark. $addWaterMarkPos = “BR”; положение watermark на фотографии (изображении). Как его менять смотрим в описании phpWaterMark $addWaterMarkPath = “http://&#8221; . $_SERVER[’SERVER_NAME’] . “/wp-content/plugins/watermark.png”; место расположения файла с вашим watermark. Файл может быть png, jpg, gif. $addWaterMarkType = “IMAGE” тип накладываемого знака – изображение. Если вы зададите: $addWaterMarkType = “TEXT” то вместо изображения будет накладываться текстовая строка. В этом случае текст задаётся в переменной: $addWaterMarkPath = “CopyRight (c) by Vlad Sournine”; а в переменной $addWaterMarkColor = “#0000FF” цвет текста. Внимание! Автор уверен что всё будет работать, если текст на английском языке, но автор не даёт никаких гарантий, если вы хотите использовать русский, турецкий или хинди […]

  482. Подробно » Watermark on your photos 13. 9. 2005 / 16.42

    […] Q. Super! How I can use it? A. First of all unzip archive into appropriate directories. Then… 1) use authors’ manuals for setting PhotoZip & IImageBrowser 2) File contains some variables at the beginning (you upload it to /wp-admin: $addWaterMark = “checked”; this variable sets “Add Water Mark To all uploading photos by default” If you don’t like this, just replace the string with: $addWaterMark = “”; now all uploaded photos without adding watermark to them (or you must set “check” in corresponding menu, every time when you upload photo). $addWaterMarkPos = “BR”; sets watermark location on your photo. To change its position, see manual for phpWaterMark $addWaterMarkPath = “http://&#8221; . $_SERVER[’SERVER_NAME’] . “/wp-content/plugins/watermark.png”; path to your file with watermark. File extension shall be: png, jpg, gif. $addWaterMarkType = “IMAGE” you can choose type of watermark – image or text. If you set $addWaterMarkType = “TEXT” the text shall be put over instead of image. Text is set by variable $addWaterMarkPath (instead image path). For example: $addWaterMarkPath = “CopyRight (c) by Vlad Sournine”; and variable $addWaterMarkColor = “#0000FF” colour of your text. Note! Do not use if you add image. […]

  483. blau 13. 9. 2005 / 16.43

    Very nice plugin, you could stress that it also uploads files. Adopted on the blogs I maintain.

  484. mackrick 14. 9. 2005 / 21.39

    Had this working fine until I updated wordpress to the latest version 1.5.2
    Its now broken
    when clicking on the browser button in quicktags all I get is a 404 not found window,
    Yes I have checked the options and the URL and all are correct and exactly the same as before.
    The standard file upload in worpress works as does the organiser plugin.
    Has anyone any ideas please ??

  485. Roger Mudd 15. 9. 2005 / 8.45

    I had the 404 issue as well until I realized that I had uploaded iimage-browser.php into the root of my directory rather than /wp-admin/. Make sure that you’ve got your files in the correct location.

  486. kir 15. 9. 2005 / 9.48

    Thanks for the work. I too have WP 1.5.2 and seem to have problems. when loading iimagebrowser i don’t see the pictures, just links and their names. and no hidden menu’s.


  487. Paul Sanchez 15. 9. 2005 / 19.06

    I figured out how to use your image browser! It is awesome!!! If I can do it anybody can. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed.


  488. mackrick 15. 9. 2005 / 19.58

    Yep files are in the right place.
    wordpress is actually in the root of the server as it has always been. This configuration worked fine prior to the update to 1.5.2
    Have double checked file permissions of wp-admin and wp-content/plugins and all is ok.
    I can upload files ok using the wp built in tool. the organiser plugin works ok.
    So am now at a loss.

  489. mackrick 15. 9. 2005 / 21.45

    As an add on to the above post I have tried another image browser and that also fails with 404 not found
    Now I have problem here with either paths or permissions or both, but am blowed if I can find the answer.

  490. Chris 16. 9. 2005 / 14.37


    I installed your plugin (v 1.4.6) on WordPress 1.5.2. But everytime I try to start the iimage-browser when writing a post, a window pops up an says ”The requested URL /wordpress/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php was not found on this server.” Since the plugin lies in ”/wp-content/plugins” I am confused. Why does WordPress look for it in wp-admin?

  491. Chris 16. 9. 2005 / 14.40

    ok, solved the problem. But thanks for listening. X-D

  492. Chris 16. 9. 2005 / 14.55

    new one:
    There´s a problem when I use the plugin ”WYSI-Wordpress”. All the ” are written as ", the

  493. Chris 16. 9. 2005 / 14.58

    your blog doesn´t want my post, he? :)
    OK, again: All ” and

  494. Chris 16. 9. 2005 / 15.00

    new try.
    All " are written as ", as well as the other special characters. The ”add it to the post” button does not work.

  495. malyfred 16. 9. 2005 / 20.46

    chris> This plugin (and most of others) cannot work with WYSI-Wordpress until you modify it a lot:( I have such a modification prepared for one customer. I’ll ask him if I can release it for public.

  496. mackrick 16. 9. 2005 / 21.47

    chris how did you sort it out ?

  497. Andrea 17. 9. 2005 / 6.42

    Great tool Thanks,

    Your plugin works on one of my wordpress. But I just installed it on a different server and when I click on the Insert image button I get a blank popup? Any ideas?


  498. LinLin Rabbit Diary Blog » Blog Archive » WP Plugins 17. 9. 2005 / 9.30


  499. Chris 17. 9. 2005 / 13.59

    What do you mean by ”sort it out”? I had installed Wisy-Wordpress earlier on my system, later I saw the IImage Browser and installed it too. But the images I selected where not pasted in the written text, so I switched off all other plugins in order to see if it´s an incompatability or if the IImage doesn´t work. And after I turned the Wisy off, the Browser worked perfectly.^^

  500. mackrick 17. 9. 2005 / 14.02

    ok thanks
    still cant get it to work following update of wordpress
    will keep trying though

  501. Yo'av Moshe 17. 9. 2005 / 14.18

    I was wondering if you could add EXIF support to the next version, or at least an easy way to intgrate it with the EXIF plugin.

    Thanks alot!

  502. malyfred 17. 9. 2005 / 21.20

    kir> Probably comment #330

  503. malyfred 17. 9. 2005 / 21.24

    mackrick> Are you 100% sure that you have iimage-browser.php in your wp-admin directory? Because if it says that ”page not found” and the path ”your blog/wp-admin/iimage-broser.php” is correct…

  504. malyfred 17. 9. 2005 / 21.26

    Yo’av Moshe> One day… there will be finished the IIB successor and then:)

  505. Anja 18. 9. 2005 / 16.25

    I absolutely love this plugin, but I was wondering if it’s possible to make multiple thumbnails for each picture? I’d like to have one picture in the original image size, one thumb or picture in a layout-friendly size, and one small thumbnail for the archives.

  506. H 18. 9. 2005 / 20.41

    Ive tried using photozip and iimage browser together, and for some reason, iimage browser fails to open its window when the quicktag button is pressed when photozip is loaded, any help?

  507. ScottMotte. Org[antics] » Blog Archive » Image Plugin 19. 9. 2005 / 5.56

    […] Thanks to skriker for its image plugin. It works great. I can now easily upload and insert images into my new blog, powered by wordpress. […]

  508. malyfred 19. 9. 2005 / 10.09

    H> Comment #456

  509. lellie 19. 9. 2005 / 11.19

    boooo.. Installing image browser with wp-amazon causes image browser to stop working.. They both insert buttons into the write post icon but the button that opens image browser won’t work if amazon is activated. :( I want to use both!

  510. malyfred 19. 9. 2005 / 12.56

    lellie> Comment #456

  511. Alex 19. 9. 2005 / 17.01

    Looks, like nice image tools for do I add image size 750×100 to my wordpress header?

    Thanks, Alex

  512. malyfred 19. 9. 2005 / 20.11

    Alex> IIB cannot help you with that job. Try:

  513. Life is a Gamble » IImage Browser 20. 9. 2005 / 15.40


  514. What Whattal s Doin’ Right Now at Whattal 21. 9. 2005 / 11.51

    […] – plugins currently installed and running: Bunny’s Technorati Tags FancyTooltips IImage Browser 1.4.6 (a MUST) JÄÅ Preview Plugin Sidney’s Google Sitemap Generator (a MUST) WordPress Database Backup (a MUST) […]

  515. Trae 21. 9. 2005 / 17.27

    I’ve thought of a great idea to add to the iimage browser. A dropdown box with custom additions to the img tag. i.e. you can place your style’s special image classes in it so if you wanted it to float left, right, or centered, you just select it from the dropdown menu.

    This is better than the custom options because you can use this with any of the previous radio options.

    I hope I explained this well enough, let me know if this is do-able. I’d do it myself if I was better at PHP.

  516. malyfred 21. 9. 2005 / 18.36

    Trae> Damn good idea!

  517. Gotta get a life… » Finally! 22. 9. 2005 / 23.19

    […] And why do we have a photo of my dog? Hmm, it’s simple I’m testing a Word Press plug-in which inserts images into my posts and YAY, it works! The name of the plugin is “image browser”. […]

  518. manu 23. 9. 2005 / 16.52

    Thanks for your plugin.

  519. martin 24. 9. 2005 / 8.37

    I have the iimage-browser plug-in v1.46, working with no problem.
    Like the intouch plug-in,
    it also has a Quicktags ”button”.

    When I activate the intouch plug, it works well
    BUT it conflicts with iimage-browser, whose button become a text field with image-browser.
    Any solution ?

  520. malyfred 24. 9. 2005 / 10.38

    martin> Comment #456

  521. athanazio » plugin de fotos para wordpress 25. 9. 2005 / 7.00

    […] aeee, achei um plugin muito show para adicionar fotos no wordpress, facim facim de usar e mais ainda de instalar:   […]

  522. 25. 9. 2005 / 13.10

    WordPress image upload plugin

    I was looking for a plugin to make it easy to upload images to this site. I want to do everything within the WordPress admin dashboard; but to upload images, I was having to pop out of WordPress and into ftp, upload the image, then go back into WordP…

  523. » Blog Archive » WordPress image upload plugin browser 25. 9. 2005 / 13.33

    […] It’s Skriker’s iimage-browser. The plugin adds yet another button to my Quicktags area, but it’s worth it. Just click on the “IImage Browser” button, and a window opens. Click Upload, and a browser window opens to allow you to select the image you want to upload. Decide if you want a thumbnail generated and specify the size, then click “Upload”. The image appears. Right click on the image, and select ‘copy image location’ from the menu. Now close the window. […]

  524. lynn 28. 9. 2005 / 15.08

    is it possible to make the image to open in a new window when i click on the thumbnail?I want a new window to pop open instead of the image opening in the current window.

  525. malyfred 28. 9. 2005 / 15.50

    lynn> Comment #352

  526. Krio 30. 9. 2005 / 2.34

    This is a great plug-in. It installed exactly as you said it would. Thank you very much.

  527. wonny 30. 9. 2005 / 11.37

    I am using WP 1.5.2 and downloaded the latest version of iimage browser.
    It installed fine and I see the iimage browser button. When I click, I can upload images. But after the image has been uploaded, i see the list but it is not hilighted. Which prevents me from selecting it.
    What do you think I did wrong?

  528. mariana 1. 10. 2005 / 10.43

    GREAT PLUG IN, I don´t know anything about code writting and I could use it perfectly well

    thank a lot!

  529. Hapax 1. 10. 2005 / 20.09

    Help ! On a new host, I have reinstalled IImage Browser and I have this :

    ”Warning: move_uploaded_file(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 14428 is not allowed to access /home/eq32002/html/documents/affinites owned by uid 99 in /home/eq32002/html/interface/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 856

    Warning: copy(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 14428 is not allowed to access /home/eq32002/html/documents/affinites owned by uid 99 in /home/eq32002/html/interface/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 859

    Warning: copy(/home/eq32002/html/documents/affinites/affinites_abu.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/eq32002/html/interface/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 859
    Impossible d’uploader votre fichier vers /home/eq32002/html/documents/affinites/affinites_abu.jpg.”

    What can I do ??? Change host would be a terrible solution (so much work!)

  530. malyfred 1. 10. 2005 / 22.26

    wonny> Which list is not highlighted?

  531. malyfred 1. 10. 2005 / 22.33

    Hapax> Ask your administrator which PHP function you are allowed to use instead of ’move_uploaded_file’ and ’copy’ and we can then change the script as you need.

  532. Hapax 1. 10. 2005 / 22.54

    Ouf ! The only know there is a solution is like the light at the and of ”La Guerre des Mondes” ! Thankx for hope !

    They use the version 4.3.8 of PHP and I found this about my website : … but it is the Week End here so I won’t have an answer from administrator before 2 days.

  533. Blogging according to Ajay » - First Impressions 2. 10. 2005 / 17.47

    […] The image uploading has been integrated into the write page unlike 1.5, but I would really like it if they would include the IImage Browser Plugin. […]

  534. sfong15 2. 10. 2005 / 18.08

    Have just tried this, my site’s running WP1.5.2 as you can see, however image doesn’t show up in the iimage-browser subwindows? It’s kind of flashes open the image then disappeared showing just the file name. I repeated uploading and got error message telling me that file exists therefore confirming that file is actually there but image can’t be shown for some reasons?

  535. WP Playground » Testing IImage-browser 2. 10. 2005 / 18.13

    […] Well, something to learn about this, have since written to Skrikerfor help.   […]

  536. malyfred 2. 10. 2005 / 20.38

    sfong15> Could you try to open it in some other browser? (maybe some strange javascript restrictions in your current browser)

    And have you checked if it is not a conflict with some other plugin? (wysiwig etc.)

  537. colbert 3. 10. 2005 / 15.31

    this plugin is cool. i use it at thegadgetblog

  538. skizo 3. 10. 2005 / 17.36

    great plugin. congratulations.

  539. BuddaBlog » Inserire immagini nel Blog 4. 10. 2005 / 13.39

    […] Per inserire le immagini nel mio blog ho utilizzato un plugin che si chiama IImage Browser che trovate qui. Dovete scaricare l’ultima versione la 1.4.6 che è la più recente. L’installazione è semplice. Basta insrire il file iimage-browser.php nella vostra cartella wp-admin ed il file iimage-browser-plugin.php nella cartella dei plugin. A questo punto, come al solito, possiamo attivare il plugin da wordpress. L’unica cosa da tener presente è che va indicato al plugin quale è la cartella sul sito nella quale terremo le nostre immagini. Dobbiamo quindi andare su Opzioni – Varie ed indicare la directory di destinazione e l’ URL di questa directory. Io ho creato una nuova directory in wp-content dal nome immagini, quindi ho indicato “miosito”/wp-content/immagini come directory e http://www.miosito/wp-content/immagini come url. L’utilizzo è molto semplice infatti adesso quando scriveremo un nuovo articolo troveremo tra gli altri tags anche IImage Browser a destra. Quindi se vogliamo inserire una foto dobbiamo posizionarci nel punto dell’articolo in cui vogliamo che appaia e cliccare su IImage Browser. Si aprirà una finestra popup dalla quale sarà anche possibile fare l’upload dell immagini. Basta selezionare l’immagini che vogliamo inserire poicliccare su “get the code” e successivamente su “add it to the post” ed il gioco è fatto. Io ho trovato questo plugin veramente utile considerato che, tra l’altro puo anche creare delle thumbnail.   […]

  540. brian 4. 10. 2005 / 21.58

    great plugin. works perfectly, with no hassle.

    thanks alot

  541. Ragna 5. 10. 2005 / 17.47

    Ich, als Newbie, hatte mit dem installen keine Probleme und möchte mich herzlich bedanken!

  542. wordpress plugs at P.C.P.A. Blog 5. 10. 2005 / 22.18

    […] IImage-browser – Плагин для загрузки/вставки изображений в посты. […]

  543. wordpress plugins at P.C.P.A. Blog 5. 10. 2005 / 23.31

    […] IImage-browser – Плагин для загрузки/вставки изображений в посты. […]

  544. ara pehlivanian » Blog Archive » Moving in: the anatomy of a WordPress design (Part 1) 6. 10. 2005 / 6.00

    […] So here’s what I’ve done so far: I’ve routed my feeds through Feedburner, I’ve claimed the blog on Technorati, I’ve added Talkr podcasting to the posts (see post footers), I’ve gotten rid of the “www” prefix from my address (thanks for the heads up Mathias), I’ve installed a few WordPress plugins that’ll make my life easier such as: IImage Browser, the Huddled Masses Acronym Replacer and the Coldforged Spelling Checker and I’ve imported a few of my posts from passable and the simple web. […]

  545. Gerard 7. 10. 2005 / 8.34

    I have tried all the steps you described but cannot get it working the popup keeps poping up in the saem window can you please answer the questions below to help a lost newbie.
    1 what are the exact changes that need to made in the iimage browser.php to make the picture popup in a new window

  546. malyfred 7. 10. 2005 / 14.29

    Gerard> Comment #352

  547. llbbl » Wordpress Photoblogging 10. 10. 2005 / 16.10

    […] Futurefeeder sent me the link to the plugin he was using. IImage Browser looks like it has the features that Image2Post is lacking. The ability to upload images, and select images that are on your site is great! […]

  548. » Added Image manager/uploader plugin for wordpress 11. 10. 2005 / 16.24

    […] I added an image utility plugin for WordPress. It’s called IImage Browser, and can be obtained at skriker’s blog. This thing works great. There is only 2 files to upload. I was up and running with it in a matter of minutes. […]

  549. Styles 13. 10. 2005 / 6.32

    I too am having a problem with images that are perhaps too large. The plugin makes thumbnails from small images, but if they exceed a certain size then it won’t make them. I don’t think it’s timing out, and the original image uploads ok…

    Does anyone know why I can’t get thumbnails for large images?

  550. pureCaffeine » Blog Archive » iPod Nano Protection 13. 10. 2005 / 10.54

    […] Oh and thanks to Martin Chlupac for IImage Browser, which I just installed and am using for the first time for this post! […]

  551. malyfred 13. 10. 2005 / 15.57

    Styles> there is also a memory limit in PHP for each script. You should check web server’s log for errors to find out what’s wrong.

  552. But Mom… » AWESOME Plug In for IMages 14. 10. 2005 / 0.24

    […] IImage Browser […]

  553. Dustin Schuhmacher » Blog Archive » Images in my posts. 14. 10. 2005 / 5.20

    […] Tonight I was jamming to the Black Eyed Peas and installed iimage-browser so I could post images in my blog posts. Thanks goes to the wonderful world of the Internet. […]

  554. Skate fate! » Blog Archive » IImage Browser | skriker 14. 10. 2005 / 11.29

    […] IImage Browser | skriker […]

  555. Eiriks blog » Blog Archive » Foto og kode 14. 10. 2005 / 14.49

    […] Scriptet heter iimage-gallery (gud å originalt), og samarbeider sånn passe gode med søsterscriptet (som jeg også bruker) som heter iimage-browser. Det er ganske kule ting disse scriptene kan gjøre, men det koster litt innsats for å få dem opp å kjøre. Se bare de 371 kommentarene iimage-gallery har fått, som stort sett omhandler trouble-shooting. […]

  556. Jana 14. 10. 2005 / 22.05

    What a wonderful plug-in. I had it up and running in short order. Thank you very much

  557. Faery Mouse Graphics » Wallpapers ReAdded 14. 10. 2005 / 23.54

    […] w00t! I finally got all of the wallpapers added back for you. What a taunting job that was lol. But, thanks to Felicia sharing a great link to a pretty cool plugin, I was able to get them added a lot quicker. Otherwise you might have been waiting a few more days […]

  558. WebFarmer » Blog Archive » Bye-bye bBlog 15. 10. 2005 / 20.12

    […] Skriker’s iimage-browser plugin page […]

  559. Jesse 15. 10. 2005 / 22.42

    Great tool! Works well for me!

  560. Eric 18. 10. 2005 / 2.10

    Love this plugin! Installed great however when I click the IImage Browser button on my srite page the window that comes up shows my image file names but no image!?!? Help!

  561. Dean Shareski 18. 10. 2005 / 7.44

    Same problem as Eric. I installed this on one site with succes, and yet on this install it shows the name but no image. If I click the name the message ” could not be found”. I’m sure this is an easy fix I just can’t figure it out.

  562. malyfred 18. 10. 2005 / 11.21

    Eric&Dean Shareski> What about ”Installation” section in the post? 2nd step particularly.

    Check TWICE if “URI of this directory” of “Allow File Uploads” in “administration> options> miscellaneous” is FULL address like: http://domain/blblabla

  563. Lisha Bai’s Gallery » Placing Image in a Journal entry 18. 10. 2005 / 16.09

    […] IImage browser plugin is installed. Info on this plugin can be found at Instruction of adding an image can be found at […]

  564. Dean Shareski 19. 10. 2005 / 6.59


    Solved my problem which as expected was my error. have have a particularly long URl I’m dealing with IN the “administration> options> miscellaneous” I had and didn’t notice this error until after I posted.

    Great plugin thanks. Perhaps others have a similar issue and this may help.

  565. Gerard 23. 10. 2005 / 17.00


    Can you please tell me how to make the iimage browser (latest version) make to wrap the tekst around the images in a post.
    I know there has been some fixes already but i do not understand them i am a complete newbie in wordpress i hope you can help me because i love the iimagebrowser plug in.

