Muhammad vs Jesus 1:0
Jesus prefers being in a good shape to achieve his goal. A kind of "fitness attitude".

On the contrary Muhammad seems to be a guy whose head is full of explosive ideas.

Who would you employ in your company?
(category: Provocation)
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Tim Wheatley 2007-01-05 / 12.49 am
I posted your thread in my blog. I hadn’t seen the cartoon that caused all that crap before, now I have, I think the reaction was even more stupid than I thought before. I like your humourous stance, very funny. :)
BrunoB 2007-02-09 / 3.47 pm
Being a dane I can tell you (laughingly:-) that this single picture from the 12 cartoons is the least funny. Some of the others demands some irony to understand the humour. And I suppose thats the reason this one was the worst for our very severe muslims :-)
I think the others can still be seen at the paper who started this:
Ken 2007-02-15 / 9.01 am
Jesus Christ is Lord!
Yan 2007-03-16 / 6.52 pm
u can make a joke like that (make Jesus pic like that) no one will angry, n no one have right to be angry, but can u ask ur self why u do that???
u just make people hates u. why don’t u do something that’s make people love u?
or just don’t need love?
Sibte Abbas 2007-03-30 / 7.02 pm
Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon Him) is the one who brought “Islam” which means peace. It was His message of forgiveness that saved christians from being slaughtered by Salahuddin Ayubi for their ethnic cleansing “crusades” in Jerusalem. Jesus is a blessing for European “Barbarians”. One should not blame God’s men for the evil doing of their followers. Just like I don’t blame Jesus for your ignorance.
katheran 2007-04-03 / 3.24 am
Jesus was gods son, he put him in Mary, a virgin;s womb. Jesus was perfect, he loves us so much, that he died on a cross for us, he died for our sins, whel that was happening he prayed for you& me. Jesus saves us from hell, so now we can go to heaven, if we belive he died and rose agian after death, may God bless you.
katheran 2007-04-03 / 3.25 am
Jesus was gods son, he put him in Mary, a virgin;s womb. Jesus was perfect, he loves us so much, that he died on a cross for us, he died for our sins, whel that was happening he prayed for you& me. Jesus saves us from hell, so now we can go to heaven, if we belive he died and rose agian after death, may God bless you. jesus is the one and only true god, dont be mislead by the devil!
baby angel 2007-04-11 / 10.56 pm
i dont think dat anyone should be ungy from a silly jocke cuz who really believe in jesus or muhamad shouldnt pay attention 4 anything people say…so da stupid reaction dat some people did is even worse dan dis jocke…and may god bless u all
fucker 2007-04-15 / 12.05 am
you readhead, trying to be smart with GODS, jesus & mohamad both are apostles, people like u try to be creative but go too far to correct yourself. If someone would have made fun of my GOD I would have fucked him.
Remeber I am a FUCKER…You bastard !
the great one 2007-04-16 / 5.07 pm
Ya’ll muthufuckin niggas crazy as hell
so0s0o 2007-04-23 / 4.42 pm
If Jesus is God’s Son why did he die?? does God die? or will he die?? Jesus is bigger than Death, he was raised up to the sky to stay beside God! not amongst us Sinners!!
Would you like anyone to create discussting cartoons about Jesus or Moses?? did u ever try to read other religions to figure out the similarities and differences?? Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed are all prophets of God and that makes no difference between them, and we all need to understand that in order to be able to live in Peace, as all those prophets have taught us!! When we stop humiliating the prophets of God, god will be happier with us, and will make our lives easier!!
Sara 2007-04-29 / 2.28 am
so0s0o… Jesus WAS God’s son. Jesus IS God’s son. He himself IS God. When he died… which he indeed died… he paid the ultimate blood sacrifice.. a sacrifice required for our atonement. Yes, you are correct in saying he was raised up to the sky, but after he died and was resurrected.
As for Jesus, Muhammad, and Moses being all the same? You couldn’t be more wrong. Moses was just a man. A man of God. Jesus was the son of God, and God himself, as was he man, greater than any other man who will ever live or has ever live. As for Muhammad… he is a false “prophet,” who had to be convinced by his wife that he was not insane and demon-possessed after his first revelation.. which he was also suicidal afterwards. I, as you can tell, am a believer in Christianity, and would be happy to debate or discuss my faith with any Muslim.
umair 2007-05-01 / 9.30 am
how could u say Muhammad (P.B.U.H) was a man full of explosive ideas. have u ever read about him. i am afraid the cartoonist has visited some fake sites to know about Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and Islam. i advise u to please visit, or there are many fake sites made by jews with the aim of spreading misconceptions about ISLAM.
mike 2007-05-02 / 4.36 pm
fuck you all who posted this crap about mohammed and jesus. go fuck your mother assholes
Max Arellano 2007-05-04 / 6.30 pm
hey bitcches dont insult my savior.
No One 2007-05-05 / 3.22 pm
Yeah Right.. creative… BUT…
go to hell :P
Mr.J is My Lord. Dat’s all
dee 2007-05-08 / 12.00 pm
im a moslem…
and i believe that messiah is the one of prophet of Allah…
but dont be forget that mohammad is a the one of ASllah’s prophets too
i agree with so0s0o that why he must die, is he a God why he must die, he can help himself and he dont have to det a help like in ur bible say that “ely, ely,….lama sabaktani…” is he a God?
is he a Son from God??
i dont think so..
Maso_princess 2007-05-08 / 2.29 pm
Max Arellano
you go tell them all mate
people really need to get their facts right
but i totally agree with you Max Arellano
yo mom 2007-05-10 / 5.04 am
not cool guys
jesus loves u
mohhamed loves you
moses loves you
god hates you cause your a bunch of dumb rednecks
Timmy 2007-05-15 / 1.36 pm
God is infallible….His word it truth…
Every book ever written(the bible, the Qu’ran,etc..) was written by a man..who is fallible…we tend to lie to get what we want
And since I am very sure that noone recently has spoken directly to God and he doens’t have actual hands to write his own book then we must rightly assume that all books are the words of men who ALL SIN and therefore we cannot trust what they have written
It also might be noted that every one of your “holy books” have gone through some sort of restructuring or editing over the last 2 millenia
someone (some man) arranged these books to say what he wanted you to hear not what God wants you to hear
If you want to believe in God and be true to him that is fine, but listen to your heart, not some collection of words on a few sheets of paper that some man who wanted control over a certain group wrote down claimig to be Gods word so that they would all listen to him
Dalia Ziada 2007-05-16 / 3.03 am
Both pictures are very offending. Muhammed and Christ have given a lot to mankind. We have to show some respect to them. Even if you are not a believer, you have to respect the Christians and Muslims you are offending with your post.I am not against freedom of belief. Yet, I am against offending people by tackling such sensitive issues.
COLLYY 2007-05-16 / 11.26 am
... 2007-05-17 / 2.41 am
From what I have read, I have seen many more rational comments posted by Muslims, etc. than by the “Christians” among us (figure out why the quotes are there on your own). Islam is a religion of peace, as is Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Baha’i Faith, etc. So why do they seem to have so much trouble coexisting?
MMMM 2007-05-19 / 11.11 am
How can a god son be killed can god be killed?
Moses wrote the Torah
Muhammad wrote the Quaran
So who wrote the bible ? not Jesus
I believe in Jesus and Muhammad
I am a Muslim who faced racial comments through my life. I hate all the Muslim terrorists.
Did you all forget about the crusade.
When the Christans took Jerusalem they slaughtered everyone inside
When the Muslim took it they didn’t kill a soul
im not saying Christians are terrorists but they have done way more worse things than Muslim terrorists
allah wa akbar
MMMM 2007-05-19 / 11.21 am
let me tell you this you fucking asshole
how do you know if this is true when jesus didnt write the bible.
I bunch of people wrote it
Muhammad wrote the Quran
Just because he was last he was false
If moses was last he would be false right?
Jesus is not a son of god
If he was why would god let him die on a cross? Dont say to die for your sins crap
If it says it in the bible than how do you know if its true when jesus never said it. When Jesus never wrote the bible
answer me this bitch
MMMM 2007-05-19 / 6.47 pm
Muslim make more racial comments my ass
Every day i hear go blow a building, strap a bomb, go hijack a plane.
I remember when I made my project people were saying he made a bomb
what the fuck
so don’t even say Muslims make more racial comments
MMMM 2007-05-19 / 6.48 pm
How can you even make a picture of Jesus and Muhammad like that
god 2007-05-21 / 2.39 am
muslim 2007-05-22 / 8.06 pm
you people fuck with my religion ama fuck with all you mother fuckerz lifee all u asshole will die soon wait for it ……
god'z soldier 2007-05-23 / 5.03 am
how dare you say dat!!!jesus had such unconditional luv 4 us, he came ta earth bcoz he wanted to save us from our sins, after he died one of the guardz said this really is the son of god, but still they do not want to believe dat after all the thingz he went through for us!to save us from satan the biggest lier there is! he rose up from the dead and done all miracles! i can’t blive pplz r still pushin that luv away afta all da thangz he has done for us he loved us so much and still we neglect him and pretend not know him! if u have read mary baxter story it is very much tru y would she fake all dat stuff up! for those pplz who does not blive in jesus and kips on mocking him and does not turn away from their sins to christ they r bein deceived by satan the lier!if god can forgive us of our sins y can’t we afta all we have bin thru!
wen jesus comez bak sumday weneva dat day is to all those ppl who still don’t belive in jesus and don’t repent for his luv fo us i pray u do becoz he will kum bak and u will all have part in the lake of fire that burnz with sulphur ! while the redeemed r singin to god be the glory in heaven!
may god bless you!
manna 2007-05-23 / 9.13 am
i’m hard out Christian, i think that both jokes are funny. I reckon that Jesus was (and still is a stud) bro thatswhy he was in good shape, he was a hottie!
meonerz 2007-05-24 / 12.39 pm
Jesus dies just because he love you, he luv us all that he substitute HIMSELF upon the cross and redeem our sins. It’s imposible for human who had done a lot of sins to be received in Heaven which is perfect and resist sins ( Unperfectness ), exept by receiving Jesus as our SAVIOUR. He is SOn of God, He is God.
To MMMM, Jesus didn’t write BIBLE, but HE fullfiled what the OLD TESTAMENT said about Him. He is the MESSIAH who must suffer to redeem you sins. See Isaiah 57.
You must believe in HIM, Jesus Christ, He really love you all. Remember that the only man who CONFESS HIMSELF AS THE SAVIOUR IS ONLY JESUS. He offers LOVE.
Hey, Timmy, are you sure with your words ? so, if you die today, where are you going to go ? I will tell you that when one is dead, he will come and face Jesus, He will look for your name in the BOOK of LIFE, if your name is found, wecome to HEAVEN, but if not, there’s only Hell left. And to be in Heaven is not as hard as you think, just receive Jesus as your Saviour, He already substitute you on the cross !!!
HGW 2007-05-28 / 7.53 pm
You said:
Sara 2007-04-29 / 2.28 am
so0s0o… Jesus WAS God’s son. Jesus IS God’s son. He himself IS God. When he died… which he indeed died… he paid the ultimate blood sacrifice.. a sacrifice required for our atonement. Yes, you are correct in saying he was raised up to the sky, but after he died and was resurrected
HGW 2007-05-28 / 7.57 pm
resurrected! Resurrected by who? And he is already dead?!
Jesus was a prohet and not God.
HGW 2007-05-28 / 7.59 pm
Jesus was a prophet and not God
meonerz 2007-06-01 / 5.39 am
Of Resurrected by Father. The Father, and Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit is Trinity, is ONE Individu. You might not understand, because we are only human, while He is GOD Almighty. You would not understand how God works, it’s just the same like an ANT want to know how internet works !
Ryan 2007-06-18 / 3.06 pm
Jesus is the only true GOD and it is written in John 14:6 “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me”. John 14:11 “Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves”. This is proof that Jesus is GOD and GOD is Jesus.
OH yea, the “prophet” Muhammad, He was spoken to by a “cast down angel from heaven” and forced Muhammad to listen and record the word of GOD. The only cast down angel from heaven was Lucifer, because he defied GOD. Muhammad was “prophet” of Lucifer or also known as Satan the destroyer of worlds, ultimate deceiver and liar, the destructor of millions. Islam is a religion based on lies and is following a false GOD.
Oh yea, do the followers of Islam also know the Muhammad was a dyslexic and did not know how to read or write, so how was he able to record the word of GOD?
Take that and ponder it for a bit.
Dollz 2007-06-19 / 10.07 am
i feel that God is findable.
and that despite all debates that muslim and christians have, one will never convince the other to convert.
yet, the people that actually convert are the ones that were spoken to by God. some people say that u can believe that there is one God, just many ways to reach him wether its through islam judaism of christianity. I think this is nonsence.
i believe the words :”seek and you will find”
God loves u, and if u truly look for him, believe me, He will b there 4 u. no doubt about that!
he loves u enough to leave u the freedom to choose him or another “God”
i hope u make the right choice, bcoz he has feelings too, and there is nothing that hurts him more than 2 c one of his children perish.
Jesus Lover 2007-06-20 / 2.27 pm
Hey 2 all of you
In the beginning I would like to say that I am not against any religion (Christianity- Judaism- Islam)
The fact is they are all about the same essence which is acknowledging and worshiping the ONE who had created everything we all worship him even if the sermons are different but we acknowledge him (THE ALMIGHTY)
I will ask you not to look at people actions these days go and read the holy Bible and the Noble Quraan page after page you will find nothing but an invitation to live a better blessed life under the mercy and grace of the almighty God, this is the truth Mosses Jesus and Mohammed were servants to the almighty,,
Jesus admitted that so did Mohammed and Mosses as well
What we see today is nothing but bunch of bloody ignorants you can call them criminals but they need a cover a justification to their actions Bin laden kills in the name of God and Bush as well kills in the name of Jesus Israelis kills for their promised land ( which was theirs before 2000 years and more) while the Jews admits that its not meant for them to have a land for their own, all of them committing their crimes for their own greed but they stick it in God while he is way above their crimes what is the difference between bin laden and bush ??? both of them are killers bin laden uses his men as bombs while bush sits behind the computer and press ENTER to erase a whole country and spread corruption so the difference is only the TECHNOLOGY used to achieve each one’s crimes by the way bin laden was supported by the Americans he was loyal solder but after they turned their back to him he turned against them covering himself with Islam to collect people with him, so long story short all men are liars believe God he has messages for humanity so go get his books and get to know him right.
Blessed are those who seek after peace and love.
thatha 2007-06-21 / 9.30 am
what do you mean??? Jesus just only prophet??? are u can read??? maybe you must finished read bible, and you can give comment.. who is Jesus? Jesus is the way, the truth an the life.. i live by faith not by sight.. Jesus is my God, Whatever you think..
PRICILLA 2007-06-21 / 1.55 pm
jdcs 2007-06-22 / 6.35 am
you all people are mad!!!!
Dr Saab 2007-06-22 / 6.38 am
Human brain is the God, close your eyes and look within.
stella samson 2007-06-22 / 9.56 pm
Jesus is son of God,, He died and arose,,according to the word of God,so now He is alive,He always helps us,, He can not leave us,,BUT Muhammad was a ordinary person,he was born by man n woman,,he died and now dried in mud, he is not alive anymore he is dead,,right? so how can a dead person can be helpful for anyone,, but only Jesus, He is alive and with us in every time,, there is only need to trust HIM and to pray to HIM, He always listen and always with us, Amen
jeb 2007-06-25 / 4.52 am
hey idiot…jesus is a true lord who died for our dont make fool of him…you must face the consequences when you die
Kool 2007-06-26 / 1.02 am
hey fellowz the thing is that we moslims believe in both Jesus and Mohammad better than what you so called christians have shown on this webpage .Jesus Christ was a healer, an innocent man, a man with pure knowledge, a man with devine powers and a man who predicted Mohammad pbuh as to be a Prophet very soon after him. the bottom line is that we moslims dont make such cartoons of christ we beleieve in him and his powers.(unlike the Abrahamic religion of Jews). So please dont make these cartoons that show your lack of knowledge and high ignorance. And if you want to learn read the authentic sayings of Mohammad pbuh that clearly show what a man of peace he was he was against racism and evils of humainty.
Finallly who ever is the man (abuses please) who made this webpage is not a Christian as he is also insulting Jesus and is a person with poor knowledge and is diminshing peace amongst all people which is against the ideology of Jesus Christ !!!!!!!!
Have a nice Day
may god bless us All !!!!!1
And curse these peace removing bastards !!!!!!!
jesus lover 2007-06-27 / 1.54 pm
Did Jesus claim to be “God”? – (The Bible says, “No.”)
Now, ask yourself – “Who Is Really Following Jesus?”
Test Your Knowledge of Jesus’ Teachings & Consider the 13 Interesting Questions
(And Introduction to the Message of the Prophets And The Last Testament)
1). Did Jesus teach eternal life was conditioned on obeying the commandments?
Yes ___ No __
And behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tempted him, saying, “Master what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, What is written in the Law? How do you read?” And he answered saying, “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself. And he said unto him. You have answered right; do this, and you shall live.”
Luke 10: 25-28
Read what the “Last Testament” says on this same subject. Does it agree?
Yes ___ No ___
God has only created us to worship Him (without partners).
Read Last Testament 51:56
2). Did Jesus teach his followers to worship no other, except Almighty God, without any partners?
Yes ___ No ___
And Jesus answered him, the first of all the commandments is, “Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord, and you shall worship Him with all your strength and all your might and all your soul and all your heart.”
Mark 12:29
He also replied to the devil who was trying to tempt him:
“Get thee behind me, Satan; for it is written, Thou shall worship the Lord they God, and Him only shall you serve.”
Matthew 4:10
Read from the Last Testament.
God tells us that He never forgives anyone making partners in worship with Him, but anything less than this, He forgives whom He pleases, and whoever sets up partners with Him in worship, he has indeed invented a tremendous sin.
Read Last Testament 4:48
3). Did Jesus order us to obey all the commandments?
Yes ___ No ___
According to the New Testament in Matthew, he did.
“Think not that I came to destroy the Law and the Prophets. I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily, I say unto you that until Heaven and earth pass away not a jot or one tittle shall no wise pass from the Law, till all be fulfilled.”
Matthew 5:17-18
“And behold one came and said to him, Good teacher, what good things shall I do that I may have eternal life? So he said, “Why do you call me good? No one is good but One, this God. But if you want to enter into eternal life, keep the commandments.”
Matthew 19:16-17
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
Matthew 7:12
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Matthew 22:36-40
While ordering us to obey the “Law” it becomes obvious that he ordered his followers to obey the commandments of Almighty God.
4.) Did Jesus forbid bowing down to statues
Yes ___ No ___
By insisting on following the “Law” (Old Testament), Jesus did in fact endorse the message that Moses had brought down to the children of Israel from Almighty God;
“Thou shall not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them.”
5.) Did Jesus forbid anyone to worship him?
Yes ___ No ___
“But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.”
Matthew 15:19
And in prophesying the Last Days, he clearly taught the same message:
“But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: For the Father seeks such to worship Him. God is a Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth.”
John 4:23-24
6.) Did Jesus openly deny divinity (said he was not God)?
Yes___ No ___
“The Father is greater than I.” – John 14:28
7.) Did Jesus deny that he had the power of God to do his miracles?
Yes ___ No ___
“I do nothing of myself” – John 8:28
“Men of Israel listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you know.”
Acts 2:22
8.) Did Jesus deny any partners (Trinity) with Almighty God?
Yes ___ No ___
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
John 8:42
Jesus answered, If I honor myself, my honor is nothing: it is my Father that honors me; of whom ye say, that he is your God:
John 8:54
…and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.
John 20:17
9.) Did Jesus forbid the Christmas tree?
Yes ___ No ___
“Thus says the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain; for one cuts a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.”
Jeremiah 10:2-4
10.) Did Jesus teach that males should be circumcised?
Yes ___ No ___
Genesis 17:10-11 says he did. “This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your seed after you. Every man child among you shall be circumcised. Any you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant between me and you.”
John the Baptist was circumcised (Luke 1:59) as was Jesus himself (Luke 2:21)
11.) Did Jesus forbid eating pork?
Yes ___ No ___
“And swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven-footed, yet he chews not the cud; he is unclean to you. Of their flesh shall you not eat, and their carcass shall you not touch, they are unclean to you.”
Leviticus 11:7-8 And Exodus 20:4-5
12.) Was Jesus a prophet?
Yes ___ No ___
And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people.
Luke 24:19
The woman said unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.
John 4:19
They say unto the blind man again, What do you say of him, that he has opened your eyes? He said, He is a prophet.
John 9:17
13.) Did Jesus predict the coming of another prophet, like unto him?
Yes ___ No ___
7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.
John 16:7-8
“Come and share more information about Jesus, the “Lost Testament” and the “Last Testament” and learn more about the message of all prophets; “Submission, obedience and peace with Almighty God” (You can say all of this in one simple word – “Islam”), before it is too late. Visit our website to learn more and to find a center near you.”
j.007 2007-06-29 / 3.57 pm
Hello and salaam
I have read everyones comments, some are knowledge and some are waste of electricty. Jesus and Mohammed and the other messengers pbub all. They all were Gods swt messengers. The Lord sent many messengers in different times and tribes to guide people and to belive in his creations. we all Gods creation and we are son and daughter od Adam and Eve. If we try to make an effort and communicate with each other without being baise or cranky we will see that we have love for eachother. Our stomach needs food our souls needs food, so how can we feed our souls and feel peace and love eachother. Ok very simple the lord know how we are and how greedy we can get. by thinking of one god and and the message from the messengers we will have peace in our hearts. Why do people drink to much get fat and die of C.H.D’s cos the mind needs guidance. Islam is the way forward, i have studied many texts and thinking jesus is gos son that is incorrect, how can god have a son and why should he take our sins on the cross, anyway i pray for everyone and i love you all. J.ahmed lancashire u.k
leo 2007-06-29 / 4.06 pm
Hey my brother and sister
Islam teaches who is God and jesus and Mohammed. Islam is the only faith to teach the oneness of God, so all you people want peace in your hearts Islam is the way forward mr j007 has said everthing, you are a good brother i pray for you. Old testemant and new follow the koran like all the top scientist in the USA, one love leo islam world peace.
haider 2007-07-03 / 6.53 pm
why cant we just all get along?
agung 2007-07-10 / 12.32 am
aink PKI
anthony 2007-07-10 / 7.03 am
JESUS IS MY SAVIOUR!!! HE IS THE SON OF GOD!! no 1 comes to the father but thru him!!!, even if mohumad is not one of our prophets, respect him also, muslims, christians and jews have the same God, and Jesus is his son, our saviour, you can choose to rebuke him or except him, ur choice will decide ur eternity and fate!! (ps choose Jesus!!, He ROX!!! YA ! PRAISE JESUS
philip 2007-07-10 / 4.05 pm
you are a heathan and you are going to hell. how dare you mock christ. he hung on a tree and died so we can go to heaven. and you mock him by saying what he is doing is for fitness. i would employ jesus on my side. i hope you get your life straight. or you’ll be burnin in hell. FOREVER!
gosh 2007-07-12 / 9.18 am
Saw the above pictures (cartoon) and it was soo funny. What the guy forgot was that Jesus and Mohammed were both from asia and from same region. Jesus is not european or american looking he was just an average arab looking guy like mohammed. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha the funy thing is european think jesus looks like an european , american thinks jesus looks like an american and kermit the frog thinks jesus is green like him. but he is from ASIA. dont forget that you STUPID guys ha ha ha ha ha.
peace 2007-07-14 / 12.59 pm
everyone should fuck the one who started this conflict by using prophets name, cause he is the one who don’t want peace.
holy 2007-07-16 / 5.22 am
jesus the lord
Jay 2007-07-21 / 1.59 pm
Hello Everyone,
Just to let you know,Jesus is Lord and he is the son of God. cos God loves us all equally,he sent his only son to come and die for us all so if anyone believes in Jesus,the person will see and be with the father but if not we need not judge cos the judgement for such kind of people is standing alredy,cos their very own act would judge them when standing to receive our wages in heaven.we need not fight one another or get angry over what should show God and peace to all humanity but remember Jesus is the only way,the truth and the light.
i am your brother and you are my brother too,i’ll love you just as christ loved you and we can live together in peace.
as for those talking about where Jesus came from, he never came from africa, europe,asia or america,Jesus came from above,from the father,from zion and anyone who believed in him has got he or herself the citizenship passport for that greate country where there’ll be no night,darkeness nor problems,where everyone will be living in peace and just praising God always.
i am not here to argue about religion,where christ came from or not,who he is or not,his differences with mohammed or not, but i am here presenting a life opportunity to anyone who wants the Visas to Eternity,bcos christianity is not a religion its a life that God has brought through his son to give to as many that believed in Him (Jesus)
if you’ll like to give your heart to christ and become born again so that you can belong to God and let him use your life for his glory then visit this website below and read the prayer and mean it with the whole of your heart.
