B43 – Baloni

Se takhle jako ze seriozne ucim na zkousku z Algoritmu a najednou mi neco funi pod oknem. Zvednu sve zlenivele vetche telo abych obhledl coze se to deje. A oni to baloni!

(kategori: bath_uk)
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Vladan 14. 10. 2005 / 19.03
This is great. The best wishes from Sremske Mitrovice. I like to have one of this bellons.
Ingegärd 3. 7. 2006 / 13.11
I love this ballons. Remember the tripp over Stockholm in Sweden on spring 2005.
Dejan 27. 1. 2009 / 16.00
Very nice picures. I wish to be in one of it.