  566. malyfred 23. 10. 2005 / 19.42

    Gerard> Edit $ib_custom_code_thumb or $ib_custom_code_full in iimage-browser.php like this:

    $ib_custom_code_full = '<img src="%src" title="%title" alt="%title" width="%width" height="%height" style="float: left;" />';

  567. Gerard 24. 10. 2005 / 19.30

    Thanks very much
    It Works however when i insert the ”more” tag it before the text reaches the bottom of the picture it floats the next message also left of the picture

  568. Incognitosis » Blog Archive » Trasteando con WordPress 24. 10. 2005 / 20.19

    […] Además, es un sistema en constante evolución como demuestra el lanzamiento de las versiones previas de la versión 1.6 que mejorará muchos de los apartados que ahora flojean en WordPress. Fernando ya lo ha comentado en su blog y además pone a disposición de cualquier internauta un pequeño blog experimental en el que está instalada dicha versión con usuario y contraseña públicos para juguetear con ello. Yo no he durado más de cinco minutos porque como siempre, tengo mil cositas más que hacer, pero tiene muy buena pinta. Sin embargo, algunas de esas ventajas ya se podían alcanzar (al menos en parte) con los plugins adecuados. Precisamente investigando para mi tema me he encontrado con una refrito de Image Browser denominada IImage Browser que como apunta uno de sus fans, es como el anterior, pero dopado . Para empezar, podremos clasificar las imágenes en distintos subdirectorios, y el botón para añadir nuevas imágenes aparece al lado del resto de botones de estilo, y no en la parte superior derecha, como en el caso anterior. Para mí esto era esencial, ya que ahora puedo por fin utilizar uno de los plugins más impresionantes a la hora de usar WordPress: Tiger Admin. Mediante este pequeño programita la interfaz de control de WordPress cambiará radicalmente, y obtendremos una interfaz mucho más clara y atractiva. Y eso ayuda a trabajar, creedme. Evidentemente, son sólo dos pequeños apuntes, pero a mí me han alegrado el post . […]

  569. malyfred 24. 10. 2005 / 23.03

    Gerard> All these mysteries of CSS:)) You have to add clear: both; to the tag that contains ”next link” in the style.css

  570. moviesinfo 25. 10. 2005 / 19.10

    Thanks man,
    Great plugin

  571. moviesinfo 26. 10. 2005 / 12.53

    I installed its working fine, after this i also installed intouch. Now the Iimage browser is not working, if i deactivate intouch then its working fine. i thought this may be helpful

  572. malyfred 26. 10. 2005 / 19.45

    moviesinfo> Comment #456

  573. Willuknight 28. 10. 2005 / 0.16

    thank you soooo much for this, best plugin ever…

    btw, could you tell me what user level someone needs to be to upload images / create thumbnails ?

  574. malyfred 28. 10. 2005 / 0.49

    Willuknight> IIB uses ”Minimum level to upload” as is defined in WP administration. You can also specify your own levels for quite everything in iimage-browser.php

  575. dark rainbow » Blog Archive » Nights of work… 28. 10. 2005 / 5.12

    […] So, if you’re looking to add a gallery to your blog; I can’t help you. Well let me say I can suggest things for you to try at least. For my gallery, I put all the HTML tags in manually and chaged the stylesheet to space ‘em out nicely. To help me with the images, I used a plug-in called iimage-browser. Yes, those two ‘i’s are on purpose. It’s great for organising any images uploaded to your site into directories. Contrary to the user comments, it DOES create thumbnails for you when you upload. Although it wasn’t really made for creating galleries and wouldn’t be great for hundreds of photos, it is good for inserting pictures on posts and pages sparadically or in small groups. […]

  576. » Image Browser Wordpress Plugin Example 28. 10. 2005 / 5.58

    […] This post was done with an image browser wordpress plugin you can get from Shriker’s site. […]

  577. Xeph’s Blog » Plugin - IImage Browser 29. 10. 2005 / 13.30

    […] 제작자 홈페이지 : […]

  578. Geekboy 31. 10. 2005 / 6.05

    Great plugin. but I have a question. The insert into post button does not work on my Mac-ibook. I tried in both firefox, and safari. any ideas?

    Uploading and viewing works well its just adding the image to the post that is not working.

  579. malyfred 31. 10. 2005 / 15.38

    Geekboy> Try it again in Firefox and check what says JavaScript console about it.

  580. Geekboy 31. 10. 2005 / 16.42

    Malyfred. I tried you suggestion from both My Pc and Mac and the issue is the same. I tried this in IE, Safari, and Firefox. I dont think is an browser issue from what I can tell.

    1. I can upload images
    2. I can create thumbnails
    3. When I try to insert the image into the post nothing happens

    I did not see any errors or anything to show what happened. I click the button and no code is entered in my post, is there something I’m missong. Could it be a permissions thing? Did I miss a step. I like it alot and would like to get it working. I’ll keep poking around, but any help would be appreciated.


  581. malyfred 31. 10. 2005 / 17.34

    Geekboy> Ok, once again – you have a JavaScript console in ”Tools” in your Firefox. Open it! Then open IIB and try to insert the code to the post. You should see some error messages or something.

    Don’t you use some wysiwyg editor or some other enhancement of your post editor?

  582. 밑도 끝도 없는 이야기 » Blog Archive » WordPress 업글 진척상황 1. 11. 2005 / 9.30

    […] 이미지 관리 모듈 선택, 설치: 이것저것 알아보다가 iimage-browser라는 것을 찾았다. 내가 필요한 디렉토리 생성, 디렉토리 선택해서 이미지 올리기, 코드생성하기 등등이 잘 지원된다. 약간 인코딩이 어긋나서 좀 깨지는 부분은 있지만 전체적으로 만족할만한 모듈이다. […]

  583. Eugê 1. 11. 2005 / 17.31

    Thank you very much for this awesome plugin!
    It’s really good and easy to use. :-)


  584. Peter Erbák 2. 11. 2005 / 16.24

    díky – moc šikovná věcička.

  585. Archivist | skriker 2. 11. 2005 / 21.24

    […] IImage Browser […]

  586. icooltools 2. 11. 2005 / 23.47

    This image browser plugin for wordpress is awesome. I installed it a few weeks ago without problems. And it’s working perfectly.
    My wordpress blog is supercharged now. Thanks for a great plugin.

  587. IImage Gallery | skriker 3. 11. 2005 / 0.13

    […] IImage Browser […]

  588. Beginner Millionaire » The WordPress Plug-In List for Niche Bloggers 3. 11. 2005 / 8.29

    […] IImage Browser – Upload, delete, sort images, and insert them, code and all, into your posts. Much easier to work with than WordPress’ file upload then insert image functions. […]

  589. blogvp » Best Image Plugin For Wordpress 3. 11. 2005 / 20.53

    […] There are many different plug-ins for managing images with your WordPress blog, and I’ve testing most of them. Most of the plug-ins specialize in doing one thing or another, but I came across Iimage-Browser and I like it the best. […]

  590. Brian Bonner 4. 11. 2005 / 0.19

    It does not show the root directory with the images folder. It just shows:

    IImage Browser homesite
    [root] />cache | enhanced-views | plugins | themes |


  591. malyfred 4. 11. 2005 / 2.39

    Brian Bonner> Root directory for IIB is your default upload directory. And that’s exactly what you see. You can change your default upload directory in “administration> options> miscellaneous”

  592. Jordan 4. 11. 2005 / 8.13

    When I click the IImage Browser button, I get the file name and description but no images showing (Firefox) or red x’s (MIE). I do have the full address in the ”URI directory” ( I am very new to this, so maybe I’m doing something wrong?

    Thank you.

  593. » IImageBrowser Test 4. 11. 2005 / 11.21

    […] Mit dem Plugin IImagebrowser soll das Einbinden von Bildern in Posts vereinfacht werden. […]

  594. malyfred 4. 11. 2005 / 12.52

    Jordan> is probably the correct version.

  595. GIRLFILTH [dot] COM // 4. 11. 2005 / 15.08

    […] Right now I just downloaded a plugin in which you can automatically create thumbnails of images along with other customizations. I am delving into this plugin realm in hopes that I stop creating so many damned layouts a week. If interested in this particular one it’s located here […]

  596. Jordan 4. 11. 2005 / 18.05

    malyfred> Thanks, but that didn’t do it. The way I had it, at least iimage browser got me in the right folder. Without ”httpdocs” I just get an error message.

    Thanks for trying.

  597. malyfred 5. 11. 2005 / 14.34

    Jordan> Well, I’m quite sure that there should not be ’httpdocs’ in the path. What is your: ’Destination directory’?

  598. Jordan 5. 11. 2005 / 16.35

    ”Destination directory” is the folder in which WordPress lives, right? That would be ”httpdocs”.

  599. malyfred 5. 11. 2005 / 18.18

    Jordan> no, ’Destination directory’ is in “administration> options> Miscellaneous” and it must correspond to the ’URI of this directory’.

    I did some research on your web and I am quite quite sure that ’URI of this directory’ is in your case

    and ’Destination directory’ should look like – ’some path/httpdocs/wp-gallery’

    try it.

  600. Jordan 6. 11. 2005 / 1.12

    That did the trick! Thanks a whole lot!

  601. Jessica 7. 11. 2005 / 5.23

    Thanks, I use your plugin on my site. In your new version, could you consider being able to upload multiple files at once (highlighting files and clicking CTRL or SHIFT)? Also, I wish IImage Browser ”remembered” the size of the thumbnails. I prefer my thumbs to be 400 pixels, and I have to change it everytime I upload a picture.

  602. Geekboy 7. 11. 2005 / 16.04

    Malyfred, I was out of commision for a few days. I found the console and here is what I get:Error: window.opener.tinyMCE has no properties. I use the default WP editor.

  603. malyfred 7. 11. 2005 / 16.36

    Jessica> Multiple files upload… well maybe one day…:)

    You have an option in iimage-browser.php:


    where you can specify your prefered thumbnail size.

  604. malyfred 7. 11. 2005 / 17.04

    Geekboy> You don’t use default WP editor. You use TinyMCE wysiwyg editor which is not compatible with current version of IIB (and thousands of other plugins).

    Download this file: iimage-browser.php_

    Rename the file to iimage-browser.php and copy it over old version in wp-admin.

    Let me know if it works.

  605. Bumpkinisims » Credits 8. 11. 2005 / 20.48

    […] Plugins: A list of the plugins I use will be posted here. myMooMus version 1.23 Gravatar Iimage Browser Impostercide Now Reading JÄÅ Preview AJAX Shoutbox WP-Amazon Word Press Contact Form WP Data Base Backup WP Grins […]

  606. IImage Panorama | skriker 9. 11. 2005 / 1.46

    […] This is my third plugin for the WordPress and I hope you will like IImage Panorama as much as IImage Browser and IImage Gallery which are used by thousands and thousands of WordPress fans. […]

  607. MHC-in-the-box » Camino 1.0b1 available now 9. 11. 2005 / 18.51

    […] It’s nice! Very nice! Cool features like eliminating webpage ads, warning before closing a multiple tabbed window (god knows how many times this happens to me in Safari ), etc. A much nicer interface than Firefox. The only problem I have had so far is that whenever I go in the WordPress Admin area to Create a new post, it hangs. I have a strong suspicion that there is an incompatibility with the Iimage Browser, Comment Quicktags and the WP Grins WordPress plug-ins I use. Or maybe even the inner WordPress Quicktags. […]

  608. » Blog Archive » Three Boxen 10. 11. 2005 / 19.34

    […] You’re probably wondering about the sudden rash of photos that have appeared on my blog. I’ve just installed IImage-browser. […]

  609. The Blarg » Blog Archive » Boo’s Cute New Haircut 13. 11. 2005 / 3.25

    […] I’m also trying out a new wordpress plugin to post the images called IImage Browser. Creates thumbnails and uploads everything. I’m using that in combination with ChenPress. There is one small problem that can be fixed easily. IImage Browser creates a button in the quicktags, but ChenPress removes quicktags. Simply go into the ChenPress plugin and remove the whole section about "nuke quicktags." […]

  610. Leguims 13. 11. 2005 / 20.07

    Hi !
    This plugin is really good. For my own use, I changed little things on it. I can send you the changes I coded, but I need destination mail.

    The changes are the followings:
    – Could resize the ”full size” picture (or not) on the ”upload menu”. Better to upload easily picture from your digital camera. By default it is 640px/800px/1024px largest length, but you could edit this in the the beginning of the file ”iimage-browser.php”.
    – Could choose the size of the thumb. Custom was already here, but I add 100px/250px/400px. I don’t want to write the size at each thumb. Can edit these sizes on the file ”iimage-browser.php”.
    – Create a link to the ”max file size advisory”. Simpliest way to change it.

    Was not easy to change this, but I’m happy now it works. :)

  611. Minkoo Seo 15. 11. 2005 / 19.16

    Thank you for the nice plugin! I’m impressed.

  612. Pierre 16. 11. 2005 / 12.49

    I’ve installed v. 1.4.6 and it doesn’t seem to work 100% on my site. When I click on an image, I only get the following list under ”How to include”:
    Include as image
    Link to file
    Custom code – full size

    Next to the ”delete” button, I also only see the ”full size” checkbox, not the ”thumbnail” one.

    What does this path at the top of the page mean, BTW?

  613. Pierre 16. 11. 2005 / 13.10

    OK, looks like [root]>plugins|themes|thumb-cache is just a way to tell me I’m in the root upload directory (wp-content, by default), and it lists all subdirectories.

    I have another problem, though: when I try to upload a picture, the iimage window brings me back to the dashboard and the file is not uploaded.

    My file upload parameters are set to:
    – Destination directory:
    (no idea what this means)

    – URI of this directory:

    I have no problems uploading the picture via the usual upload method (and generating the thumbnail).

    As mentioned in post 608, iimage displays the pics in my upload directory but doesn’t provide all the choices under ”How to include” (Thumb with link to full size, etc.).

  614. Jens Kristian M. Rimau 16. 11. 2005 / 20.30


    The iimage-browser is cool, but I’ve got a problem. It doesn’t seem to work when I try creating a thumb of a large pic. It creates thumbs up till the image reaches the length of 1886 px. (1886 x 1413 px, the standard digi-cam ratio). I’ve tried bending my mind around the php-file, but I can’t figure it out. I see a bunch of ”max_length” thingies in there, but no px-number to alter. What to do, what to do?

  615. malyfred 16. 11. 2005 / 21.09

    Jens> That’s not the problem of IIB but your webhosting settings when the script gets out of the memory limit. Ask your administrator about that.

  616. Jens Kristian M. Rimau 16. 11. 2005 / 22.15

    thanks, I’ll try that!

  617. Jens Kristian M. Rimau 16. 11. 2005 / 23.49

    At second thought, I don’t think thats it…or maybe, but see; I’ve tried with a low quality pic, like, the same size as the importet digital camera pic (2272 x 1704 px), but convertet to a low quality 130kb jpg file (still keeping the same frame size at 2272 x 1704 px). That doesn’t work either…When I think about it, iimage may be doing things in these steps:

    1) looks at the pic (2272 x 1704 px, 130kb)
    2) converts it to the correct framesize/filesize ratio (about 1600kb)
    3) converts the temp image created in step 2 to a thumb, which beacuse of the filesize doesn’t work.

    Could this be the case?

  618. malyfred 17. 11. 2005 / 1.04

    Jens> Let me explain you some ”mysteries” of computer image processing.

    Every program that works with images has to create pure pixel representation of the image (imagine that as BMP) in the memory to be able to work with the picture. That means 32bits/4bytes per pixel.

    So even your 130kb jpeg file must be decompressed to this ”BMP” version that needs 2242x1704x4 = 15485952 bytes ~ 14.7MB. Usual limit for PHP scripts is about 8MB…

    Every program in the world that works with images needs this ”bmp” representation and IIB is not the exception. You cannot change anything about this:(

  619. Clint’s TiddlyWiki Thoughts » Nifty Wordpress Plugins 17. 11. 2005 / 1.56

    […] Just a bunch on WordPress plugin links so I can find these later. WP Database Backup Image Uploader for posts Stats Tracking Photo Press Image Browser Polite-ifier Author Highlight Google Analytics Plugin Tiger Admin Interface […]

  620. mocreations » Arkisto » Enäjärvi 17. 11. 2005 / 10.22

    […] Testailen tässä kuvabluginia nimeltään iimage-browser. Liitteenä tuollainen valokuva, mikä tuli tuolta läheiseltä järvelä otettua syksyllä. […]

  621. btek 17. 11. 2005 / 17.50


    Thanks for this plugin!!! and response all ours problems :)

    Recently I’m upgrade to WP 1.5.2, and upgrade iimage browser to 1.4.6 but now I have a problem, when I click the buttom and appear the popUp, in this window appear only this text:

    No input file specified.

    :( Do you know fix about this problem.

    Thnxs in advance

  622. Leguims 17. 11. 2005 / 22.10

    To Jens Kristian (613)
    My pictures are same size than yours (2272×1704) and my provider’s PHP works well. May be you can change your site host. My provider is ””.


  623. malyfred 17. 11. 2005 / 22.56

    btek> It’s the problem of your webhosting configuration – Google knows the answer.

  624. btek 17. 11. 2005 / 23.44

    hello malyfred!!! thanx for your response!

    I have 2 blogs in this webhosting, but when upgrade to WP 1.5.2 into one of this blogs, the iimage browse doesn’t work, but the other blog it’s works fine!

    Do you have any suggest?


  625. malyfred 18. 11. 2005 / 0.08

    btek> I really don’t know. I can just GUESS that it has something to do with .htaccess file where it redirects the query in some way that your webserver doesn’t like. Really – ask your admin and check the webserver log to find out what’s wrong.

  626. megat azim jamil .com | blog » Blog Archive » testing 18. 11. 2005 / 13.11

    […] What did I do? I installed the IImage Browser v1.4.6 plugin. […]

  627. MazAlien 19. 11. 2005 / 12.28

    Martin Since al long time I use IIB and I am very happy with it. Lateley I upgraded to v1.4.6. When clicking on the butten the browser appears but the content remeis blanc. Only after three or four times ctrl-F5 (refresh) the content appears. And guess my surprise: downgrading it to v1.4.5 the problem remains the same. What could cause this trouble ?
    Thanks Martin

  628. SR 19. 11. 2005 / 22.08

    Thanks for the woderful plug in i tried almost all other image plugins and was not satisfied. You can see it in action in my website

  629. Carlton Bale 19. 11. 2005 / 22.54

    Thought about changing the color of your comment and side bar text? It is absolutely unreadable! I had to copy and paste the page to another application just to read the comments. Please make the text color lighter so we can read it! Thanks!

  630. Carlton Bale 19. 11. 2005 / 23.04

    BTW, PLEASE update the instructions to state that the permissions of the wp-content directory must be set to 777 for file upload. Thanks for a great plugin!

  631. Carlton Bale 19. 11. 2005 / 23.19

    By the way, I had to delete the following line from from chenpress.php to keep it from hiding the quicktags button bar. It was line 41 in my version of ChenPress.

    document.getElementById(”quicktags”).style.display = ”none”;

  632. Carlton Bale 20. 11. 2005 / 0.09

    Sorry for the multiple posts.

    To get IIB to work with WP-TinyMCE, I had to delete the following line from from wp-tinymce.php to prevent it from hiding the quicktags button bar. It was line 303 in my version of WP-TinyMCE.

    #quicktags { display: none };

    Basically, this will work for any plug-in that hides the quicktags bar. Just open the php file for the plug-in, search for ”qucktags” and look for the line that sets display = none.

    IIB still will not work directly with the WYSIWYG plugins, you will have to leave the textentry area as the standard, text code entry, use IIB to upload / insert the code for the image, and then save and reopen the post using the WYSIWYG plug-in. This change is only for to keep plug-ins from hiding the quicktags bar, which will keep you from opening IIB due to no button being displayed.

  633. malyfred 20. 11. 2005 / 1.30

    Carlton Bale> At first – there are two ”lighter” themes offered in the sidebar:)

    Try comment #600 and let me know if it works properly with TinyMCE editor. Nobody has replied yet:(

  634. malyfred 20. 11. 2005 / 1.37

    MazAlien> ”Blank” means that even source of the page is empty or…?

  635. TheSophist 20. 11. 2005 / 5.55

    Just wanted to say Thank You for a fantastic plugin. I’ve linked to the site and I’m looking forward to using more images on my site.


  636. MazAlien 20. 11. 2005 / 12.08

    The popup window becomes gray, and when viewing the source, the code is there but as I said nothing is showing up untill I press three or four times ctrl-F5 (refresh). Greetings mazalien

  637. Carlton Bale’s Blog » Blog Archive » WordPress Plugins 20. 11. 2005 / 18.24

    […] IImage Browser – Allows image upload and inserting into posts.  I had to modify the premission on a directory to get this working. […]

  638. heather 20. 11. 2005 / 22.58

    how did you make your img.php? can someone post an example img.php?

    i’d like to use the $ib_custom_code_full (with link to img.php?image=…)

    but i’m getting a lot of errors, and no display of images.

    even just with a simple echo

    i saw comment #354 (malyfred recommended trying the custom patterns for the mage gallery)… i tried eliminating the WP headers, in case that was the trouble. i am getting nothing :(

  639. malyfred 21. 11. 2005 / 0.49

    heather> The first ”Template page” mentioned on IIG custom patterns is such an example.