God Bless You as You do.
WN 2007-07-22 / 1.35 am
To the author of posting 19:
God hates no one, you story telling goof-ball!!
“Cursed is he who leads the blind astray”.
Don’t speak on behalf of God, he can take care of himself, Jesus talks about this, perhaps you should consider reading your Bible.
…and leave judgement to whom God says…his one and only son Jesus Christ!
WN 2007-07-22 / 1.52 am
Wow, lots of judgement here…have you all gone mad?
What do you think you are accomplishing? calling people heathens, and losers and all kinds of things…
Just remember, God loves all that hide behind the son.
BTW: Nothing in the Bible says anything about going to heaven, humans are not heavenly, heaven is for heavenly things. The holy city is talked about, and it’s referencing the “New Jerusalem” rebuilt on a new earth…
…oh, and Nazereth, a city of Galilee is not in ASIA.
ss 2007-07-24 / 9.46 am
BLISS AND PEACE 2007-07-24 / 10.13 am
its stupid to say the bible is not true because Jesus didnt write the bible, coz its His faithful disciple who wrote it. And if they lie why all of them die for Jesus?
Anyway mockin about others people relligion is useless and its not MAKE ur God or anyone happy.
sorry for any text errors………
the sad one 2007-07-24 / 10.33 am
beniam 2007-07-25 / 2.40 pm
jesus is lord, love, rode, life,savior,eternal,truht
but mohammed is simply an ordenery man so why we compare them
loy 2007-07-26 / 5.57 pm
why do u write bad things about prophet muhammad?
why do they always say peace be on to him?
maybe he is a violent person look like this soul is not rested,could be burning in hell!
he is a real spirit of error!
rev 13 dragon and false prophet will be burnt in hell for ever!
simple man 2007-07-26 / 6.22 pm
i am not here to say anything bad,the christian claim they are correct(the true way to God),the muslim say they are the truth(the true way to God)
Both claims they are correct.
the muslim say that the bible has error/false!
the christian say that the koran has error/false!
This is very serious
a mistake now result in hell for ever and ever!
not 70 years or 100 years but for ever and ever !
can you imagine what is for ever and ever!
The best answer is to ask the HOLY SPIRIT(the spirit of truth no lies what so ever)
remember if u make a mistake now you will have to pay the consequence later no turning back.(in hell)
put aside the BIBLE the KORAN and ask the (THE HOLY SPIRIT)spirit of truth for the answer.WHAT DO U HAVE TO LOSE?
wise man 2007-07-30 / 9.17 am
mohamed was a violent man, he lived by the sword and he killed many people, once an ex. muslim told me that mohamed split an 80 year old woman in half by tiying her to 2 camels from each side and wipped the camel and each went diffrent ways and the women died and was burried and all this because she didnt wanted to be muslim. so i dunno y u muslims think that muhhamed is a prophet hes just a man that laughed in your face and made many people go to hell.. but jesus is the opposit he save us from our sins….and he loves u foreever…so consider jesus as your god and follow his word…and you must also beleive that mary is we will all die and we will be judged on our actions in judgment day.
Riyaz 2007-08-03 / 12.42 am
My dear Christian Brothers, plese read Bible with understanding, coz you mock the teachings of God and the teachings of Jesus pbuh.
in regrds to Salvation read esikiel ch 8 v 18…
Vikas Johari 2007-08-06 / 3.17 pm
hey simple man… you are correct. The Holy Spirit is the key
love_and_peace 2007-08-08 / 10.14 pm
Timmy, if Allah (GOD) wanted hands he could have’em in less then a 10th of a second, and if he wanted to write something without hands he could, he can do what ever he feels like doing, and all he does is good doing, so know what ur talking about before u say anything
pete 2007-08-20 / 5.52 pm
Until any you nut jobs can come up with some proof of your delusions, I must unfortunately categorise you to the psychiatrically insane!
Peaceful 2007-08-21 / 10.46 am
Mohammed was a paedophile and a mass-murderer.Even I am better than him (morals).. I never killed , nor raped anyone.
Peaceful 2007-08-21 / 10.47 am
Mohammed was a paedophile and a mass-murderer.Even I am better than him (morals).. I never killed , nor raped anyone
the sad 1 2007-08-21 / 5.43 pm
asskum,i’am muslim and i belive muhammad,and ALLAH(the god)
Abid 2007-08-22 / 3.15 am
I was born with no religion .. but as i started listening i was taught Islam .. i was told that mohammed is the last prophet of God .. as i raised up i was helped by Jesus through vivid signs .. and i was helped by Allah too the very moment i asked for help .. but after i messed up with my revelations i found that Allah could no longer help me.. as his help was limited only until the beginnings of our life .. but Jesus helped me, even after i ruined all my revelations by taking all the energies of people around me .. i was ressurrected the next day .. to scientifically seen .. everything has an equal and opposite reaction .. and i faced my doom.. but yet i am alive here to tell you all .. never fell guilty to Allah thats the way to darkness and Jesus wanted us to see the light .. Jesus was God and is the saviour of all .. he is the most mercifull creation of God .. God lived in him He was indeed God himself telling us the ways how one is suppose to live .. i feel ashamed after being born in a muslim family .. i respect all religions .. these pictures posted are acts made by the evil through us humans .. may God forgive all our sins and grant us the light(heaven). Spread love and peace .. no religion is against love and peace .. and i believe there was a devine hand behind the writing of Quran .. it was mohammed’s fate as he recieved the messages he wrote them down .. i dont beleive that every word of Quran is a fact .. because i beleive Allah is nothing but an existence of mental energy focussed on it .. living and wise .. no offense but i beleive if all the muslims stop beleiving in Allah then Allah can not help anyone anymore .. our beliefs make spirits live .. and thats how Allah has gained power .. i would be happy dying for the mankind … Jesus is the God and God is Jesus
Abid 2007-08-22 / 3.39 am
the sad 1 2007-08-22 / 8.58 am
how could u said like that,Allah is the true of god,and Mohammad is the last prophet of god(Allah) i belive in jesus and christian,but not now,bec the jesus follower was jealous that jesus said their’ll be the last prophet of god that is Mohammad,after that the follower had change the true bible which is we call it injil barnabas,in the original bible there is no story that jesus is the son of god..we’ll see when the doomsday has come,jesus and Muhammad’s generation will come together 2 the earth and they will go to Makkah for the Haji in Kabbah,and they together will tell us that islam is the true religion and Muhammad was not fake,..and when the dooms day all the prophet of Muhammad would fall asleep,and who not the prophet of Muhammad will distroyed by all the solar system,when the last jugment has come,we all the live one or the dead one will rise up from the earth,when that time no one who not the prophet of Muhammad would survive..and if the christian is true how can thre is many type of chritian,and if islam is false how can AL-Quran teach we all not 2 be bad,we cannot drink like bear wain,bec if we drunk we will do the crime ex; rape,stole and doing anything bad,and in this earth till now there is one place that full of trees that shape AL-Quran words,but all the christian hate it and they close the place till now the place still axis,in science the earth explain how the earth move,its turn around same as all the islam,they all turn around the kabbah and pray to god,we as well pray for all the prophet of god includes jesus(isa)..and Muhammad doesn’t use a sword to kill people,but Muhammad only ask who want to come with me,if u don’t want 2 come with its ok,its all depends of your self,and there is a story in the bible,the bible says there is one place where the pray place is always open and never has been locked and u must come with them if u want to safe in life and death ,and then the farther(chrstian) search for it but non of the church is always opened,then when the farther had arrive in makkah for convention,the father says:is the kabbah safe,then the follower say no,then the father say why,the follower say,bec the kabbah is always opened..the father had shocked,the the father had join islam,in islam the father will go straigh 2 heaven..alhamdulillah
Morvarid 2007-08-28 / 9.17 pm
My dear christian frend, I’m an Iranian and a Muslim. In our book Quran says all about Jesus, his birth his respect, holy Mary, and titles him “The prophit of kindness” … so how could you beleive in such things? our book says every prophit has come to guide, from the first to the last and doesn’t compare any with any! and says that if you try to be a good human being, you will go to heaven, if you do not beleive in any religion and their guides.
That is God’s words, how could you say against?
I love Jesus. Mostly because if his title, and because of the hard life he had. Every prophit should have lived a symbolic life, that was Muhammed’s, that was Moses’s, and that was Jesus’s.
Pamela 2007-09-08 / 5.56 pm
çağrı 2007-09-11 / 6.41 pm
i was looking for some wall pict.s from google and faced this unfortunate situation. i really have difficulty in understanding some who calim taht Mohammed advised his followers to destroy explode or ruin where ever they find! i really do not get why some humiliate the Prophets who are the symbols and divinity of their religion. purity is included in every belief and all these prophets were sent by God,Allah,Rabbi! as a Muslim,i beg you to show respect the prophet! you look from outside and say that Muslims only believe Mohammed but Quran admits alla of the Prophets and praise all! you can have a Quran and read the verses to see the reality! (for example the verse Maryam amine Mary : there mentions the purity of Mary and praise the Messiah,emphasising the fact that Jesus was taken by God to his Kingdom but Jesus was not killed. in contrary,a man who was alike Jesus and named yahuda was killed. so we can see God protected his Messenger!) Mohammed is not a terrorist bur a man whose duty is to seperate the name of God all around the world to protecet the people from sins just like Jesus,Moses,Abraham,Isaac etc…! you can reach me from this address : (from turkey,istanbul)
mad 2007-09-12 / 8.03 pm
u think this is our prophet you r wrong our prophets are the most respected people in the world and there name are said every day . prophet jesus is our prophets to so why take a piss out off anyones else i am a muslim i respect your religon and any other
so any one who reads this letter al humdulillah you will change by the way i am 12 years old
william 2007-09-13 / 10.37 am
the people who wrote that jesus is the son of god they are the mother fucker and and i want to fuck their ass those mother fucker and the man who make the pic of the prophet Muhammand is the biggest mother fucker how dare these people are making such type of pics
the main thing is that both of them are the prophets of GOD and are true men and what are we doing fighting with each other.
shocked 2007-09-15 / 2.55 pm
I cant believe that someone would waste their time producing a picture like this. Can i just ask you, have you read the bible? Jesus died on the cross in order to save us from our sins. This picture is quite offensive and i am seriously shocked. i think u need to read the bible….
God's child 2007-09-16 / 4.13 am
Umm …
Ignorance is all I see above …
WE will all know the truth when we face God … whoever it is … Allah or Yahweh or GOD … stupid humans that you all are …
As far as the cartoonist is concerned… I forgive you. You did a pitiful thing. But Truly Jesus was a strong man. He was a carpenter who took up His earthly father’s (Joseph) job.
Face the eternal truth (where time tends to infinity beyond your lifetime) to know more, wait till you all die from earth and reach the real world. Since you all want to know the truth … our life of 80yrs is too little to know God … God is not Human so don’t try so hard to know Him. Do your academic studies you need to get an A grade. Just believe that He is there and respect and thank Him for the atom in your body that helps support your life. Humans have NOT been able to know themselves well enough to heal themselves from ailments. They are FAAAAR from knowing themselves. Only God could as yet. Doctors who have experienced weird cases of success will explain unexplainable things to you.
So, I would suggest all of you dumbasses to continue with your work and just be good in this very small life of ours … because we have to anyways face the Truth after we die. Why regret later and stay in Pergutory. Those who really want to know things … read your Holy Book and then think wisely with ur 15% capable brain that God has given you all what is true instead of just attacking each other. We are all brothers and children of God through Adam and Eve. So ppl just chill ok …
Love you brothers this is the last chance to do so…. coz when we all go do heaven or hell all we will be doing is either praising God or crying eternally with burns respectively.
Chill, enjoy life while you live it, but by doing what is right in God’s sight. I love you all. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Catholics, Buddhists etc etc… I love all of you coz you are my brothers. God Bless YOU AND PROTECT YOU ALL ACCORDING TO PSALMS 91. COz the Revelations is near and we should all keep ourselves clean and holy. Praise God and live positively.
To clear a few questions above … I have a few answers.
John 1:14 says, “God was the WORD, and the Word became flesh.” Which was Jesus. Jesus did not have to write the Bible. HE WAS THE BIBLE.
For those who can’t understand why Jesus died. He did so to fulfil the scriptures according to Prophet Isaiah who predicted the coming of the Messiah Jesus in Isaiah 53 where it is clearly mentioned that He will die for our sins. In fact God tells this to Isaiah. So … no more ambiguities.
AMEN and Live in Peace You all … stop quarreling. It’s too difficult right now to understand God. We will never anyways. He will not let you understand Him. Through Jesus He has taught us that God loves all of us. That’s it. Live by it.
All I would say is be wise and use your blessed mind to avoid Satan from troubling us through these arguments. Too Trivial to continue.
Eric 2007-09-20 / 3.17 am
forgive them lord, they know not what they do.
mazyar 2007-09-21 / 2.53 pm
thank you for raising this issue may God wanted to do that,now from comments which have been given by followers of two religions it can be easily seen which prophet was true and which one was false and look at their language and using bad word and aggresive behaviour and then judge them please.Dear friends religion can not be inherited please go and study both book ,Bible and Quran line by line and see how they look at the people and Gender and then listen to your conscience and real God will help you to get saved.After that you will find peace and real GOd. Peace upon all you and please practice patience because this is the fruit of spirit.God bless you all and help you to find ,the way, the truth, and the life.
YOurs sincerely Mazyar From Earth planet.
servant 2007-09-25 / 11.21 am
What the Bible teaches
about Jesus vs What the Quran teaches about Mohammed
Jesus is the Son of God
(John 10:36)
Mohammed was a man
(Surah 18:110)
Jesus performed miracles
(Mark 7:37)
Mohammed Did not perform miracles
(Surah 17:59)
Jesus knew what is inside people’s hearts
(Revelation 2:23)
Mohammed did not know what is inside People’s hearts
(Surah 11:31)
Jesus is our advocate with the Father
(1 John 2:1 & 2)
Mohammed is not our advocate with the Father
(Surah 9:80)
Jesus forbade His followers to use the sword
(Matthew 26:52)
Mohammed urged his followers to use the sword
(Surah 8:65)
Jesus taught forgiveness
(Matthew 5:38,39)
Mohammed taught revenge
(Surah 2:194)
Jesus was sinless
(1 Peter: 2:22)
Mohammed was sinful
(Surah 47:19)
Jesus words never change
(Matthew 24:35)
The Quran words changed
(Surah 16:101)
Jesus healed the blind man
(Luke 18:35-43)
Mohammed turned away from the blind man
(Surah 80:1-10)
Jesus called on people to come to Him
(Matthew 11:28-30)
Mohammed was admonished because he sent people away
(Surah 6:52)
Jesus taught monogamy
(Matthew 19:5,6)
Mohammed taught polygamy
(Surah 4:3)
People were free to accept Jesus’ message or reject it
(Luke 10:10,11)
People were forced to accept Mohammed’s message
(Surah 9:29)
Eric 2007-09-27 / 4.35 am
who set up this site? How old is everyone anyways? I wonder if alot of you are like me. THat is a young person bored and surfing the internet. I guess debating religion can be pretty tiring, and honestly it doesnt seem to be getting anyone anywhere. The truth will come out in the end, and the truth is Jesus is Lord. theres so much deception in this world, and this site is just another example of the devils lies. I think you all know who i mean by devil. Ill pray for you who believe in Islam, because its never too late to turn to Jesus.
Respond to Item 24 2007-10-10 / 11.26 am
Respond to Item 24:
“Did you all forget about the crusade.
When the Christans took Jerusalem they slaughtered everyone inside
When the Muslim took it they didn’t kill a soul
im not saying Christians are terrorists but they have done way more worse things than Muslim terrorists
allah wa akbar”
If you observed the history, it’s true that a lot of christian and moslem alike are violent. However, Jesus himself as witnessed in the Gospel is a Loving personality.
I truly believe that Jesus is the Son of God as reflected in His teaching of love and His miracles. But on the other hand, as with Muhammad: how could it be possible a Messenger of God justified killing, raping, torturing, and not to mention being phedophile, etc…?!?
Do you still believe that Muhammad is a messenger of God.
Judge the religion not by its followers, but by its prophet!
Sidharta Zen 2007-10-23 / 4.36 am
You can find out who is truly Muhammad on, prepare to be shocked!
çağrı 2007-10-25 / 12.44 am
i made a change and had a new mail and msn address. ıf u d like 2 make debate about this matter,you can reach me from: my comment is above,you can find and send me responses which are supposed to be respectful. thanks..
Peace Lover 2007-10-26 / 1.31 pm
Muhammad is a phedophile ? you gotta be kidding. Prove it !!!
Isaak Needum 2007-10-26 / 11.38 pm
I dont trust all these guys. Look what I found (and tell me they are peaceful): (you belief this?) (come on?) (can this be proof!) (more like it for me)
advise: take it easy – who knows? There could be some truth in this?
george 2007-10-31 / 9.39 am
jesus is love
osama victor 2007-10-31 / 10.58 am
jesus is my god,my life,and my love for ever
malyfred 2007-11-03 / 12.19 am
what would you say about this:
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 2007-11-06 / 2.17 am
Jesus rules over muhammed! muhammed was just som guy who was getting high off of some drug and seeing some crazy holusinations. he was probably demonized or somethin. JESUS RULES!!!!—-youl see when he comes and sends all of the people that rejected him to eternal hell while me and all of the other true christians will be praising his name in eternal paradise with the father son and spirt!
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 2007-11-06 / 2.19 am
akbar 2007-11-06 / 12.23 pm
why this type of nasty creations are encouraged? if people like us giving our opinion about this is the object of peasebreaker. i request all of us donot respond such things. when there is no reponse no body create this type of figures.
this is rk.
unknown 2007-11-12 / 1.13 pm
i love football !!!
endang sabrina 2007-11-12 / 5.02 pm
God is the One who can save u from ur sins,,,God is the Real Savior,,none in this world can replace the Holy blood that was Poured for us,,,And to believe Jesus,,,don’t think logically but BELEIVE with ur FAITH!!! I love 73545,,,,4 Eva….
arul 2007-11-13 / 7.05 am
hi, i would like to say that jesus is the creator he was, he is, and he is going to come soon for judgement.
there is no need to fight for religion, christian is not a religion it is a way to heaven. Jesus will appear in heaven and all of us will be going to watch as the days are going to end since the prophesy that are mentioned in bible 95% are fullfilled, so its time that we need repent from our sins and not to argue with one another. Sunami may come at any place and any time but we need to prepare our soul to be in heaven. Dont fight for religion but fight for our soul from the earthly lust and sins and make our way to be in heaven.Salvation belongs only through jesus since he replaced for us and redeemed us through his blood he is god since he resurrected from the grave and the world believe in B.C and A.D. Amen
jhkeith 2007-11-13 / 4.57 pm
You all need to use spellcheck you illiterate fools. This was a CARTOON; and if you are not grown up enough to realize that…LEAVE THE INTERNET!I’m a christain but still hold extreme respect for Islam and their prophet. The true fiend of mankind has been ORGANIZED religion. Absolute power corrupts ABSOLUTLEY.
Bonbonaya 2007-11-17 / 2.36 am
Jesus Christ Is Lord & He’s the only way to Heaven
He came to give us a better life & to save us from SIN & Satan -the biggest liar- who deceives ppl to not get to God thru the Only way Jesus ..
That’s my belief now & forever .. Jesus is God & He’s my life savior, my best friend & the only who paid all my dept to be clear before the Father ..
God bless all & bring you to his stream of Mercy,Love & forgiveness..
l 2007-11-18 / 3.10 am
I would like to say that what you said about the Jesus and fitness is not a way to make people like you, its very disrespectful to those who beleive and will have eternal life. And tonight I am going to pray for your forgiveness. Maby you should to. thankyou
mssassy 2007-11-18 / 5.16 am
I LOVE THE LORD and I must say that knowing the lord as I do, none of us have the right to judge the other. Mohammed will be judge by God when that day come. So everyone who believes or do not believe in God who is the Almightest of all God’s will also see when that day come. Until then get your lives right with Christ, cause I do want my God to say well done my child come on home and get your rest. Amen!!!!!
Almighty God 2007-11-18 / 5.42 am
All that doubts the Almighty god, should read the Bible and realize that God has talked about the things that are occuring in this world today and what the future holds to come to past. Like not being able to tell winter from summer, the wars, people dying by the thousands etc., this is occuring today, letting us all know that the time is coming to get our lives right with God. I really do feel sorry for alot of you that posted negative remarks toward God, what will you do when you have to be judged, when you step in front of God on judgement day. Will you tell him the same BS that you are saying in these blogs, I hope not. Like in Christ upon his dying bed, please forgive them God cause they know not what they are saying, have mercy on there evil souls. I LOVE THE LORD please get right, don’t let your soul be a stone. I will pray for all of you that doubts God, and I truely feel sorry for alot of you. Read Revelations if you don’t read anything else, you will see how God is telling you what is happening today, and if the holy bible was written by man how did he know what is taking place right now and what will take place in the near future. Just like God speaks to preachers through visions which are not dreams he spoke to the people who wrote his holy bible.
