
Tim Burton – The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories

author - malyfred / 2005-11-30 /
  • česky
Tim Burton's The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories

Stick Boy and Match Girl in Love

Stick Boy and Match Girl

Stick Boy liked Match Girl,
He liked her a lot.
He liked her cute figure,
he thought she was hot.

Stick Boy and Match Girl

But could a flame ever burn
for a match and a stick?
It did quite literally;
he burned up quick.

The Boy with Nails in his Eyes

The Boy with Nails in his Eyes
put up his aluminium tree.
It looked pretty strange
because he couldn't really see.

The Boy with Nails in his Eyes.

Thanks to:

And don't forget to buy this book! (Where to buy?)

  1. aioa 2006-04-05 / 8.03 pm

    Mardoša: Cool v plotě, Velarium, České Budějovice 1995.

  2. malyfred 2006-04-06 / 1.16 am

    Yes! To je ono, děkuji. Hned ji jdu shánět.

  3. charlie 2006-05-02 / 6.25 pm

    uhoa!!! Tak to je hustý, miluju Tima Burtona! Tu knížku bych si docela koupil =o), netušíte, kde se to prodává v Čechách (jako v normálních obchodech)?

    Btw, moc dobrá stránka vůbec. Tak se divím, že jsem na ní narazil až teď, vážně zajímavý!! =))

  4. ruth 2006-05-09 / 8.54 pm

    tim burton rocks he kicks ass! all his movies rock! his charecters are just so original he is such an insberasion to me! i hope some day i could meet him or even work with him. tim you ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. DR ZOIDBERG 2006-09-08 / 9.00 pm


  6. Natee...* 2006-11-15 / 9.06 pm

    Hay si ese libro me encanta lástima qe en Argentina cuesta muchisimo conseguirlo…ah re qe nadie entiende lo qee scribo porqe son todos brasileros :$


  7. malyfred 2006-11-16 / 12.24 am

    nosotros le entendemos muy bien a Usted

  8. anna 2006-11-25 / 9.57 pm

    I love tim burton an I love the tragic toys , o w o , tim burton is a master!!!

  9. gaby 2006-12-08 / 7.53 pm

    please more images, pictures, old

  10. jenny 2007-03-21 / 4.38 pm

    this draws are the best around the world

  11. I path 2007-04-04 / 10.42 pm

    cuszy…tu knizku mam….no objednavla sem si ji z amazonu….ale myslim, ze kamos ji ma taky…tak se ho nak zeptam, protoze myslim ze on ji ma z Cech tak na 99%=]

  12. xXx-MeGiS-xXx 2007-10-05 / 2.11 pm

    sim vás písněte mi někdo na mail kde sehnat jeho knížku byla bych vám fakt moc vděčná
    btw. super blog:-*

  13. Ryn 2007-11-23 / 8.36 pm

    Her skin is white cloth,
    and she’s all sewn apart
    and she has many colored pins
    sticking out of her heart.
    She has many different zombies
    who are deeply in her trance.
    She even has a zombie
    who was originally from France.
    But she knows she has a curse on her,
    a curse she cannot win.
    For if someone gets
    too close to her,
    the pins stick farther in.

    Exactly. :(

  14. johana 2008-02-12 / 11.14 am

    Jdu uz asi s krizkem po funuse, ale ta knizka se da uz dobu pujcit v cestine v knihovne :)))…
    Jinak diky za tip na cestovani, do Estonska se chystam z finskeho Turku uz pristi tyden (jupii) a Riga za 2O€/zpatecni letenka z Tampere uz taky vola!
    Krasne fotky!

  15. Tim Burton - The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories … « Aktuality 2009-01-19 / 7.06 pm

    […] Read the original:  Tim Burton – The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories … […]

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