
Kill The Carp!

autor - malyfred / 23. 12. 2004

One of the strangest czech christmas traditions: You have to buy live carp on the street few days before Christmas. Then bring your brand-new friend to your bathtub and wait untill Chtismas Eve comes. In the afternoon on 24th December the strongest one of your family goes to the bathroom and KILLS THE CARP! Christmas Eve dinner: fried carp, potato salad and fish soup:o)

Well, actually number of people who let vendors to kill their carp is growing up every year:o(


autor - malyfred / 22. 12. 2004


autor - malyfred / 18. 12. 2004 /
  • english
místo: Plzeň; čas: prosinec 2004

Měsíc na mém stole

autor - malyfred / 11. 12. 2004 /
  • english
time: December 2004

Čistička v Bubenči II

autor - malyfred / 9. 12. 2004 /
  • english

Plzeň v ohrožení

autor - malyfred / 4. 12. 2004 /
  • english
Plzeň v ohrožení

Čistička v Bubenči

autor - malyfred / 3. 12. 2004 /
  • english

Tradition! Tradition!

autor - malyfred / 1. 12. 2004 /
  • english

„Life without tradition would be as shaky as a fiddler on the roof.“



autor - malyfred / 29. 11. 2004 /
  • english

Po volbách

autor - malyfred / 27. 11. 2004 /
  • english
místo: Praha 10; čas: Listopad 2004
© 2004 - 2025 malyfred