JESUS IS MY GOD. 2007-11-23 / 10.40 am
paul kusuma 2007-11-30 / 7.32 am
did you guys have a see a GOD in the past? hwo has life in the past?the evil has go into you to make a war.. i am atheis,may be that is beter.. couse…i am not kiling people in the name of religion…and i belive god love me. if i have a right way to life with people. if i chose religion.. i chose cristian. in their bible, i learn about loving each outher..and peace..and thats is my privecy. your religion is your choise is up to you…..the importen is life together in peace,help each other.not war and make we fall into hell cozz religion you not know the truth cozz you not there since the first time world make by god
anona fernandes 2007-12-01 / 12.06 pm
tony 2007-12-07 / 4.26 am
you are a good fucked im sure a christian guy fucked well ur mom in the mouth and in her ass hehehe i swear to God i can know it
that is why u put this picture
hehehehehehhe lol
Human Being 2007-12-07 / 3.19 pm
Ahahahaha, both sides of this coin are hilarious. All fairy tales of things that don’t exist, human idealistic stories. Why argue about things you can’t prove. Jesus, Mohammed, whoever else, they may have existed, but if so not as you believe them to have. If they did I’m sure they were nice guys, but just human beings either way, not superheros. Can you not live in peace and love others as equals without the need for worship and stories like these to guide you. These people you worship I’m sure would be a lot happier looking down on the human race if you just stopped for a minute and thought for yourselves……Look at you “Religious” people arguing……We are a funny race though, pathetic at times……
Person 2007-12-11 / 4.06 pm
There is alot of stuff needed to be cleared up in this conversation. First of all I would like to say Hadhrat Isa (Jesus) was a prophet of God and Hadhrat Muhammad S.A.W is also a prophet of God. The fact is that Muhammad s the last messenger of God, and Jesus came before him. Jesus is still alive. He is in Heaven, as of when the Romans captured a roman soldier himself who was changed by god to look like Jesus. So a roman soldier was crucified. Jesus will be sent to the world again as a sign of the day of judgement. He will live in this world for 40 years, will get married and have children. When the beasts are unleashed on the Earth (Dajjal- Anti Christ)he will be the only one to be able to kill Dajjal. He will be in congregation of prayer with 2000 muslims behinf Imaam Mehdi, and after prayer they will have a war with 70,000 jews led by Dajjal. Jesus and the muslims will win the war. To be continued
Heman 2007-12-13 / 6.11 pm
Guys relax everybody.let us not fight on basis on religionwe are all human beings.So let us follow our religions.But i want to make one poni clear if Jesus was son of God,how can he die.Please note that Jesus was a messenger who was sent by God to rescue us from sins.God is alone,he doesn’t have any partner.He is Supreme power.No power can withstand his power.He is the creator & the greatest.
Heman 2007-12-13 / 6.13 pm
Jesus will come back it’s true,i agree with Person
Alex 2007-12-14 / 4.02 am
percaya Yesus adalah pilihan. bukan paksaan, seperti keselamatan juga adalah pilihan. Dia sudah memberikan tinggal kita terima atau tidak.
Pathetic 2007-12-14 / 5.53 am
I am Christian, and two of my best friends are both islamic and jewish. To almost everyone who has posted here, jewish, muslim, or christian, how disapointing you all are. Look at yourselves. What part of any of your beliefs say you should fight like this, say that it is a good thing for you to say such things to one another? You all talk about how jesus is bad, jesus is good, muhammad and moses were this and that. Have any of you even read the holy book you supposedly follow? So what if one of these religions is right? Why are you fighting over it?
Your throwing away the very idea of what you believe, simply to try and argue or sway someone else into your beliefs. Well what if these people do listen to you? They join you, but there not joining you in the religion you practice, there joining you in a false membership because you are lying to yourselves about what you believe, because there are very few people here who are showing any bit of common decency. Being a christian myself I feel horrible saying this, but almost every person in this room is a disgrace to there religions, if I was an atheist I would think that each of these so called “true” religions were made by some wack jobs.
Look at how your acting! Do you honestly beleive this is what you God wants you to do? Be it jesus or whoever your God is, do you really think he is watching you now with a smile on his face? I’ve read all the books of these and no he would not be. He would be weeping for all of you who say you are this and are that, but you are all horribly sad because of the way you act. I think all 3 of these religions are the shittiest thing in the world, because all of you are supposed to be representing them, and right now, that representation is the way it has always been, you wonder why we have things like the crusades and terrorists, its because of people like yourselves acting like children.
I don’t mean to offend any of you, but instead I mean to hopefully enlighten you, not to make you believe that Jesus is the true god, or that moses was the only one who was right, but instead to show you that none of you are being anything like you should, and I hope to God, or Allah, or whatever, that you spend some time looking at yourselves and the way you have been acting before you all start throwing the stones.
Dean 2007-12-15 / 12.59 am
“pathetic” and all other readers. The reason these 2 religions cannot “co-exist” is because one is for god, the other believes it is for god but is for the devil. Jesus is lord, humas are sunful and need his sacrificial blood to cover our sins. If the quran is true, then the bible simply is not, because they are completely seperate messages. THEY ARE NOT SIMILLAR! Do u think its funny how the core belief of a christian is tht christ is the only way to heaven, yet the quran jus happened to state the complete opposite of his death and resurection, and the fact he was god himself? this is what decides wether u r saved OR NOT. Also, us christians are supposed to lead by example so why are there some of u swearing and stuff? clearly u need to grow in christ more and establish the relationship with god we have a right to have thru christ. I feel sorry for you muslims, not ever being sure of wether u will enter heaven or not for certain and not being able to have a close RELATIONSHIP with god himself. I will continue to pray each and every day for muslims everywhere to accpet personal revelation from christ. Oh and as for the crusades, these people who claimed to be chrsitians simply were not under gods will, as the bible clearly states to “turn the other cheek” and not to kill. So yes, they committed acts of sin which im sure will be included in their “account” to god.
Oh and to everyone who keeps asking “if jesus was god, how can he die” let me answer this. its simple. Jesus died a MORTAL death ONLY, which is the same death us as humans have, so that we may be saved. His spirit lives on eternally and those who believe in this salvation will be saved and will form a personal relationship with god, if its is CHOSEN. blessings to you all. and christians, think before you write, we are to be in the world, but not of the world. so dont speak like the world!
kelly 2007-12-19 / 1.25 am
I think you should respect everyone, disrespecting anyone is bad. Whether it is whatever. No matter what you believe you should respect eachother. Respect other religions so they respect your religion. you shouldn’t make a joke out of what they believe, or spread rumours without knowing the truth. Treat others as you want to be treated. I dont think anyone whould want anyone to make fun of their belief. God is up their to Judge everyone, no one has the right to judge anyone . This is not the matter of believe I think that both of these religions would say to respect everyone. basically i dont get it.
Noah 2007-12-23 / 9.16 pm
I have read the comments and am not very surprised. There are both Christians and Moslems that claim to be and don’t even know their own faith. First off the pictures are offensive. I belive in Christ and am angry about the pictures however saddened that someone would post something such as this. Secondly Moslems killed just as many people during the Crusades as the Nights Templar. Moslems often kill those who are not Moslem and refuse to convert because it is written in the Quoran. Christians wish conversion by peace though many have used the Name of Christ for tyrannical reasons. Also the Bible was written by eye-witnesses the quoran was not. It was written some 600 years after Muhammed. Thirdly Allah and Yahweh (God) are two completely different gods. The true God, is God the Father. Jesus Christ came to earth to save all from sin. The reason He came to die is because with the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. The only blood that God would accept is that of His son Jesus Christ. A perfect and sinless man. That is why He had to die. Also Islam does not carry any sufficent evidence as to itself. It was written 600 years after Muhammed, in the Quoran it says that to kill one man is like killing all of humanity, what does this mean of the terrorist apparently breaking the law of Allah. Are they true Muslems? But on the flip side one the greatest Christian evangelist Billy Graham has said that of the people who claim to be Christian very few are truly servents of the Lord Jesus Christ. I agree with him whole heartedly. Again the pictures that have been posted are offensive to both Christians and Moslems however neither Christan nor Moslem can tell the other what is right. The reason being Jesus Christ rose from the dead to save the world from sin but the Islamic community would disagree with this statement. The truth is simple, Christ lives on and loves you but Muhammed though a figure that has greatly impacted history forever has no merit.
LAWL 2008-01-17 / 2.22 am
those pictures are hilarious. Im all for believing in what you want to believe. But dont push it on me one way or the other, thats what I hate about both Muslims and Christians. To one im an “infidel” to the other im “lost soul”. Im neither, im a human. As far as im concerned MUSLIMS AND CHRISTIANS ARE BOTH DELUSIONAL. Muhammed was a fake and jesus no more real. To “hell” with both of em.
heaven,e,d 2008-01-25 / 12.40 am
who ever wrote this is gone pay the facts
tim 2008-02-01 / 9.35 am
may you all be blessed with love and kindness to your brother and sister. i pray for all mandkind. please do not sleep tonight with hate in your heart. love and be loved.
mualaf 2008-02-04 / 6.18 am
If Christians belief that Jesus is their God, then how come, they NEVER FOLLOW Jesus’s teching?
Jesus and all the prophets before him were all Jewish, all Jewish practice the Torah (the Law), in which no Jewish consume PORK, all jewsih are CIRCUMCISED and that to keep the Sabbath (SATURDAY) day HOLY.
The Christians today are following Paul’s teaching. Paul is Roman, ROMANS CONSUME PORK, NOT CIRCUMCISED AND WORSHIP SUN AS THEIR GOD ON “SUN-DAY”.
I think their Lord is Paul since they are following his teaching.
kumar 2008-02-04 / 8.45 am
the designer of the photo is really a great fool.
he has proved it by doing this.
i think that stupid designer is a mad, mental,brain less,idiot,shameless,and should be called a very mean person.
the world knows that in jesus name every knee shall bow
every tongue shall confess
that jesus is the onle.s the one and only god yesterday today and forever
kumar 2008-02-04 / 8.48 am
jesus is our saviour
he is the only god.
rest r all deaf, dumb, blind, lame, simply senseless.
uzl 2008-02-08 / 5.32 am
Jesus is the Onlu one GOD…that’s true!
uzl 2008-02-08 / 5.37 am
I can prove that God is only one because all of the apostle did not taught three gods…
Its me, I have nothing to hide 2008-02-08 / 9.40 pm
First of all, I think it is such a shame for all of you to have posted things about serious religions with such profanity (and bad grammar, but I guess its your schools I have to blame for that). It seems like a lot of people have really poor backgrounds because of their comments and I would just suggest that people try and inform themselves better on both religions. The misunderstanding going on in this string is so pathetic, it absolutely breaks my heart.
Read some books, people.
i love allah (god) 2008-02-11 / 4.59 am
forgive me god for saying this but who ever wrote that mohammed S.A.W is a loser or a lier or anything bad about mohammed S.A.W is an asshole and a mothafucker because u guys believee everything u read in the internet u insalt our prophet and u dont want us to insalt urs i believe in jesus chhrist and i believe that he is a prophet but still dont insalt mohammed S.A.W so that u dont go to hell. and i wish god forgives all of u and even me.
i love allah (god) 2008-02-11 / 5.01 am
i’m a muslim and i respect every christian but i dont respect someone who says a lie about mohammed S.A.W
i love allah (god) 2008-02-11 / 5.06 am
hamidi 2008-02-14 / 2.13 pm
i said to denmarki news paper that don make the cortoon becouse he was a prophet jesus said that after me mohmamad peace be opan on him will come and he will be a prophet if any one made the cortoon must be enter to jail and must die him or hir
lalala 2008-02-14 / 9.53 pm
does somebody want 2 explain the meaning of the image of prophet mohammad
you MOTHERFUCKER as a muslim i do respect both prophets but u silly son of a bitch this pic is a LOT of contreversy and i am going to report abuse on this fucking site u sick son of a bitch
lalala 2008-02-14 / 9.56 pm
by the way because some weirdos think its necessary to blow things up and suicide bombings is the thing to do DOES NOT mean that THE PROPHET or GOD want them 2. wat did the prophet say GO SET OFF SUICIDE BOMBS so i say 2 u you dont know anything u sad bastard so go FUCK YOURSELF
Xavi 2008-02-17 / 2.08 pm
So much BEEF!
Guzel cici 2008-02-20 / 5.12 am
Some day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that JESUS IS LORD.
The reason we know all these facts about Jesus and the truth of His death and resurrectino is because:
The Holy Spirit of God speaks the Truth to us through our spirits, if you have not experienced it, you just wouldn’t understand.
If you really want to know the truth, and are sincere about it, the only thing you need to do is to pray to Jesus and ask Him, I guarantee that He will answer you if you listen with your heart.
God will speak to your heart and to your spirit. That’s one of the many ways He communicates with us.
This is not a joke, this is real.
God is real and He wants to have a close relationship with each and every one of us, but some of us don’t have the faith to seek Him out.
basil 2008-02-20 / 1.36 pm
i want to say the jesus come to the life amuslim man and the muslime people love him becuas like mohammed the two
is amasengers from allah (the god of every think and he is alone no one with him if there is two god the life will be destroy (like acompanyu with two manegers )
allah send mohammad for all not for only muslim and he is v.i.p. to muslim and this pic not 4 him so read mohammed life book to know how is that person that we love him more than our lifes and our pernents.
basil badawi
YOU BARSTARDS 2008-02-20 / 10.05 pm
jesus (not son of god) 2008-02-20 / 10.17 pm
Fockerssssssssssssssssssss u asshole dik headz sory allah but these r sum pussy shoes u fuckin suk ur mams pusssssssssssy hard till it bleadz ur mom raped u n ur dad ha white trashhhhhhhhhhh
me jesus n im not son of god sory matez but ya the muzlimz r rite made a mistake gotoo go babes watin
jesus (not son of god) 2008-02-20 / 10.20 pm
jesus (not son of god) 2008-02-20 / 10.23 pm
Luke 2008-02-21 / 7.40 pm
Yes, Jesus is the Son of God the Father.
Yes, He loves you with a love you could never comprehend.
No, you will never fully understand how God works so you really cannot say “Jesus did not die” or “God does not have a son.”
Allah does not speak to the Muslims, but the Holy Spirit of God does. He speaks to everyone on the earth, it’s just that people canot hear Him because they are not listening.
He’s trying to love on everyone, but not everyone is recieving the love because they do not fully understand Him.
Really, noone can fully understand Him, but they CAN hear Him if they just sit and listen to that still, small voice speaking to them in their heart.
CHENTHELL CRESTWELL 2008-02-28 / 9.21 am
jesus is the way the truth and the life
anyone who object will have to acount for your own sin
MUSLIM 2008-03-01 / 10.45 pm
MUSLIM 2008-03-01 / 11.10 pm
we wil all get down on our knees and bow for mohamed and i have something to say if you beleive jesus the son of god ( which is not ofcourse true ) why did you kill him and are you happy to kill someone you like ? think people god gave us brain to think but christans and jewish don’t use their brain.
MUSLIM 2008-03-01 / 11.30 pm
Abdullah 2008-03-02 / 9.01 am
We “Muslims” do not accept any insult of any Messenger of God either Mohammed (PEACE BE UPON HIM” or any other prophets and messengers (PEACE BE UPON THEM ALL).
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)is the messenger of mercy, tolerance, love, clemency.
You might got a stereotyped image of Muslims (through the evil-driven media, but this is not an excuse. You should know about Islam and Prophet Mohammed and then you can judge.
We don’t hate Christians, Jews or any other people unless they insult our religion. Won’t you do so if somebody did that to you?!
indra 2008-03-02 / 9.12 pm
if you know who is Muhammad,you very love him,SURE!
please looking for Him! thanks
tno_lvin 2008-03-03 / 11.49 pm
Jesus is the great ones
tno_lvin 2008-03-04 / 12.00 am
The Passion of The Christ
People who see the film, The Passion of the Christ, may be as awestruck by the price Jesus paid as many of those who saw the event.
We know that the soldiers were moved, because one of them saw in the way Jesus died that this was no ordinary crucified man. “Surely, this WAS the Son of God!” he said.
We know that many of the priests and Pharisees were moved, because within a few weeks “many” of these people, who had been bitter enemies of Jesus, turned to Him and believed in Him.
And the disciples, who believed on Jesus — and yet were so weak of character that they fled when he needed them most — were transformed by the crucifixion and the resurrection … Transformed from hesitant disciples into fearless men of God, who endured every hardship to tell the world what they had seen and heard.
Perhaps the Mel Gibson movie will have a similar impact on many people in today’s world. We applaud Mr. Gibson for attempting to show the world the unvarnished truth — that Jesus died as an innocent man, as the representative of all men. He died for each of us, and he died for all of us together. We are thankful that millions, perhaps billions of people will see the film.
No doubt many will be amazed at what Jesus went through — but still the question is: Why?
The short answers raise more questions than they settle:
“To save his people from their sins”
“To give his flesh for the life of the world”. So that….
“All who are in the graves shall come forth…”, because
Jesus “gave himself a Ransom for all — to be testified in due time.”
“For the joy set before him”, Jesus endured the pain
Like a child counting the days till Christmas or Hanukkah, sometimes it seems like the fulfillment of these promises will never come. Here and there a life is changed. But world wide, in the lives of billions, God’s grand promises have hardly begun to come true!
But we are excited. We see in the above words the incredible power of God — the power to heal all people of disease. The power to resurrect all the dead who have ever lived. The power to solve every human problem, including the ones that are dead, buried and forgotten.
The more we study the Bible, the more power we see in the Blood of Christ. Every stain of human sin and misery will be removed, every wrong will be righted. And every soul that was damaged by Adam’s fall will be delivered from the great prison of hereditary death.
Come with us, as we explore the exciting benefits that will surely come from The Passion of The Christ.
Jesus loverrr 2008-03-05 / 3.37 am
MAN forget muhhamad and his BS jesus was the son of god and jesus died for our sins and in ur country were ever ur from u belive allah thinks it right to kill inoent people fuck yall 9/11 was aat allah wanted wat a great god yall have maybe u should think again about ur “allah” becuz he is the devil if n thing
MUSLIM 2008-03-08 / 9.10 pm
h christian 2008-03-11 / 10.38 am
i kill jesus everyday, i threat him, my fellowship of him, i sometime neglected the lesson that he gave
for god sake, he even teach to forgive
he forgive me
he forgive you
he forgive everybody who cross him
the way he forgive, the way he loves, no kind of human ever living have that
muhammad have kill someone
did jesus have kill someone?
he even killed
tim 2008-03-14 / 6.51 am
don’t make fun on anybody religious. this is bad. and i know your god either doesn’t like that. so stop that.
ur dady 2008-03-14 / 7.01 am
mother fuckers stop it.
arlieya 2008-03-14 / 10.05 am
i agree with u, Tim..don’t make fun on anybody religious. Muhammmad is the greatest.
jakarta...boy 2008-03-14 / 6.44 pm
godly..and …ungodly attribute can’t gathering at same time we can’t said creaturer and creation at same time/same person..i ask to the chistiant how many god do you have ? they answer..god only one ..but its’n make sense father..son..holy ghost..they are one ….how ? and i ask again when jesus died is his father also died ? because god is one ..when jesus went to the bathroom how about his father ?
MUSLIM 2008-03-18 / 7.59 pm
h christian you are so dum and stupied mohamed didn’t even think to hurt anyone and he taught us ( muslim) to forgive and if he didn’t i will reach you and you will be sorry to say like this about him
Glen 2008-03-19 / 1.11 pm
I think JESUS is the only one savior in this world. There’s no one like Him. So we must belief to Him, coz all of us belong to Him.
in.down.azia 2008-03-19 / 2.46 pm
O Lord forgive them bcoz they didnt know wot’ve they did…MUHAMMAD LOVES JESUS,AND JESUS LOVES MUHAMMAD MORE THAN HE DO (reads Quran,Jesus mentioned more than Muhammad)…they just hug each other in paradise while u kill each other here.Jesus love ya’ll,Jesus is Lord perhaps u didnt realize it but im sure somdey youll prove it. for jakarta boy, just imagine that God is a cube with its dimension, it has a height it has a width and it has a lenght,they cant separate each other. dont forget if a creature called human has three elements;body,soul,spirit.without body obviously u are a ghost,witout soul u’ve got madness,without spirit then people would call u an animal.he’s trully Alpha and Omega,The begining and the end,Allah,Yahweh,Jehovah himself.a lil story,when i was a kid i pretend as a lord in an ant farm,of course i couldnt command them by child language unless if i transformed into an ant and lives in three feet under with them,walk,talk and act like them,eating some rubish like them and all the consequences l’ll accept.Jesus is God who lives among us,He transform into a man blood and flesh,of course He 100% man and 100% God.i’ll tell u somthin just dont think logically but believe in ur faith.God bless indonesia bro!!
I LOVE ALLAH 2008-03-20 / 4.42 am
i love allah 2008-03-20 / 4.46 am
and oh ya MUSLIM ur getting waaaaaaaaaaaybeyond i’m a muslim like u ur not acting like a muslim muslims shouldnt say bad stuff about any prophet even jesus cause we i mean muslims BELIEVE IN JESUS TOOOO
i love allah 2008-03-20 / 4.52 am
and christians if u dont know anything about allah and mohammmed dont talk cause most of u r saying STUPID stuff
BER 2008-03-21 / 2.22 pm
ME 2008-03-21 / 2.30 pm
nofee 2008-03-22 / 5.14 am
even MUSLIM ADMIT that ISA(JESUS) will return to be
THE ONLY JUDGE in the end of time.!!!
can you expalin about this..!!!
Jesus is the ALFA & OMEGA
Death eater 2008-03-23 / 11.18 pm
Ok guys so the conclusion is: Jesus was born to save all of us, Muhammad was born to marrying so many woman, so it’s all about love right? was the prooved that “God is love”…
Death eater 2008-03-24 / 12.21 am
and I believe thing called LOOOOVVEE
viva the darknest…..
Jenny 2008-03-26 / 4.29 am
Jesus Christ is the one and only true Lord God. He is the Living God. He lives. Muhammad died. So praise be to God!
Caroline 2008-03-26 / 4.33 am
muhammad 2008-03-26 / 2.55 pm
jesus mother fucker
Eng. Monir 2008-03-28 / 11.53 pm
Hi all,
I want you to imagine the life in the Arab world befor and after Prophet Mohammed.
Before –> People were killing their baby daughters because of shame, marrying tens of womens during their life, giving food to stones in order to blessed and so on.
After –> People are proud with their baby daughters, marrying up to 4 women only and only if there is something not good in the first woman (Instead of divorcing her), praying to only one God (Allah) in order to be blessed and so on.
However, the most important message that Prophet Mohammed wanted us to know is to be peaceful with all people except with terrorists and those who carry their weapons and try to kill innocent people.
I encourage you to search on Google or any other search engine about Prophet Mohammed who believed in all other Prophets before him and followed their path.
Muslim 2008-03-29 / 10.51 am
Anyone one to know about Muhammad? He had choosen by our truly ,The One God, Allah. He was borned as Arabic people [Quraish).At that time too many people are too far away from their god .Number of Jesus’s followers and Ibrahim’s (I don’t know how his name written in Bible)are so small. Some people pray to the sun ,trees and many more that as you know been created by The God .
Allah only The One because God must be so much powerful than others . God also said to be powerful if He has no partner to help him . Muhammad was choosen to teach the people about the right religion. Actually I want to say that there is only one type Byble in the world but some people try to change it’s meaning for their own advantages such as to get profit.
Before more people were lost from the true religion, Allah sended Muhammad as a prophet beside Jesus that has been sended to teach their surrounding people that also lost from the true religion.
In Islam, Jesus is said not to be the one who was being sacrificed for their followers advantages. Jesus was a prophet.
Therefore God very love him. He didn’t want to choose Jesus for being sarificed but to teach people. God can forgive people if the people back to the true way. Jesus was replaced by someone that is very likely the same as Jesus physical with Allah’s power. He was taken to the sky by God’s power and he will be back to teach and fight peoples that fight Muslims. He will be back one day before The End Of The Day to help Muslims because many Muslims had no power enough to fight.
That’s only I can write for this time. Islam does not force people to convert Muslims . You can read Quran’s translation in al-Baqarah .In Islam , Muslims can not kill anyone whether Muslims or non-Muslims except for several reasons. You can asked some Muslims that have high knowledge on Islam to know well about Islam.
cheto 2008-04-01 / 9.47 pm
orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrruspu çocukları
Danny 2008-04-03 / 1.55 pm
I appreciate the creativety of the artist who did this stuff.