    The result could be seen here

  640. MazAlien 21. 11. 2005 / 20.01

    Malyfred, I assumed by mistake your name was Martin, but as I said in comment 635 the popup window becomes gray and when vieuwing the source the code is there.. and only after a few times ctrl-f5 something is showing up.

    Greetings mazalien

  641. malyfred 21. 11. 2005 / 21.05

    MazAlien> My real name is Martin:) This ”gray windows issue” is strange. Could it be possible to provide me a temporary access to your web to test it? My e-mail is in the footer of this page.

  642. heather 22. 11. 2005 / 2.55

    ah, yes, i saw that and tried it. is that supposed to work with the plain iimage-browser? i saw your img.php, and that’s why i wondered what was inside it, heh.

    i tried the custom template, but i think i’m missing something… because the image browser does not send:

    so i assumed you have to ’uncomment’ the ib_custom_code_full in the iimage-browser.php and then change the echo to display the ’image variable sent in the URL…

    so i tried to create a very simple page with and ’$image’ echo, which of course does not work… it looks like WP is not letting me send any query strings?

    i can’t figure it out. sorry i’m so confused :/

  643. heather 22. 11. 2005 / 3.26

    just thought it might help to include some links. here’s some examples linking to an existing image:

    i uploaded the exact original version, but i got errors:

    so i fixed the double/single quotes to eliminate the errors, and the page is drawn properly, but it is not displaying:

    i also tried to make a version to display to me some info and also make a link:

    and it doesn’t matter if the URL is relative or absolute.

    is there something obviously wrong?

  644. heather 22. 11. 2005 / 19.24

    ah i was missing something important. the &_GET for the variable.. this isn’t included in the custom pattern example, but it works for me:

    $img = $_GET[’img’];

    echo ’<img src="’ . $img .’" /> <br />’;

    echo ’$img = ’ . $img;

  645. malyfred 23. 11. 2005 / 16.02

    heather> ahhh yes – register globals off…:) that’s usually second thing I try but I have forgotten about it this time.

  646. pixelEngine 24. 11. 2005 / 5.52

    I installed your plugin and it installed great, but whenI click to insert image I just see the following instead of image previews?

    [root] />
    Page: 1

    brayden1stDay_small.jpg (300 x 225 px, 14.98 kB)
    thumb-brayden1stDay_small.jpg (200 x 150 px, 5.08 kB)

    Page: 1

    Close window

    It looks like the images try to load but they disappear right away when the window pops up?

    Thanks for the great plugin, can’t wait to use it!

  647. malyfred 24. 11. 2005 / 12.09

    pixelEngine> Comment #47

  648. Shadows » Blog Archive » IImage Browser 24. 11. 2005 / 21.01

    […] Plugin Name: IImage Browser Plugin URI: Description: An Image Manager Version: 1.4.5 Author: Malyfred Author URI: Reviewed by: Jinsan […]

  649. heather 25. 11. 2005 / 20.38


    i’d like to attempt to make a ’Custom code’ radio button in IImage Browser to make an auto-cropped squared centered thumbnail (like in IImage Gallery)

    before i start to make a complete mess of things, can you give me any warnings/advice on how to incorporate the functions from IImage Gallery?

  650. malyfred 26. 11. 2005 / 1.59

    heather&ALL> IIB is incredibly messy inside so… good luck.

    If you are such an enthusiastic developer – don’t you want to help me with the developing of the IIB’s successor that I am working on now?

  651. Jan 26. 11. 2005 / 16.46

    This is a partial repost of a comment I accidently posted to the ”IImage Gallery” page ;)

    The following problem still persists for me:

    “Create for all images in this directory?” is not working for me. If I use that option it always results in a
    “Warning: imageantialias(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in
    imageantialias(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in
    /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/iimage-browser.php on line 357″

    The thumbnail gets created for the initial image, but it fails somewhere in the loop for the other images.

    I am stuck here. After having a detailed look at the code I still don’t know why the script should work for the first image but fail for the others.

    Any idea how to solve this?

    Lacking a good PHP debugger doesn’t help either. I can only guess what’s happening. Any suggestions here? I am on Darwin/BSD/Unix not Windows…

    Thanks for any suggestions and help :)

  652. malyfred 27. 11. 2005 / 3.20

    Jan> Ok, ok – I’ve fixed Martin Grund’s code for ”thumbnails for all images in directory”. Re-download the plugin again and let me know.

  653. Jan 28. 11. 2005 / 0.06

    Thank you very much for fixing this! It’s a great time saver :)

    I am still experiencing the line 357 error. I finally found out what’s causing it. There is a metadata file in the images’ folder. If I remove it the error is gone. If I put it back it’s there again. I’ll try and find out how to process images only instead of all files in the folder.

  654. Sebastien 28. 11. 2005 / 4.04

    This is a very cool and sleak piece of software. Thanks for it.

  655. heather 28. 11. 2005 / 16.23

    ah… i may be enthusiastic, but i am lacking skills. :( i could beta-test and debug if you need help.

  656. » Blog Archive » Essential plugins for WP 29. 11. 2005 / 23.24

    […] IImage Browser This plugin adds an “IImage Browser” button to the Quicktags area which opens an image browser to select from all previously uploaded images and add the appropriate code to the post. Yes, I have tested Exhibit and Photopress but I like IImage Browser because you have the possibility of setting thumbnail size in the GUI when uploading. […]

  657. Ang & Guims » WordPress opérationnel 30. 11. 2005 / 0.52

    […] IImage Browser : Ce plugin permet de gérer les images. Il est exclusivement utilisé par les auteurs de blog. Initialement, il permet le telechargement d’une image, la construction d’une image “apercu” et l’insertion du code HTML lors de l’edition d’un article. Il a été modifié plus largement pour : […]

  658. » I’ll Show you Mine if You Show me Yours (WP Plugins) The Blog Herald: more blog news more often 1. 12. 2005 / 13.32

    […] IImage Browser: a must have if you include pictures in your posts Related Posts: helping keep visitors every day Google SiteMaps: does this need an explanation? Subscribe To Comments: Scripty Godess is an angel and blessing from heaven […]

  659. raffaell 2. 12. 2005 / 4.12

    hello, i have an idea, it will be great if next image browser have this feature….

    its about

    capability of insert image from flickr
    inserting image from url (just the thumbnail on server )
    inserting image from image image host ( like imagshack and the others… )

    how bout that ? is anyone have developit already ?

  660. Word Press Plugins for ProBloggers: Blog Tips at ProBlogger 2. 12. 2005 / 5.23

    […] Google Sitemaps 9 Spam Karma 2 – Reloaded 5 Related Posts 3 WP-ContactForm 6 Email Notification Plugin StatTraq 2 Adsense Deluxe 5 Akismet 4 Ultimate Tag Warrier 3 Feedburner Feed Replacement 3 WP-Amazon 3 Auto hyperlink URLs 2 Page Navigation 2 Angsuman’s Feed Copyrighter 2 WordPress Database Backup 2 IImage Browser 2 Paged Comments 2 Viper’s Plugins Used 2 Popularity Contest 2 WP-Googlestats 2 Subscribe to Comments AJAX Spell Checker Recent Comments Audio Play Rate My Stuff ViewLevel2 evermore PHP Exec Most Wanted Autometa WP-Cron Quicktags WP Adsense No Duplicate Comments Polite-ifier CSS Compress Bookmark This Flickr Gallery Heavyweight Categories Live Comment Preview Relative Dates RunPHP Extract Terms Terms2tags Force Word Wrapping WP-cache WordPress From/Where WP Hardened Trackback WordPress Hashcash Adsense Logger Bad Behavior Cat 2 Tag CA Chitika Chitika eMiniMalls Code AutoEscape Paged Comment Editing Optimal Title Better Feed Click Counter IP 2 Nation Random Words Transpose e-mail Batch Categories Enhanced View PXS Mail Form SH-Autolink Search Meter Search Pages Search Reloaded Smart Update Pinger Taggerati x-Dashboard CG Powerpack PhotoPress Subscribe Me Secure Image Ak-Bookmark/ak-subscribe Blogs of the Day (couldn’t find URL) Get RSS (couldn’t find URL) […]

  661. obione » Blog Archive » [iimage-browse] 4. 12. 2005 / 10.37


  662. robin678 5. 12. 2005 / 4.23

  663. This Tangled Web » IImage Browser 5. 12. 2005 / 18.48

    […] 1. To Martin Chlupáč for creating the IImage Browser plugin. 2. To Darrin for posting a great useful blog on […]

  664. joe 5. 12. 2005 / 21.30

    hi thanks for plugin, but i had three problems with it. I just downloaded your plugin today – it wont resize the photo when I click resize. it said thumb path is not validated. I cannot delete the pictures (msg said photo cannot be deleted!

    Will appreciate your help, if possible.

  665. David 5. 12. 2005 / 21.30

    IImage Browser works great. I have just one problem. You have to set it up so it uses an absolute url instead of a relative url. If I were to move my blog to another location, all my images would have to have their html changed.

    For instance, now I get the code for an image and it gives me If I move to My image tag will no longer work.

    I tried using a relative url ”wp-content” but then IImage Browser can’t find the pictures. It thinks the image is at ”” instead of at ””

    Anyone have any ways around that?

  666. David 5. 12. 2005 / 21.39

    Reference my last comment. I tried changing my picture url to ”../wp-content”. IImage Browser can find the pictures then but it gives the wrong output for adding code to your post. The image tag code says the picture is one folder down from where it should be.

  667. malyfred 5. 12. 2005 / 22.13

    joe> probably problem with access permissions

  668. malyfred 5. 12. 2005 / 22.19

    David> In general I’d always recommed using absolut paths. You are safe then that images work everywhere. Relative paths are pain in the ass when you use fancy urls, RSS, etc.

    If you still insist on relative paths – change:

    $abs_path = get_settings('fileupload_url');

    in iimage-browser.php as you need.

  669. Raffaell 7. 12. 2005 / 11.48

    hi, hmmm, im wait for iimage browser for next version, do you have new feature plan for next version ?

    somekid like :
    – upload from url and auto thumbnail it
    – upload to image host, like flicker, imageshack ETC…

    maybe its good idea….

  670. Streetwise 9. 12. 2005 / 23.24

    Any way to wrap the text around the images? I tried Stuey’s post #177, but I’m apparently the instructions are cryptic and I’m not adept enough to understand.

    Also, I tried the $ib_custom_code hack that someone suggested, but that doesn’t do it either.

    I think post #177 is what I want, but I need more explicit ”Find this line, replace it with this” type of thing.


  671. Stahn 11. 12. 2005 / 0.22

    Is there a workaround for PHP Safe Mode restrictions? Any way to code this script to make it work with Safe Mode?

    Actually the only problem that I have is related to opendir(). This means, I have no problem uploading, creating or deleting images in the root dir, but I can’t move to my subdirectories.
    File uploads are enabled and everything worked fine until my host changed to Safe Mode (I can’t revert that situation).


    Warning: opendir(*): failed to open dir: Success in */iimage-browser.php on line 539

    Cannot open upload directory :-(
    Check Destination directory and URI of this directory in admin area > options > miscellaneous

    Thanks a lot.-

  672. malyfred 11. 12. 2005 / 15.48

    Stahn> I don’t know any workaround:(

  673. » Yahoo offers Movable Type : Blog Search Engine 12. 12. 2005 / 11.33

    […] My first blog ever used was at It was an eye-opening experience and I graduated to WordPress when I joined Duncan Riley’s Weblog Empire Blogging Network (BlogHerald fame) in opening up The Gadget Blog. After that, it was a constant challenge to go through the numerous wordpress plugins available from IImage Browser to WP-Cache . From that, I even made some foray into Movable Type that was used at Project Petaling Street (PPS) as I did some guest blogging over there. […]

  674. » Blog Archive » Mi primera imagen 13. 12. 2005 / 10.40

    […] El plugin es este: […]

  675. » Blog Archive » Mi primera imagen 13. 12. 2005 / 11.05

    […] El plugin es este: Iimage-browser […]

  676. RuidoDigital » Administra tus imágenes en Wordpress con Iimage Browser 14. 12. 2005 / 19.37

    […] Si, son dos “i”. Esto es definitivamente lo que estaba buscando desde que uso WordPress para algunos proyectos. […]

  677. Endurance » IImage Browser 15. 12. 2005 / 15.54

    […] Via Genbeta descubro IImage Browser, engadido de xestin imaxes para WP. […]

  678. Darrell Duffy 16. 12. 2005 / 0.40

    I’m liking the whole idea of your IImage Browser plug-in. But when I installed it, it didn’t work. I checked the Upload feature and all was well after a change to the ”Destination directory:” parameter. But the plug-in wouldn’t do anything. After scratching my head, reading all these comments and looking around a bit… Nothing. Then on a whim I disabled the other ”Post Upload and Paste – 0.1” plug-in by RUben Miranda, which I had used before… Whoa.!! They don’t work together… Now IImage Browser launches.

    Not sure why one would stop the other from working…
    But they do.

  679. jack mardack 18. 12. 2005 / 8.04

    Hey, thanks for this I’m gonna check it now. I noticed you seem to have a little problem:

    ”Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by…”

    Try this:

  680. petr 19. 12. 2005 / 15.05

    i am testing wp 2.0 now. it seems to me that uploading images with iimage browser is not working there – while importing image i will see message ”The admin disabled this function. You can enable it in WP administration > Options > Miscellaneous.”
    But in wp 2.0 rc2 there is nothing that you cuold set in this section.

  681. » Wordpress Plugin For Images: IImage Browser : blogvp 19. 12. 2005 / 19.45

    […] IImage Browser is one of the best image plugin for WordPress out there. […]

  682. petr 20. 12. 2005 / 10.35

    so i did some more research for the problem 676 and i found this:
    – ”The Upload page in the admin is gone. If your plugin altered or attached to that page, it won’t be any more.” See and here
    – Another interesting info is that wp20 will be released probably tomorrow or the day after see
    – in wp20 uploading of pictures works slightly similiar way as iimage browser. Images are stored in dirctory /wp-content/uploads/year/month/ and it is not possible to influence this.

    These are facts, now my rants:
    – i like iimage browser a lot, its one of the most usefull plugins around
    – i am storing pictures in directory that is outside of wp tree and i would be glad if in (hopefully) updated version of iimage browser it would be possible to set it somehow, so i could continue using it after update
    – is there maybe some hope for group upload?

    Happy Christmas to everyone who celebrate them.

  683. malyfred 20. 12. 2005 / 13.49

    petr:: Thank you for your research, you’ve saved my time! I’ll release new version of IIB as soon as I get chance to test it with WP2.0

    You can set the path used for uploading images in current version by changing:

    $abs_path = get_settings('fileupload_url');

    as you need. It must be full system path so something like:


  684. Random Threads » Blog Archive » wordpress plug-ins 21. 12. 2005 / 15.42

    […] At Last! I have gotten two WordPress plug-ins to work that should simply posting images. I tried out a variety of image plug-ins, but once I got it to work, Iimage Browser is exactly what I was looking for–quick way to upload image files, make thumbnails, add the HTML to the post showing the thumbnail with a link to the full size image. All in a few clicks. YES! It took a bit of persistance since I didn’t understand how to use it and had a directory name wrong at first. But, now, we are cooking! […]

  685. Rusty 21. 12. 2005 / 17.39

    I just wrote a description of how to add radio buttons to Iimage Browser so that you have the option to decide how to insert images into a post: left, right or centered. This technique may be used to add radio buttons to insert any code to the ”img src” created by Iimage browser. Very handy if you upload lots of pictures and add various customizations to them…

    You can read it at

  686. 엘 다 » wp 25. 12. 2005 / 16.29

    […] IImage Browser 로 이미지업로드시 글쓰기창에서 가능 […]

  687. Максимализм » Плагин для фоток! 25. 12. 2005 / 20.40

    […] Наконецто нашёл удобоваримый плагин для фоток. WP – очень гибкая и приятная штуковина, но порой приходится перебрать много плагинов чтобы найти подходящий. Тестировал много плагинов для картинок начиная с sticky image и заканчивая различными менее популярными плагинами. То тут то там глюки, недоработки, ошибки, неудобства. Наконец нашёл как мне кажется идеальный вариант – iimage browser. Да, именно iimage, а не image. Iimage Browser это доработка Image Browser в которой в отличии от предшественника есть возможность автоматической закачки изображений на сервер, создание тумб указанного размера, просмотр всех картинок на сервере и несколько приятных и полезных фич. Юзайте наздоровье – скачать свежую версию и прочитать о программе можно тут: […]

  688. Dan 26. 12. 2005 / 4.30

    I’ve seen this problem posted a few times, but nothing seems to correct it. When I try to create a thumbnail, I get ”Filetype not supported. Thumbnail not created.” The odd thing is, it worked on the first image I uploaded, after that it won’t work on any, no matter what the size. I trying setting the timeout to (0), I’ve checked the log and GD, no problems there. Running 1.4.6 on WP1.5.2. Any other ideas?

  689. » ! 26. 12. 2005 / 13.03

    […] ۣ . WP – , . sticky image . , , , . ۣ – iimage browser. , iimage, image. Iimage Browser Image Browser , , . – : […]

  690. Olexandr Prokhorenko’s white@log » Blog Archive » Images in WP, oh, really? 26. 12. 2005 / 14.31

    […] This is the example of how good could WP be with IImageBrowser plugin. Its functionality is very much alike Blogger, so I am almost happy. […]

  691. dave 27. 12. 2005 / 0.45

    Great plugin. I would like the img src uri’s to be absolute rather than relative. What do I change and where is it in the code? Thanks!


  692. Dan 27. 12. 2005 / 1.03

    Okay, so I went back and rechecked everything becasue I was going crazy….discovered that the web admin had removed my GD library. Nice. Everyting is back to normal. This plugin kicks ass! Suggestion for next version-add an option to the get code for a popup window.

  693. malyfred 27. 12. 2005 / 1.13

    dave:: The default URI’s should be absolute. Have your checked: ”Check TWICE…” part in installation instructions?

  694. » Blog Archive » 27. 12. 2005 / 3.46

    […] Ok, so I don’t like the paragraph breaks that I just discovered when you hit enter. I liked the line breaks. Some downers: the IImage Browser plugin appears not to work. Boo that. Having image upload features built into the post system is grand, but I like the ability that plugin gave me to look through what I already had on my server and re-use stuff. Also, just putting that link in above took way longer than if I just typed it out. I think this WYSIWYG stuff won’t last for me. […]

  695. dave 27. 12. 2005 / 3.49

    *hiding in shame*


  696. » lo nuevo de wordpress 2.0 27. 12. 2005 / 4.32

    […] subir imagenes: con iimage browser ya podía hacer esto […]

  697. Nils 27. 12. 2005 / 6.29

    Seems to work on WP 2.0.

  698. maTT cHEn {dot} info » Blog Archive » 本格‧關於 27. 12. 2005 / 8.05

    […] Plugins: IImage Browser:由Martin Chlupáč所開發的圖像管理外掛,這個外掛是方便我在發表文章的時候,可以直接上傳圖片並且將圖片插入文章當中,還蠻不錯用的。 算是補足WordPress在這一方面輸給pLog不足之處。 LiveCalendar: 由Jon Abad所開發的動態日曆,原本WordPress預設的日曆,在換月的時候,都會整頁一起refresh,這對於頁面資料如果過多的話,整頁refresh的時間會讓瀏覽者等得不耐煩,而且也增加server的loading,將原本預設的Calendar換成LiveCalendar之後,換月的時候,只會變更Calendar這個區塊的部份,並不會整個頁面都動到,算是個必備的外掛。 FancyTooltips:這是一個美化Tips的小外掛,用以取代原本html中title tag會顯示出醜醜的文字提示,用了這個外掛後,果然變Fancy多了。 … 20050505 updated […]

  699. Seamless » Blog Archive » WP 2.0 Update Complete! 27. 12. 2005 / 8.56

    […] 안좋은점 하나는 IImage Browser를 못쓰고 있다는거. […]

  700. 谋杀青春 » Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! » WP2.0 Stable Released,犹豫要不要升级呢? 27. 12. 2005 / 18.15

    […] 有时候并不是所有的最新版的东西都能够引起所有用户的兴趣的,这有一个用户习惯的问题。毕竟,WP1.5.x稳定了这么久,相应的主题插件支持已经相对比较完善了。虽然测试中没有发现太多的插件异常,但部分后台插件,比如LMB^Box Smileys与IImage Browser在撰写的主页面上的Tags都消失了@_@。而我竟然一时找不到切换到经典编辑界面的选项。唉~ […]

  701. Ajay D'Souza 28. 12. 2005 / 7.08

    is the plugin working perfectly with WP2?

  702. gimpy 28. 12. 2005 / 10.26

    Any hints on WP2? I can see the quick tag (but have to remove wysiwyg editor) but I cannot get to the admin > options > misc to make the URL uploadable

  703. malyfred 28. 12. 2005 / 14.48

    Ajay D’Souza&ALL:: IIB is not compatible with WP 2.0 at the moment because developers of WP have removed quite many options that IIB relys on… I hope to finish the new compatible version ASAP, stay tuned.