U have every right to express what u feel but dont u thnk u r hurtng others faith by posting this.
There is always a healty way of discussion. Use ur creativity for the right cause.
God Bless u my friend.
Banging 2008-04-03 / 11.51 pm
Surely these people can plan, but ALLAH is the best of planners.
J-one 2008-04-07 / 2.36 pm
i Belife Jesus is my GOD. KING Of KING . GOD of god. i love my GOD. If u not belife Jesus, u must go to HELL forever in your life. i hate athaist.
Micheal 2008-04-07 / 6.53 pm
Jesus didnt do any sin but Mohamad was always having sex afairs and killing people and then pretend like he is an prophet since the Islam intered the world and we are in envy sexuality and unendable war fuck islam foe ever
Omar 2008-04-08 / 1.45 am
Will i’m as a Muslim and we as Muslims believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that his a PROPHET , that the REAL GOSPEL was revealed to him by Allah the all Mighty the only true Lord who has not begotten a son. We also believe that he will come back to earth. But we do not believe in him as the son of God because he’s not and he will never be. Allah is the only god of the creation, he’s the Lord of Moses, Jesus , and Mohammad, peace be upon all of them. a Question. Did Jesus himself stated clearly that he the son of God, did he say i’m the son of God? The answer is No, On the contrary he said if i’m not mistaken thou Lord and only he thou should serve. Please correct me if i’m wrong
Harley 2008-04-08 / 3.07 am
@ Omar: No, Jesus didn’t randomly say “I’m the Son of God”, but when people asked he confirmed it and never denied it. I mean, if you were God, would you greet people by saying “Hi! I’m God!”. Probably not. Jesus wanted people to see it for themselves, which they did and he always confirmed it. Here are some instances:
“‘But what about you?’ he (Jesus) asked. ‘Who do you say I am?’ Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus replied, ‘Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaved.'” (Matthew 16:15-17)
“The high priest said to him, ‘I charge you under oath by the living God: Tell us if you are the Christ, the Son of God.’ ‘Yes, it is as you say,’ Jesus replied.” (Matthew 26:63-64a)
“When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. He shouted at the top of his voice, ‘What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Swear to God that you won’t torture me!’ For Jesus had said to him, ‘Come out of this man, you evil spirit!'” (Mark 5:6-7)
I also want to note that many times he called himself “The Son of Man”. This is because of a vision that Danial had many years before Jesus:
“In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples , nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” (Danial 7:13-14)
Either Jesus was the Messiah or a filthy liar. A filthy liar could not be a great prophet.
Jonathan Ahmad 2008-04-10 / 4.36 am
trust of Jesus is that the infinite because the infinite choice people. Amien.
Yeremia Muhammad 2008-04-10 / 4.47 am
I before all me and moslem have broke a lance with priest of erstwhile Pendeta Yusuf Roni and Malkus. Him is Kyai Haji and afterwards I realize that in my Jesus find the truth of certainty and life where me wait to die.
ADIL 2008-04-10 / 5.20 pm
slave of Muhammad 2008-04-11 / 4.33 pm
It is really rediculous what u have said in the comparson of Jesus and Muhammad (PBUH).As a prophet of allah both preached islam and humanity,how can they do against their own preachings.Islam is the name of peace and forgiveness to all humanity.This comparison which u ptresented in picture form comes under the blasphemy.U should apologise almighty to forgive u for this sin.that can straightly take u to the hell for eternity.
jesus hater 2008-04-13 / 12.26 pm
jesus man!!!!!
paloi abiz yaaa!!!
stupid guy……
jesus hater 2008-04-13 / 12.28 pm
jesus bodo!!!
jesus hater 2008-04-13 / 12.33 pm
JESUS is not taking a bath..
he smell like SHIT!!….
im telling the truth…
just believe me guys..
jesus smell!!!!!…
my asshole is even smell GOOD than jesus body!!!..
we will support Muhammad S.A.W…
stupid the penganut of jesus…
bodo abis…
jesus hater 2008-04-13 / 12.36 pm
his cock his hairly and smell…
full of SHIT!!!…
FULL OF bacteria…
jesus hater 2008-04-13 / 12.40 pm
jesus hater 2008-04-13 / 12.43 pm
jesus just a STUPID DOLL…
which is naked…
Muhammadisme 2008-04-16 / 7.13 am
Muhammad IS KING OF SHIT!!!
I Dont know 2008-04-16 / 7.17 am
Jesus is Lord
Muhammad is human
So serve the God Not human, stupidity .
Muhammad die and he in Hell now
Donovan 2008-04-17 / 2.29 am
If it is so sinful to worship anyone but God then why worship jesus. God didnt have kids who then suddenly became him. The God of muhammed is the same God of abraham elisha moses david and yes even the one jesus himself prayed to infact jesus was not considered God until the year 398 when the pope at the time declared him a deity. The bible today is not even close to the ones around in those days there are several hundred different versions of the bible and all the sects who follow their own bible tell all other sects they are right and those who follow one of the other hundreds of versions are all going to hell. the bible was changed so often because over 1000 years ago there was no government so whoever was in power at the time changed it slightly to support their views. It is the christians that fear technology so much because time and time again the bibles we are left with are proven wrong like the world flood but it was proven the australians and infact the entire earth had no flood at that time except a severe one in the middle east. or the flat earth with the four corners of it the bible claims in fact the first person to discover the earth was round was sentenced to death by the church. go jesus! lets not forget burning people alive for sneezing too many times must be the devil inside you right? pieces of the original bible remain and wisdom of its purest form can be extracted but beware we are only human and will probably believe some of the added on garbage and just as not everyone should have been murdered before for using the mind GOD himself gave you or sneezing all we hear is believe this and exactly this way or you are going to hell just like everyone before the year 398 did i guess. the Qurar supports evolution (which the christian god is not capable of creating creatures that evolve) supports the big bang theory, claims thw sun is round claims the earth is round (1400 years ago) and even claims there are other worlds with other beings who all worship the same God we do. No points of the Quran have ever been disproven but someday may be. good book tho. as for the cartoon picture of the prophet muhammed well what did we expect. muslims brought them upon themselves for acting like hate mongering idiots all the time deviating from the religion so much yet they would kill for it?! GROW UP. you learned so much hate not from God or our book but from yourselves and the shameful depiction of the prophet is not on the artist who drew it but on yourselves. try reading the book you pretent to care so much about then see if you can ever hold your head up again
Pur Muslim 2008-04-18 / 5.32 pm
Hello everybody! I will be concise and I will not humiliate any religion, for the simple reason that God (Allah) asks us this. Instead of humiliating other peoples’ religions, he asks us to iluminate their ideas on Islam and let them in peace, the choice is theirs.
Please don’t misjudge Islam. your Ideas are based on what you see in media which is not thrustworthy. I wouldn’t call terrorists muslims, but desperates or people lost in this world.
Please do some research about Islam and judge by youself.
ya allah 2008-04-19 / 2.31 am
ok ok ok ok stop no more insalting just no more
sharaz 2008-04-19 / 2.43 am
those who put the picture muhammed pbuh thatz iz so lowlife
riki a.k.a.JESUS FREAK 2008-04-19 / 5.37 am
Zaid 2008-04-19 / 12.16 pm
What’s wrong with you disgracefull animals.
You think you can just insult our Religion like that. You filthy people have prejiduce against our Religion. Shut down this site or remove these pictures. Jesus is also our Prophet.
delect it 2008-04-19 / 10.59 pm
u will go to hell wacth hu ever made this u fucking dick i wna klill u if i see u nd no hu made it omg man i wouldnt care even though i spend all my life in prison i would actully cheer the person apart
abid 2008-04-20 / 7.03 am
MUHAMMAD & JESUS same is the messsenger of ALLAH
NAVJEET 2008-04-20 / 5.07 pm
u shoodnt BE comparing JESUS en MUHAMMED, theyre both equal man!
they both taught us sumfink POSITV en wateva dai did ws fr theyre religion MAN!
so i think URE STUPID, theirs NO ABSOLUTELY NO diffrns betwen em, K!
syam Ahmed 2008-04-21 / 5.18 am
Jesus & Muhamad both are my prophets…
Peace be upon them….
Human create the stories….
both of them are great!!!
ilJ 2008-04-21 / 8.10 am
God hates the sin, but loves the sinner.
Jesus will bring peace…..
“The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteosness will be quietness and confidence forever”(Isaiah 32:17).
Jesus' follower 2008-04-22 / 5.02 pm
Listen everyone just calm down. Everyone has different religious beliefs and you aren’t supposed to try and force your religion on someone else. Muhammad or Jesus wouldn’t want this to come so just stop arguing and start worshiping.
Monica Lee 2008-04-22 / 8.48 pm
This is rediculous. I find it offensive to both of these religions, making fun of any religion is wrong. I am a Christian and I put my faith in the one who was criscified on the cross for my sins.
Urallassholes 2008-04-23 / 6.50 am
You’re all fuckin assholes
this loser who posted should burn in hell for eternity. He’s just making all of us hate each other for what? Jews, Muslims and Christians are all abrahamic religions with the same principles. The stupid asshole who posted this is just a fucked up devil convincing all of you to hate. While we fight, Satan laughs, as his evil plot has worked. God loves us all and it doesn’t matter if your right or wrong. I’m sure none of you were alive the time any of the religions started, so you can’t be sure wether the other religions are wrong.
The point is the you should all love each other, and we should all work together to stop violence, discrimination, racism and hate between the religions instead of peace and love.
Azrur_rusydi 2008-04-23 / 8.35 am
DANCOK….! TAk Dongakno Sing duwe situs IKi Cepet mati teruz mlebu Nang Neroko…!
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 2008-04-23 / 6.04 pm
HEBAT, KREATIF , Saya sebagai Presiden RI salut atas kreatifitasnya, SALUT From The Bottom Of My Heart,
Kirov 2008-04-25 / 10.37 am
hahahahahah pissssss…
Fred 2008-04-26 / 5.08 am
It is my prayer that all will come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
I deploy devine virus to invade satanic databases and destroy all wicked plots and databases contained about all unbelievers.
May all your ways be ordered by the Word of God.
Forget ISLAM and find the truth in Jesus
OPC 2008-04-26 / 8.33 pm
I know Muslims don’t believe in depicting Muhammad, and i respect that, but we don’t have to live by their rules. I’m not a religious person and i don’t get why people are, why do they have to believe what loads of other people believe and just think what they think, not have it spoon fed to them. I think the world has always been, and until there is further EVIDENCE, that is what I will continue to believe. But it’s pathetic to have such a strop about someone depicting Muhammad, because they don’t live by your rules, they live by theres, and you should respect that like we respect you, you don’t have to live by it, just respect it.
Joe 2008-04-29 / 12.20 am
I find it very disrespectful to who ever came up with the Mohammad cartoon idea.
Even though I am not Muslim, Jesus(The Lord) tells us to love one another as he loved us.
echa 2008-05-02 / 8.31 am
just stay in what u have believed in…Jesus is one way the truth and the life…and time would be approved it…glad u who believe in u all
adrian 2008-05-05 / 1.35 pm
i am a christian living in a muslim world. Pakistan is considered to be an exteremist country. But in fact its just a few who are like that here muslims and christians live peacefully.
Likewise muhammad and jesus are both phrophets of gods muslims beleive in him as the last phrophet and we christians in Jesus.
the whole aspect of the quran is same as the bible just for a few portions which are different.
both the books stress on peace and equality.
We are the bigger fools not looking at the bigger picture in life but fighting and arguing about petty issues.
gie 2008-05-14 / 9.24 pm
ok bee,i think everyman have their own faith.something they realy believe in.n i think that you dont have any right to judge others faith,s although you questioning about Jesus(is He Son of God or not),i dont think that you can change cant change mine,too.
n whoever who makes this picture,,God blezz u.
islam is my way of life 2008-05-15 / 5.28 pm
i think, you must remove the muhammad photo.
jada-kiss 2008-06-07 / 9.39 pm
i thought that joke was horrible it was nowhere near funny just blastfamy!!! go read a book!!!n pray 4 forgiveness!!!
arush 2008-06-09 / 5.16 am
Hi there,
Jesus is not just a prophet…
According to Islam there are around 125,000 prophets and Mohammed is the last prophet and out of those 125000 prophets there is not even one prophet who could heal the sick and raise people from the dead… Koran itself says that “eesa nabhi” (jesus) could raise people from the dead. Koran is actually a book which truly says about jesus. Koran says about Mohammed’ name only 4 times while it says Jesus name 33 times… . Also there is not even one woman’s name mention in what Angel Gabriel gave to mohammed, only one woman’s name (though mohammed had many wives not even one is mentioned is what was given by angel.) and that is Mariam the chosen one… the mother of Jesus. It says how special she is. It not only mentions her name but it has a whole chapter in her name called “Mariam”. Koran also says about child Jesus, in it it says that some people accuses mariam of being pregnant in a wrong way but Koran says that Mariam did not say anything in reply… but just pointed at baby Jesus and though baby is not old enough to speak, he says that he is not born of sin and is the Son of God… Koran also links bible and Koran together where baby jesus makes a sparrow with clay and then blows his breath on it and it gains life and flies away… (you can read this part in Koran). So if God blew breath into man , same way Koran says that Jesus blew his breath of life…and made a bird and there are many other instances as well that proves the link between these two religions. A search for the truth in every heart is necessary irrespective of their religions because there is only one truth and that truth sets you free.
Another argument is that jesus was stolen from the cross. Well it is not mentioned in the part which is given by Angel Gabriel and this is a made up story by the people who explains the “what was given to them”. This even happens in mordern christianity, that is why there are so many denominations for christian, catholics, protestants, baptist etc…they explain the bible in different ways though the truth is only one. The reality is that people of arabia is given the holy scripture 400 years after christ… the same book that is followed by the the children of israel.. At the end of the scripture.. People of Arabia are the children of Ismail, the first son of Abraham, born of Haggar… and God promises to raise another people of him. Koran in the end of what was given by the angel mentions that “go and study from the followers of “eesa nabhi” whom is given the rest of the word.. What is that lesson that Eesa nabhi (Jesus) had to teach… it is the lesson of loving ones enemy and to pray for them and forgive them. Nobody in this world taught that lesson. loving thy neighbor as thyself.. and he proved it on the cross. He shed his blood and stayed on the christ till the last… though he had all the God given powers to escape from there. And why would he run away and put a lookalike on the cross ( as some people claims)? What has he to cover if people accept him as a prophet… Well that interpretation by some people is wrong.. Jesus never had anything to hide. He stayed on the cross for the love towards mankind and so that he can pay the price for the sins of you and me. Brothers and sisters… Jesus did not create a religion.. only one way… that through him only the mankind will see God and his way is salvation. How does this happen. Because Jesus is the lamb of God.
What does that mean?
Well Jesus is the chosen messiah… he is the lamb of God.. the sacrificial goat… that Abraham sacrified.. instead of Isaac.. ( for musilims the name is Ismail) So why is sacrifice done… for forgiveness of sins. My Islam brothers celebrate this feast of Bakrid.. but real Bakrid is the sacrifice of Jesus for your sin… for my sin… for the sins of all mankind… so that when we die…we have somebody standing by our side… claiming that ” Oh father… I bought this person with my blood” and thus fulfills what God wants.. To same every human who believes in this sacrifice.
Another marvelous thing I found was the link between christ and one of the oldest relgions and beliefs of the world and that is “Hinduism” The basis of hinduism is the book called “The vedas” It is not read by many as there has been only translations but not the true meaning is conveyed in many sense. The scripture originally is written in sanskrit, an ancient language. These scripture only says about a single God.. the creator of the universe. It says that through “AUM” everything was created… that is a word.. the chapter of John 1:1 says the same that the word became flesh and he was never created but was with the God from the beginning… and planned all creation… this word became flesh in Mariam, the mother of Jesus”
The Vedas clearly mentions about this saviour… his 9 signs…how this saviour is born…through a virgin.. what time he will start preaching.. how long he will preach.. what he will preach… how he shall die .. nailed like a bird… on wood… etc… It also clearly mentions that he is the sacrifical lamb of God… for the moksha or the salvation.. and this what history says that Man seeked.. thousands of years before christ the Sages in the himalayan noutains prayed to God and it says like this “Asathorma sadgamaya… thamasorma Jothirgamaya.. and Mrithyorma amritham gamaya… (this is in sanskrit) which means.. Oh God.. from the state of mortality lead us to immortality, from darkness leaad us to light, from untruth.. lead us to truth… ” and jesus when he was in this world said “I AM THE TRUTH, THE WAY AND THE LIFE… what a coincidence… please read this for more details…
Jesus is living God and he is lives with us today and lives with us.. and leads us through this terrible life with sorrows as well as happinesss.. seek the truth and the truth shall set you free.
rampaldeepak 2008-06-09 / 5.17 am
Hi there,
Jesus is not just a prophet…
According to Islam there are around 125,000 prophets and Mohammed is the last prophet and out of those 125000 prophets there is not even one prophet who could heal the sick and raise people from the dead… Koran itself says that “eesa nabhi” (jesus) could raise people from the dead. Koran is actually a book which truly says about jesus. Koran says about Mohammed’ name only 4 times while it says Jesus name 33 times… . Also there is not even one woman’s name mention in what Angel Gabriel gave to mohammed, only one woman’s name (though mohammed had many wives not even one is mentioned is what was given by angel.) and that is Mariam the chosen one… the mother of Jesus. It says how special she is. It not only mentions her name but it has a whole chapter in her name called “Mariam”. Koran also says about child Jesus, in it it says that some people accuses mariam of being pregnant in a wrong way but Koran says that Mariam did not say anything in reply… but just pointed at baby Jesus and though baby is not old enough to speak, he says that he is not born of sin and is the Son of God… Koran also links bible and Koran together where baby jesus makes a sparrow with clay and then blows his breath on it and it gains life and flies away… (you can read this part in Koran). So if God blew breath into man , same way Koran says that Jesus blew his breath of life…and made a bird and there are many other instances as well that proves the link between these two religions. A search for the truth in every heart is necessary irrespective of their religions because there is only one truth and that truth sets you free.
Another argument is that jesus was stolen from the cross. Well it is not mentioned in the part which is given by Angel Gabriel and this is a made up story by the people who explains the “what was given to them”. This even happens in mordern christianity, that is why there are so many denominations for christian, catholics, protestants, baptist etc…they explain the bible in different ways though the truth is only one. The reality is that people of arabia is given the holy scripture 400 years after christ… the same book that is followed by the the children of israel.. At the end of the scripture.. People of Arabia are the children of Ismail, the first son of Abraham, born of Haggar… and God promises to raise another people of him. Koran in the end of what was given by the angel mentions that “go and study from the followers of “eesa nabhi” whom is given the rest of the word.. What is that lesson that Eesa nabhi (Jesus) had to teach… it is the lesson of loving ones enemy and to pray for them and forgive them. Nobody in this world taught that lesson. loving thy neighbor as thyself.. and he proved it on the cross. He shed his blood and stayed on the christ till the last… though he had all the God given powers to escape from there. And why would he run away and put a lookalike on the cross ( as some people claims)? What has he to cover if people accept him as a prophet… Well that interpretation by some people is wrong.. Jesus never had anything to hide. He stayed on the cross for the love towards mankind and so that he can pay the price for the sins of you and me. Brothers and sisters… Jesus did not create a religion.. only one way… that through him only the mankind will see God and his way is salvation. How does this happen. Because Jesus is the lamb of God.
What does that mean?
Well Jesus is the chosen messiah… he is the lamb of God.. the sacrificial goat… that Abraham sacrified.. instead of Isaac.. ( for musilims the name is Ismail) So why is sacrifice done… for forgiveness of sins. My Islam brothers celebrate this feast of Bakrid.. but real Bakrid is the sacrifice of Jesus for your sin… for my sin… for the sins of all mankind… so that when we die…we have somebody standing by our side… claiming that ” Oh father… I bought this person with my blood” and thus fulfills what God wants.. To same every human who believes in this sacrifice.
Another marvelous thing I found was the link between christ and one of the oldest relgions and beliefs of the world and that is “Hinduism” The basis of hinduism is the book called “The vedas” It is not read by many as there has been only translations but not the true meaning is conveyed in many sense. The scripture originally is written in sanskrit, an ancient language. These scripture only says about a single God.. the creator of the universe. It says that through “AUM” everything was created… that is a word.. the chapter of John 1:1 says the same that the word became flesh and he was never created but was with the God from the beginning… and planned all creation… this word became flesh in Mariam, the mother of Jesus”
The Vedas clearly mentions about this saviour… his 9 signs…how this saviour is born…through a virgin.. what time he will start preaching.. how long he will preach.. what he will preach… how he shall die .. nailed like a bird… on wood… etc… It also clearly mentions that he is the sacrifical lamb of God… for the moksha or the salvation.. and this what history says that Man seeked.. thousands of years before christ the Sages in the himalayan noutains prayed to God and it says like this “Asathorma sadgamaya… thamasorma Jothirgamaya.. and Mrithyorma amritham gamaya… (this is in sanskrit) which means.. Oh God.. from the state of mortality lead us to immortality, from darkness leaad us to light, from untruth.. lead us to truth… ” and jesus when he was in this world said “I AM THE TRUTH, THE WAY AND THE LIFE… what a coincidence… please read this for more details…
Jesus is living God and he is lives with us today and lives with us.. and leads us through this terrible life with sorrows as well as happinesss.. seek the truth and the truth shall set you free.
jansi.s 2008-06-09 / 4.09 pm
jesue in my friend
jesue in my god
jesue in my life
jesus in my father
jesus in my mother
jesue in my blood
this word is not comment
all word is true
Veselin 2008-06-09 / 10.24 pm
Im a christian and I have studied alot about world religions. All I am going to tell you is that this is a motherfucking joke with Christianity and Islam and that whoever wrote that should seriously consider reading both the BIBLE and the QUR’AN. Ive read both of these holy books and I know that Jesus(pbuh) doesnt have a “Fitness altitute” and Muhammad(pbuh)doesnt have a head full of explosive.
Zaher 2008-06-10 / 1.42 pm
for every one who compare Jesus with anyone, he don’t know Jesus, and he don’t know anything about God, what you are doing is playing a weak human game. respect the Lord, the all mighty, who loved every person, as it has been said, if you only know how much Jesus loves you, you would cry from joy… trust him
ahmd 2008-06-15 / 8.49 am
Remember when the disbelieving Jews confronted Jesus & argued about his claimed status & mission, they failed to see the light in him, they failed to practise the very wisdom God teaches in the revelations which was with them, to recognise His Word & Signs. Thus, they became disbelievers.
Jesus said in John (8:47) He who is a child of God gives ear to the words of God: your ears are not open to them because you are not from God.
Likewise when Muhammad claimed he was sent bringing God’s Words, people rejected him, they did not even ‘give ears to the words of God’ he claimed to bring. What did he say about this? Quran (10:36) And most of them follow nothing but conjecture. Certainly conjecture can be of no avail against the truth… Quran (39:18) Those who listen to the Word & follow the best thereof, those are the ones whom the God Almighty has guided…
People, don’t repeat the same mistake. Give fair chance to healthy arguments, listen carefully to the words of God WITH RESPECT, WITH DEEP THOUGHT, ASK THE HOLY SPIRIT OF TRUTH IF U MAY; THEN u decide. & don’t be arrogant, if u r in truth the truth is from God, but if u r not, it is from urself & satan.
But don’t hate each other lest u fall into satan’s trap, for he is the true enemy; spreading lies, confusions, hatred, enmity, arrogance & fear among the ‘children’ of God (God-conscious righteous people, the peace-makers) until they forgot the true Glory of God.
Jims 2008-06-16 / 9.39 am
Try to Feel Jesus’s Love
Jims 2008-06-16 / 9.56 am
jesue is my friend
jesue is my god
jesue is my life
jesus is my father
jesus is my mother
jesue is my blood
these words are not comment
all words are TRUE
Jims 2008-06-16 / 9.58 am
Jesus Said
Jims 2008-06-16 / 9.59 am
Jesus said “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd who owns the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep”
What else you need my dear Brothers and Siteres, There is a GOD who is willing to die for you and me. Please Prise him . PRAISE THE LORD
Jims 2008-06-16 / 10.00 am
Jesus again said
” am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep”
Jims 2008-06-16 / 10.02 am
At the ninth hour (the time at which a sacrificial lamb was killed everyday in the Jewish temple), Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is translated,“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” and soon died, after saying “It is finished.” At about this moment is probably the time when the temple’s priestly ram’s horn would have been blown that day, announcing that the priests had completed the sacrifice of the lamb for the sins of Israel. Also at that moment, the great, thick curtain that closed the Holy of Holies room from view, ripped open from top to bottom.
-Mark 15:34 and Matthew 27:46
jims 2008-06-16 / 10.04 am
Acts 3:19
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that time of refreshing may come from the Lord”
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that time of refreshing may come from the Lord”
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that time of refreshing may come from the Lord”
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that time of refreshing may come from the Lord”
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that time of refreshing may come from the Lord”
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that time of refreshing may come from the Lord”
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that time of refreshing may come from the Lord”
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that time of refreshing may come from the Lord”
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that time of refreshing may come from the Lord”
“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that time of refreshing may come from the Lord”
jims 2008-06-16 / 10.06 am
“If you confess with your mouth that “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”
jims 2008-06-16 / 10.07 am
“Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.”
jims 2008-06-16 / 10.07 am
“If we confess or sins, he is faithful and just and forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”
jims 2008-06-16 / 10.08 am
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
“Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.”
jims 2008-06-16 / 10.13 am
Lord Jesus will not see your body clean or not ?
Lord Jesus will not see your body healthy or not?
Lord Jesus will not see your body white or Black?
Lord Jesus will not see your body dirty or not?
He will see your HEART, Clean or not?
So Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Clean your Heart.
Marcus Peter 2008-06-17 / 7.22 pm
Hey everyone… i couldn’t help but read all these posts with some level of amusement. Many have defended religous, personal and even social beliefs. if you ask me, it all boils down to one thing. Mutual respect. Much as i would love the entire world to believe that jesus WAS, IS and ALWAYS WILL BE the true lord and saviour of all mankind, i have to confess freely and with all due respect that i do not, in any manner, believe muhammad to be a prophet.
As to the latter, any evidence i might present would only prove detrimental to the cause of my argument. as such, i wont even bother.
As for the former, ALl i can say is this. The only reason many cannot embrace Jesus’ love is because they fail to allow themselves to see it. The truth of life is plain and simple, the more we try to deny a fact, the more firmly we assert that that fact is, in essence, a threat to our state of being, and hence, we defend ourselves by condemning it.
Simply put, those who condemn christ are the very same ones who weep incessantly when touched by him. St. Augustine, St. Paul, Mary Magdelene. The ones who professed to not have a true god are those who proved to be His most loyal servant.
Is it SO HARD to believe that Jesus was indeed Christ, Lord of all? Even if one doesn’t wish to embrace Jesus, at least lets emulate the fact that He did, in fact, live as a man, fully existent and capable of sin and yet emerged sinless and blameless.
Quoting the bible is only too tempting but only one thing is necessary. LOVE. all religion boils down to it. All our lives boil down to it. So long as we practice indiscriminate love for fellow man and god, then with Christ’s blessing, we will all meet at the pearly gates one day as brothers and sisters.
Well, that’s my twopence worth, god bless you all brothers and sisters.
shibin 2008-06-21 / 12.11 am
jesus christ is my only god.
i love jesus.
x 2008-06-23 / 11.08 am
shafeeullah 2008-06-25 / 6.43 am
when ISA (jesus) alaihewasalam returns he will destroy the crucifix then you will see what truth is. i advise all muslims to stay away from this page as it can mess with your iman*. stop commenting if you are a believer. I also recomend the christians and all other peoples of religion to stay away from these topics and go on and search websites that give you info instead of hate on other religions.
Claudia 2008-06-30 / 7.37 am
PathFinder 2008-06-30 / 9.22 pm
I think this a serious way for us to choose the right one religion before “the day after” come and everything is too late to choose, then we sufferring forever in hell. so please read carefully the bible(christians) and quran (moslems) bible this is the only way!, we can read many books to change our life and visions but thats not objective… if we dreaming heaven then work hard of it, read…read…read!!! you’ll know the truth then, if to understand this 2 bible need 1000 year then do it!!! life is once and then we live forever in happines or in suffer!!
Tim Åkesson 2008-07-01 / 12.35 am
Hur är det i FANS namn möjligt att ni bara skämtar i Jesus’ namn och kan jämföra muhammad med Jesus. Det är ju som att jämföra choklad och skit! Hatar Jesus delen men älskar Muhammad med bomben i turban delen!
Charlie 2008-07-02 / 9.12 pm
Guys I am a Christian and I respect all religions. All I have to say is why is Jesus mentioned in the Qu’ran but not Mohammed in the Bible. Just food for thought
Searcher unlimited 2008-07-04 / 6.40 pm
Jesus said that another prophet is coming after him called (Ahmad/Muhammad),it’s written in Quran and Christian bible too,After about 600 years When Muhammed was child,a Christian man had seen prophet’s marks on Mohammed,he protected him cause he knew he’ll be a prophet,he knew that he’s the prophet wich Jesus described him..
I’ve read a lot of prophets stories and secrets:Adem,Noah,Jesus,Moise, Quran(God’s words),there’s “Surat Meriem/Merry”,if you want to know how was Merry pregnant!how and why did Jesus came,Jesus’s miracles,why did people think he’s God,why they said God is Father,how Jesus is alive!!!,I’m totally satisfied when I’ve read Quran!I believe now its his true story!,I’m doing researches about History And Religions..My advice to people is too read,read and read..
Searcher unlimited 2008-07-04 / 7.17 pm
well,I’ve heard about a lot of people even Christians,Jews,and so on,converted to islam! .. like Cat Stevens the rockstar,the american boxer Ali,a lot of women and men too!!!
I found out that Islam in Arabic means Peace”salem”(to give your peace to God)! wow
Follower of Christ 2008-07-06 / 5.47 am
Jesus is the son of god. I pray that all of you poor misguided sheep will see the light and embrace Jesus Christ and the lord and savior. Peace be with all of you.
Kamrul 2008-07-08 / 6.39 am
I can not wait for that Day to come.
Daniel 2008-07-08 / 5.32 pm
I don’t belive to Muhammad that he bigger than JESUS CHRIST. I think also that JESUS is our savior in the world.GBU
Follower of Jesus Christ 2008-07-09 / 4.48 pm
Why moslems hate us?????
Don’t you terrorist????
Why moslems hate Jews???
Don’t you believe in S_U_C_K man???
Ring 2008-07-09 / 4.51 pm
HEY :@ 2008-07-09 / 6.53 pm
cherie 2008-07-10 / 4.40 am
Religion is a drug. I’m firmly against all types of drugs, especially hallucinogens.
I’ll take this time to answer your questions now.
“Why moslems hate us?????”
First and foremost, because you are…hmm, how can I put this politely…uneducated. Muslim is how you spell it. Furthermore, Muslims have nothing against christians or americans. Some of the muslim population believe ‘us’ to be incorrect.
“I pray that all of you poor misguided sheep will see the light and embrace Jesus Christ”
Funny, really, for you to use that analogy above all others. We’re not misguided, just educated enough not to blindly follow without coming to a decision ourselves and not having false gods pushed upon us as if they actually exist.
“The only reason many cannot embrace Jesus’ love is because they fail to allow themselves to see it. The truth of life is plain and simple, the more we try to deny a fact, the more firmly we assert that that fact is, in essence, a threat to our state of being, and hence, we defend ourselves by condemning it.”
First and foremost, no religion is based on solid facts or evidence. What you read in the ‘bible’ and the ‘koran’ are merely fairytales, myths, legends, folk lore and hear say. I do not find any threat to my being when it comes to religion. The fact is, just like a child’s fairytale, it’s entertaining. Both books tell great stories, similar stories…actually I believe they tell the exact SAME stories from two different point of views. However, just because it is written that Cinderella has a glass slipper and a mouse is her only prophet…or seamstress, I’m not going to believe it to be true.
Jesus on the O rings makes me giggle, and Mohammad is da BOMB yo!
I could sit here and fight crazy all day, but I’ve learned in my old age that you can’t fight crazy, crazy wins every time.
casey 2008-07-11 / 7.24 am
Right on, cherie.
God doesn’t exist. Period. Fact. You all are arguing and killing and dying over the discrepancies in your various fairy tales.
Here’s a thought. Take some time to sit down and try to PROVE that what you think you believe is ACTUALLY TRUE. Have you ever done that? No, you haven’t. You just believe it–and you believe it enough to make some really stupid life and death choices (most of them affecting others).
And so, the world is made into a battleground and soaked with blood for the sake of your stupidity, your arrogance, and your refusal to be honest with yourself. For this reason, the believer can claim no meaningful morality.
Now, back on topic: I don’t find the artwork offensive. I think it is a symbol of liberty and free speech, and should be vaunted above any considerations of offensiveness. On the other hand, I find the reactions from believers to be shamefully infantile, petulant, and (particularly the reaction from some Muslims) exceedingly presumptuous. It would be laughable if the implications weren’t so serious. And it’s too bad that they are: we could all do with more laughter and less brutality, ignorance, and injustice in the name of “god.”
SATANIC POWER 2008-07-11 / 7.21 pm
Albanian 2008-07-12 / 8.23 pm
stop saying bad words to each other
if someone of u wanna say something about God,his messengers…all of u,go and study teology,cuz only few of all here think right…if someone offends either
Jesus,either Mohammed,actually he makes one of the biggest mistakes…he will see when he will die…no one of them is a satan,friend…no one of us is perfect,we kill,we take someone’s life,it isn’t fair,and who the Hell really gives us the permission to kill someone,huh? we are supposed to thank The God for forgiving us all the time for the stupid things that we make…
don’t make offences to each other friends..
it doesn’t make no sence…don’t look at the pictures,have some respect for Jesus and Mohammed…shame on you…
and don’t forget…there is a God…
he is almight…he is The same for Muslims,for Christians…for all who believe that there is one and only one God…
this topic doesn’t make no sence…
doesn’t make fun…
steven 2008-07-13 / 5.28 pm
u guys am telling u if u don’t accept jesus will go hell the reason why am telling u this is because jesus is coming agin and he is going to take everybody who bleives in and leave the other on earth and the the world is going to detyoy and demons and and bad spirits are going to and the moon is going turn to blood and bad things sooo for your own safty please but if u dont your own lost not mine and muhammed is just someone who is not god where is he now in hell
steven 2008-07-13 / 5.31 pm
fack mhameh mohamed is useless haa
steven 2008-07-13 / 5.35 pm
u muslim never understand who who is your saviors let me spell J E S U S SPELL DAT
cherie 2008-07-15 / 9.25 am
Perhaps if you make complete sentences with correct grammar and punctuation I’ll be able to take you seriously, and so will the rest of us who are going to hell. However, on the way to hell, I’m sure we’ll be able to hold intelligent conversations while laughing at the fact that the heavens are receiving sad children with little or no respect to the education that is freely offered to them in this nation, when so many are denied it.
Educate you mind and then when you finally can say that you’ve made a choice as to your own beliefs by yourself, then we can discuss the topic of religions and fairytales and other issues we can make animated films about.
muslimisablind 2008-07-18 / 5.48 pm
Rather than speaking who is Jesus and who is Muhammad, why don’t you compare what are we having today as a religion. Christian from a century helping to educate people, building school, feed hungry children, building house etc..
However i never heard kind of act from Muslim.. They fight free sex by marrying a lot of women. They punish those who are a rapist, a theft, and a killer by killing them, burn them, and mutilated them.
I surely cant derive the word of peace from Islam.
majd 2008-07-22 / 9.35 pm
would u plz and plz go 2 hell … coz what u r trying to tell is the reason which will take u to hell
benjamin 2008-07-25 / 3.47 pm
The day is coming when the truth will be told. We won’t have to argue about who is right or wrong. One day EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD to the glory of GOD the FATHER. May GOD bless you all and may the HOLY SPIRIT guide you to truth.
James 2008-07-29 / 5.27 pm
It is fact that Muhammad was a follower of Jesus. It is fact that conflict between Muslims and Chritians is over birth right, Because Abraham had a baby by one of his servants because he didnt believe that He and Sarah Could conceive a child at such an old age. Why is it that you have to Except Christ in your life? Why is it that in some countries you are forced to Except Islam or face death? The reason being the truth is the LIGHT!!! In order for Satan to move around freely, He uses a religion based on The true chosen people of God.. The Hebrews!!! The brothers of Muslims are Jews!!!! Direct family members… Noboby can hate you or love you like family.. Also Differnt Doctrines are usually developed to coinside with a particular person or groups own Philosophy. In other words i Beleive in what ever doesn’t effect my way of life,in what ever doesn’t make reference to my sins ,and the things im not going to stop doing. So guess what there’s how your new religion is started. Lets you the base of God,and make Jesus an ordinary prophet so that i can be lifted up to his stature by making him have the same status as myself. Use a whole race of people that Ancestors were the direct decendents of Abraham. A people who were bred to hate because Ishmael was born out of Abraham not trusting what God sed. Therefore when Isaac was born Through the union approved by God, Hagar then produced the seed of Hatred between to blood brothers. Two nations,Two Religions!!! Hell has no fury as a Woman’s scorn.
fuck you 2008-08-01 / 1.14 pm
fuck you
fuck jyour jesus
fuck everything about your jesus
i slapped the shit outta your jesus when he was dien on the cross
i slapped the shit utta him
yeee boy
yee boyy 2008-08-01 / 1.22 pm
yesterday i had dreamm…
my dream was…..
about….. jesus.
he came to me and told me to post a comment on thiss forum
no why? ill tell u why ? why am i gonna tell you why?
becasue jesus told me to.
he told me to tell u guys
to eat shit with him in heaven when u guys die
yee boyy 2008-08-01 / 1.25 pm
The day is coming when the truth will be told. We won’t have to argue about who is right or wrong. One day EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD to the glory of GOD the FATHER. May GOD bless you all and may the HOLY SPIRIT guide you to truth.
again.. fuck you
fuck your jesus
fuck your father who ever he is
and your lord
and your holy spirit
benjamin pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
go find a life
Tom mack 2008-08-01 / 2.26 pm
Some Muslims dont understand the Christian meaning of son of god
It doesn’t mean in the biological sense it means that Jesus is filled with God
So Muslims need to understand that Christians don’t mean it in a biological sense.
Please can’t both religions just get on?
From Tom » Blog Archive » Remember the Mohammed Cartoon? 2008-08-01 / 3.28 pm
[…] the Mohammed Cartoon? You can see it here if you want to, I found it! Previous Post« New York City […]
Bobby 2008-08-03 / 6.46 am
Im vry disappointed in all these ppl who have comment on jesus picture. jus 4 wut yall ugly monkey ppl say is stuff tht getz u taken 2 hell in the first place. the reason why yall dummyz act like this is cuz yall need him! YALL NEED JESUS! YA DIGG! wit out hime u wouldnt evn be in this world. all the ppl who have disgraced my fathrz’z name will be punishd. n jus no im wont be the 1 punishn u. my fathr =, lord n savior jesus christ will! think about. change ur act ASAP!
goblok 2008-08-06 / 4.40 am
podho goblog nya….
kan sama2 ga pernah lihat ?
Elias 2008-08-07 / 12.18 am
hey all , JESUS is the spiritual GOD, he died for us to know the meaning of life, and isn’t
a joke to leave this picture in the internet
across the world, every one can leave a comment but leave it with you’re polity. there is one GOD in all the religions, so for who make it that picture shame on him this is
a religion a way to connect with the GOD…
Elias wardan
Shakeel 2008-08-08 / 7.10 am
Oh Bastard people, How you Blame our Beloved prophet Muhammad(SAWW)???
Muhammad-ur-Rasoolullah (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam )
Carefully Read the Versus Below:
[9. Surah Tauba : Ayah 128]
Certainly an Apostle has come to you from among yourselves; grievous to him is your falling into distress, excessively solicitous respecting you; to the believers (he is) compassionate.
[3. Surah Aal-e-Imran : Ayah 144]
And Muhammad (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) is no more than an apostle; the apostles have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels? And whoever turns back upon his heels!s, he will by no means do harm to Allah in the least and Allah will reward the grateful.
[33. Surah Al-Ahzab : Ayah 40]
Muhammad (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Apostle of Allah and the Last of the prophets; and Allah is cognizant of all things.
[21. Surah Al-Anbiyaa : Ayah 107]
And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds.
[18. Surah Al-Kahf : Ayah 110]
Say: I am only a mortal like you; it is revealed to me that your god is one God, therefore whoever hopes to meet his Lord, he should do good deeds, and not join any one in the service of his Lord.
[21. Surah Al-Anbiyaa : Ayah 34]
“And We did not ordain abiding for any mortal before you. What! Then if you die, will they abide?”
[48. Surah Fateh : Ayah 29]
Muhammad (sal-allahu- alleihi-wasallam ) is the Apostle of Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the unbelievers, compassionate among themselves; you will see them bowing down, prostrating themselves, seeking grace from Allah and pleasure; their marks are in their faces because of the effect of prostration; that is their description in the Taurat and their description in the Injeel.
jaddas 2008-08-08 / 10.56 am
Jesus is the lord bless me Jesus
junex101 2008-08-17 / 8.38 am
Muhammad is a prophet, moses is a prophet but i don’t believe that Jesus is also a prophet, Jesus Christ is a Son of the living God, Sorry for the Muslims if Muhammad’s name means peace then why all believers of prophet Muhammad loves war? chaoses? If we look around, or if we try to think why most of the Muslim country there is no peace? violence, hatred. . . and most of the suicide bombers are Muslims killing lots of people that are innocent is that the true peace? is there peace in war? in violence? I don’t think so
hbk 2008-08-20 / 7.04 pm
hello and assalamualaikum everyone
1st of all i want 2 explain 2 everyone who insulted prophet Muhammad saw about their misunderstanding upon him. i read many people mentioned he killed a lot of people. yes i cant deny this, but he killed all those people in WAR,where he had do defence his religious followers n country, not freely nealy. during that time it was the Christian who declare war against Muslim, whereas Muslim try to avoid war as hard as possible. so u tell me which religion prmote peace which promote violence. the answer is none.
thn there are also people who wrote Muhammad rape women. he didnt rape women, it is just that he has the privileges to marry alot of women. No hes not a player. the only virgin he married was Aisha. while most of them were widows who lost their husbands in war. so he was looking out for those widows.
to all Christians follower, i respect u, as islam teaches me to respect other regardless of their religion race or nationality(the prophet did treat the non believers well fyi). i just want u to answer, or think about these questions.
1) if jesus really is god thn how could he died? is tht mean tht ur god will also die? isnt that means the whole universe going to b destroy?
2) if jesus is realy is god thn y is he worshiping god?
3)there are a few people wrote ‘jesus is the ONE true god’. how could there b ONE true god when u have two jeses n his ‘father’
4)most christians only mentioned n worship jesus, its like thy have banded the god aka ‘jesus father’. wht happened to that GOD??
5) u said jesus died on the cross in order to sacrifice himself so that all christians sins will be forgiven. is that mean no matter wht u do or did will be forgiven n u all will directly enter heaven? even if u robbed, rapped, or killed u will automatically forgiven n enter heaven? thn u can do whatever sins, u can perform the biggest sin of all time as long u remain a christian u will enter heaven? u dont have 2 b a good person u can enter heaven. arent heaven only 4 good people?? thn christian really dont promote good behaviour as u can do all kind of bad things but still u will automatically forgiven. its like against christian, religion, good behaviour all together.
6)if jesus really is the son of god, n he was delivered by marry, doesnt tht make him half god n half human? does that mean u only have to worship only a half of him?
7)y would he sacrifice himself n leave his followers behind? if hes god he is immortal, n if hes immortal he should stick with hes followers till the end(apocalypse). a great leader will never leave his followers behind
8) if he really is god, then he can do whatever he wants to. god has ultiamte power he can do whatever he wants to. so if jesus wants to forgive ur sins he just have to say the magic word. he doesnt have to sacrifice himslef that way.if he really is god he doesnt have to sacrificed himself!
9) imagine this situation. there this guy named john. john father is david. ergo john is a son of david. but that doesnt make john is david. same goes in christiant. if jesus really is the son of god, hes just a son, not the god himself.
10)howcome ur god doesnt have a name?
11) i read parts of the bibble. there this pharagraph says jesus was brought to a jungle by a evil n d devil left him there. jesus cant go home as he dont knw how. he was left stranded there hungry. if hes the almighty god how could a devil bought him there? if hes d almighty god howcome he cant just escape the jungle? if hes god thn howcome he gets hungry? hungry is a symbol of mortality.
so to u all christians please think of these questions.
muslims thses days are in war because thy are under attack by muslims enemy that only care of money making. and those of u prejudice tht think all muslims are terrorist are victoms of the media. do u really saw muslims bombing people n places? i dont think so. those are all false news, made by bush n co, in trying to make u people beleive islam promote violence. islam it self means ‘peace’
hbk 2008-08-20 / 7.12 pm
elias, u said in every religious there only ONE god. then howcome in christian there 2 of them?? jesus n his ‘father’? wht happen if jesus and his father have an arguement? who r u going to follow then? jesus or his father?
hunain 2008-08-21 / 9.57 am
i m Musilim.i feel and think Muhmmad and jesus both r messangers of God.I never say jesus bed or Muhmmad is bed becouse muslim belives if any muslim not accept any prophet of god like(Jesus/Muhmmad or 124000 prophits of god as QUran say)he/she eliminare form the muslim………..
jesus 2008-08-21 / 6.53 pm
if u wont the true….please chek their history … don’t be lie your self….and uses your logic…u mash believe god no have a wife….so ????
in jerusalem do not snow,,,so where the comefrom of santaclous…
and where comefrom the name of jesus…
the real name jesus is Isa..and isa do not god ..he is Nabi..
u know Allah ????
u say Allah is jessus father..i thinks Allah do not a wife…
Allah is God not jessus
thingking and learn abaut thats…
so godluck
myass 2008-08-23 / 7.30 pm
i didnt think th sum ppl are sooo bored to th fact th thy’ll mak fun of peoples religious beliefs. i mean y would u do such thing. if u dnt believe in a religioun thn u shuld respect it not mak fun of it. im a muslim,,, evan thou tht did not stop me frm been angry bwt th fun made of jesus.
i just wanna say summing to all ppl. if u havnt read about muhammad p.b.u.h or didnt get to knw th truth about him thn u R missin on sooo many things……. and if u wer to read bwt him or gt to knw him PPPLLLZZZ mak sure tht u knw to go th ryt place thnx and bye
Lov3 2008-08-29 / 2.16 pm
Why do u people get so mad and killin each other asshole??? just love and peace, maaan…
asar 2008-09-05 / 11.35 am
hey stupit are u made or mental.eadiot .our prophet is on our one of the leader of silent and forgiveness and everything of all.00000000000000000000000000000000000
letstas 2008-09-06 / 2.15 am
He everyone i no ur all debating but im here to represent the NUMBER ONE GUY EVER TO LIVE AND DIE AND RISE ON u have’nt guessed yet…JESUS! yeah im not here to disrespect anyone.