  704. Wordpress 2.0 ist da » Peruns Weblog - Webwork und Internet 28. 12. 2005 / 16.20

    […] Nachtrag 2: IImage Browser-Plugin ist leider noch nicht kompatibel mit WP 2.0, genau wie PHP-Exec nicht. […]

  705. gunnART - Grafik, Layout, Konzeption » Blog Archive » Upgrade auf Wordpress 2.0 28. 12. 2005 / 22.56

    […] IImageBrowser 1.4.5 (Eine Version 1.5 Beta gibt’s unter angegebener Adresse allerdings schon zum Download) […]

  706. Isaac 29. 12. 2005 / 1.20

    Love your plugin, is there a way to upload a picture from a link.
    Say you put in this:
    and it will upload the picture to your website dir.
    This would save alot of time.
    Is there a way to do it?

  707. » First thoughts and tips on WordPress 2.0 The Blog Herald: more blog news more often 29. 12. 2005 / 10.14

    […] 5. Image Management The worst thing about WP 2.0 is the new attempt at image management. Now to be fair, image management has never a strong point in earlier versions of WordPress either (or most other blogging platforms…) but we always could use plugins to help us along. WP 2.0 uses a combination of WYSIWIG and AJAX to deliver users the ability to upload and drag images into posts. Which is great, only that there is absolutely no way of putting a full picture in a post, only a thumb nail. Personally I’d suggest (along with a whole pile of people on the WordPress forums are suggesting) is that you use the new version of the IImage plugin. Note though that it only works if you’ve got WYSIWIG turned off, but it delivers a solid Web 1.0 functional plugin where as the Web 2.0 image management in WP2.0 is an abject failure. […]

  708. Poromenos 29. 12. 2005 / 16.05

    Wow, too many comments. Well, if you read this, could you make an option to have an extra code string with a title and without? For example, if the image did not have a title, it would use the titleless one (which omits the code for the caption) and if it did, it would use the one with the caption. If I wasn’t very clear, that means having:


  709. nikki 29. 12. 2005 / 16.32

    How I got it working with WP2.0, WP located at and images located in

    Quite simple, but posted here in case it helps someone…

    1. Download iimage-browser1.5 beta

    2. Edit image-browser.php line 34
    $ib_settings['real_path'] = './../wp-content/';


    $ib_settings['real_path'] = './../../images/';

    and line 37
    $ib_settings['real_url'] = '/wp-content';


    $ib_settings['real_url'] = '/images';

    3. upload files and activate plugin

    adopt, adapt etc!

  710. Der Mnnerblog » WordPress 2.0-Update 30. 12. 2005 / 1.31

    […] Vom IImageBrowser gibt es ein schnelles Beta-Update 1.5 – das funkt mit WP 2.0. […]

  711. » Blog Archive » Erste Plugin Welle 30. 12. 2005 / 4.12

    […] So, nun ist es soweit. Die ersten,hoffentlich nützlichen Plugins sind installiert und manche Änderungen sind denke ich nicht zu übersehen. Da wäre zum einen die, für Grower wirklich nützliche, Wetteranzeige. Aber auch ein Image Browser(IImageBrowser), um den Bilder Upload zu vereinfachen, sowie ein Smily Plugin names LMB^Box Smileys bekam die WordPress installation zu spüren. […]

  712. David A 30. 12. 2005 / 14.04

    Okay, I am having a problem trying to get iimage browser to work with v2.0.

    I have downloaded iimage browser 1.5 and installed it. But I cannot access it unless I shut off the Rich Text feature in my acccount profile and go back to the quicktags.

    Is there anyway to get this thing to work with the Rich Text? If not, I will just have to go back to WP 1.5 because I HAVE to have the great features your plugin has.

    I am sure I am not alone when I say that the WP devs should have incorporated iimage browser into their new version instead of that inadequate file upload debacle they have now.

  713. Lum 30. 12. 2005 / 23.36

    Hi, I’m using Wp 2.0 and the latest version of iimage browser. It works fine, the only thing is that I don’t see any link in the Quicktags, if I want to use iimage browser I have to go directly to /wp-admin/iimage-browser.php
    Could be because I use an italian localization file? In any case, could I add a pop-up link to the Quicktags manually?

  714. David A 31. 12. 2005 / 0.17

    That is the problem I am having, Lum. If you are using WP2.0, and your profile is set to display your edit in ”Rich Text” format, then it doesn’t display the Quicktags, and therefore Iimage Browser doesn’t show up on the page.

    Additionaly, iimage browser does not work in the Rich Text mode, because you cannot just paste the code into the text window. So currently, the only way iimage browser can work on WP 2.0 is to disable the Rich Text format in your user profile.

    As I stated earlier, WP devs lost a great opportunity when it came to integrating something like iimage browser into its new version. Instead, they still have a clunky graphics upload with a filing system that makes absolutely zero sense.

  715. Плагин для фоток! - Максимализм 31. 12. 2005 / 1.59

    […] Наконецто нашёл удобоваримый плагин для фоток. WP – очень гибкая и приятная штуковина, но порой приходится перебрать много плагинов чтобы найти подходящий. Тестировал много плагинов для картинок начиная с sticky image и заканчивая различными менее популярными плагинами. То тут то там глюки, недоработки, ошибки, неудобства. Наконец нашёл как мне кажется идеальный вариант – iimage browser. Да, именно iimage, а не image. Iimage Browser это доработка Image Browser в которой в отличии от предшественника есть возможность автоматической закачки изображений на сервер, создание тумб указанного размера, просмотр всех картинок на сервере и несколько приятных и полезных фич. Юзайте наздоровье – скачать свежую версию и прочитать о программе можно тут: […]

  716. Blogging Pro China » Blog Archive » Wordpress Plugin: IImage Browser 31. 12. 2005 / 7.13

    […]   IImage Browser提供了强大的图片管理功能,相比原有的Iimage Browser增加了许多新特性。 […]

  717. Caught in the World "Wild" Web » Why won’t I upgrade to WordPress 2.0 31. 12. 2005 / 15.23

    […] Yet another thing I don’t like is the new Upload system. Well it’s definitely better than the one in 1.5.2 which didn’t really have a sensible uploading system. However, the new one isn’t really to great. Why? Because for one you have no choice of where you can upload. WP decides this on its own and you need a plugin (can’t remember which) to change the location. However, the files are uploaded based on year and month or similar. I have IImage Browser plugin installed on my Demo Blog which ensures I upload as before. […]

  718. » Blog Archive » Erste Plugins 31. 12. 2005 / 16.45

    […] So, nun ist es soweit. Die ersten,hoffentlich nützlichen Plugins sind installiert und manche Änderungen sind denke ich nicht zu übersehen. Da wäre zum einen die, für Grower wirklich nützliche, Wetteranzeige. Aber auch ein Image Browser(IImageBrowser), um den Bilder Upload zu vereinfachen, sowie ein Smily Plugin names LMB^Box Smileys bekam die WordPress installation zu spüren. […]

  719. Luca Beltrame 31. 12. 2005 / 16.49

    There is a problem with images with long filenames. They are thumbnailed and all, but you won’t be able to get the code and see the thumbnail. Shortening the name workarounds this issue.

  720. David A 31. 12. 2005 / 22.38

    I just discovered that you cannot use iimage browser on brand new installations using 2.0. Contrary to the instructions above, there is no ”Allow File Uploads” in Options > Miscellaneous. In fact, there is no way to restrict file uploads at all in the new version of WP 2.0

  721. malyfred 1. 1. 2006 / 16.04

    David A:: You can use IIB 1.5 with WP 2.0. You just have to set everything directly in the iimage-browser.php file.

  722. Incognitosis » Blog Archive » ¡Feliz 2006! 1. 1. 2006 / 21.55

    […] Sin embargo, la pega más importante de esta edición es la incompatibilidad de algunos plugins que yo considero imprescindibles. En particular, IImage Browser, que permite añadir imágenes y otros tipos de fichero en cada entrada de una forma realmente potente. De hecho, aunque la herramienta de subida de la versión 2.0 ha mejorado, no podemos elegir dónde queremos almacenarla, y el control sobre las opciones de este apartado es bastante limitado. Cuando ayer cambié a WordPress 2.0 me encontré con la incomodidad de añadir una imagen casi a la cuenta de la vieja, pero hoy ya he solucionado el problema. El autor de mi plugin preferido acaba de actualizar su desarrollo a una versión 1.5 que aún en fase beta funciona con la última edición de WordPress. Eso sí, para que podamos ver el botón de nuevo en la barra de edición tendremos que desactivar la edición en formato Rich Text. Y para hacer esto tendremos que ir a Opciones -> Escritura -> Formato : Users should use the visual rich editor by default y desactivar esa casilla. Esto hará que la próxima vez que escribamos una entrada aparezcan los tradicionales QuickTags entre los cuales se encontrará el correspondiente a IImage Browser. Chulis. […]

  723. molpurgo 1. 1. 2006 / 23.18

    great job :) it’s work fine also in WP 2.0 !

  724. …dot cetera » Blog Archive » Testing WordPress 2.0 2. 1. 2006 / 4.55

    […] Getting the iimage browser to work Since we are talking about the iimage browser, you first need to download the version for WP 2.0.  Then you need to download a plugin that will restore the old-style uploader page so you can tell the files where to go. […]

  725. David A 2. 1. 2006 / 5.34

    Thank you VERY much, Malyfred. It is working great. Do you have any plans on getting it to work in the Rich Text Mode sometime in the future?

  726. Jessica 2. 1. 2006 / 9.06

    Thanks so much for the plugin! How do I edit the file so it automatically adds a border for each picture?

  727. Mein Block @ » Wordpress 2.0 2. 1. 2006 / 19.57

    […] Hier ist eine Liste, wo Plugin’s auf Kompatibilität überprüft wurden. Mein IImageBrowser funzt leider nicht mehr. Dafür kann ich anscheinend von WordPress aus meine Bilder durchstöber um sie in den blog einzufügen. Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat. Abgelegt unter: /dev/null — Daniel @ 7:46 pm […]

  728. La otra bola de cristal » Blog Archive » Wordpress 2.0 2. 1. 2006 / 22.21

    […] Photopress: Para gestionar las imgenes que aades en los posts, subir, insertar, etc. Lo instal para probar si funcionaba y as es, pero tambin probar ms a fondo el nuevo gestor que trae por defecto wordpress para estos menesteres, aunque me la bastante, porque si desactivo el WYSIWYG y subo una imagen y luego la arrastro lo que me hace es incluir la direccin de la imagen, sin cdigo para que aparezca y si activo el WYSIWYG me hace un thumbnail. Me ha parecido leer un truco para esto, as que tambin tendr que investigar sobre la materia. Otro de lo mismo Iimage Browser. Que tambin ha sacado su actualizacin. […]

  729. View from the Potting Shed » Blog Archive » Testing WordPress 2.0 before I upgrade 2. 1. 2006 / 22.56

    […] IImage Browser This plugin adds an “IImage Browser” button to the Quicktags area which opens an image browser to select from all previously uploaded images and add the appropriate code to the post. […]

  730. Daniel 3. 1. 2006 / 0.49

    Can´t see the iimage browser tag in Quicktags. I use WP 2.0 and latest iimage browser..?

  731. Daniel 3. 1. 2006 / 1.26

    Works now!
    I had ”visual rich editor” and that didn’t work with iimage browser…

  732. Wordpress2 Image Upload » Amos Wong 3. 1. 2006 / 6.28

    […] Well Susan, WordPress2’s image upload function’s limitation has been brought up in forums around the world particularly by members who have been using WordPress for a long time such as yourself. However, there exists a popular image plugin called the IImage Browser that is partly compatible with WordPress2. The plugin is able to work in WP2, however, you will need to turn off your WYSIWYG function. Maybe it’s a small price to pay for a great plugin such as IImage Browser. […]

  733. Netzzi Weblog » Blog Archive » WordPress 플러그인 및 패치 3. 1. 2006 / 12.47

    […] IImage Browser 에서 다운로드  […]

  734. WealthyPl 4. 1. 2006 / 11.19

    Great Plugin! I have used it for a longtime and planing to install it in WP 2.0.

  735. Polyglot | skriker 4. 1. 2006 / 16.10

    […] You can also try some other of my plugins: IImage Browser, IImage Gallery, IImage Panorama, JÄÅ Preview. […]

  736. simon 5. 1. 2006 / 1.22


    i’m running iimage browser with wp1.5 and it’s perfect for my needs.

    however, my site has just been hacked, more speicifically my hosting company says it’s an example of Cross Site Scripting and the hacked files were all placed in the directory used as the upload directory by iimage browser (this is a folder at the root level, not inside wp-content). luckily it was not a particularly malicious hacker although having now read up about XSS it could have been much worse…..

    i had this directory set to 777 – do you think that was the problem or is there a vulnerability in iimage browser itself?

    any help on this would be much appreciated as for now i have disabled iimage browser and chmoded the directory to 755.

    thanks very much

  737. malyfred 5. 1. 2006 / 2.21

    simon:: Thank you simon, I’ve set default user value for all possible actions from 0 to 5 (editor). That should help. Re-download IIB or set it manually.

  738. John 5. 1. 2006 / 2.40

    Installed v1.5 in new WP2 installation – activated it but it doesn’t appear to work – I see no ImgB buttons or additions.

    Have you had any other feedback?
    Thanks, John

  739. malyfred 5. 1. 2006 / 4.19

    John:: IIB doesn’t work with wysiwyg editor at the moment, isn’t your case?

  740. Discogalaxy 5. 1. 2006 / 10.22

    thx for that nice plugin.
    finally i got it to run with WP2.0!
    maybe it would be nice for others to say in your installion-”words” that the standard WYSIWYG-editor has to be deaktivated in user-options!
    it bloged my search for that in my german blog :-)


  741. simon 6. 1. 2006 / 1.13

    thanks for that – can you confirm what i should chmod the upload directory to? is 777 ’unsafe’?


  742. Eve 6. 1. 2006 / 12.53

    Just wanted to drop you a line to thank you for this great plugin. I am very new to WordPress having just installed it a few days ago, and was able to install this and run it with no problems at all!

    Now, I just need to get my head around wrapping text around images and I’ll be all set!

    Thank you! :)

  743. malyfred 6. 1. 2006 / 13.05

    simon:: You can do that, but if you don’t have any scripts in that directory – don’t do that. It’s always safer to set as few rights as possible.

  744. joe 7. 1. 2006 / 4.17

    How do you deactivate the WYSIWYG editor to get the ”insert inage” link to appear? I’ve unchecked the Rich Text box on the user page but that didn’t do anything.

  745. malyfred 7. 1. 2006 / 13.20

    joe:: You can deactivate Rich text editor on two places. Options : Writing and Profile : Personal options. Then just reload the writing page and it should be fine.

  746. SA 7. 1. 2006 / 18.01

    Hi there! I’m currently working with your plugin (and WP2.0), and I seem to be having an issue whereby the images that are uploaded are distorted – see Have you any idea what could be causing this – I’ve made sure the images I’m uploading are not anywhere near the 8mb filesize limit, etc, and don’t know what else to look into…?

  747. malyfred 7. 1. 2006 / 19.41

    SA:: That looks like some problem with GD library… Could you try uploading some pictures from my site? It happens sometimes when you use pictures from Nokia mobile phones or pictures saved by Gimp editor.

  748. SA 8. 1. 2006 / 2.01

    Malyfred — hmm. Interesting! I’ve tried what you suggested by pinching an example photo from your site, and the upload worked great this time. I’ll manually upload my old photos and see if I can figure out how to prevent this in the future (for the record, the images aren’t taken/saved by anything nasty – usually Paint Shop Pro cropping a screenshot, for instance). Thanks for the quick and helpful response :) SA.

  749. Steph 8. 1. 2006 / 3.13

    Thank you so much for creating this fab plugin for WP. I used it on my old domain and have just installed it on my new domain. It’s the easiest and best image display tool that I’ve tried. I’ll totally be recommending it to people I know. Cheers!

  750. Mr.LKM 8. 1. 2006 / 9.45

    When will this plugin able to be used in WYSWYG editor?

  751. Viper007Bond 8. 1. 2006 / 22.08

    IMO, the paths should be relative to the WordPress install URI, not the blog URI.

  752. Indulge 9. 1. 2006 / 17.36

    I love your plugin. Now I’ve tried to improve the handling a little more for me and inserted the custom codes for Full size and thumbnail. Full size works fine with the %src -variable. But I can’t seem to get the Thumbnail-Code working. I found the variable %tsrc for thumbnail but that doesn’t work. It still shows %tsrc in the output.
    How can I get the Thumbnail to show? Help would be so much appreciated.
    (BTW: Using Version 1.46 on WP 1.5.2)
    Greetings from Germany

  753. Indulge 9. 1. 2006 / 18.35

    It’s me again! I’m so sorry. Please delete my previous post. I was so stupid. In all the copying and translating I must have copied the wrong source and was using the old code from the Version 1.42. The Version showing in the WP-Plugin window was 1.46 ….better check twice.
    Works fine now that I found out what a stupid girl I was :-)
    Thanks again for a great plugin!

  754. pablo 10. 1. 2006 / 14.28

    When I click Insert Image the new window lounches with my start page inside :/ How can I fix it?

  755. Peter 10. 1. 2006 / 17.45

    After upgrading my WP-installation to 2.0 I have updated the iimage browser, too. All worked fine (I am a real fan of your tool!) as long as an article is not saved (for preview or something else) and the click on the button opens up the pop up – but, if it is saved once, the pop up won’t work. What has gone wrong…?

  756. malyfred 11. 1. 2006 / 13.28

    pablo:: You get front page of your web or administration?

    Peter:: Probably collision with some other plugin.

  757. matt 11. 1. 2006 / 18.45

    when i try to upload i get a ”can’t write to” error…the only way to get it to write is by changing my wp-content folder to ”777” permissions…that is not good right? also, when i click insert image or the tab for iimagebrowser i get one jpg file but that’s it…no preview and it doesn’t look anything like the above walk thru???

  758. malyfred 11. 1. 2006 / 21.26

    matt:: If you are worried about 777 – use some other directory than wp-content and set just 755.

    What about screenshot of that strange-looking IIB?

  759. Eugen 11. 1. 2006 / 22.33


    what is the difference between ”resample” and ”resize” ?

    Thx for your reply.

  760. malyfred 11. 1. 2006 / 23.14

    Eugen:: Resample gives much better results but is not availible on all servers.

  761. Dani 13. 1. 2006 / 19.11

    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I do not like the new uploading in WP2 and your plugin is a lifesaver!!!

  762. Yea, I Knit... 13. 1. 2006 / 19.13

    Less than Happy…

    I know I know, the theme is gone. I updated to 2.0 and lost my skin which means my sidebar, and my smilies and… *sigh*
    And WTF is that extra e about in ALL my titles? It’s not there in the preview, or when Im editing the post. GRRRRRRRRRRRR…

  763. beaux 13. 1. 2006 / 21.58

    It seems like it must be a great plugin from all these comments, but I can’t seem to get it to start. I installed it according to the insturctions and activated it, but I don’t see any button called ”insert image” nor an image browser. Am I missing something here?

  764. malyfred 13. 1. 2006 / 23.08

    beaux:: Have you turned the ”Rich editor” off?

  765. beaux 13. 1. 2006 / 23.46

    Thanks for getting back so quick. It’s been a rough day.

    I thought I had the right editor off, but maybe I’m not understand right. Here’s a screen shot of the page with options:

    And here’s the writing page.

  766. Roman 14. 1. 2006 / 2.19

    Hey, thanks for the plugin. I installed it it looks like it works but only one problem. In WP 2.0 there no admin/options/misulateneous.
    So i do not see any way to modify the path for images directory
    Could you advise how do i fix that?


  767. malyfred 14. 1. 2006 / 4.13

    beaux:: Oh yes – that’s the mystery of WP2.0… how to get rid off Rich editor:)

    Second place (and actually the only one) where you have to turn it off is your user profile!

  768. malyfred 14. 1. 2006 / 4.40

    Roman:: Manually in the iimage-browser.php.

  769. Paul Ooi 14. 1. 2006 / 4.51

    Thank for the tips on how to turn off rich editor :)

  770. beaux 14. 1. 2006 / 9.30

    Ahhh, now it’s working. Thank you;) Good luck and thanks for the great plugin:)

  771. Roman 14. 1. 2006 / 18.24

    Thank you malyfred

  772. turbanhead 15. 1. 2006 / 4.55

    i have my all my image files in the following directory

    could you please tell me what lines i change in the iimage-browser.php file so that this will be my default image folder?


  773. Matt 15. 1. 2006 / 8.32

    here’s what i get.

  774. Matt 15. 1. 2006 / 8.33

    sorry…here’s the image link

  775. malyfred 15. 1. 2006 / 14.13


    $ib_settings[’real_path’] = ’./../wp-images/’;

    $ib_settings[’real_url’] = ’/wp-images’;

    in iimage-browser.php

  776. malyfred 15. 1. 2006 / 14.24

    Matt:: Ok, you probably have different address for blog and WP installation, right?

    Then change get_bloginfo(’url’) to get_bloginfo(’wpurl’) in the iimage-browser.php

    Or just re-download the IIB archive, I’ve fixed it there.

  777. lupine 16. 1. 2006 / 0.18

    this plug in is a benefit to all humankind. thank you.

  778. Iron Dude 18. 1. 2006 / 9.07

    First Off, LOVE the Plugin. Just a few questions please.
    Once the pics are posted and they link to the bigger picture, is there a way to add text under the large pic. Also is there a way to have pic be added to get the code button.
    It would be awesome if you could let me know about that first one.
    See Ya
    Peace Out ;-)

  779. malyfred 18. 1. 2006 / 12.10

    Iron Dude:: First thing is not possible because of HTML limits. You can try and it’s stand-alone browser.