THIS PART IS TO MMMM:yes we slaughtered hundreds but we all sin.u sin i sin.its becuz we leave GOD for moments in our lives then were brought back.also wen u attacked sara earlier at comment 25 it wasnt right i think u should represent wat u believe and leave it to that because ur just gonna get mor in ur face.and JESUS IS GOD if u dont wanna belive that,thats ur choice.and we’ll either c u right next to us partying in heaven one day wen u arrive or u’ll unaccept the invitation.but til then I WILL PRAY FOR U.u wont want it but i will cuz i represnt who i really am CHRISTIAN and as that we have to pray for evry1 n that includes you.I will say it again GOD IS JESUS FATHER AND HOLY SPIRIT.the ball’s in ur court you shoot it and belive or pass it and someone else believes and makes it to of luck to u.oh yea whoever made this wether i was muslim or christian(christian)i find this offensive and obviously this caused a debate so i sugget u dont do it again.
letstas 2008-09-06 / 2.38 am
oh yea one more thing to mmmm near comment 27 yea we make racial jokes and ppl do to us too and will come up with mor 4 both of us so sorry about the racial jokes.its hard for evryone and some ppl are just stupid or immature i was that way 2.had a friend named tariq(muslim name)i would always say go boom urself or ru gonna bomb ur final? yeah he was fine with it but a few months later i matured and thought y the fuck ami saying that its not right.This summer i did a report on stereotypes and i learned a lot about y stereotypes are wrong!i dont mind ppl calling me fence hopper or lawn mower(im mexican if u havnt guessed)but ishould mind its not right for any race in the world.
letstas 2008-09-06 / 2.41 am
unless ur a soccer player dont read this comment cuz its nothing to do with jesus or muhammad.{to comment 99 football is technically soccer so yeah i love football.Play to the glory of GOD.go italy.
MUAHMMAD 2008-09-08 / 4.58 pm
has 2008-09-09 / 2.47 pm
hey you people dosnt know what are doing…you are making hatred among muslims and christians.and the one whos comment no.285 is the most useless fellow around this page..i hate his comment..i think you are from an animal family……..
so my dear friends please dont fight among each other..
ashraf 2008-09-12 / 6.19 am
Request to remove this pic as soon as possible…
bilal 2008-09-15 / 12.16 am
i just wanna say dat guys stop fighting…u dun knw anything and all of these ppl who are makin fun of islam will cry on da day of judgement and they will regret that why dint they follow and respect islam…may Allah’s blessings be upon u all..
Syed Mohammad Ali Sajjad Abidi 2008-09-15 / 10.27 am
u all followers of mosses nd jesus,FUCK U OFF.u all do sex all da time.there’s nt difference b/w mother,sister nd ur wife in ur religion.u bloody cristians,on1 day u’ll find us on a ryt way.
Jude 2008-09-17 / 1.14 pm
“He will come again to judge the living and the dead and those whom are not in the bible of life will be forbidden in His kingdom”. In Al-Quran teaching, they believed Jesus will come again on the judgement day. So simple truth is, a Christian, you should love you enemy whereas a Muslim, we pray for you so that you may understand why Jesus died for US. Jesus is Love. Its very simple and easy to say it, but how much can you practice this.
jad 2008-09-25 / 10.33 am
every one,,,,wat r u talking about??!!!!!
is that a mistake,,or a joke u named it????!!!!
if u were muslim or christian or any other relegion,,u should understand ur relegion’s ideas …u should respect other’s relegions….if we all beleive in GOD=ALLAH if we all beleived in jesuss and mohammad,,,,if we share our beleives in god,jesus,and mohammad,,,if we do so and we enter bad stupid discussion with each other,,,,how can we face devil’s relegion and devil’s followers ??
b open minded and share ur ideas and openions,,,but also b honesst with ur self and respect others feelings
wz all my respect and love to u all
Riffat Achmad 2008-09-27 / 9.48 am
Dont ever make some Stupid Joke about Them, coz both of them are the Holly Prophet
May God Bless and give mercy to all of us
Riffat Achmad 2008-09-27 / 10.11 am
believe or not…
Jesus a Holy Prophet for Israeli, and Holy Prophet Mohammad (may God Bless Him) are Holy Prophet for “Rahmatin Lil’ Alamin” the meaning Prohet for the UNIVERSE……..
Read The all kind of Bible…
Read The Torah…..
Read The Psalm…..
Read the Holy Qoran
Are you believe The Almighty God let the Holy Prophet Jesus die by “The sinfull” people by the Crufixion???????
Believe me, The Almighty God never let the “Choising People” death like animal….!!!
Are you have a Faithfull and Logical in your,s………Coz we are The Perfecton” creature of Almighty Allah…
So Please Dont even think to make some “STUPID JOKE” like this anymore……
You can’t immagine “The Angry of Almighty Allah”……
That’s not enouh to us Float of Noah era?
Sodom n Gomorah Prophet Luth era? Tsunami, AIDS,Ebola, H5N1 n etc virus (created by human), And Nubuat / Revelation of ARMAGEDDON (Kiamah)????????????????
Coz now we facing the sign of that pal…
So…Jesus or Mohammad or Moses or Noah or Abraham and the other choising people was told to people ( in the they era’s) about MONOTHEISM????????
someOne 2008-09-27 / 12.34 pm
Dear All,
Please note that there is a big mistake in all this…There is no comparison between GOD -that being Jesus- and a simple GOOD man – that being mohammad.
Of course I am Roman Catholic but please do note that Islam is a religion that although I don’t ABSOLUTELY believe in, I admire.
Its some Islam followers that are crap and tweak Islam to their needs…Its them that have explosive ideas not mohammad…Its them that torture their wives and daughters and have ridiculous mentality… NOT ISLAM AND ALL IT’S FOLLOWERS!!!
Doesn't matter 2008-09-27 / 9.02 pm
Oh you people !
what you have done is not good.
Jesus Christ had the ability to raise the people from death but that doesn’t mean that he is (GOD FORBID) GOD”S son !!! Because he himself said that there is only one GOD, he neither have any father nor he have a son.
Go ahead and check BIBLE and try to understand it.
And about muhammad !!!
O people! beware of God’s curse because you cant escape it.
Muhammad is the origin of this universe!
and the one who had made this picture of the prophet is a sinner.
Muhammad surely is a prophet as your Jesus said to Youhana that “after me one prophet will come and its your duty to obey and serve him”
You O people please ask God for forgiveness.
He will surely forgive you if you do so because he is REHMAN which means he will forgive his people if they seek forgiveness.
I appeal the web designer or the owner to kindly remove this blog and suchlike.
and if you dont, then remember what Jesus and Muhammad Said: “One day sooner or later this world will end and no man can save you. That would be the day of judgement. and all of you who are involved in activities like these would we un-answerable to the God and will be forced to the Hell, which is not a good place”
Muhammad is greater than Jesus and that there is no son of GOD.
I beg u please delete these pictures and vulnerable and so harsh comments. And ask for forgiveness from GOD and his prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)…
A friend of your’s,
Syed Hussain Raza
Doesn't matter 2008-09-27 / 9.05 pm
Won’t you guys go mad on me if I make a cartoon of your your popes and/or fathers fucking nuns and ladies on the name of Christ in a church.
You will go mad just because i did it to your pope.
Now think what I am feeling because you have made such a hidious cartoon of my loving prophet and the treasure of the world !
wanzink 2008-09-29 / 7.38 pm
the picture of muhammad is like as fools toy!
JC 2008-10-03 / 8.44 am
Its a fucking disgrace, bloody muslims always bitching about mohammad….. For years southpark and everyone else has been ripping into christianity and we aint done shit. Some complain but we basicly accept it. But muslims think they have the right to blow shit up, fucking babies. Bring back the slave trade, id love to see the face on them.
kumar 2008-10-08 / 11.44 am
u say it is humour when u hurt some ones feelings it no longer remain is a sort of sadism…d deed day will come.. and we will see their is a god..jesus/mohammed/krishna/budha are not to be mocked at…god is better comedian than u..but am afraid whether you would bear it..
meag 2008-10-10 / 11.33 pm
ok i am a Christian, and i think that’s wrong! Mohammad wasn’t a bomb freak, he greatly OPPOSED killing. he preached peace and prosperity, he didn’t even want veils! and not all Muslims are like that either. it all has to do with history like the Sunni/Shia split. if you’d do your homework before bashing other cultures you’d know that.
Derrick Atkins Jr. 2008-10-14 / 8.38 pm
Please allow your heart and mind to be hungry after God’s righteousness. Pray and believe in Jesus Christ. He will change your life for the better. Jesus,God’s SON,never promised us Christians a perfect life free from critics,struggles, and hardships. He suffered on this earth and so will we Christians. Put your trust in no man.(Men will fail). Trust in God.
He will welcome your soul to heaven. Our mission as Christians is to make more diciples for Christ. Jesus loves everyone.
We have to turn from our wicked ways and live for him. The bible say,”Broadway is crowded, but main street is every now and then. Folliwing sinful crowds will lead people straight to hell.
Follow Christ, Experience the true living love from our Saviour!
lOVE you all
May GOD bless you
Nadeem 2008-10-15 / 12.00 pm
This is bery cheap & stupid thaught. You don’t want peace in the world. Gospaal & Quran is enough is understand that what is the personality of Muhammad (saw) & Jesus.
Nadeem 2008-10-15 / 12.01 pm
You are a stupid man and it seems that you don’t want peace in the world. Was this lesson is taught by Jesus, who said that don’t abuse to any one’s elder!!!
shit head 2008-10-15 / 6.08 pm
i think you are rasis and show no respect for religions
fish 2008-10-16 / 10.08 am
kalo yesus itu tuhan,masa dia keluar tai dari siletnya.berarti dia bukan tuhan.yudas (yesus) kayak tai.
XCell 2008-10-17 / 10.03 am
Shut Up Your Bitch!
Be Forever you in Hell…
Good news.. 2008-10-17 / 6.51 pm
Jesus Christ is right way .
no body can go to father when no go to Jesus ..
Jesus is the true way.
Believe it !
fresh 2008-10-18 / 11.01 am
La ilaha illalaho muhammadur rasullullah.
u just read Allah is the only god and Muhammad(pbuh) is his slave and messanger.
fire is waiting for non believers.
Ransyslicker 2008-10-25 / 12.00 am
long ago great giants flicked some grease from there fingers, our universe and all it contains exist in one of these globs of grease as it falls to the floor. SPLAT!
This conversation is why mankind will die out.
Micheal 2008-10-28 / 3.04 pm
Lord Jesus Christ You Lived and Died for us and untill this moment we are crying because you were the only one to give us unstopable love , unendable forgivenes and the pure soul and i love you for ever and i promise you that i will die, live,pray ,love,forgive,be peacefull just for you ,I Love You My Lord Jesus Christ
Gracie 2008-10-31 / 5.12 am
Jesus died for us…He pay our sins with His blood…His pure blood…Do you realize that?!!I put my trust in Him and will never leave Him..Holy is the Lord…GBU…
jun chongla 2008-10-31 / 1.18 pm
jun chongla 2008-10-31 / 1.20 pm
sdfedfewfewfe etewfewtfwej9igwtgr7wrgwe7rhwejewurhwehrwhrhrwerhwhrwu9rh9w4hr9w4hr9uw4hr9wuhr9u4whr94wyhr984h5984wehr89whr98hr98whr8hr8y9hrhwr4hr8w4yhr84y5r8w9teriogkfgbosJFy u8jf8hj8ut8wejnwe80fjeufh mjiueofjesf09ijwer08thje0h0erthjeri9remb iod-iujat09j08yj90tyj09erher89th98thti0uyher80ujurt09yj0yhjh0thrhuhijikijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiwiiiiiiiedededededdededededededededededededededodododododododtititititititibetlog brtlog
ADriaN 2008-11-01 / 8.48 am
Sungguh, Yesus Itu Tuhan Allah Yang Mahakuasa. Amen..
Really, Jesus is a GOD. HE give us Peace from His Pure Sacrifice.
For Muslim N Christian Believer, dont Keep Figthing among us.. we must be tolerant n make peace to this world. indeed, we believe to only ONE GOD, The Allah Almigty. Amen.
ADriaN 2008-11-01 / 8.57 am
Jesus Only The One Who Give love to us on earth.
when the apocalypse day come, ur all will be judge by God Himself. So, Ask Forgiveness from God.. surely, HE will Hear you From Heaven!
By the Way, Christianity faith Only allow a woman to marry with a man, but islam allow MANY womans and girls marry with one guy? Think about it…
wasif 2008-11-06 / 7.56 pm
Muslims believe and respect all prophets. I believe and respect all incl Moses, Jesus, Mohammad. To ask all Christians! if we think logically for a moment every son has a father, and father has again a father, this goes on and on. Second point, God can create life in four ways first time, from normal human way, from holy virgin Mariam, and life after death. My last point; let us wait for the return of Jesus, we all waiting for.
To the creator n publisher of these cartoons: Please do read first few pages of holy book of Qurran, just for your information and research before you try to do any wrong doing again. it begins with seeking help of the name of the one who is most merciful (because he loves us the most) and forgiving. Topic of the book is HUMAN (it addresses past, present and future even time of judgment day) Do read a book on human, well do the scientific research in it if u want.
Rest however you will soon definitely learn what have you done.
wawan 2008-11-06 / 10.17 pm
Assalamu’alaikum warrohmatullahi wabarokatuh.
Mohammad is one, Alloh is my Majesty….They are is my Lord…I hate your statement and your pictures…
Walaikumussalam warrohmatullahi wabarokatuh.
wawan 2008-11-06 / 10.19 pm
Assalamu’alaikum warrohmatullahi wabarokatuh.
Mohammad is one, Alloh is my Majesty….They are is my Lord…I hate your statement and your pictures…
Wassalamualaikum warrohmatullahi wabarokatuh.
dukun_emo 2008-11-08 / 9.43 am
assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarokatuh
fuck with jesus!!!!!!
wassalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabaro katuh
a muslim 2008-11-08 / 6.56 pm
besmellah el rahman el raheem
my name is abdelrahman ,MUSLIM …..u should delete that site or we will have a another threat ….
safiullah 2008-11-09 / 1.55 am
who the fuck made the picture of mohammad (saw)
just come, i will kill you fucking ass hole
richard 2008-11-10 / 2.54 pm
jesus loves u bcz he came for love jesus came bcz we have hardheart we cant love jesus is the only man who can put our mistake on the sea and forget it and forgive us jesus bleeding on the cross bcz we r durty on our mistake only the blood of jesus can make us clean and happy we cant find the true love without jesus,jesus love us first so how can we not love jesus?jesus death and rise bcz he loves us.if we love we r near jesus and God if not we r so far of love we can tell we know God only we can know who is God with love love love love love.I love u muhammad bcz jesus love u and me God is love whatever we d in our life whatever we think we have to d it with love respect only love can make us strong love and d whatever u can i tell that i love God and my brother I dont love him,who is my brother?!!? My brothers are all the people who God put them in mu road of life all people I have to love them bcz I’m claim to love love muhammed we love u
Madjid 2008-11-10 / 10.56 pm
That who depicted the Prophet mohamed. … that person who designed this blog Is A SON OF a BITCH.
u better design ur seat IN HELL.
What_ever... 2008-11-25 / 5.50 pm
Karl Marx is the Best…hahahaha
Osama bin Laden 2008-11-26 / 5.19 am
Fuck Jesus Christ
bj hook 2008-11-27 / 5.20 am
irwan 2008-11-27 / 3.21 pm
this is a stupid think that Muhammad SAW was has an explosive idea in his head. yes I agree Muhammad SAW has many idea for change this world from jahiliyah age to be a education age. Nabi Muhammad done his idea based from Al-Quran which not created by human but by Allah S.W.T!please attention your say,,
muslim 2008-11-28 / 1.17 am
I am a muslim and there must be respecting between our religion and yours. but now I changed my point view of your religion,I wish next time to fix that
a muslim 2008-11-29 / 7.40 pm
i have a question if jesus is the son of god u say right?
why dose god need a son he dosent need one and if jesus was the son of god then why did he died in such a horrible way
i love jesus i love mohammed
but none of the is the son of god
rainbows 2008-11-30 / 4.08 am
if you want to know, Jesus love you, sepcially for Moslem, Budhist hindus etc,
We never found the way for this argument. try to be aprecited each other.and keep your faith in your religion.
We all same.
ashton mccartney 2008-12-03 / 5.35 pm
Mohammed was the biggest liar in the history, as he chose the moon-god which his family and he worshipped, then said it is the only God and he is the messenger of Allah… a total lie. İslam doesnt mean peace, as it causes death of hundreds of peopne on the earth. the last event happened in Indıa this week, some muslim fckrs shot more than a hundred of people who were christians and jewish. See, is not peace, it’s a massacre of people for Mohammed and what he said. A HUGE LIE.
palui 2008-12-11 / 12.24 pm
bawu inyaaaaaaaa
osama victor 2008-12-23 / 9.03 am
although of all my big sins i did, and i stil do and the promises i didnt carry out it for juses, jesus is still my life,my hope,my victory,my king, iam wating him to save me from drowing.please come jesus and take me it passed a long time when you will visit me, iam waiting answer to take out from me all my sickness, my problems and my wrong belivness. please help me my god jesus the evil is surrounding me.
Oscar Herrera 2008-12-23 / 7.19 pm
Cristian God has humor:
He is single father, His son is Jew and for sure He is not a beliver. ¿or he belives in himself?.
And then: He wants mortals to be married, not have children out of marriage and baptize em christian.
That must be a joke from God for sure.
JC Lover 2008-12-24 / 8.19 am
Your picture is funny but….I HATE ANYONE WHO SAY JESUS IS NOT THE SON OF GOD…..if anyone says that she/he is a BITCH that just can make me mad!!!JC is my God!
Jesus Christ forever!
JC Lover 2008-12-24 / 8.30 am
Please….i hate all you that mock JC….i love JC always…..and…JC is god….are you muslim still don’t know that JC is God…????and….you muslims are going to hell because you hate god…..
JC Lover 2008-12-24 / 8.38 am
anyone who belives in Jesus pray in these words….
my god…
my savior….
help me to clean my mind from bad ideas,from some mock words and from anything that make me mad and mock anyone….
i want to give my heart and anything that you want to you…
i promise i will go to the church every sunday for praying and thanking you…
i don’t want to disepoint you my lord…
thank you for all your blesses….
from now on…
i will change my life for a better life…
i will be your beliver in anytime and anywhere….
thank you god…
JC Lover 2008-12-24 / 8.39 am
i’m in peace because jesus loves me….
Michael 2008-12-25 / 12.26 pm
Hey JC Lover and all my brothers and sisters
For All The Christians out there, Merry Christmas. Joy upon us all.
I’ve read almost all of the comments here. Some think rationally and some just too ignorant.
I’m a Muslim. I believe Muhammad P.B.U.H and Jesus, are God’s Prophet. They Bring goodness in their teachings. They both taught us to believe in one God, Allah.
Islam and Christian teaches us about peace. Just like any religion in this world. For those who think that Islam is a religion of violence, you are WRONG. Please, change your mindset. We, who truly believe in Islam, never wanted to do harm to anybody. All we wanted is peace. So let’s just get along, okay?
If any of you wants to debate with me about faith, let’s do it! :)
Cheers Mate!
Tammy G 2008-12-30 / 8.03 am
Jesus is Love and Forgiveness…isn’t that what we all need? He made it possible to be a child of God. It’s all in what He did on the cross. We are not good enough to be with God but He took all our wrongs on Himself so we could be close to our God.
It’s all about Grace not what we do…Faith in His act of Love draws us to the God. It is Love that we can’t even comprehend because it is so vast. We only need to take that plunge into the unknown by Faith. Scarey but so satisfying…He is really a Good God.
anwar ali 2009-01-06 / 10.39 pm
Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was the Messenger of Allah Jal Shanho and he said that there is no god but Allah but the Christian says that Jesus was the son of god. It is totally Wrong.
Acutally God sent Prophets and Jesus was one of them while it is also mentioned in the Holy Bible that niether god is father nor son.
Jesus was lifted alive to the heaven by the Allah…
Its is not right to form these great personlities of the Universe. We are hearted to see the sketches of the Prophets of Allah. We fully Protest on these sketches.. you never no about them…
kaleem afsar 2009-01-06 / 10.45 pm
Our Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
Our Holy Prophet Jesus
We love all these Prophets of Allah…
We protest on these pictures.
why you have drawn these sketches of the Prophets?
Have you ever seen them?
We hurted to making for these sketches..
Mahad 2009-01-09 / 2.55 am
go to wikipedia and look for Isa, then look for Muhammad, then look for Musa. then you will know through a standpoint that is clear the similarities between our religions. M’kay? good. stop the hate.
shafiq 2009-01-09 / 4.55 pm
muhammad pbuh is last prophet of god you have to fallow
oherwise u will be suffer from heaven and go directly to jahanim or fire
khuda tmhain idayet dy ager hidayet nahin tmhary naseeb main to tmhain barbad kary
bell 2009-01-21 / 4.16 am
Jane 2009-01-22 / 7.45 am
I was raised christian. Just thought i should make that clear. I strayed away from standard Christian faith and the words written by man. And followed what i believed, what my soul told me was right.I follow Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. I was offended by this picture. It took the actions of a group of extremist Muslim’s and made it a stereotype of all Muslim’s. This is wrong. Some Christians feel it right to bash other religions ignorant to the fact that we are all equal before god, don’t make this a stereotype for all Christians. Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are brother (or sister) religions, stop the hate. Start the love. Live together, and stop insulting your fellow humans.
reddy 2009-01-23 / 4.39 am
siapa yang ngejek agama nabi kami anak tak barutak alias babi dan anjing
reddy 2009-01-23 / 4.41 am
kristen itu cari propokator aja kristen itu gaya kontol-macam bujang -anjing -babi
reddy 2009-01-23 / 4.43 am
apa ga senang ayah kau panggilkan bengak anjing kok ga nenek moyang kau bangsat!!!
USMAN MANSOOR 2009-01-23 / 11.41 pm
you bastards;
makin fun of our prophet MUHAMMAD (SAW).i ask u where are ur ethics,are u an animal or what u mother fucker,even we muslims dont know that how our prophet looked like and ur makin fun of him just because of a global propaganda.u an ethical fearless animals u are not men u are mear aniamls,just animals,and if u dont go out there and seek truth ull all face the punishment by ALLAH(THE ONLY MAALIK) of the universe and of course u and me,but u dont seem to figure that out,just come in or seek the truth go in investigate,study and ull come to know what is the right path,if ALLAH blesses u with that wisdom.i ask u where are ur ethics as u ur self make fun of ur prophets.u animals.remember my words if u do this again some time in ur life ull face such a situation that ull remember my these words.its even in ur religious books, but bastards like u would know what,this makes u different from us,mark my words who so is the controller of this site ull be in big trouble if u dont apologize in front of ALLAH of what u have done even u dont know but i do.pray and ask for forgiveness.kuttay kay bachay,suur ki filter this u bitch holes.
g 2009-01-24 / 1.26 am
ask God for forgiveness.
g 2009-01-24 / 1.59 am
Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to DESTRUCTION,and there are many who go in by it.Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to LIFE,and there are few who find it.
MATTHEW 7:13-14
-Don’t full your self. People who dont know CHRIST are are headed toward the “wide gate”(distruction).If you don’t know him its not to late to get to know him, he loves you that’s why he died so that you may live.He rose on the third day in GLORY.For GOD so loved the world that he gave HIS only SON that who so ever BELIEVE in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life. Jhon 3:16
Check this web site out
Farhan 2009-01-31 / 4.08 pm
i fuck who post this scrap jihad is king we fuck who send this craps.
RAIN 2009-02-01 / 11.29 am
RAIN 2009-02-01 / 11.44 am
ini kisah nyata yang aq alami
mantanku yang beragama islam menyuruh aq untuk pindah agama dari katolik jadi islam
aq jelas gak mau tapi dia memaksa untuk jadi islam
bahkan dy berbicara kalo dy pindah agama,itu namanya MURTAD n kalo aq pindah agama, itu namanya PAHALA n aq telah bertobat karena agama islam yang paling benar!!!!
dy juga berbicara tentang ibuku yang pindah agama dari islam jadi katolik kalo nanti hidup ibuku gak bakal tenang baik di dunia maupun di akhirat!!!!
jujur tadinya aq simpatik sama semua agama karena agama itu hanya jalan/prosesi kita untuk lebih dekat dengan Tuhan,tapi sekarang aq udah berubah total mengenai islam. aq tau di Al-Quran ada Al-Kitab di dalamnya!!! N qt itu sebenarnya bersodara tapi mengapa kalian yang Moslem benci sekali dengan kami
Emang Nabi kalian mengajarkan untuk membenci sesama (sodara menurutku),qt itu hidup cuma sekali buat apa saling membenci lebih baik qt saling bergandengan tangan n membuat dunia yang qt hinggapi ini menjadi indah,damai,nyaman,tenteram dan sejahtera
muhammad 2009-02-08 / 6.51 pm
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
محمدصلى الله عليه و سلم هو نفسه رسول وايضا عيسى عليه السلام هو رسول لا يجوز هذا الكلام
muhammad 2009-02-08 / 6.56 pm
and that is not availbe to show our messenger in this way he has a wonderfull face as jesus
nuli ari adi doang 2009-02-11 / 10.29 am
yang paling bener nabi isa a.s. bukan jesus di sejarah aslinya gak ada
fuck u 2009-02-12 / 11.30 pm
أشهد أنا لا إلة إلا الله محمد رسول الله يايهودي ياصهيوني العن ابوك وسأراك يوم القيامه ياخسيسfuck u
ياغزة نحنا معكم لاإلة إلا الله محمد رسول الله
sepp von der nudlalm 2009-02-20 / 9.34 am
1 2009-02-25 / 5.56 pm
אחד אלוהים / إله واحد / Ένας Θεός / One God
1 2009-02-25 / 5.57 pm
אחד אלוהים / إله واحد / Ένας Θεός
1 2009-02-25 / 5.57 pm
אחד אלוהים / إله واحد / Ένας Θεός / 1 GOD
1 2009-02-25 / 6.10 pm
For all those who do not know the meaning of the azan(call to prayer) recited in the mosques:
God is great! God is great!
There is no other god but God!
There is no other god but God!
Muhammed is the messenger of God!
Muhammed is the messenger of God!
Come to the prayer!
Come to the prayer!
Come to salvation!
Come to salvation!
There is no other god but God!
God is great! God is great!
Islam(Peace) for all!
1 2009-02-25 / 6.12 pm
correction for the last 2 verses..
God is great! God is great!
There is no other god but God!
There is no other god but God!
Muhammed is the messenger of God!
Muhammed is the messenger of God!
Come to the prayer!
Come to the prayer!
Come to salvation!
Come to salvation!
God is great! God is great!
There is no other god but God!
1 2009-02-25 / 6.15 pm
Do not waste your time with these kind of stupid evilistic joke shows. Open our eyes. Meet the devil. Get rid of him. Try to be nice people. Try to be human!
1 2009-02-25 / 6.17 pm
אחד אלוהים / إله واحد / Ένας Θεός / God is One.
1 2009-02-25 / 6.24 pm
In the name of God, the Mercy-giving, the Merciful!
This is the Book which contains no doubt; it means guidance for those who do their duty who believe in the Unseen, keep up prayer, and spend something from whatever We have provided them with;
who believe in what has been sent down to you as well as what was sent down before you,
While they are convinced about the Hereafter; such people hold on to guidance from their Lord; those will be successful.
It is all the same whether you warn those who disbelieve or do not warn them; they still will not believe: God has sealed off their hearts and their hearing, while over their sight there hangs a covering; they will have severe torment.
Some people say: “We believe in God and the Last Day,” while they are not believers. They would like to deceive God and those who believe, while they merely outwit themselves and do not even notice it! Their hearts contain malice so God has increased their [share of] malice. They will have painful torment because they have been lying.
Whenever someone tells them: “Don’t act so depraved on earth,” they say: “We are only improving matters!” They are indeed mischief makers, but they are not aware of it. When someone tells them: “Believe just as other people believe,” they say: “Are we to believe just as simpletons believe?” Surely they are the fools even though they do not realize it!
Whenever they meet those who believe, they say: “We believe;’ while once they go off alone with their ringleaders, they say: “We are with you; we were only joking!” God will joke with them and let them go on acting arrogantly in their blind fashion! Those are the ones who have purchased error at the price of guidance, while their bargain does not profit them nor have they been guided.
They may be compared to someone who kindles a fire, and once it lights up whatever lies around him, God takes away their light and leaves them in darkness. They do not see: deaf, dumb and blind will never respond!
1 2009-02-25 / 6.34 pm
“That which We recite to you comes from the signs and the wise Reminder. Jesus’ case with God was the same as Adam’s: He created him from dust; then told him: ‘Be!” and he was. Truth comes from your Lord, so do not be a waverer.” from the Qur’an(House of Imran)
1 2009-02-25 / 6.39 pm
from the QUR’AN, The Table:
“0 Messenger! Deliver whatever has been sent down to you by your Lord. If you do not do so, you will not have conveyed His message. God will defend you from mankind: God does not guide disbelieving folk. SAY: ‘People of the Book, you will not make any point until you keep up the Torah and the Gospel, as well as anything that has been sent down to you by your Lord.” What has been sent down to you by your Lord increases many of them in arrogation and disbelief, yet do not despair about disbelieving folk.
Those who believe and those who are Jews, Sabeans and Christians- anyone who believes in God and the Last Day, and acts honorably, should have no fear nor will they be saddened. We made an agreement with the Children of Israel and sent them messengers. Every time a messenger would come to them with what they themselves did not fancy, one group they accused of lying while another group they killed. They reckoned theme would be no testing, so they acted blind and deaf. Then God relented toward them; still many of them acted blind and deaf. Yet God is Observant of whatever they do.
Those who say that God is Christ the son of Mary have disbelieved. Christ [himself] said: “Children of Israel, worship God [Alone, Who is] my Lord as well as your Lord.” God will ban the Garden for anyone who associates anything else with God; his lodging will be the Fire. Wrongdoers will have no supporters.
Those who say: ‘God is the third of three,” have disbelieved! There is no deity except God Alone. If they do not stop saying what they say, painful torment will afflict those among them who disbelieve. Why do they not turn towards God and seek His forgiveness? God is Forgiving, Merciful.”
1 2009-02-25 / 7.20 pm
from the QUR’AN, The Table:
“Some day God will assemble messengers and say: “What response have you received?” They will say: “We possess no knowledge; You are the Knower of Unseen things!” So God will say: ‘Jesus, son of Mary, remember My favor towards you and towards your mother when I assisted you with the Holy Spirit. You spoke to people from the cradle and as an adult when I taught you the Book and wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel. So you created something out of clay looking like a bird with my permission; you breathed into it, and by My permission it became a bird! You cured anyone born blind, and the leper with My permission. So you brought forth the dead by My permission, and I fended off the Children of Israel from you, when you brought them explanations, so those among them who disbelieved said: ‘This is sheer magic!’
“When I inspired the disciples to believe in Me and in My messenger, they said: ‘We believe, so take witness that we are Muslims.’ When the disciples said: ‘Jesus, son of Mary, can your Lord send a Table down from Heaven for us?, he said: ‘Heed God if you are believers!’ They said: ‘We want to eat from it, and for our hearts to feet at rest, and so we know that you have told us the Truth, and that we should be witnesses for it.’ Jesus the son of Mary said: ‘O God our Lord, send us down a Table from Heaven so it may be a recurring feast for us, for both the first of us and the last of us, and as a sign from You! Provide for us, since you are the best Provider.’ God said: ‘I shall send it down to you. Any of you who disbelieves afterward, I shall punish with such torment as I have never punished anyone in the Universe!”‘
When God said: ‘Jesus, son of Mary, have you told people: “Take me and my mother as two gods instead of God [Alone]?’;” he said: “Glory be to You! It is not my place to say what I have no right to [say]. If I had said it, You would have known it already: You know what is on my mind, while I do not know anything that is on Yours. You are the Knower of Unseen things. I have never told them anything except what You have ordered me to: ‘Worship God as my Lord and your Lord.’ I was a witness for them so long as I was among them. When You have gathered me up, You became the Watcher over them; You are a Witness for everything. If you should punish them, they are still Your servants; while if You should forgive them, surely You are Powerful, Wise.”
God said: “This is a day when their truthfulness will benefit the truthful: they shall have gardens through which rivers flow, to live in ever and ever.” God approves of them, while they are pleased with Him; that will be the supreme Achievement. God holds control over Heaven and Earth, as well as whatever lies within them. He is capable of everything! “
1 2009-02-25 / 7.33 pm
Muslim: one who submits to God.
“When I inspired the disciples to believe in Me and in My messenger(Jesus), they said: ‘We believe, so take witness that we are Muslims.” (from The Qur’an)
Islam: peace, purity, submission and obedience. the total surrender of oneself to God.
“Today I have perfected your religion for you, and completed My favor towards you, and have consented to grant you [Islam] as a religion: a commitment to live in peace.” (from the Qur’an)
1 2009-02-26 / 12.33 am
God is great!
God is great!
God is great!
God is great!
There is no other deity but God!
There is no other deity but God!
Muhammed is the messenger/prophet of God!
Muhammed is the messenger/prophet of God!
Come to the prayer!
Come to the prayer!
Come to salvation!
Come to salvation!
God is great! God is great!
There is no other deity but God!
1 2009-02-26 / 1.07 am
Qur’an is not the book of arabs. ıt is a book for all human kind. People should obey its clear, general and over-time messages and advices. (some limited in prophet’s time and prophet’s life of course) It includes no arab nationalism or praising of arabic culture or traditions. The word ‘arab'(desert arabs) in Qur’an = 10 times. 9 of them is used to show the negative.
1 example:
“Some desert Arabs around you are hypocrites as well as some of the people from Madina; they even persist in hypocrisy. You do not know them; however We know them.”
1 2009-02-26 / 1.24 am
In the name of God, the Mercy-giving, the Merciful!
I do swear by Resurrection Day,
as I swear by the rebuking soul,
does man reckon We shall never
gather his bones together again?
Of course We are Capable of reshaping even his fingertips. Yet man wants to carouse right out in the open. He asks: “When will Resurrection Day be ?”
When one’s sight is dazzled,
and the moon is eclipsed,
as the sun and moon are brought together,
on that day man will say:
“Where is there any escape?”
Of course there will be no sanctuary; recourse will be only with your Lord on that day. Man will be notified that day about anything he has sent on ahead or else held back. Indeed man holds evidence even against himself although he may proffer his excuses.
Do not try to hurry it up with your tongue; it is up to Us to collect it, as well as to recite it. So whenever We do read it, follow in its reading; it is then We Who must explain it!
Indeed how you all love the fleeting present while you neglect the Hereafter! Some faces will be radiant on that day, looking toward their Lord; while other faces will be scowling on that day, thinking that some impoverishing blow will be dealt them. Indeed when it reaches as high as one’s collarbone and someone says: “Who is such a wizard?”, he will suppose that it means leave-taking while one shin will twist around the other shin [to keep it from moving]; towards your Lord will the Drive be on that day!
He was not trusting and did not pray,
but said: “No!” and turned away.
Then he stalked off haughtily
to his family, closer to you
and even closer! Then closer
to you and still closer!
Does man reckon
he’ll be left forlorn?
Was he not once a drop
of ejected semen? Then he became
a clot, so God created and fashioned him
and made him into two sexes,
male and female. Is such a Being
not Able to revive the dead?
1 2009-02-26 / 1.29 am
81. Extinguished! (Wrapping Things Up)
In the name of God, the Mercy-giving,, the Merciful !
When the sun has been extinguished,
when the stars slip out of place,
when the mountains travel along,
when the properties/goods are neglected,
when wild beasts are herded together,
when the seas overflow,
when souls are reunited,
when the buried girl is asked
for what offence she has been killed,
when scriptures are unrolled,
when the sky is stripped bare,
when Hades is set blazing,
when the Garden is brought close,
each soul shall know
what it has prepared!
So I swear by the planets
moving, sweeping along,
and night as it draws on,
and morn when it breathes again,
it is a statement by a generous messenger
possessing strength established
by the One Enthroned Who is
to be Obeyed and more than that
is Trustworthy. Your companion
is not crazy! He saw him
on the clear horizon;
nor was he grudging about the Unseen.
Nor is it a statement
by some outcast Satan.
So where are you all heading for?!
It is merely a Reminder
to the Universe.
So anyone of you who wishes
may go straight. Yet you will only wish
whatever God, Lord of the Universe,
may wish.
1 2009-02-26 / 1.42 am
109. Disbelievers (or Atheists)
(These verses implicitly teach us to practice tolerance even with atheists, and tell us to treat non-Muslims with respect yet firm disavowal. This chapter forms the traditional Islamic answer to any suggestion of compromise.)
In the name of God, the Mercy-giving, the Merciful!
Say: “O disbelievers!
I do not serve what you serve
nor are you serving what I serve!
I will not worship what you have worshipped,
neither will you worship what I worship.
You have your religion
while I have my religion.
1 2009-02-26 / 1.59 am
73. Bundled Up
In the name of God, the Mercy-giving, the Merciful!
You who are bundled up,
stay up all night,
except for a little while: half of it
or a trifle less than that,
or add some to it,
and chant the Quran distinctly
as it should be chanted. We will cast
a weighty statement on you!
The onset of night is more serious for impressions, as well as more effective for speaking in. You have lengthy employment during daylight. Mention your Lord’s name and devote yourself to Him utterly! Lord of the East and the West, there is no deity except Him, so accept him as your Defender. Be patient about anything they may say, and steer clear of them in a polite manner. Let Me deal with rejectors who are enjoying their leisure; put up with them for a while.
nayif 2009-02-28 / 4.51 pm
fuck u son of the bitch … kiss my ass.. my only wish z to see ur fuckin face to make the whole world laugh on u.. at least mohammad and jesus are profits fom god … and you are on of the assholes and u need some action n your life
nayif 2009-02-28 / 4.53 pm
open at the google translator and right down this speech (arabic):
kos o5tk ya 25o elshrmo6a wa7d ma btst7e 3la dmmak
AYESHA NAZIR 2009-03-09 / 7.29 pm
fatima el zein 2009-03-30 / 9.30 am
i think in mohammed and jesus the qoran and the bible is 2 books they want to learning at us the good and the not good…. its all and one times i now all the people make 1 religion.. i waiting… allah u akbar
fatima el zein 2009-03-30 / 9.33 am
rspect allah and allah respesct you man..
Anonymous 2009-03-31 / 12.47 pm
Listen! Those who are against Muhammad PBUH, very soon they will be punished here in this life and here after too. And these people can not imagine that what will be the level of punishment! actually they cant imagine. soon they will discover the level and they will cry why we were against Muhammad PBUH. Now they are thinking that it is lie but nops..
Sooooon they will see it is truth.
Muslim 4 life 2009-04-03 / 1.47 am
jeg hader alle kristne kuffar svin håber i alle får jeres egen lort i munden og dør lige efter i kan ikke tillade jer at svine vores profet til hvor vover i … dirty kuffar s
pogoley 2009-04-17 / 10.22 am
ı dont speak english sorry
Muhammed and Jesus brother.
Real islam no terorist
Real İslam no kill
and you brother (musa isa muhammed)
Rest in peace Muhammed
Rest in peace Jesus
Rest in peace Musa
Rest in peace İbrahim
Rest in peace Nuh
We all brother No War No Blood
it is real islam speak
joe crist 2009-04-27 / 9.34 pm
jesus only man no more.he is a prophet, like Muhammad,if you tell him a god,you are satan.
Avat 2009-05-17 / 12.28 am
Well I sure the hell thought it was funny ;) People nowdays have no sense of humor *seeing all the debates above*
I don’t think God cares, if he exists, that some guy on earth writes a joke about him; so just laugh and stop getting all offended ;) As they say in Demon The Fallen book “if you spit at the sky, it’ll just fall back in your face, God won’t care”
Ahmad 2009-05-29 / 3.29 am
fuck you and fuck your mother You shit face,
why you hate muhammad? because somebody muslim fucked your mom in ass?
you mother fucker, keep that pic for your sister ass, you piece of shit
Fuck you and fuck your “JESUS” and fuck christians, you shit face mother fucker you….
Muhammad is the BEST, Don’t like? GO FUCK YOUR SELF
Anonymous101101 2009-06-22 / 7.32 pm
Ahmad.IRAQ.BAGHDAD, for someone who is telling us Christians not to hate, it sounds like you have a lot of hatred yourself :) Don’t be a hypocrite, and don’t believe in “revelations” by some suicidal, violent, insane man who kept having seizures, but insisted he could tell what was real and what was not, even through his seizures…this is who wrote your holy book. LOL. Don’t be hypocritical, and show some love – maybe the rest of the world wouldn’t hate you back as much as you are hating on them. Jesus loves you, even through your blatant madness.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
alshammari 2009-07-25 / 3.41 am
stupid believe
Muhammad wasn’t what you think
Muhammad was Jesus brother and last Prophet.
by the way Jesus was Muslim. I know will not’t belive but it’s true. Jesus wasn’t God’s son but he son of Mariam(Mary)All the Pic above described the Artiste him self.
kaka' 2009-07-26 / 12.26 pm
i belive muhammad saw…..
kontol for israel…
kontol for you yahudi
malik 2009-08-12 / 6.28 am
when man and woman meet they make love then the baby is born. if we don’t know the name of Jesus Dad it doesn’t mean that God is his Dad. Nowadays there are many Marry’s who don’t know who is the real father of their son.So still blame God for all of that.not funny but stupid
Joseph Smith 2009-08-17 / 8.28 pm
I would like to see what would happen if the artist hung Mohamad in such a manner. They would cut him into pieces,you know because they are so peaceful of a people. Jesus is God, Mohammed was a mad man. And by the way Mohammed is dead and Jesus lives forever!!!!!!!
rty 2009-08-24 / 1.17 pm
at the end of this world,..u i will know wht is the truth…all the evidence of the true god is everywhere ..One God..
Hery Iswanto 2009-09-05 / 6.58 am
it’s Riddiculous
roomy 2009-09-15 / 7.10 pm
i fuck them all how create these type of fake pics about MUHAMMAD (P.B.U.H)
cyn 2009-09-16 / 8.08 am
well.. every statement will NEVER change the TRUTH..
Jesus is the only one in the world who have a brave statement…
“I am the way, the truth and the life…..”
He said “THE WAY”, not “THE WAYS”..
means that He’s the ONLY ONE ^^
and there’s no other person from any religion ever say that.
God bless us.. ^^
pity 2009-09-20 / 1.35 pm
what a pity u guys can make fun of your so called god just like that. that shows you guys only like this world not Jesus(pbuh) and not God and when u say your will go to heaven when u die then we r helping n u should be happy then why this war on terror or war to conquer the world
Muslim 4eva 2009-09-22 / 7.35 pm
oii…i am very insulted by this picture…right! and muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet too….so please respect all faiths!!!
bagong 2009-10-04 / 9.50 pm
no coment
ganduruwo 2009-10-07 / 7.18 pm
sorry DAJALL I dont believe in you anyway, you are my ENEMY, I believe in muhammad S.A.W, both of Muhammad and jesus is rasullulah. you are PROVOCATOR, the best place of you in HELL with EVIL, byee
MJ 2009-10-09 / 4.39 am
In the end, we will see who is right and who is wrong for the Almighty is Just. He will be the judge between us all. He is THE ONE, who is not begotten nor did he beget. Believe or dont believe, it will only help or hurt you. In the end its not your choice, you WILL be brought from the dead and will face every deed you have done whether you like it or not. There will be a group in Paradise and a group in Hell. It is true and will happen so you better be ready.
qie- 2009-10-17 / 10.25 am
if jesus a son of god, and himself a god too, so how many god do you have? you was talked about it, and i have a conclution that your god is like a human being.
Hoda 2009-11-11 / 7.11 am
what followers Jesus has indeed!
DID Jesus teach u to respect others like this??? wow! I thought he brought peace and stuff ! haha
believe in me.. 2009-11-18 / 11.49 am
Hello and salaam
I have read everyones comments, some are knowledge and some are waste of electricty. Jesus and Mohammed and the other messengers pbub all. They all were Gods swt messengers. The Lord sent many messengers in different times and tribes to guide people and to belive in his creations. we all Gods creation and we are son and daughter od Adam and Eve. If we try to make an effort and communicate with each other without being baise or cranky we will see that we have love for eachother. Our stomach needs food our souls needs food, so how can we feed our souls and feel peace and love eachother. Ok very simple the lord know how we are and how greedy we can get. by thinking of one god and and the message from the messengers we will have peace in our hearts. Why do people drink to much get fat and die of C.H.D’s cos the mind needs guidance. Islam is the way forward, i have studied many texts and thinking jesus is gos son that is incorrect, how can god have a son and why should he take our sins on the cross, anyway i pray for everyone and i love you all. J.ahmed lancashire u.k
lighten up 2009-11-20 / 3.00 am
A Muslim was killed in a car accident and arrives at the gates of heaven. St. Peter says, “I’m St. Peter. Welcome to Heaven,” The Muslim says, “Nice to meet you Peter, but I’m a Muslim and I want to meet Muhammad.” St. Peter says, “Sure no problem. Climb up that ladder behind you and you will meet Muhammad.” The Muslim climbs up the ladder, gets to the top and there is Moses. Moses says, “Hi I’m Moses. Welcome to Heaven.” The Muslim is very excited – “Moses, its such an honour to meet you. But like I told St. Peter, I’m a Muslim and I really want to meet Muhammad.” Moses says, “No problem. Climb up the ladder behind you and you will meet Muhammad.” The Muslim climbs up the ladder, gets to the top, but he can’t see anything except bright light. He sees this figure before him and asks, “Who are you?” The figure responds, “I am God. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Heaven.” God walks over and shakes his hand. The Muslim is stunned – he can hardly speak. He says to God, “Sir, it is such an honour to meet you, I can’t believe it, this place is great. But I’m a Muslim and, no disrespect intended, but I really want to meet Muhammad.” God says, “Oh. You’re here to see Muhammad. I see. No problem. Have a seat. Get comfortable. Can I get you some coffee or something to eat?” The Muslim says, “I would love a cup of coffee.” God yells into the kitchen, “Hey Muhammad, two coffees!”
sarah 2009-12-12 / 7.59 pm
bludy rascalllllllllllll bludy bastard
anila 2009-12-16 / 2.40 am
It is all rubbish about Muhammad.