    I don’t understand the second question:(

  780. KimMiau 18. 1. 2006 / 16.35

    Is it any possibility using it with rich editor?

  781. malyfred 18. 1. 2006 / 16.41

    KimMiau:: Not yet.

  782. KimMiau 19. 1. 2006 / 17.27

    I’m waiting to use this on the rich editor. :) I am currently using it. Keep up the work! :D

  783. turbanhead 20. 1. 2006 / 6.49

    it worked – thanks. love it!

  784. Eirikso 22. 1. 2006 / 16.22

    This plugin is an absolute ”must have” for WP. I can’t upgrade to WP2.0 before there’s support for iimage browser in this new version.

    Keep up the good work and hope to see a version for WP2.0 soon. :-)

  785. WordPress Station 23. 1. 2006 / 21.47

    IImage Browser…

    Not sure how I missed this one, but a great image plugin updated to work with 2.0. Allows for clickable thumbnails in posts, resizing of images, and many other options with images. Much more comprehensive than the built in image mechanism. …

  786. Javier 24. 1. 2006 / 1.10

    Congratulations for this excellent plugin!!
    Thanks a lot. You have solved one of my problems with WordPress and image managing.


  787. Jan 24. 1. 2006 / 19.34

    There is a plugin for integrating IImage Browser into tinyMCE. The one I am using is a modified version of a plugin coming with the WYSIWYG Plugin For WordPress.
    Contact me if you are interested in my improved version. I have been using it for month…

  788. rascal 28. 1. 2006 / 18.09

    Hi :-)

    Sorry i am a noob with a problem. I was reading through all comments but didnt find any solution to my problem:

    Is there any filesize limit? I can NOT generate thumbnails for a picture with 800 x 1204 px, 515.04 kB. When i click on create thumbnail it is shortly loading but then doing nothing.

    Then i have a different picture in the same folder with 739 x 486 px, 81.18 kB and its no problem to create a thumbnail for it :/

  789. malyfred 29. 1. 2006 / 13.32

    rascal:: Comment #614 could be related to you issue. There is no built-in limit in IIB.

  790. steve 30. 1. 2006 / 2.39

    thanks for updating the plugin to work with WP2. I’ve just upgraded my site to WP2 from WP1.5
    I don’t know whether I’m dreaming or whether I edited the previous version of the plugin, but where did the align image feature go? In the old version of the plugin I had an Align Image select box underneath the ’How to include?’ select box?



  791. Steve 30. 1. 2006 / 2.52

    Ii’ve managed to install and get the plugin working with WP 2.0, except when it comes to making thumbnails. The error I’m getitn is this:

    Filetype not supported. Thumbnail not created.
    [root] />

    I’ve already checked that I have a properly installed and working GD Library – what else could be the issue?

  792. steve 30. 1. 2006 / 2.57

    Never mind, I was dreaming :-)

  793. kpd 30. 1. 2006 / 5.15

    Thanks! Works fine in WP 2.0, just make sure directories down to image dir have ’execute’ attrib set.

  794. Never 30. 1. 2006 / 12.20

    Hi! Have a problem with version 1.5beta on WP2. {hidden_part} Don’t work for me. I Can’t see part of code when prssing [Upload, Create Dir and other]. And when hit on picture I can’t get the code. Nothing.
    Why? It’s problem with IE, or CSS or .htaccess, or another way?

  795. malyfred 30. 1. 2006 / 12.53

    Never:: Don’t forget that you need JavaScript turned on to use IIB.

  796. Never 30. 1. 2006 / 16.19

    Thanks, but… I use wordpress 1.5 and IImage Browser 1.4.6. on this server and it works. And I only update WP and IIB. No any another updates maked… So?
    Ok, I’ll try it.

  797. Never 30. 1. 2006 / 16.24

    P.S. to posts #790, #792: Plz, sorry my english.
    I check it. JavaScript is turned on for me, but {hidden_part} doesn’n work.

  798. Never 30. 1. 2006 / 22.30

    To #790, 792, 792:
    It’s not JavaScript problem. At any comp it doesn’t work the same. It’s a server-side problem. But WHAT HAPPENS? Who can help me, plz?

  799. SteveG 31. 1. 2006 / 0.38

    Malyfred –

    Just wondered if you;d had a chance to think about my question in post #787. I hate to nag, but I’m a big fan of the plugin and would hate to not be able to use it on new blogs.

  800. malyfred 31. 1. 2006 / 11.45

    SteveG:: I don’t think you have properly installed GD library because this error means that IIB cannot find functions: imagejpeg, imagepng and imagegif.

  801. Never 31. 1. 2006 / 23.31

    To posts ## 790, 792, 793, 794:
    Simply returns to version 1.4.6. All works fine. A question is: any problems for use WP2 and IIB 1.4.6 in future?

  802. malyfred 1. 2. 2006 / 3.35

    Never:: It works just because WP keeps the old 1.5.x settings in the DB. You get to trouble as soon as you want to change upload directory or whatever…

    1.4.6 and 1.5 are basically the same except the fact that 1.4.6 gets some settings from WP and 1.5 doesn’t.

  803. Never 1. 2. 2006 / 10.30

    Many Thanks. But I could not force to work v 1.5 for me.
    Maybe it not works while I upgarded WP 1.5 to 2.0 instead a new installation?
    If I understood correctly – If I make a new installation of WP2, IIB 1.4.6 will not work correctly with it?
    Sorry My English.

  804. malyfred 1. 2. 2006 / 12.11

    Never:: Exactly. 1.4.6 is getting user levels, upload directory, allowed filetypes etc. from WP and these settings are not in WP 2.0 at all so you have to define them in IIB 1.5 manually in the iimage-browser.php

  805. Mono 1. 2. 2006 / 19.07

    I couldn’t get the plugin to work and it took a good while, yes I’m slow, until it occured to me to try another browser. And there it was!

    So, for your information Safari 1.3.2 does not show this plugin. Firefox does.

  806. Greg 2. 2. 2006 / 19.25

    Mayfred – I’ve used this excellent plugin on my pre-2.0 sites and have just used it on my first 2.0 one.

    Hopefully you can make these two improvements for 2.0 implemntations:

    1 – Integrate it into the new WYSIWYG rather than having to turn it off.
    2 – Replicate the image alignment options provided by the new WP 2.0 image button on the new WYSIWYG edior.

  807. Israel Meneses 5. 2. 2006 / 21.41

    I’ve installed the plugin, activated it, turned off, WYSIWYG and I still can not see the insert button ”IImage Browser”, is there a way I can add the button to the quick tags for WP 2.0?

    It seems to be an awesome plugin for what I’ve read here in your blog.

    Thanks a bunch.


  808. pablo 6. 2. 2006 / 0.11

    hi, sorry for aplying so late…
    just to recall the problem: when I try to run IImageBrowser the front page of my web appears in a new window (popup).
    What can be done about it?

  809. Geekess 6. 2. 2006 / 11.29

    I love this plugin, it’s brilliant!
    However, there’s one thing that escapes me: how do I change the images directory? I’m using Wordpres 2.0.1, I have set the upload directory I want to use in Options>Misc (tried with both full path and relative path), but nothing changes. How can I achieve this?

  810. malyfred 6. 2. 2006 / 13.14

    Geekess:: Directly in the iimage-browser.php

  811. malyfred 6. 2. 2006 / 13.16

    pablo:: That’s probably because of incorrectly set rewrite rules in .htaccess file.

  812. Achillea 6. 2. 2006 / 21.54

    Looks like an excellent plugin but, like Israel Meneses, I’m using WP 2.0 and have no button appearing on my screen. Any idea what the glitch might be?

  813. DJ Sonic 9. 2. 2006 / 13.05

    Great Plugin!
    I use it on WP 2.0.1 and I have no problems using it. For those who don’t know: you have to deactivate WYSIWYG editor if you wanna use it with WP 2.0+
    Anyway nice work ;)

  814. trAble 9. 2. 2006 / 20.06

    Plugin je super, ale v jednom adresáři mi odmítá udělat náhled: Cesta k náhledu není správná. Vůbec netuším, co s tím… :-(

  815. trAble 9. 2. 2006 / 20.09

    Už vím, daný adresář neměl 777… :-(

  816. netear 10. 2. 2006 / 8.00

    Hey,It’s a great plugin.
    I use 1.4.6,Can I set the popup windows with Images only show ”File list” instead of the ”picture”? I think when more and more Image uploaded,it will be more slow to popup the picture

  817. malyfred 10. 2. 2006 / 10.53

    netear:: List will be splited into several pages as soon as you reach the limit of pictures per page that you can change manually in iimage-browser.php

  818. Bill_T 11. 2. 2006 / 17.02

    Hi, I love this plugin and have used it for some time now. I would like to advance it to the next level. Is there a way to add the Propper Javascript to the plugin itself to have the full size images open in auto sized browsers without the address bar, scroll bar etc. If so how can one do that..

    Thanks again!

  819. silfver 12. 2. 2006 / 17.46


    I just installed the beta plug-in with WordPress v2.0.1. When I try to upload a file and create a thumbnail I get following error: ”No support for this file type. No Thumbnail created.” I tried to upload a simple jpg file. Why doesn’t it work?

    Would really appreciate an answer!

  820. Steve Crow 14. 2. 2006 / 20.22


    I’m new to Word Press and am having the following problems with your plugin:

    1. Should this work with both Firefox and IE?

    2. In Firefox, I don’t get an image preview only the name of the file and its dimensions…I cannot select it or go any further

    3. In IE, I get the name of the file, it’s dimensions and a broken image icon (a rectangular box with a small red x in it)

    I can still click on the broken image icon however so that the options show up below however when I click on the ”Get the code button” I get the wrong path. It tells me:

    when it should be:

    Am I perhaps not allowed to use a different image directory?

    4. Even when I manually enter the correct directory and press publish, the page publishes with a broken image icon.

    Can you help me?


  821. Steve Crow 14. 2. 2006 / 20.30

    An update: I was able to get the image to post by after selecting ”Get the code” to replace what was there with the complete path to the image file including the htpp://www…etc etc

    but I assume I could do the same thing without using your plugin so something is still very much wrong with something I’m doing, hoping you can help me!


  822. T-bone 16. 2. 2006 / 7.34

    I installed this and deactivated the wysiwyg editor and i while i see the button, when i click on it NOTHING happens. How can i fix this? please email a reply, thanks.

  823. Livia 17. 2. 2006 / 16.27

    I have the plugin installed and activated and the wysiwyg editor disabled, but I don’t see any button. Where should it appear? I am surfing on Safari Mac – is anyone else who has the plugin running?
    Thanks a lot for any help!

  824. Edna Melendez 18. 2. 2006 / 16.32


    I have a script that multi installs and manages wordpress blogs. Can I include your plugin with my package for clients to use?

    Thank you.

  825. malyfred 20. 2. 2006 / 19.32

    Edna Melendez:: Well, IIB is covered by GPL so you should know what you can and cannot. I’d appreciate a *free copy* of your WP manager but it depends on you. You can always contact me through e-mail (see footer of every page) if you have more questions.

  826. malyfred 20. 2. 2006 / 19.49

    Bill_T:: Yes, look at ”custom patterns” and

  827. malyfred 20. 2. 2006 / 19.50

    silfver:: Missing GD library at your server – ask your admin.

  828. malyfred 20. 2. 2006 / 19.53

    Steve Crow:: Edit $ib_settings[’real_path’] and $ib_settings[’real_url’] in iimage-browser.php

  829. malyfred 20. 2. 2006 / 19.54

    Livia:: I’m sorry but I don’t have any Mac user around so I cannot test it in Safari:(

  830. dementis 21. 2. 2006 / 21.56

    Like a few others here, I also get memory errors on high resolution images thumbnail generation (so far by my testing 1280×1024 and under works fine, any image 1600×1200 or higher however causes the memory error on thumbnail creation). But I can live with it. :)

    I really want to thank you on your efforts for making this plugin possible. So far it has been one of easier ones to work with in a blog-program. :)

  831. turbanhead 24. 2. 2006 / 7.29

    i just installed Wp 2.0.1 and am using the K2 theme and als installed iimage browser 1.5. After activating it, I do not see it as an option on the creat post page.

    Any ideas?

  832. malyfred 24. 2. 2006 / 10.40

    turbanhead:: WYSISYG (visual rich editor) is turned off?

  833. turbanhead 25. 2. 2006 / 3.24

    it works. i thought since i had not installed the wysiwyg plug in there was nothing to deactivate – i forgot that there is an additional setting in the user profile.

    thanks for responding.

  834. Hanumann 25. 2. 2006 / 22.31

    I installed your plug-in; however when I clicked on iimage browser button, I get a message window saying that page can’t be found. i Double checked and made sure that I put files in correct directories. Any idea on what’s going on here?

  835. Sarah 1. 3. 2006 / 19.17

    Hi, I’m having the same problem as Pablo. I just moved domains and I have a fresh, clean WP install (downloaded and installed yesterday – my old blog on the same host used your plugin great).

    So I have installed your plugin, activated, and clicked on the IImage Browser button in the quicktags area – in the popup window, the front index page of the website is shown.

    You indicated earlier that this may be something to do with ”incorrectly set .htaccess rewrite rules”. This 2nd new blog’s htaccess file was created by WP, just like my 1st one which functioned the plugin well.

    The permissions of my htaccess file are the default from when WP was installed; the contents are: ”# BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress”

    (Apologies just to dump this in your comments but I’m trying to provide as much information as possible.)

    Basically, could you advise on this further?

  836. j2brown 2. 3. 2006 / 16.54

    Let me start by saying that I love IImage Browser. It’s saved me a lot of hassle with my users (they update the site so I don’t have to). Now I’m hoping that somebody smarter than me can give me a quick tutorial on how to hide the default upload section of the Write Post and Page sections. I’m sure I can find it eventually, but I’ve got no time. Even a hint about the right file/section would be much appreciated.

    I wish I could say I’m just too lazy to look it up, but the reality is that I’m swamped with other obligations. Many thanks to whoever help me out, and many many thanks to malyfred for IImage Browser.


  837. mandor 3. 3. 2006 / 13.20

    I installed Version 1.5 with WP 2.01.
    After aktivation i see the button for the plugin, but there is no reaktion after pushing the button.
    What can i do ???


  838. L 5. 3. 2006 / 2.51

    I think the patterns will serve my wishes perfectly, but the upgrade won’t download. It can’t connect to your database.

    Contact me immediately!!!

    If it has the same ”patterns” as the gallery (namely, I need the template page), then I’m done searching … once the DB is up.

    If you don’t have the pattern allowing a template page. Consider it, if we can make the image page look like the rest of our blogs, we can get more page views and longer visit times. Also, it might deter hot linking.

  839. L 5. 3. 2006 / 4.42

    Sorry, I found the mirror. But now my custom code won’t display.

  840. L 5. 3. 2006 / 4.43

    Oh!! Doi. I wondered what that radio box ”custom code” was before. Wow.

  841. L 5. 3. 2006 / 7.16

    I read all of Heather’s comments, and I have the same problem she did. I don’t understand the get code. It doesn’t seem to work, and I don’t know exactly how to edit it.

    Funny, she seems to not use this hack on her blog, now. Her examples didn’t work, still, either.

  842. AdventureDad 5. 3. 2006 / 20.38

    Hi thatnks very much for all your work. I’ve previously used Mudbomb’s WYSIWYG plugin but after upgrading to wp 2.0 your plugin seems to be the best option. When I do browse for images they all show up but only the links, no thumbnails. There is also no way to actaully insert the images. Is there something I need to configure in Iimage-brower.php? My installation is and images are in


  843. malyfred 6. 3. 2006 / 1.42

    Hanumann:: Find out what URL is actually opened in the new window and it shoud hint you what’s wrong.

  844. malyfred 6. 3. 2006 / 1.45

    Sarah:: Set the rewriting to off for a moment and try to open IIB if it works then you can be sure where the problem is.

    Rewriting rules are quite complex problem and I’m not a specialist in them so try google for more help about .htaccess.

  845. malyfred 6. 3. 2006 / 2.00

    mandor:: comment #458 Collision with other plugins.

  846. malyfred 6. 3. 2006 / 2.02

    AdventureDad:: WP 2.0 doesn’t have ”upload URL” setting in the options so you have to set it directly in the iimage-browser.php

  847. AdventureDad 6. 3. 2006 / 10.13

    Malyfred: Thanks for the quick reply. I played around with it yesterday and changed the config file and got everything to work. the initial problem was actually simpler. The download link for version 1,5 was broken and the link has the 1,4,6 version. Not sure that one works with wp 2.0 or at least I couldn’t find the right place to edit the config file. Now everything works fine and your plugin is very nice. The wp 2.0 WYSIWG editor is really pathetic. It will be a great addition to have your work together with the rich editor at some later point. To insert images now is easy but the editing (wrap etc.) is a pain since I must then leave iimagebrowser and enable the wp 2.0 editor again.



  848. j2brown 6. 3. 2006 / 15.04

    I had a bit of time over the weekend to put toward my request (#836).

    It looks like you can edit ”edit-form-advanced.php” and ”edit-page-form.php” to hide the section:

    I’m far from a PHP expert and expect that there’s a better way to accomplish this, but I did want to contribute what I’ve found so far.


  849. billyocean 6. 3. 2006 / 16.00

    Dude, this was exactly what I have been looking for! You WROK!!!!!11

  850. derdan 7. 3. 2006 / 0.11

    Schade, dass man den WordPress-HTML-Editor abschalten muss, wenn man das PlugIn benutzen muss.

  851. Richard Silverstein 7. 3. 2006 / 10.48

    I just installed the plugin & created a thumbnail. The thumbnail sized image displayed fine. But when I clicked on the thumb to display the larger sized image it was muddy and almost illegible.

    Is there any way to address this? I assure you that the original full sized image was perfectly legible. SOmething in the process of generating the image is causing this fuzziness in the image.

  852. Sarah 8. 3. 2006 / 23.18

    Hello, Malyfred, re: the .htaccess problems you advised may be the problem to my issue. I have noticed that when I click the IImage Browser button in the Write screen of my blog’s admin control panel, it actually comes up with a 404 Not Found error message NOT just the main index page of the site like I had originally thought.

    The php page being called is whilst my plugin file is actually

    If the former was meant to be created at plugin activation, it certainly hasn’t.

    If I try calling the actual php page myself at I get the message:

    ”Fatal error: Call to undefined function: add_filter() in …/plugins/iimage-browser-plugin.php on line 52”

    Upon further investigation, line 52 shows:
    add_filter(’admin_footer’, ’callback_iimagebrowser’);

    Any further ideas on this, or is your best bet still that .htaccess file? If the latter I’ll give it a few more shots and then put this plugin to rest, as I’ve screwed up my site many times tonight with file permissions, etc. and I’m not confident I can fix everything I’m mucking around with.

    Thanks for any further help with this – it’s so frustrating since I used it with the very same host/webspace a month or so ago with NO problems at all, and now this – agh! ;)

  853. Rihla 9. 3. 2006 / 11.50

    This is a great plugin, simple in use but effective. Thanks for creating it!

  854. Timlink 11. 3. 2006 / 6.46

    Is there a way to insert just the image path via Custom Code feature instead of the whole URL? I would like to do this because I’m using a php script that needs to be inserted after the domain name, but before the image path.

    Here’s my custom Code in iimage-browser.php (best I can do so far):
    $ib_custom_code_full = ’’;

    Here is the result:

    It’s almost perfect, but it needs to be:

    So instead of adding the %src (full URL and path), I just need the path to it for the full size image. The path will change of course, it could be ”images/kate-moss/” etc.

    Is this possible?

  855. Timlink 11. 3. 2006 / 11.16

    Here’s my corrected post … Is there a way to insert just the image path via Custom Code feature instead of the whole URL? I would like to do this because I’m using a php script that needs to be inserted after the domain name, but before the image path.

    Here’s my custom Code in iimage-browser.php (best I can do so far):

    $ib_custom_code_full = ’[a href=""img src="%tsrc" title="%title" alt="%title"/][/a]’;

    Here is the result:

    [a href=""img src="; title="" alt=""/][/a]

    It’s almost perfect, but it needs to be:
    [a href=""img
    src="; title="" alt=""/][/a]

    So instead of adding the %src (full URL and path), I just need the path to it.
    The path will change of course, it could be "images/kate-moss/" etc.

    Is this possible?

  856. malyfred 12. 3. 2006 / 21.04

    Sarah:: IIB consists of two files: iimage-browser-plugin.php must be in your plugin directory, but the iimage-browser.php must be in your wp-admin directory. Both are in the .zip archive that you have downloaded from this site.

  857. malyfred 12. 3. 2006 / 21.10

    Timlink:: There is an array ($ib_settings[’replacements’][]) of javascript variables that are used for replacing %src in the custom codes. Their names are quite self-explaining so what you have to do is just cut off the part that you don’t need.

    $ib_settings['replacements'][] = '"+imgid.abs_path.value + imgid.relpath.value + imgid.file.value+"';

    change to:

    $ib_settings['replacements'][] = '"+ imgid.relpath.value + imgid.file.value+"';

  858. Timlink 13. 3. 2006 / 4.51

    Thank you! Works great. The only other thing I need to do was to add ”images” before %src and it’s working.

  859. Jonathan 14. 3. 2006 / 0.42

    Dude, your page has gone wierd! The background is black and the text is dark grey – I can’t read anything!