. 2009-12-27 / 3.20 am
Jesus Was not god for jesus was tempted wether he was gods son may or may not be true but jesus was tempted every Christian knows god cannot be tempted so any christian who claims jesus to be god is wrong according to christianity itself. The reason many people think he is god is because the bible states jesus was in god’s image people then interpret this to mean he is god.
No One! 2010-01-02 / 9.15 am
Hi! Everyone! Please do read the book “THE HUNDRED” AND you’ll get to know that why Muhammad’s name was kept on the top! The word Islam is derived from ‘salam’ meaning ‘peace’. So how can it’s prophet encourage terror And suicide bombings! The people who are spreading all this terror ‘ARE NOT MUSLIMS’. Infact they are against Islam. Muhammad teachings are totally contrary to this! He said that after winning any battle do not kill the enemy’s children, women and old people, Do not destroy their houses and crops. And also it would be worth important to mention here that Muhammad declared ‘the suiciding ‘HARAM” Haram is any act, by practicing which one goes to hell straight away! So, how can anyone call the terrorists as ‘MUSLIMS’….?????. And as far as this image is concerned, I have a question that has any muslim ever made humorous pictures of ‘JESUS’ or any other prophet??????? Of course NOT. Just because they respect all religions and the prophets. The people who are terrorists are not muslims And are not Muhammad followers!!!!
No One! 2010-01-02 / 9.28 am
One more thing!
I should mention here an incident:
A battle was going on Between muslims and the Kufars(Non-muslims of Arab at that time). A muslim was fighting very bravely .But hewent badly injured and it was really painful for him. So he took out his knife and killed himself with it! Muhammad said ‘He’ll go to HELL because he suicided’ So that is the place for suiciders in Islam and in the eyes of Muhammad. so How can he encourage suicide attacks and massacre?????!!!!
kka 2010-01-02 / 6.49 pm
jesus ws ressurected? a god was ressurected? who resurrected jesus, was he not dead. god is the one who created adam from nothingness, who made the python (snake) off moses stick, who made a camel born from a rock. why do christian have such a limited thoughts on gods power. if god can be imagined then its not god anymore.
Hemperor 2010-01-05 / 7.15 am
It’s God’z $UN …
When GOD made man, $he made a Mi$$~Take
Devil is an Angel that was Bad & Kicked Out of “Heaven” which means $KY.
$pace $uckz, ALL Vaccumas DO.
Our Gift of Life in Light iz ju$t a Te$t.
$un HOT & $pace COLD, We in midde w/ Both & Every Thought iz a PRAYER, be it Good or Bad
mohamed 2010-01-14 / 7.00 am
Gad is the greatest… fuck hwo made this picture. to the hell one day, don’t worry
nasrin 2010-01-14 / 9.10 am
makenna 2010-01-20 / 5.42 pm
ha~! amazing its about time someone made a joke that was actually funny out of this stupid thing we call religion
Lily esther 2010-01-21 / 8.15 am
Jesus is truth,Jesus is the way..
Jesus is the son God..
My heavenly father,and my soul thirst for my heavenly father God Jesus Chirst,the trinity…
Muhammad 2010-01-24 / 7.25 am
I am a moron
Laila 2010-01-24 / 9.05 pm
i dont want to fight but guys like you can not respect other religions, you are just jealous because you know that Christianity is not the right religion, by the way do you think that you are bothering us because you make such pictures of muhammad peace be upon him, and you are just fools who doesent have a life.
Laila 2010-01-24 / 9.21 pm
Tooz 3ala Koffarin they are fuckers
Kiba93 2010-01-30 / 10.40 pm
doesn’t both the bible and the qur’an (sorry for mistakes) says that you have to love your brother or sister
God is not important, he doesn’t want you to put him in your life before your family, he just want that you respect everyone. its your attitude in life which will depend whether you go to heaven or hell
Jesus may or may not be the son of God, but the whole point of his life was to teach everybody to love his neighbour even if they were separated from religion.The same for muhammad (except for the son of god part)
if you can’t love,respect others, and live a peaceful life then you just a disgrace to Jesus and Muhammad and all the other super-dudes
if Ben Laden dies, he will go straight to hell, because if you kill someone , that evil and even more evil if you say that you are doing this for god.
and you have to remember that both the books are biased, they have not be written by Jesus or Muhammad
before i finish, im pretty sure you have to respect other people’s belief, it is the same god, its just how you live your life that is different
you guys are a bunch of racist
Truth Hammer 2010-02-07 / 6.28 am
Islam is a big FAT LIE!!! Muslims claim Jesus was only a prophet, but Jesus said many times He is God. Since when does a prophet lie? Therefore Jesus is God and Islam is a bogus religion. Jesus started the Catholic Church and that’s a fact.
Kiba93 2010-02-07 / 6.27 pm
Truth Hammer
Jesus never said that he WAS god. he sais he was the SON of god (was he talking metaphorically?)
Go read the bible, dumbass
Jesus didn’t started the catholic church, the romans did. Jesus started Christianity.
No religion is a big fat lie, Jesus never said that. Its a sin to disrespect other religions.
Dr. Tarek Saied 2010-02-27 / 12.58 pm
Dr. Tarek Saied 2010-02-27 / 1.04 pm
ejaz 2010-03-15 / 1.58 pm
i bet that one who cread ted such topic nd pics, had not read abt a single action of great prophet Muhammad, he is the leader of all, nd hazrat isa also praised him nd wana to be a ummati of muhannad,
such illetrate people are always danger to mankind who ha v no knowledge nd see only one side of pics,
jesus is also a follower of muhammad
taimoor 2010-03-18 / 12.08 pm
everybody lisen up! im a muslim n i believe in jesus n muhammad! dnt say anythin bout anyone else’s religion cuz v will c wat will happen 2 us wen v die! ALLAH HU AKBAR!! :’)
taimoor 2010-03-18 / 12.12 pm
n shut up kiba93! if jesus was the son o’ god (nausubillah)which he wus not btw!! , he wudnt hav died! if there is more thn 1 god, or even ason o’ god, there wud b confusion bout opinions n the world wud hav been in caos!!!
taimoor 2010-03-18 / 12.14 pm
n truth hammer, GO TA HELL (which u will eventualy)!! if u dnt want to believe in islam, DONT!! nobody is beggin fr u to do! but stop makin fun of islam n may u b spared frm THE BLAZIN FIRE OF HELLLL!!!
taimoor 2010-03-18 / 12.20 pm
n lighten up,, go ta hell which u will!!
taimoor 2010-03-18 / 12.26 pm
Joseph Smith? i’d like to say 1 thing 2 u! i dun think ( n nieher do my fello muslims) that jesus was a mad man so y do u think muhammad is??
llll 2010-03-19 / 9.11 pm
TAEK KABEH… asu jancookk
blukuthuk 2010-03-19 / 9.16 pm
There is only one GOD… ALLAH
anas 2010-03-20 / 3.46 am
Is one likes to sketch of Christ (peace be upon him) fees Inappropriate
I am a Muslim not satisfied to draw any of the satirical images of the Prophets, whether Muhammad (peace be upon him) or Christ (peace be upon him)
Why Christians are satisfied that
They must object to this because it may not be insulting to any person, how insulting to the deceased and the deceased has millions of followers, this is a crime
HellBoy 2010-03-26 / 6.08 am
Who ever wrote this, I’ll see u in my deepest Hell !!! this was a stupid joke ever…
m 2010-04-12 / 10.46 pm
No man is such a sinner….
Western Society 2010-04-17 / 10.07 am
Faith. Not war.
moslem 2010-04-20 / 8.11 pm
Allah is the truly GOD, and yesus is the fake one and who pray for yesus, they’re totally stupid cause they are just being played by Paus Paulus, and congratulation to them, they would never go to heaven but moslem would, HAHAHA!!!
The Dude 2010-04-22 / 7.27 am
So is the person who put up this picture of muhammad going to get a death threat for doing so, just like the death threats that the creators of South Park (Tre Parker and Matt Stone) recieved just for even saying that they might show muhammed? Seems pretty rediculous to me.
sofunny 2010-04-22 / 9.22 pm
your all idiots.
there is no god , the idea of a god goes back way before any of the current religions your arguing over. the story of Jesus is the same story that was told in Egyptian mythology about Horus , its also effectively the same as the storys about Krishna and Mithras. its the same repeated bullshit that has gone on throughout history to keep people in check. The people who fall for it are plain ignorant.
Kyle 2010-04-23 / 4.59 am
Jesus is the only true figure in this story.
Muhammed is a lying sack of shit just like all other muslims.
Christians do NOT fly planes into buildings, strap bombs to kids, kill their wives for showing their legs, etc.—MUSLIMS DO.
Christians – do not allow these Islamic Fundamentalists push America or other great christian nations around. We must be STRONG and have good central CHRISTIAN VALUES in these times of darkness in which Muslims are wreaking havoc on God’s great green Earth.
In God’s Name, through Jesus our Savior, do I wish you all good health and safety.
billy johnasson 2010-04-23 / 8.28 pm
Muhammad begat Gandalf who slayed Dragons in the time of Jesus, who bestowed Harry Potter upon to Buddah.
This is what I believe, I’m going to shove it down your throat until you believe it too, and probably start a war over it.
Jameson 2010-04-24 / 2.17 am
Arm them all and let them kill each other. Let them spill their blood over a swath of worthless yet “holy” land. Let them butcher each other out of extinction. Let them carve out the earth with their hate and intolerance. Let them parish in the hell that they alone create.
I’m gonna be over here working a job and getting along with people.
Neo 2010-04-27 / 2.02 am
There is no God.
troy yu ling 2010-04-27 / 6.30 am
godamn you’re all so fucking stupid. Who gives a shit about your stupid fucking religion. Boohoo he made fun of your apostle, get the fuck over it. You don’t know shit about what’s going to happen when you die until you die, so until then, live life as you see fit, don’t live how some possibly unstable man who preached about some god thousands of years ago lived. Or continue to be dipshits, i’ll just laught at you the way i laugh at dumbasses in my head who go off spouting about praise God or praise Allah just because they’re fucking scared of what’s going to happen when they die.
J locke 2010-04-27 / 8.30 am
One thing that all religions tend to agree on is the fact that God gave mortal men freewill and that we are responsible for our actions. With this freewill comes freedom of speech. If someone chooses to make derogatory comments about your beliefs you must understand they have the God given right to do so. They also have to face a form of judgment. This judgment is not man’s responsibility but God’s. Don’t feel you have to defend yourselves to those who don’t understand you. It will only lead you to confrontation and a blemish on your soul. These cartoons may be making humour out of your beliefs but if you don’t find it funny pay no heed to it. Lastly, lighten up. We only get one chance here on earth so make the best of it.
South Park και [CENSORED*] « Ελεγεία και σάτιρες 2010-04-27 / 11.45 am
[…] “Χρήσιμο” link […]
James 2010-04-27 / 10.18 pm
Fuck the scummy Mussies – kill em all! Jesus is love, peace and will save us all. The evil of the false prophet Muhammad will condemn all who believe in him to death at God’s wrath.
SteveySteve 2010-04-27 / 11.49 pm
ahhh bloody religious people
god probably doesn’t love you anyway
bootyb 2010-04-29 / 6.38 pm
wtf y’all are some brainwashed motherfuckers. Grab a beer and a pizza go to the movies or something. Dont waste your life debating this horseshit! Also Fuck off with imposing your stupid fuck-wittery on others. If you lot want a religious war fucking go to canvey island and slog it out between ya but leave the athiests out of it cause we dont give a fuck who did what and why thats better than everyone else. Jesus and Mo dont mean shit to us so FUCK OFF!
sara ben 2010-05-01 / 7.45 pm
How believe in gods they will know what will be.don’t believe jesus or mohammad .only one god is there.he is allah.he knows every rong or right allah knows that.
sara ben 2010-05-01 / 7.48 pm
delete these pictcher
sara ben 2010-05-01 / 7.53 pm
ho past these pich… fuck off u. r u mad.. u don’t know waliwed of them. fuck….u….ho.. ho… horey….
J Locke 2010-05-01 / 7.58 pm
Bootyb, Most religious people are not “brainwashed”. A persons beliefs are defined only after long periods of reflection and study, that goes for most atheists to. Bootyb, your attitude seems pretty resolved so I would be led to believe you have gone through this process of self definition but the fact that you consider any religious belief completely invalid makes me think otherwise. Before you chastise others you should actually try to see things from another perspective.
taimoor 2010-05-05 / 2.47 pm
DUDES!!!!! its not the muslims who r fucked up!!!! its the christians and jews and alll the other mad people!!!!!! jesus is sooo not the son of god! muhammad is only but a messenger of allah! and all of the rest is for christuans!!!!! it was the british who created terrorists! remember when russia was goin to invade afghnistan!!! it were those m******fu**** who had the idea of terrorists! so, think before u leap! and as for the people who dont beleive in god, SHUT THE HELL UP!!! and…..oh….the same goes to the christians and other whores!
sloop johnson 2010-05-06 / 5.48 pm
you guys honestly believe some girl magically got pregnant without sex and somehow her kid is the only human being known to man that supposedly has the power of resurrection. and somehow his dad is god but he is god at the same time? you must be retarded. parents need to stop brainwashing their little kids into believing this garbage. how irresponsible is that. im not saying i know there isnt a god or anything like that. im just saying you guys need to stop acting like you just absolutely know everything. and all you people who think you magically go up to heaven or some other bull when you die, need to reevaluate what your thinking. how many times have you died in your life? obviously ZERO because when i say life. i mean the opposite of death or being dead. i mean. you really have no idea whatsoever so quit acting like you know just cuz a book says something along the lines of that. that same book says that a 500 year old drunk built a boat that was big enough to fit 2 of every animal on the earth on it. tell me. how did he round up every animal on the planet so quickly? we today still have yet to even find every animal to exist. and what about all the people who were alive thousands of years before jesus? do they just not count or what?
sloop johnson 2010-05-06 / 5.57 pm
“Fuck the scummy Mussies – kill em all! Jesus is love, peace and will save us all. The evil of the false prophet Muhammad will condemn all who believe in him to death at God’s wrath.
what a perfect example of how stupid and ignorant you religious fanatics are. you say jesus is love and peace. then you say fuck muslims and they can all die? how loving and peaceful does that sound? if you were a true follower of “jesus” then ridiculous comments like that would never find your mouth let alone fill your brain. you people need to chill out and quit worrying about bullshit and just live life n be happy. i dont give a fuck who you are or what you believe. just quit tryna force it on everyone else.
J Locke 2010-05-06 / 9.48 pm
sloop johnson, you say “just live life n be happy” but before that you referred to the roots of christian religion as “garbage”. For a lot of people happiness come from their belief in this “garbage”. Take, for instance, Buddhists. They find happiness in minimalism and self discovery. So don’t be so quick to judge ones beliefs solely on the stories they tell, take into consideration what the religion does for them. I know a man who would either be in prison or dead of drug abuse right now if he hadn’t found the Jehovah’s witnesses. I’m not saying a religion is the answer but everyone grows up differently with different ideas of happiness and you shouldn’t put someone down for it.
sloop johnson 2010-05-07 / 5.40 am
alright jon locke from lost.
well i never said it didnt help people i am not against the good that comes from religion i just think most of the stuff that comes along with it is just ridiculous.
i mean. how much can you really believe from people who used to think the earth was flat.
not only that but there are plenty of people who abuse religion. just as many if not more than there are people who gain from it.
all thos catholic priests raping little kids. then they defend each other like theres nothing wrong.
im talking about the religious extremists that preach how their specific religion is the only truth n they know all, then they go n say screw all people who believe anything different they will all burn in hell.
like the person i quoted before. that statement completely contradicted itself in the fact that it says “jesus is love, peace, and will save us ALL” (notice how i capitalized ALL)then he says some people are going to be condemned by gods wrath?
once again i never said religion cant help people. im only saying SOME people need to get off there religious high horses n realize were all the same. thinking they are all holy pure as can be.
J Locke 2010-05-07 / 7.22 pm
The John Locke my tag refers to is the political philosopher.
The idea that world was flat was generally accepted at the time not just supported by a religion. I totally agree that their are people with warped ideals and people who abuse organized religion and they are problematic. The statement you made that I was referring to was where you describe religious beliefs as false and brainwashing. The fact is we make our own truths and for someone else to say it is wrong when it doesn’t concern them, like the notion of jesus’ resurrection, is just rude and ignorant. One thing you argued is that we have no way of knowing what comes after death and that the idea of a heaven is foolish. At a time when all believed the world was flat some came to believe it was spherical which became truth. Same was true for geocentricity and heliocentericity, then also subatomic particles being the smallest and the discovery of quark particles. But doesn’t that suggest that we can’t assume anything, we can only have faith in things. So when people believed in the “outlandish” idea, at the time,of a sphere Earth couldn’t it also be possible that a god exists who inspired people to be prophets. All I’m saying is don’t call something false just because you don’t know what the truth is. Human beings are naturally curious, not disregarding, and to have faith in something we can’t completely confirm is also natural.
Qusay Mohammad 2010-05-10 / 11.12 am
God’s peace be upon you
I am Muslim, and we are the Muslims at the world we love the peoples also We respect all religions, But if there are exceptions does not mean that all Muslims so, and also to matter to people of other religions and everyone will know that the Day of Right , God willing, that Islam is the religion of truth even if people there are Muslims, but are not being Muslims…
Justin 2010-05-12 / 7.57 am
If Muhammad taught a message of peace then why do death threats sow up when someone draws the guy? Jesus gets made fun of all the time and he;’s fine. Cant Mohammad take a joke?
fredrik 2010-05-13 / 9.59 am
What about Joseph Smith? Isn’t he our messiah? :O
taimoor 2010-05-14 / 5.47 pm
@justin, do you think that only the muslims make threats?? what about all the other people of other religions??!!
taimoor 2010-05-14 / 5.49 pm
@ Justin, do you think that only Muslims make death threats?what about all the other previous (non muslims) comment??!
nigger 2010-05-19 / 4.05 pm
nigger nigger nigger nigger
jeff 2010-05-19 / 4.08 pm
wow dude. you’re totally right. you’ve opened my eyes in a way no one else could
saja 2010-05-19 / 7.52 pm
im a muslim , and christan is very poor
reiligion .allah has true muhammad is also true. were is your god? do you no? your god is also a man so funny god story hehehehehehe. I no were is my god ISLAM IS THE BEST REILIGION
FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU 2010-05-20 / 5.45 pm
Religion is retarded, especially islam. We got waaaay to many muslims in Sweden.. Lars Vilks FTW!
FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU 2010-05-20 / 5.45 pm
Religion is retarded, especially islam. We got waaaay to many muslims in Sweden.. Lars Vilks FTW!
Max Edison 2010-05-21 / 8.32 am
It is morally wrong to teach religion. It should be outlawed in every corner of the globe. People who believe in any “god” should have their heads examined. Religion is a disease, and a scourge upon human progress. No one with a significant intellect could possibly believe that humans are anything more than a type of animal that gained the ability to write and speak to communicate ideas. It is that ability that eventually led some to realize that with paper and the spoken word, large groups of people can be manipulated. Thus the birth of religion, in all its bullshit, lies, fear-mongering, and spiritual oppression. That’s all it is. Sorry to break it to you nutbag god-heads.
J Locke 2010-05-21 / 12.05 pm
Actually, Max Edison, Religion has defined most peoples morals, likely even yours if only indirectly so to suggest it is morally wrong makes no sense. And religion isn’t about brainwashing, that is called occultism. Religion is a belief defined after years of learning and self reflection, and a man much smarter than us once said, an unexamined life is not worth living.
Block Sites | 2010-05-22 / 4.46 pm
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Jesus are Mother Fucker 2010-05-28 / 12.45 pm
All the jesus are the mother fucker.U got die will soon u see ur blood in every where ur.and this create a cartoon will cut every part just wait and wtch.We the muslims brother are strong and ready for fight for the islam our every brearth devoted to islam.
David 2010-06-01 / 3.22 pm
Mohammad, & Jusus both r mother FUCKER bastards.
All Moslems & Christians r mother FUCKER bastards.
u all go to fire of HELL
usep 2010-06-08 / 6.24 pm
jesus you fucked
usep 2010-06-08 / 6.25 pm
Ezikel 2010-06-30 / 11.49 pm
Mohamet was a Bastard, Pedophile, gay,
& a big ass-hole
& all muslims r also Bastards, Pedophile, gay,
& a big ass-hole
poop 2010-09-13 / 3.29 pm
j locke your an idiot man how have you learned that there is a god? from someone telling you then you just believe what they say. thats called being brainwashed. what proof do you have that there is a god? and didnt jesus say not to worship him? you say your not brainwashed. but obviously you are.
Keepinitreal 2010-09-17 / 10.17 am
Årh just shut the f-u-ck up all of you!!! None of you are better than the other, especially you Katheran!!! LOOK WHAT RELIGION HAVE LED TO!!!! 9/11 – The killing of hundreds of women by the christians under the accusition of them being Witches – The slaughter of jews during the 2 world war. Come on, get real, and do something to help the world, not trying to spreading your own religion. Religion is shit.
WTF 2010-09-22 / 11.10 am
Jesus is not God because he is not Allah. can’t you guys get it? Allah is the God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them all) Jesus was sent here to convey the religion but instead people worshipped him that’s why he sent Mohammad..
Can’t you ever get it?
1. [0 Muhammad,] say that Allah is One without a partner to Him in the Self or attributes, and the One Who is indivisible (because He is not a body.)
2. All creations need Allah and He does not need any of, them. He is the One to Whom all resort in all types of adversities. He does not benefit from His creations and does not ward any harm off Himself by them.
3. Nothing was born out of Him; so no one inherits Him. He was not born; so no one shares property with Him. He is not the origin of anything and He did not originate from anything.
4. He has no equal in any way.
WTF 2010-09-22 / 11.15 am
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only! Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.
J Locke 2010-09-23 / 6.41 am
Firstly, poop, religion is based on faith. We know there is a god as well as we know what occurred prior to the big bang. It doesn’t matter that we can’t see a god, we believe a god exists because of existence itself. Take a look at Aquinas 5 proofs which explain the reasoning behind the existence of an omnipotent being.
Secondly,keepinitreal, the murder of jews during wwii was an attempt at eugenics and had nothing to do with religion. Also, religions define most of the morals we hold today. Things like extremism spawn from a selfish misinterpretation of texts and cultures of violence. For instance, in Deuteronomy it is said that adultery is cause for execution. Why? Because this is what god demands? No, its just that at the time and place this particular portion of the bible was written execution for such crimes were commonplace. Laws were harder to enforce therefore punishment must be greater so to scare people into obeying them.
J Locke 2010-09-23 / 6.50 am
As well, i’d like to stress, i do not condone forcing your beliefs or brainwashing. I think forcing your children into a religion is a terrible thing. I may hold religious beliefs but I also believe in education, not ignorance. When I have children i intend to expose them to all ideologies and religions and, hopefully my moral guidance will help them establish a belief system that is right for them.
anonymous 2010-09-25 / 2.53 am