    I have just found a link by dragging the mouse over – if I change to ”pale striker” and back again, you can see the text.

  860. malyfred 14. 3. 2006 / 14.14

    Jonathan:: Read this:

  861. Nick 15. 3. 2006 / 13.46

    When editing post – you should have Insert Image in upper right corner of your screen or ”IImage Browser” button in your Quicktags area. Click on it!

    I can^t see these links in my admin editing page! I have WordPress 2.0.2 installed. Any ideas?

  862. malyfred 15. 3. 2006 / 19.48

    Nick:: Turn off the WYSIWYG editor as mentioned in the post.

  863. Petar 17. 3. 2006 / 4.56

    WordPress 2.0.2 installed, plugin works – but i dont get the IImage Browser button.

    I have turned off the WYSIWYG editor, any ideas why?

  864. malyfred 17. 3. 2006 / 14.06

    Petar:: Comment #458 – collision with some other plugin

  865. j2brown 19. 3. 2006 / 14.36

    I just came back and saw that my post seems to be missing some vital info. Sorry about that. I’m not sure how I managed to do that. I guess you can’t post the code directly because of the less than character. Either way, here’s what the post should be:

    I had a bit of time over the weekend to put toward my request (#836).

    It looks like you can edit “edit-form-advanced.php” and “edit-page-form.php” to hide the section that starts with

    if (current_user_can(’upload_files’))

    Looks like a total of 9 lines to be deleted.

    Again, I’m not a php expert, so somebody may come up with a better solution, but this works for me, for now.


  866. Petar 21. 3. 2006 / 5.49

    i only have the standard plugins installed and iimage-browser. at the moment i’m just physically going to the iimage-browser url. Cheers.

  867. JD 23. 3. 2006 / 0.38

    Any chance of implementing an option to add a border to the picture via border=?

    I know I can manually add a border option in the code but being able to enter 3 for pixel size for the border and its output in the code would be very convienent. I would love to implement the code myself into your plugin but have not figured out how. Thanks in advance!

  868. malyfred 24. 3. 2006 / 13.46

    JD:: Custom patterns… for inspiration look at

  869. JD 24. 3. 2006 / 17.50

    Thanks for the help malyfred but I really do not see anything that will allow me to add a border option to your plugin. I guess I am a bit too noobish. For the time being I will just manually add a border=”” to the output code snippet of the image until I can figure out how to hack your plugin to implement it easily in there.

  870. Saumil's Babble Belt 25. 3. 2006 / 3.21

    Before and After…

    After having a tough time trying to make the Image Browser work with WordPress ver 2, I finally gave up and started looking for an alternative. After evaluating options which embed flash pictures, flickr pics, and much more … I finally got to le…

  871. Mamede 26. 3. 2006 / 23.05

    Hello, Malyfred

    First of all, thanks for your plugin.

    I have just added the radio button code to iimage-browser.php file, as you explained in the WordPress forum. I checked it twice and everything look just fine.

    Unfortunately, when I click the IIMage Browser button I get this error:
    Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/admlabfoto/public_html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 235

    Line 235 is:
    case ”customthumb”:
    htmlCode = ””

    Is there any incompatibility with WordPress 2.02?

    thanks in advance,

  872. malyfred 26. 3. 2006 / 23.47

    Mamede:: I guess you have there typographical quotes instead of ”normal” double quotes. That’s what usually happens when you cut&paste from the web.

  873. Bill K 29. 3. 2006 / 21.41

    First, love the plugin. I was wondering if you could help me out a bit on how to make a small change. Currently the feature will allow you create a thumbnail and then get the code to post the thumbnail with a link to the full size. I want the full size to come up in a standard page template instead of as a .jpg or whatever file.

    Is there a way to have the plugin create a page and a thumbnail. Then have the option to get the code for the thumbnail linked to the page with the full size on it?

  874. malyfred 29. 3. 2006 / 23.05

    Bill K:: No, I don’t think this is possible unless you are familiar with PHP and you can learn how to do that from and it’s template.

  875. Anne-Claire 1. 4. 2006 / 18.56


    I have WP2 and IIBrowser 1.5. I want all the links to full images to open in a new window. I should add that I am not a programmer and I am lost in php. I was trying to do this:
    case ”thumbfull”:
    htmlCode = ””;

    But it doesn’t work, can someone help me? Thanks AClaire

  876. Anne-Claire 1. 4. 2006 / 18.59

    What happened to the code I posted? You can see it here:

  877. Anne-Claire 1. 4. 2006 / 19.03


  878. malyfred 3. 4. 2006 / 12.24

    Anne-Claire:: That’s what the custom patterns are for. You can specify the pattern according which is the code generated.

    For inspiration:

  879. Gustavo Barrón 5. 4. 2006 / 2.42

    Hi malyfred, i just drop by to tell you that in the latest SVN version (i think rev3682). It seems the plugin stopped working, maybe due the new user levels. But not so sure. I think you would need to check the script for futher releases and for next versions of WP.


  880. Nate 7. 4. 2006 / 12.16

    Hello Malyfred, I am trying to try out your plugin, but despite the simple installation I seem to be having no luck. I have WP 2.0.2 and what I believe is iimage-browser 1.5. I have no plugins activated besides yours and I have unclicked the ”Use the visual rich editor when writing” box. However, when I go to compose a post no button shows up. I tried what somebody mentioned above, which was to go directly to the iimage-browser.php file in the url, but this also gives errors, if I try to do anything. I should also note that this also occurs with the default theme and the iimage-browser.php is in the wp-admin folder. If you have any ideas of other things to try please let me know. Thanks.

  881. Nate 7. 4. 2006 / 12.26

    Neverymind, I figured it out :). Sort of silly.

  882. ezpz 8. 4. 2006 / 22.31

    I’ve just tested it once, and I’m sure I’ll have questions later, but all I can say is ”Beautiful!” Thank you.

  883. Carrie 10. 4. 2006 / 9.58

    Just downloaded WP tonight (so I have the latest version), browsed through the plugins and found this.
    A quick unzip, drag one file to the admin folder and the other file to the plugin folder, activate it, and WHAMMO!
    Works perfectly.
    Thanks for making such a great plugin.

  884. rob 13. 4. 2006 / 1.33

    I can ask which is yours wysiwyg editor preferred ?
    whit a good upload images (upload images from local pc to
    website) and where is possible to choose the number ofbuttons ?


  885. JD 13. 4. 2006 / 17.04

    Ever since this morning when I try to click on the Image Browser button on my quicktags it does not load the image browser anymore. This happens in both IE and Firfox. Any fix for this?

  886. Alex 15. 4. 2006 / 1.10

    Hey I just loaded this but it say 404 error could you tell me what you think might be wrong can you e-mail me?

  887. Rung 16. 4. 2006 / 3.57

    I wordpress 2.02. i follow you direction of install but it didn’t show image brower button. if it work 2.02

  888. aaron 16. 4. 2006 / 9.44

    I’m having the same issue. WP2. DL your new version. Did all the steps… but no ”image” button appears in my write window. please help..

  889. adam 18. 4. 2006 / 3.19

    re: rung & aaron: are you using the ”visual rich editor” or no? check your profile under users. uncheck the box and see what happens.

    malyfred: what do i need to do to get you to add the option to resize the fullsize images? :)

  890. Blastkist 18. 4. 2006 / 22.30

    Awesome! This is exactly what I needed and great work! I love you I love you I love you…moooah moooah moooah.

    Glad you made this plugin available to us. It really does the trick with several images in a post.

  891. Sara 21. 4. 2006 / 21.01

    I love this plugin. My only problem is like what heather discussed, and that is having a option for cropped thumbnails, just like IImage Gallery.

    Otherwise, everything else is great!

  892. Ajay 22. 4. 2006 / 5.20

    Hello, I got this error message when trying to create a thumbnail. Any clue about it?

    Filetype not supported. Thumbnail not created.

  893. rob 24. 4. 2006 / 17.02

    is possible to use with fckeditor toolbar?

  894. malyfred 25. 4. 2006 / 1.19

    Ajay:: This error means, in most cases, that you don’t have GD library on your server. Ask your admin about it.

  895. malyfred 25. 4. 2006 / 1.20

    rob:: not yet

  896. Emanoel Melo 25. 4. 2006 / 5.17

    This is the best image plugin ever made!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for share!!

  897. Julod 28. 4. 2006 / 14.08

    I wanted to know if you had the time to develop this plugin further so that other file types will be supported as mentionned in comment no 406.

    The problem is that in some browser you cannot have the form for generating code to add the link to your post.

    Thanks for your answer

  898. Meandme 30. 4. 2006 / 6.11


    I have installed imb and it works but, my wp is in subdomain or , and the problem is that there is no display of images in popup window. the path for images is !
    who to fix it?
    thanks in advance

  899. malyfred 30. 4. 2006 / 16.03

    Meandme:: Open iimage-browser.php and change the path there.

  900. Joachim 3. 5. 2006 / 11.26

    The same problem desribed in the posts 447, 519 and 571: Intouch ans Iimagebrowser installed on WP 2.0. And the Quicktag from IImagebrowser can’t be used anymore because now it’s a form und anot a button.

    The link from post 456 doesn’t work for me. Any solutions meanwhile? In WP 1.5.2 I have the same combination and it works fine.

  901. huphtur 16. 5. 2006 / 19.24

    Mr Malyfred: Check out this simple upgrade of IImage Browser so it works seamless with LightBox JS.

  902. Jim 18. 5. 2006 / 22.52

    I had thought that I read somewhere that the plugin was not compatible with WP2. However, it is. Even though the Iimage Browser button was set, it didn’t work. So, I changed the value in the plugin by using the plugin editor. This did work. It does put the link in the upper righthand corner. However, it is not very easy to see and is overlaid by the WP logout link.

    Is there something that I can do to reposition the Iimage Browser link?

    Thanks, jim

  903. malyfred 19. 5. 2006 / 12.12

    Jim:: The IIB is not compatible with built-in wysiwyg editor but if you turn it off – everything should be fine and button in quicktag area should work.

    If you want to change the position of IIB link – change:

    #insertimage {
    position: absolute;
    top: 4px;
    right: 4px;
    margin: 0; padding: 0;
    font-size: 1em;

    in iimage-browser-plugin.php as you need.

  904. rob 19. 5. 2006 / 12.24

    not work in Firefox and IE (other I don’t know)

    in the file iimage-browser.php is there some bugs.

    I have tested previous version 1.4.1 and work; This actual version 1.5 not work.

    The only solution for insert an image is to use the wordpress’s default editor (no visual) and first clik get the code and after insert; but in ’visual’ mode isn’t possible insert an image;

    under IE the button insert is indeed not able.

  905. Michael Ramos 19. 5. 2006 / 22.22

    I’ve use on and I think it’s very useful and easy, thanks!

  906. Ray 22. 5. 2006 / 18.41

    Hi, Im using WP 2.02 and everything is working except when I try to upload images or create a directory. This is what I get:

    It doesn’t look like you can use the file upload feature at this time because the directory you have specified (./../images/) doesn’t appear to be writable by WordPress. Check the permissions on the directory and for typos.

    I’m new to this, so how do u enable permissions?

  907. malyfred 23. 5. 2006 / 0.55

    Ray:: Comment #228

  908. Barbara 23. 5. 2006 / 10.22

    Same problem as #898, images are in, blog is in I know I have to change the path in iimage-browser.php, but change it to WHAT? None of my trials worked.
    Please help.

  909. malyfred 23. 5. 2006 / 10.34

    Barbara:: Well, IIB is not supposed to be able to include images that are not in your blog folder structure, but…:)

    find the line:
    $abs_path = get_bloginfo('wpurl'). $ib_settings['real_url'];

    and change it to:

    $abs_path = '';

    or whatever you need.

  910. Barbara 23. 5. 2006 / 10.58

    Oh, you’re great, it works :-)))))
    Really thanks a lot. I love this plugin.

  911. Saeed Moaddeli 24. 5. 2006 / 12.21

    Thank you so much for this piece of art!
    after havinf numerous problems with upload feature in wordpress, your plugin saved my ass.
    good luck!

  912. Ray 25. 5. 2006 / 23.10

    Thx I got it to work now, it’s really great.

    A question, how do you change it so that ALL user levels can have access to ALL of your plugins features (ie uses that are of ’author’ status. I’m planning on doing a community blog and want them to use this plugin but not allow them all control on the site.

  913. malyfred 26. 5. 2006 / 11.07

    Ray:: Open iimage-browser.php and there are 5 different actions that you can specify user levels for. WP is using numbers for internal representation of user levels – read:

  914. Niko 27. 5. 2006 / 0.47

    Hi, Malyfred,
    Great plugin!
    I just could not figure out how to define the width of the thumbnails and not the ”largest side”? I would need that due to the shape of my pictures. Thanks!
    Regards, Niko

  915. Camilla 31. 5. 2006 / 14.57

    Testade att använda ditt plugin : IImage Browser
    Men jag gillade inte de pågrund av att man då inte
    kunde använda : ”the visual rich editor”

    Så jag avaktiverade de .
    Och ändrade tillbaka till visual rich editor genom att gå in under Options > Your profile och så bocka i bocken nere vid Personal Options.

    Men nu funkar de inte alls att skicka upp bilder med WP.
    Blir bara ett rött kryss. *gråter*

    Provade även att avinstallera pluginet helt.
    Men fortfarande bara ett rött kryss när jag försöker ladda upp bilder genom WP-admin.

    Allt funkade ju bra innan jag installerade IImage Browser.

    Vet du vad som är fel ??
    Tacksam för svar.

    MVH / Camilla

  916. Camilla 31. 5. 2006 / 15.02

    Skrev fel :

    Skrev Options menade Users .
    Alltså Users > Your profile och så bocka i bocken nere vid Personal Options.

  917. Camilla 31. 5. 2006 / 15.21

    De fixade sig !!!

    Kanske någon annan som får samma problem i framtiden
    så jag skriver svaret här.

    Tjejen som hjälper mig hade glömt att man skulle
    ändra på (adressen i options ->misc) efter man installerat IIMage Browser och sen tagit bort de.

  918. aquazero 4. 6. 2006 / 15.00

    hi markus,
    Your plugin is a godsend. Thanks for creating it.
    How ever ive to report to you that is does not work with WP 2.0.3. When I click on the buttion it will show a 404 Error (File not found). The url link for the ”iimage browser” window is

    It would be woderful if you could add ”subscribe to comments” plugin so that i could keep watch of this post….

  919. Israel Meneses 5. 6. 2006 / 8.31

    Hola Malyfred,
    I’ve installed your plugin before using WP 2.0.2, now I’ve dowloaded WP 2.0.3 and IImagebrowser won’t show on the Quicktags menu. I’m sure you are going to get more comments about it soon; I just wanted to bring it to your attention.

    Great plugin…

    Muchas, muchas gracias amigo.

  920. Manaj 5. 6. 2006 / 23.36

    Hello, first I want to thank you for such a plugin. I use WYSI-Wordpress for editing and they include your iimage_browser.php file. It wasn’t able to upload images. so I download it from here. I replace the iimage file with your core one and solve the menu which comes by clicking image. I made it easy now it can directly insert image to the editor not any code.
    My problem is that>>>>>>>>>>
    I want a default and one folder for uploading and browsing image and dont want that folder navigation part …I want there will be no folder navigation(likeroot://uploads)… if you have free time then pls help me….
    and again thanks for this plugin …

  921. Webmasterfind Blog 6. 6. 2006 / 11.19

    Bilderverwaltung in WordPress…

    Dass die Bilderverwaltung in WordPress nicht das Gelbe vom Ei ist, ist weitestgehend bekannt. Zum Glück gibt es eine Reihe verschiedener Möglichkeiten die simple Upload-Funktion von WordPress aufzumotzen. Im Grunde gibt es zwei verschiedene S…

  922. Wes 7. 6. 2006 / 23.04

    The I’ve installed IIB 1.5 and WP 2.03 and the ”Add it to the Post!” button doesn’t insert the code into the ”Write Post” page in IE or Firefox on a PC (it works for me in Safari on the Mac). Am I doing something wrong or is there a fix in the works?

  923. Kim Miau 9. 6. 2006 / 18.00

    It’ve been quite a long time since my last visit. Congratulations that your users are growing! Anyway, are you working on WYSWYG version IIB?

  924. don 17. 6. 2006 / 1.56

    Hi Markus great plugin. Is there a way I can simplify the directly structure for browsing, and I would also like the upload section to be visible all the time. I noticed Manaj also requested a solution for this. Any help would be nice. Thank You

    don (el paso)

  925. Ron Pemberton 19. 6. 2006 / 7.35

    I have been using your plug-in for a couple of years now and love it. Thank you. I see you have a new version, and was wondering if their is anything special I need to do to upgrade from the previous version?

  926. Kim Miau 19. 6. 2006 / 15.06

    Malyfred, my blog homepage is different than the directory install installed WordPress in. Thus, the iimage browser won’t work. After I upload the pictures, it won’t show the thumbnail and so on because the url turns to be but not like the previous, how to solve this?

  927. Funny Junk 19. 6. 2006 / 18.00

    IImage Browser is definately one of the best plugins ever! Even though WordPress 2.02 is built in with it’s own image uploader, but it’s a total crap.

  928. malyfred 20. 6. 2006 / 0.49

    Kim Miau:: Edit $ib_settings['real_url'] as you need.

  929. soulcreeper 20. 6. 2006 / 9.35

    hi there,
    i would like to use your plugin for resizing my thumbnails but it doesnt seem to work on my WP blog.
    when opening the browser is get these messages:

    Warning: opendir(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 519 is not allowed to access / owned by uid 0 in /home/virtual/site18/fst/var/www/html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 540

    Warning: opendir(/): failed to open dir: Success in /home/virtual/site18/fst/var/www/html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 540

    Cannot open upload directory :-(
    Check Destination directory and URI of this directory in admin area > options > miscellaneous
    [root] />

    can someone help me out with this? maybe bring me the sollution by email perhaps? :D

  930. Kim Miau 20. 6. 2006 / 15.01

    Malyfred, It seems that it doesn’t work because any ”code” I add will be added behind this url directly. bla bla
    I just can’t make it like bla bla

    Do you know how to do so?

  931. Kim Miau 20. 6. 2006 / 15.06

    Malyfred, sorry for any inconvenience caused. I just did it! :D I added ./.. before the upload directory! Thanks a lot!

  932. Jana 21. 6. 2006 / 21.25

    Hi…I hope that you can help me with this problem that I am having with Iimage Browser now. I uploaded the files, did all the business to them, activated it and the ”Iimage Browser” button is not working in my Quicktags…it’s there but nothing happens when you click on it. However if I go to the browser directly, ie it works. Any ideas on how to make it so the button works from my dashboard? I’ve tried in both Firefox and Internet Explorer…nothing. I’m using WordPress 2.0.3 if you need that too.
    Thank you!

  933. Jana 21. 6. 2006 / 21.33

    OK I think I found the problem…I have the intouch plug in installed, and there seems to be a conflict between the two…I deactivated the plug in and it works just fine. But I’d really like to use both of them, so I can hide my e-mail address from robots…does anyone know how to get the both of these plug ins to work together? Thank you!

  934. soulcreeper 22. 6. 2006 / 10.43

    can someone tell me what the problem is here and how to fix this?

    Warning: opendir(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 519 is not allowed to access / owned by uid 0 in /home/virtual/site18/fst/var/www/html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 540

    Warning: opendir(/): failed to open dir: Success in /home/virtual/site18/fst/var/www/html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 540

    Cannot open upload directory :-(
    Check Destination directory and URI of this directory in admin area > options > miscellaneous
    [root] />

  935. malyfred 22. 6. 2006 / 18.08

    soulcreeper:: The only solution is to ask your admin to allow you to use opendir() function…

  936. Manaj 23. 6. 2006 / 20.52

    sorry for asking again… but i need realy a answare for my problem… which was describe 920

    My problem is that>>>>>>>>>>
    I want a default and one folder for uploading and browsing image and dont want that folder navigation part …I want there will be no folder navigation(likeroot://uploads)… if you have free time then pls help me….
    and again thanks for this plugin …

  937. pixelnoder 27. 6. 2006 / 4.34

    Hi Malyfred,

    I wanted to praize you on a great plugin. I think this one is the most usable plug for wordpress. The functionality just improved with option for sub categorising images into folders. That’s something it’s been missing before.

    Here’s just one suggestion, to make the plugin ultimate! :) Please, try to consider my call.

    Instead of informing people constantly to disable WYSIWYG editor in WP 2.0, why not incorporate a little button in it!!? It will make life easier for everyone, and this should’nt be a big problem for you. It would also open the usability of the plugin and a feel of tranquility :).

    I saw other plugins that managed to do this little tweek, but our favorite plugin still hasn’t. Why??

    Thanks in advance. With or without this feature, best plugin, PERIOD!


  938. Seb 4. 7. 2006 / 14.20

    I definitely agree with the previous comment from pixelnoder: why not make it work with the WYSIWYG in WP 2.0 ?

    We’ll have a look and make it available if we solve the problem.

  939. Gutts 5. 7. 2006 / 18.31

    Great plugin thank you!
    Can the default image directory be changed to look at the Gallery 2 image directory I run on the same server? If so how?

    Thank you.

  940. fronten 7. 7. 2006 / 15.16

    can’t you make it to work with the WYSIWYG editor?

  941. wern 7. 7. 2006 / 21.31

    thanks so much for developing this plugin. it’s quite useful and i am especially thankful for the ability to create thumbnails on the fly. quality!

  942. Ronen 17. 7. 2006 / 3.01

    I don’t understand and need help, i have installed the plugin but IImagebrowser won’t show on the Quicktags menu or anywhere else…am i missing something?

  943. Chris 17. 7. 2006 / 17.51

    Ditto comment 942.

  944. silfver 17. 7. 2006 / 23.00


    IImage Browser doesn’t seem to work in the new WordPress version, 2.0.3.

    Please contact me to verify so I know what’s wrong.


  945. Ronen 18. 7. 2006 / 19.34

    silfver, my wordpress version is 2.0.1…
    how can i contact you?

  946. PreZ 25. 7. 2006 / 1.57

    very nice thank you

  947. Seb 25. 7. 2006 / 19.09

    I used to use IImage Browser, but after much struggle trying to make it work with WP2 & WYSIWYG, I happened to find a much much better one (believe me), working with WP2: ImageManager 2.0. Clean and simple and efficient. Works with WP2 and WYSIWYG.

    You’ll probably never come back to IImage Browser.

  948. Kim Miau 27. 7. 2006 / 15.40

    Woots, Seb, it really rocks! I’ve moved to it!

  949. Kim Miau 1. 8. 2006 / 16.43

    Fred, strongly requesting for WYSWYG version of image browser! I still like yours.

  950. Lachlan 2. 8. 2006 / 18.13

    Hi there

    I know you’re busy, but I was wondering if there was a standalone version of this (so i could just put it in a specific folder and manage the images

  951. DY 3. 8. 2006 / 13.08

    I’ve upgraded to WordPress 2.0.4 and Iimage browser stopped working. Is there any update or way to fix this?
    Thank you

  952. DY 3. 8. 2006 / 13.36

    Oh, it was easy to fix :)
    Just had to replace the .php files.

  953. Kim Miau 3. 8. 2006 / 14.31

    I would like to request for image and folder delete function as well as wp-lightbox compatible. Don’t forget to support WYSWYG too.

  954. Shawna 10. 8. 2006 / 9.16

    I have been using this plugin for months without any problems until tonight when the following error started appearing
    Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move ’/tmp/phpYigGqe’ to ’./../wp-content//janet/branday1.jpg’ in /home/browny/public_html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 871
    Couldn’t upload your file to ./../wp-content//janet/branday1.jpg.

    This happens when I try to uplaod an image and if I try to create a thumbnail I get even more errors and a red X where the image should be
    Warning: getimagesize(): Read error! in /home/browny/public_html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 345

    Warning: imageantialias(): supplied argument is not a valid Image resource in /home/browny/public_html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 368

    Warning: getimagesize(): Read error! in /home/browny/public_html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 370

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/browny/public_html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 388

    Warning: imagecreatetruecolor(): Invalid image dimensions in /home/browny/public_html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 392

    Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /home/browny/public_html/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 432
    Thumbnail has been created.

    Any help in fixing this problem would be greatly appreciated.:)

  955. Shawna 10. 8. 2006 / 9.18

    @ Kim, this -plugin works fine for me with lightbox

    My Site

  956. malyfred 11. 8. 2006 / 12.28

    Shawna:: Didn’t you change access rights to that directory?

  957. malyfred 11. 8. 2006 / 12.29

    Gutts:: open iimage-browser.php and edit $ib_settings[’real_path’] and other settings as you need.

  958. Kim Miau 11. 8. 2006 / 16.45

    Shawna, I can’t see any lightbox effect on your image though.

  959. Shawna 12. 8. 2006 / 3.23

    The problem actually cleared itself up but is back now.Someone said I had 2 ”/” of those symbols in there, but that didn’t mafe any sense.

    Malyfred, I haven’t made any changes to any files.Should I check the file permissions? If so which ones and what should I set them to.

    Kim, the lightbox effect works on both my sites.

    Can you see it at work here:

  960. Shawna 12. 8. 2006 / 21.34

    My problems turned out to be pretty big and it wasn’t because of the plugin.I finally just redid my whole site and now all the error messages are gone.Something was wrong with my ability to upload even when not using the plugin but all is wrong now.


    I took a screenshsot to show you that the lighbox plugin does work on my site.You can see it here and I am using Lightbox JS Plus version 05.You can get it here

    Hope that helps. :)

  961. Kim Miau 14. 8. 2006 / 17.07

    I found that there is no light box effect on

  962. Kim Miau 14. 8. 2006 / 17.12

    Erm, just some of them doesn’t work.

    Fred, could you merge comment 961 and 962?

    Thanks a lot.

  963. Robin 16. 8. 2006 / 2.20

    I’m having problems with v1.5 when creating a thumbnail. I have the necessary perl modules installed but everytime I hit ’create thumbnail’ I receive a window with all the code from image_browser.php up to:

    line 220: case ”customfull”:
    htmlCode = ”

    and then it stops and no thumbnail is created. Anybody has an idea what could cause this ?

    Thanks in advance!

  964. Vern McGeorge 25. 8. 2006 / 3.35

    I can’t get the Insert Image button to appear. I’m running WordPress 2.0.3 with no other image handling plugins. When I set the upload directory to a full URI, I get the pictures showing in the /public_html/http:/
    directory. Weird. I’ve tried the default ”wp-content/uploads” and ”/public_html/wp-content/uploads” to no avail – I can’t get the images in the right place and I can’t insert them in a post.

    Any advice would be most welcome.

  965. Billy Dennis 25. 8. 2006 / 19.17

    I sed iimagebrowser proudly on my WP 1.5.2 blog. I upgraded to 2.0.4 upon learning that iimagebrowser worked with it. But it’s not. I’ve installed the most recent version (plugin file to the plugin folder and the other file to the wp_admin folder), and the quicktag button will NOT cause the iimage browser window to pop up. I’ve un and reinstalled. I’ve deactivated and reactivated.


  966. Maya 26. 8. 2006 / 23.13

    Same here, iimagebrowser doesnt work with WP 2.0.4 :(

    I really love this plugin I hope the problem will be fixed.

  967. Darrell Duffy 10. 9. 2006 / 19.01

    I just finished building a WP site using 2.0.4 for a client. All is well with IImageBrowser on that site. Used it extensively to build the site. Narry a glitch.

  968. Kim Miau 13. 9. 2006 / 17.49

    Malyfred, I am still using your image browser plugin and I find that it’s still the best for me. Would you like to add a delete function for folder? It’s quite annoying to delete a folder using a FTP software.

  969. Jerry 15. 10. 2006 / 23.17

    Hi malyfred, nice plugin. Unfortunately, after I installed, it didn’t work. I cannot see ”insert image” or ”image browser” button in my editing screen. Could you help? thanks a lot.

  970. Dee 21. 10. 2006 / 19.36


    I had the same problem as Shawna had #954. Shawna your problems just disapeared because you redid your site? Do you know what exactly happened? Would love to know.

    I’m using this fine plugin now for quite some time but a few days ago I got the following error message:

    Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/var/tmp/phpzeueDq) is not within the allowed path(s): (/usr/home/fetishde/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /usr/home/fetishde/public_html/wordpress/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 871

    Warning: move_uploaded_file(/var/tmp/phpzeueDq) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /usr/home/fetishde/public_html/wordpress/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 871

    Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move ’/var/tmp/phpzeueDq’ to ’./../wp-content//uploads/108.jpg’ in /usr/home/fetishde/public_html/wordpress/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 871

    Warning: copy() [function.copy]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/var/tmp/phpzeueDq) is not within the allowed path(s): (/usr/home/fetishde/:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /usr/home/fetishde/public_html/wordpress/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 874
    Couldn’t upload your file to ./../wp-content//uploads/108.jpg.

    So please – anyone?
    I was thought it was my quota but there’s space enough on the server.
    I didn’t change CMOD thingies.
    I didn’t put any commercial popups on it. nothing …


  971. bazuki 6. 11. 2006 / 17.52

    i hv my pictures stored in how do i get the pictures from there? TKS ahead.

  972. Björn 13. 11. 2006 / 20.12

    Hi, and thanx for a great plugin. I’m having a problem and that is with the thumbnail option: ”Create for all images in this directory?” But I have no checkbox or radiobutton or anything. How can I get this to work so I dont have to click on the create thumbnail button for all my pics.


  973. Stylewalker 13. 11. 2006 / 20.31

    Hey, I use Image Browser on and it’s great. Thx!!

  974. Björm 13. 11. 2006 / 22.13

    Hi again, STUPID ME :-) (ref. comment 972)

    It’s a checkbox there which i thought was for resize :)

    Now it´s working just fine..


  975. Dan 14. 11. 2006 / 4.12


    I uploaded the image browser and image gallery. The plugins are active but I cannot see that they are working. I do not have the insert image button in the edit page. I am not sure how to get the image gallery plug in to work? I am missing something very basic I’m sure. Any help/instruction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


  976. David 21. 11. 2006 / 21.28

    připojím se k řádce žadatelů o revizi kompatibility pluginu s novějšími verzemi WP. Zkoušel jsem se dívat do skriptu, ale jelikož se skriptěním moc nezabývám, nenašel jsem nic, co by chybu způsobovalo. IImageBrowser lze spustit, funguje upload, funguje delete, funguje vkládání kódu, ale je problém s vytvářením náhledu, po odklepnutí ”Create thumbnail” se okno vyklíruje a akce končí bez výsledku, žádná chyba, žádná hláška. Mám web na hostingu, verzi WP 2.0.4 CZ.

  977. Billy Dennis 25. 12. 2006 / 10.48

    The plugin works fine now, except for one thing. I have a member of my blog with ”editor” status who cannot use it because he gets a message saying his user level isn’t high enough. I’ve used the ”Role Manager” plug in to specifically let him upload, and he can using other methods. But this plugin doesn’t work for him. Help.

  978. Billy Dennis 29. 12. 2006 / 23.57

    Any advice? Helloooooo?

  979. IronDude 4. 1. 2007 / 8.52

    Been using your plugin for a long time, Love it!
    Two questions:
    1.I would like the default thumbnails to 200, right now its 250.
    2.Some folders, I would like not to show up in the browser since they are for previous years and I don’t need them. Is there a way to hide them.

  980. Willuknight 12. 1. 2007 / 2.44

    Hi, my blog’s address is different from the directory it’s installed into, and i think this is causing a problem with iimage-browser.

    I get this message: Cannot open upload directory :-(. I’ve tried changing the upload options, but with no changes, and i’m pretty certain the problem is with the differing address. Is there anything i can edit in the code to get it to work? Thanks, i love this plugin and use it on every wordpress site i run.

  981. Patrick 19. 1. 2007 / 20.17

    hello, a question would it be possible to integrate the the crop function from iimage gallery to iimage browser?
    iimage browser is a cool feature, but square thumbnails would be great.
    any idea?

  982. Sam 23. 1. 2007 / 5.52

    > ”I’ve installed the most recent version […] and the quicktag button will NOT cause the iimage browser window to pop up.”

    If the ”Iimage Browser” button is there but doesn’t do anything when you click it, there may actually be a conflict with another of your Quicktag buttons (from another plugin, possibly).

    This happened to me under WP 1.5, and when I disabled an Upload plugin (which had a Quicktag button), Iimagebrowser worked again.

  983. Adam 23. 1. 2007 / 18.41

    Iimage doesn’t work in wordpress 2.1! This is a big problem for me because I need it for my photoblog. However I just changed the ”post.php” references in iimage-browser-plugin.php to ”post-new.php” and it works… maybe i can get my other plugins working that way too, until they’re updated.

  984. pareto 24. 1. 2007 / 23.02

    too bad. it’s not working in WP 2.1… please somebody do something!!!

  985. Val 25. 1. 2007 / 12.25

    In the file iimage-browser-plugin.php try to add the following code inside the ”if” statement on line 56 and line 106. It worked for me.

    strpos($_SERVER[’REQUEST_URI’], ’post-new.php’) ||

  986. pareto 25. 1. 2007 / 13.33

    YAH! It works now! Thanx!

  987. Chris 28. 1. 2007 / 8.37

    I, too, just upgraded which broke iimage-browser. I’m glad for the other people that posted comments on how to fix this! :)

    While this plug-in hasn’t been upgraded in some time, I think it’s still the best one around! I went through looking for a replacement today (before I read the comments) and there wasn’t anything else that met my needs.

    Here’s to hoping that this keeps working as long as WordPress lives! :)

  988. Chris 28. 1. 2007 / 15.54

    Actually, on lines 56 and 106, I’ve changed them to read:

    if(strpos($_SERVER[’REQUEST_URI’], ’post.php’) || strpos($_SERVER[’REQUEST_URI’], ’post-new.php’) || strpos($_SERVER[’REQUEST_URI’], ’page-new.php’) || strpos($_SERVER[’REQUEST_URI’], ’bookmarklet.php’))


    if(strpos($_SERVER[’REQUEST_URI’], ’post.php’) || strpos ($_SERVER[’REQUEST_URI’], ’post-new.php’) || strpos($_SERVER[’REQUEST_URI’], ’page-new.php’) || strpos($_SERVER[’REQUEST_URI’], ’bookmarklet.php’)){

    Respectively. The additional ’post.php’ entry was for posts that I didn’t complete, saved as a draft and needed to come back to later. That editing window uses post.php and not post-new.php.

  989. Weefz 28. 1. 2007 / 18.25

    Hooray, thanks Chris! :)

    I should probably mention to future users: I had to go through Chris’ code above and replace the ‘ and ’ with plain old ’ symbols before it would work.

  990. Bill_T 29. 1. 2007 / 7.53

    It appears that they have upgraded it to work with 2.1. I just upgraded to 2.1 on 4 sites and all had the same issue with this plugin. I installed the latest version which mentions above that it is for 2.1; I only had to change one thing: line 34 & 37 the REAL_PATH and REAL_URL values.

    One thing I would like to change is how it outputs the image location, I would rather not the exact url, I would prefer the relative url, the way it used to. I will go through the code and look for it.
    (I prefer this method, incase I change the URL of my site, I dont need to update all my posts.)

    Thanks again!

  991. mukraker 29. 1. 2007 / 15.43

    Works great with WP 2.1
    Please add somethink like:

    Max. Size: XXX px ( [x] width [ ]height )

    Much better for handling portrait and landscape images

  992. IronDude 30. 1. 2007 / 21.37

    Love the update!
    I have folders named by year. I want to have only that year show when the popup pop’s.

    I don’t want to see folders from 2 years ago, just 2007.

  993. John C. 7. 2. 2007 / 6.19

    I used iimage browser for a long time and always loved it, but I can’t get it to work with wp 2.1. I have updated the plugin to the latest version (1.5.1) and, of course, put the correct addresses in for my image folder (on lines 34 and 37), but when I press the Iimage Browser button, I get a blank window, no buttons, nothing. Is there a fix for this?

  994. John C. 7. 2. 2007 / 6.46

    I also tried making the changes Chris at 988 recommended, and changed the single quote marks to the the standard ’ — still no dice.


  995. malyfred 7. 2. 2007 / 20.05

    @John Did you copy iimage-browser.php to the ’wp-admin’ directory? What about pop-up blockers?

  996. Greg Laden 7. 2. 2007 / 22.29


    Great plugin. I don’t care about uploading because the system does that … in other words, all uploading programs are crappy re-inventions of the wheel. Just open two directories, one on your computer the other on the server and transfer files by drag and drop or whatever. That will always be easier than any rinkidink uploading system built into a browser.

    I do have a comments but this may be something that I’m just doing wrong: I’d like the iimage plugin to give me more options for formatting the image including float/align and putit in a css thingie or a table with a caption.


  997. John C. 7. 2. 2007 / 23.44

    Yes, malyfred, I put all the correct files in the correct folder. Meanwhile, I found my problem: there was a conflict with another plugin EXEC-PHP. Once I shut it down, the indispensable iimage browser worked.


    By the way, for several iterations of this plugin, I customized the code to include an alignment feature. Would be happy to send the file –actually, just image-browser.php that we all put in the wp-admin directory — to anyone who would like this feature.

    My email is (with anti-spam spacing that just needs to be closed up:
    calendo [at] verizon . net

  998. Chris 15. 2. 2007 / 7.28

    I’ve installed it and i got this message when I click on the quicktag.

    ”Your ’user level’ doesn’t allow you to use IImage Browser.”

  999. Chris 15. 2. 2007 / 7.33

    I got it already. Just changed the user role to ’administrator’.

    I have a question. Can I set default directory so that I don’t have to keep on digging into the subdirectories each time i use iimage-browser?

  1000. Robert 17. 2. 2007 / 19.17

    1000th comments and it’s me!
    but anyway, thanx for the great plugin.
    have fun

  1001. Lynx 20. 2. 2007 / 2.58

    I choose u one against other, thnx a lot ;) !

  1002. Arie Kraai 25. 2. 2007 / 13.52

    Hi, I downloaded the latest 1.5.1, made my (few) changes and it worked perfectly with wp 2.1.1

    I couldn’t run my photo-blog without this great plugin!

    Thanks! Aar

  1003. rinkguy 26. 2. 2007 / 1.50

    I get this error when I try to use the browser…and I am the administrator.
    ”Your ‘user level’ doesn’t allow you to use IImage Browser.” What might be the issue, it’s always worked in the past, this is on a new installation of WP.

  1004. BB 5. 3. 2007 / 13.00

    Does this plugin work with WP 2.1.2? I just upgraded to that version and it doesn’t work, whereas it did before.

  1005. BB 5. 3. 2007 / 13.09

    Disregard my last message. It works perfectly with WP 2.1.2. I’m such a moron and had deleted iimage-browser.php from my wp-admin directory when I upgraded WP.

  1006. Jerry 6. 3. 2007 / 2.25

    Is this a WordPress Blog template?

  1007. Savio 19. 3. 2007 / 8.56

    Hi Malyfred!

    I’ve just installed Iimage Browser. I can upload images, but I get an error when trying to create thumbnails. The error is: ”Thumbnail path invalid”. I don’t know what’s going on. Can you help me ?
    Thanks a lot!

  1008. nathan118 26. 3. 2007 / 7.18

    Any chance we’ll get to use this with the visual rich editor? It would be really nice to still have all those options available to me along with the best image plugin ever!

  1009. Pippi 27. 3. 2007 / 13.10

    I have some problem with IImage browser, my pop up window will not uploded correct.

    That’s wrong and who can I fix it?

    I have the latest version of WP, and my problem gett started when I upgrade my WP.

    I hop you can help me.

    Sorry for my bad English.

  1010. Barbara 29. 3. 2007 / 10.47

    hi, iimage broswer works fine, upload and everything. only when I want to upload to a subfolder it says Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 1775 is not allowed to access /home/www/.../wp-content/images/test owned by uid 30 in /home/www/.../wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 872

    Warning: copy() [function.copy]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 1775 is not allowed to access /home/www/.../wp-content/images/test owned by uid 30 in /home/www/.../wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 875

    Warning: copy(./../wp-content/images/test/pic.jpg) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/www/.../wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 875
    Couldn't upload your file to ./../wp-content/images/test/pic.jpg.

    but i’m not trying to move anything? why can i upload in root but not in subfolder?

  1011. courtney 8. 4. 2007 / 3.12

    I am experiecing the same problem as a previous poster (WP 2.1) When clicking on the ’IImage Browser’ button in the code tab I get a pop up with just the text:

    Your ’user level’ doesn’t allow you to use IImage Browser.

    No other UI elements are loaded in this window.

  1012. shehzad 23. 4. 2007 / 9.14

    you have to go into iimage-browser in wp-admin folder,

    in there code, there should be somewhere where it goes:

    $ib_settings[’delete_user_level’] = 5;
    $ib_settings[’upload_user_level’] = 5;
    $ib_settings[’dir_user_level’] = 5;
    $ib_settings[’thumbnail_user_level’] = 5;
    $ib_settings[’use_iib_user_level’] = 5;

    change those 5’s to ones (i don’t really know what the number’s mean, all i know is that one makes it work!)

    also BACKUP before editing. :D

    Now does anyone have a crack to have it in the visual editor? cuz i have a multi-author blog, and it would be a lot more convenient.


  1013. Tim LB 25. 4. 2007 / 19.11

    Hi, I’ve been using Iimage browser very happily for years, but today I upgraded WordPress to 2.1.3 and something has broken.

    The Iimage browser button no longer appears when I am writing a new post. The strange thing is that it IS visible and works as normal if I try to write a new PAGE.

    I’ve experimented with turning off other plugins, but so far I have had no luck. What else should I try, please?



  1014. Dave 26. 4. 2007 / 2.05

    My site was recently moved to another server and now I can’t create thumbnails through IIB anymore. As soon as I pick the file and select the create thumbnail option & click Upload, the next screen shows me a ”* Zero Sized Reply” error.

    If I then return to the image folder the original image has been uploaded but the thumbnail hasn’t been created. If I try and create a thumbnail then, same error.

    So, since the only thing that has changed is the server and it worked fine before, I was wondering what the server requirements are for this plugin?

    Anything it needs for creating thumbnails? Or anything else I should check?

  1015. Dani 29. 4. 2007 / 1.47

    I am having the exact same issue as Tim – been a very happy, untroubled user for quite some time but now that I finally caved and upgraded to 2.1.3, Image Browser only shows on the ”Write Page” page, not ”Write Post”

    Any suggestions welcome, I miss this addition greatly!

  1016. Dani 29. 4. 2007 / 1.54

    My bad! I just realized there is a 1.5.1, which i upgraded to and now all is fine! Thanks for such a valued plug in!

  1017. za12 30. 4. 2007 / 18.25


  1018. Tim LB 18. 5. 2007 / 16.15

    I’m glad that Dani’s problem was fixed by the upgrade to 1.5.1

    but I was using that already. The problem with no iimage browser on the write post (but not the page)screen was happening with WP 2.1.3 and iimage browser 1.5.1

  1019. HART (1-800-HART) 23. 5. 2007 / 0.05

    Hi! This plugin was the greatest thing since slice bread, but since I’ve upgraded to wp version 2.2 I’m getting a ’preview’ of the post in question, instead of the actual Iimage browser where you can browse for files .. Is anybody else noticing that?

  1020. huphtur 24. 5. 2007 / 21.00

    HART: Indeed this plugin isn’t compatible with WP2.2 Let’s hope it gets fixed soon.

  1021. Tim LB 25. 5. 2007 / 16.43

    Most strange: I have now upgraded to wp 2.2 and reinstalled iimage browser and it now seems to be working for posts as well as pages.
    I’m puzzled but happy.

  1022. Boje 27. 5. 2007 / 16.53

    Download link is broken!

  1023. HART (1-800-HART) 28. 5. 2007 / 10.48

    My 1.5.1 version definitely did not work with 2.2 wordpress. I’m envious TimLB! But, I’m hopeful on the latest version 1.5.2 of Iimage browser being released.

    But – I’m getting the same thing here too -the download link is broken.

  1024. Jessica 28. 5. 2007 / 20.48


    Jag ville bara tala om att jag nyss försökte ladda ner senaste verisionen av iimage browser men det fungerar inte.
    Får upp att det är någe fel ??

    Hojjta gärna till när du vet vad felet är och när det går att ladda ner det igen…


  1025. Jessica 28. 5. 2007 / 20.54

    Ohh sorry mayby i should write to you in English ;)

    My english it not good so i hop that you will understand.

    I tryed to download iimage browser but there is someting wrong so i can´t.
    Please can you write to me when it is okey again?? *please*

    // Jessica

  1026. swag 28. 5. 2007 / 23.08

    Hi —

    I too cannot download from the link:

    I get a 404 error. Is the binary not uploaded? I’m in the middle of a WordPress upgrade, and I really want to be able to use this very useful plug-in (thanks!) in the 2.x WP version.


  1027. malyfred 29. 5. 2007 / 0.38

    @ALL SORRY guys! Broken link is fixed now.

  1028. HART (1-800-HART) 30. 5. 2007 / 7.59

    Hi. thanks for fixing that link. But, this still doesn’t appear to be working with my v2.2 version wordpress blogs. It seems to be previewing the root/frontpage of the blog and includes 100% of the preposted articles as well. But, no upload screen as before. Is it me? I’m pretty sure I have it correctly installed. I did have an issue at first, because I am using InstantUpgradePlugin and it wouldn’t accept the file in my wp-admin/ folder until I removed the lock on the permissions .. but, then installed it okay. And the plugin overcopied the old plugin file in the plugin directory. Any advice? Thanks in advance malyfred

  1029. HART (1-800-HART) 30. 5. 2007 / 8.04

    PS: I have uploaded 1.5.2 version of your plugin to a few of my 2.1 and 2.1.3 wordpress versions and the plugin works perfectly as before. It would definitely seem to be a wp2.2 issue.

  1030. malyfred 30. 5. 2007 / 14.52

    @HART Do you have WP files in separate folder or not? You can try to play with: ../wp-admin/iimage-browser.php path in iimage-browser-plugin.php

  1031. Boris 1. 6. 2007 / 9.50

    Worked for me with the latest version of wordpress 2.2 and the newest version of iimage browser 1_5_2.

    I upgraded WordPress with this new plugin that updates your wordpress easily.

    I had the problem of only having it show up on the Pages only and not the Posts. The plugin on the pages was broken when I clikced the IImage Browser anyways. I had a pop up page with a 404 error (page not found). I simply had to get the newest IImage Browser 1_5_2 . I did have 1_5.

    When I go to write a post or page there are 2 tabs now in the new wordpress. One is for Visual and another for Code. One the code page the IImage Browser shows up!
    Also it appears that you having the setting for ”use the visual editor when writing” under Users Profile does not matter…

    This plugin is better than the new WordPress Image upload tools because you can create and browse folder directories for easy image organization…


  1032. HART (1-800-HART) 20. 6. 2007 / 18.38

    Sorry – been moving servers this month.

    I have figured out the reason why this does not work with any of my blogs – upgraded to version 2.2. That’s because, of Boris’ reason. All of my blogs updated from 2.1.3 to the lastest version was made using the InstantUpgrade plugin (about 40 blogs – which saves me time). Putting the iimage-browser.php file into the wp-admin folder is the problem, as the plugin takes over my files and deletes it from the directory. I tried recovering the permissions and placing the file in wp-admin and 1.5.2 version of the plugin worked. Then, I upgraded to the (same) latest version of wordpress, and it deleted the file again in wp-admin – and the plugin didn’t work. Simple as that.

    Is there anyway to just control this from the plugin folder? That doesn’t get modified or deleted with the InstantUpgrade plugin.


  1033. HART (1-800-HART) 29. 6. 2007 / 8.07


  1034. HART (1-800-HART) 4. 7. 2007 / 18.02

    * still wondering if it’s possible to bypass the /wp-admin/ folder …
    I really liked this plugin. // Thx.

  1035. Rodrigo Sargo 17. 7. 2007 / 1.26

    Hi, guys help me, in my site I use the wordpress with the old version of IImage Browser, and now I’m installing another WordPress (2.2.1), and the IImage Browser ins’t working perfectly. I can create and upload photos in the root.
    But I can’t create directores and upload pictures inside a subdirect, When I upload a photo, appear this:

    Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 33701 is not allowed to access /home/digomyla/public_html/tv-simworld/wp-content/A Beleza da Obsessao/Capitulo III owned by uid 99 in /home/digomyla/public_html/tv-simworld/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 871

    Warning: copy() [function.copy]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 33701 is not allowed to access /home/digomyla/public_html/tv-simworld/wp-content/A Beleza da Obsessao/Capitulo III owned by uid 99 in /home/digomyla/public_html/tv-simworld/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 874

    Warning: copy(./../wp-content//A Beleza da Obsessao/Capitulo III/irma2.jpg) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/digomyla/public_html/tv-simworld/wp-admin/iimage-browser.php on line 874
    Couldn’t upload your file to ./../wp-content//A Beleza da Obsessao/Capitulo III/irma2.jpg.

    And when I create a directory appear this:

    Cannot create directory!

    Please help me, I’m trying to use the IImage Browser =/

  1036. Miód 17. 8. 2007 / 21.27

    Great Article , thank you , wordpress is great cms . :)

  1037. Cionimba 27. 8. 2007 / 3.22

    Is there a way to use it in b2evoluttion? I need something easy to use, for image uploading and automatic thumbnails creation. Maybe this is the best tool to upload images on the web!

  1038. issy 8. 9. 2007 / 7.22

    hey guys,
    it’s not working with the lastest version of wp 2.2.3, any suggestions?


  1039. Joe 10. 9. 2007 / 23.04

    Using WP 2.2.3. Installed iimage-browser. When image window opens, I get the top menu items (sorted by:, create directory, upload, etc) but only a blank screen where the images should be listed. Ideas? Thanks in advance.

  1040. Acton 20. 9. 2007 / 1.22

    Very good program, far better and cleaner than most I’ve seen and used.

  1041. mia 6. 10. 2007 / 6.23

    Hi. I am looking for because I desperately need the ”Add All Codes” function, but WeaselMan’s webpage is dead and I’m not sure where else to ask for it. Does anyone have it and can upload it somewhere?

  1042. Mr Henree 18. 10. 2007 / 15.58

    It really saves me lots of time after using this plugin! Thanks again!

  1043. TrustAdvert 1. 11. 2007 / 5.54

    thank you for the nice plugin.

    It seams that iimage-browser didnt work together with the plugin who sees ads from:
    If who sees ads is activated i cant open iimage-browser in the editor.
    Do you have a idea?

    thank you

  1044. Hannu 16. 11. 2007 / 13.11

    I have same problem as some previous writers: when opening the browser in the window I see my sites front page instead of the pictures.

    Maybe this is not working with 2.3.1?


  1045. marcel 11. 12. 2007 / 12.42

    I still get this Error even tho I did eveything that was said here to solve it:::

    Your ’user level’ doesn’t allow you to use IImage Browser.

    Help anyone? :|

  1046. Shawna 31. 12. 2007 / 17.12

    Since upgrading to the new version of WP, 2.31, the pop up doesn’t work anymore. I click the button in the post area tp upload images but nothing happens. Does anyone know what the problem might be?

    Thank you :)

  1047. Kelso 16. 1. 2008 / 18.13

    shawna, make sure you reinserted the second iimage browser php file to your Admin folder. It was probably erased during the upgrade. Hope this helps.

  1048. Kasper 21. 1. 2008 / 14.34

    I like this plugin the only problem is that I need the prefix to be a suffix. Can I somehow change it so that instead of the thumbnail image is called _image.jpg that I can call it image_.jpg

  1049. Seb2nim 22. 1. 2008 / 13.31

    I realy like your plugin. I use it from a while. However, it definitely doenst work on wordpress 2.3.1 :
    I think something has changed in user_level management that causes the error message ”Your ‘user level’ doesn’t allow you to use IImage Browser.”.
    Actually, $user_level vaiable is always equals to 0 even when logged as admin.

    I really hope you could take a minute to investigate on it, thats not simply a misconfiguration problem.


  1050. Joni Solis 14. 2. 2008 / 18.16

    I just had my WordPress updated to Version 2.3.3 and now I cannot get my ”IImage Brower” button to work. I click on it and get:

    Error 404 – File not Found

    Sorry, but the page you were looking for could not be found.

    — anyone else having any trouble with it in the newest WordPress?

  1051. Joni Solis 14. 2. 2008 / 18.41

    Well, I trying to uninstall it and reinstall it, but now I don’t see any ”Image Browser” button at all in the write post spot.

  1052. Joni Solis 26. 2. 2008 / 16.54

    Help, can anyone please comment and let me know if they have been able to install and use the latest version of the IImage-browser plugin on WordPress Version 2.3.3


  1053. Issy 27. 2. 2008 / 5.32

    When I try to upload image I get the following error. I’m using the latest version and it was working fine before.

    Not Acceptable
    An appropriate representation of the requested resource /wp-admin/iimage-browser.php could not be found on this server.

    Thanks for the great plugin

    Happy coding…

  1054. fools 24. 3. 2008 / 22.43

    was able to activate in 2.5 RC1, but do not have the correct user levels. I’m assuming 2.5 dropped user levels all together, but not sure since I’m not much into coding. Just figured I would update you. I’m not upgrading my install to 2.5 until it’s official, just put up a quick install to test it out and have some fun.

  1055. myke 25. 3. 2008 / 5.45

    i’m setting up a new blog after being out of the loop for a while and used to use the plug-in with great success. however, those posting seem to have trouble with it being used with WP 2.3 and above. Has anyone been able to get it working with the 2.3 series or was it last working correctly with the 2.2 series? The fuctionality of this plugin should be built in to the core of WP in my opinion as it is in many other cms platforms. Either way, this plugin really worked for me before so if I need to install an older version of WP to get it to work, I will.

  1056. myke 25. 3. 2008 / 6.02

    UPDATE: I think I answered my own question as well as a couple of other posters above. I created a test install of WP 2.3.3 in a subdirectory of my domain to test my favorite plugins, mess with themes, etc. The first plugin I uploaded was IImage Browser and it’s working perfectly I’d like to report. Images are created perfectly with thumbnails popping up and working great. All code inserted excellently. IN other words, no probs with this plugin for me with WP 2.3.3!

  1057. hikaye 27. 3. 2008 / 23.21

    thank you good plugins

  1058. Steve 31. 3. 2008 / 2.39

    It appears that in 2.5 the button from the post/page editing screen is broken.

  1059. Mike 6. 4. 2008 / 19.38

    An upgrade that works with 2.5 would be much appreciated!

  1060. JÄÅ Preview | skriker 25. 4. 2008 / 0.09

    […] should also try these plugins: IImage Browser, IImage Gallery, Polyglot, IImage […]

  1061. 让IImage Browser在Wordpress2.5中重生 | 冰古blog 7. 5. 2008 / 13.18

    […] 毫无疑问,IImage Browser是冰古最爱的用于上传图片(或其他文件)到服务器的wordpress插件,冰古已多次推荐,这里和这里。而2.5的图片上传有这样那样的毛病,更让冰古觉得这个插件很不错。 […]

  1062. 我使用的plugins | 冰古blog 8. 5. 2008 / 7.55

    […] IImage Browser:上传图片的plugin。激活plugin后自动添加一个按钮在quicktag中,点击后可上传东西到服务器中,支持多文件夹,自动生成img链接,快速添加代码到post中……(功能强大,不是wp自带upload可比的。强烈推荐!) […]

  1063. WordPress 图片管理插件:IImage Browser | 网络营销|网上赚钱|效果营销|如何创业博客 17. 5. 2008 / 13.12

    […] 插件页面: […]

  1064. IImage Browser-WordPress 图片管理插件 at 宝库在线 18. 5. 2008 / 10.32

    […] 下载地址: WP-T-WAP-WordPress 插件推荐 […]

  1065. Damian Martinelli » Blog Archive » Recreandonos 22. 5. 2008 / 4.02

    […] IImage Browser: permite navegar las imágenes disponibles en el servidor, permitiendo subir otras e insertar directamente el html necesario para incluir una imagen en el post. De esta forma se facilita la tarea al usuario para subir imagenes de fiestas o imagenes de los nuevos eventos. […]

  1066. Steven M 5. 6. 2008 / 3.00

    I have been using IImage Browser for my WordPress blog for a very long time now and it has been wonderful and saved me a ton of work. Recently it quit working properly.

    Most of it still works but when I check the ”Create for all images in this directory?” box and then ”Create Thumbnail”, it only makes the thumbnail for that one image. I have tried reinstalling more than once and everything I can think of.

    I am using WordPress version 2.5.1

    My posts commonly have a couple of hundred images or more so it is not fun to create the thumbnails one at a time.

    I sincerely appreciate the great plugin and really need your help. Thank you.

  1067. 사용하고 있는 Wordpress Plugin « TattedLines 6. 7. 2008 / 4.21

    […] IImage Browser – 포스팅할 때 삽입할 이미지를 관리할 수 있다. […]

  1068. 新人必装n个经典插件 | Hook 10. 7. 2008 / 18.03

    […] 目前,官方网站上的最新版本是1.5.2,我在这位朋友汉化的1.5 […]

  1069. Hook » Blog Archive » 我的插件-Classics WP-Plugin for Novice![原创] 11. 7. 2008 / 6.27

    […] IImage Browser 本插件添加了一个 图像浏览 按钮在文章编写页面,这个按钮会打开文件上传和缩略图制作的页面. 汉化以及修改 作者:Martin Chlup č. […]

  1070. Youtube video 14. 7. 2008 / 14.09

    Well, to tell you the truth it is not easy to usderstand for everyone. As a spanoch speacking person i need to read it twice before i said what i think. I will post back soon.

  1071. Cilfa 22. 7. 2008 / 6.34

    I love your IImage Browser plugin and have been using it for a long time. But after I upgraded to WordPress 2.5.1 it stopped working. When I click the iimage button, I get a popup that shows my website instead of the browser thingy.
    Is it just me, am I doing something wrong, or doesn’t this plugin work with WP 2.5.1 and higher? If the latter is the case, are you planning to update you fantastic plugin any time soon? Because now I have to find a plugin that has the same ease of use and functionality that yours does… and I haven’t found one yet, yours is the best!

  1072. Southpaw 25. 7. 2008 / 3.39

    I have installed your iimage browser plugin. I am using wordpress 2.6
    I have done everything I can think of but the plug in will not work for me. The quicktag is there, but when I click on it this is the error I get:
    Your ’user level’ doesn’t allow you to use IImage Browser.
    Any help is greatly appreciated!
    Thank you!

  1073. Southpaw 25. 7. 2008 / 22.04

    I figured it out.
    Here where the variables are set….

    $ib_settings[’delete_user_level’] = 0;
    $ib_settings[’upload_user_level’] = 0;
    $ib_settings[’dir_user_level’] = 0;
    $ib_settings[’thumbnail_user_level’] = 0;
    $ib_settings[’use_iib_user_level’] = 0;

    they were set to 5. I changed them to 0 and now it works.

  1074. Webrocker » Das Großreinmachen geht weiter 25. 8. 2008 / 11.28

    […] komfortablen Verwaltung der Bilder setzte ich bislang den “iimage-Browser” ein – mit der neuen Bild- und Medienverwaltung ist WordPress nun dessen Funktionen recht […]

  1075. Grumpy Old Woman » Blog Archive » Wordpress Plugins that rock (and just add to the reasons why I love Wordpress more than Mambo) 5. 9. 2008 / 23.03

    […] the admin interface, there’s the Image Browser plugin, that allows you to upload images directly from the admin interface, without having to ftp-in, and […]

  1076. Ten WordPress Plugins I Use (WordPress Wednesday) » Techtites 1. 10. 2008 / 9.17

    […] IImage Browser […]

  1077. sheesouro 31. 10. 2008 / 21.16

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  1078. 360 degree image rotator plugin | 13. 12. 2008 / 6.27

    […] is my third plugin for the WordPress and I hope you will like IImage Panorama as much as IImage Browser and IImage Gallery which are used by thousands and thousands of WordPress […]

  1079. Blogs » Top 1000 WordPress Plugin Authors 31. 12. 2008 / 9.53

    […] IImage Browser […]

  1080. Ajay 27. 2. 2009 / 6.10


    Any plans on updating this plugin for better upgrade support and compatibility with WordPress?

    Everytime I upgrade WordPress I need to readd the iimage-browser.php file to wp-admin

  1081. Rawatta 1. 3. 2009 / 18.46

    Will it be possible to ad a crop funktion to the plug-in, like the thumbnail function, but you can tell what size you want e.g. 130×130 and it gets cropped?

  1082. 本站使用的所有WordPress插件 : 牧狼羊博客 [关注生活,关注手机和五笔输入法] — 3. 4. 2009 / 19.30

    […] IImage Browser:一个图片上传插件,可以方便的上传图片、生成缩略图、生成图片插入代码,支持Lightbox等一些特殊图片效果的代码自动生成,还不错。 […]

  1083. greg 19. 4. 2009 / 23.20

    You’ve done some nice plugins, but please check it, that when you install this plugin directly via WordPress plugin manager the IImage Browser and Gallery install to their own directories in wp-content folder(eg. wp-content/iimage-browser/iimage-browser.php), and the configuration files are written as if it was in wp-content directly (with no sub-dir) and there is a lot of work correcting paths in config files.
    Maybe the problem is that I use WordPress 2.7.1??? Anyway I managed to get them going, but it was a bit tricky

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  1085. Andrea Wall 19. 6. 2009 / 12.26

    Please help – I am having problems with IImage Browser and have no idea what to do –

  1086. WordPress 2.1 Ella at 5. 7. 2009 / 18.16

    […] some plugins that’s not supported in this new version, i have to give up my all time favorite IImage Browser because the button doesn’t show up in the editor, in fact most of the plugins button […]

  1087. XREAでWordPressを使うときの備忘録。 | ONE/ONE 25. 7. 2009 / 11.52

    […] ・IImage Browser 画像アップロード。 サムネイル作成やslimboxなどの相性も良い。 WordPress側で設定失敗していても、 アップロードできる可能性を残してくれる素敵なプラグイン。 […]

  1088. Роман 31. 7. 2009 / 5.55


  1089. WordPress Plugins That Are Useful for ANY Site 14. 8. 2009 / 22.35

    […] IImage Browser […]

  1090. WordPress Plugins That Are Useful for ANY Site | 20. 8. 2009 / 10.17

    […] IImage Browser […]

  1091. Thomas Vogt | Umstieg geschafft | 13. 9. 2009 / 13.10

    […] gleicher Funktionalität wie vorher benötige ich nur noch 3 Plugins (Acronym Replacer, Adhesive, IImageBrowser). Vorher waren es 7! This entry was posted on 22. März 2005 (Dienstag) und ist abgelegt […]

  1092. Pisun 10. 10. 2009 / 1.14

    Wow, comfortable gb style of site. What CMS do you use ?

  1093. Wordpressのプラグイン - 情報教材の実践と比較評価 4. 12. 2009 / 13.23

    […] Image Browser Image Browser […]

  1094. Иван 20. 2. 2010 / 3.30

    Приятный проект но тормозит у меня почемуто!

  1095. Иван 22. 3. 2010 / 4.43

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  1096. リンク « Sweetsoul 12. 4. 2010 / 15.10

    […] IImage Browser…画像をアップロードし、記事に挿入するのを補助してくれる。 […]

  1097. квн тимур +и +его команда 23. 4. 2010 / 21.10

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  1098. WORDPRESS軽量化/SEO向上 | たゆたん 7. 6. 2010 / 6.49

    […] 「Global Translator」-サイト一括翻訳プラグイン 「IImage Browser」-画像アップロードプラグイン 「Ultimate Google […]

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