
Inside Acer Aspire 1363WLMi

autor - cnainee / 30. 9. 2006

Month ago I came home get my Acer Aspire 1363WLMi laptop out of bag and heard a sound like if screw is moving inside. Ok, no free screws inside my baby. I dissasembled the laptop, took the picture of the disaster (click on the picture for full size), found the place where screw was missing and assembled it back. Finally, there was one screw missing of course :)


If you are thinking about upgrading the memory (Windows Vista should be a good reason) it is useful to know parameters of installed modules. The ones in my laptop were DDR 333MHz with CL2.5.



  1. Dipesh 4. 3. 2007 / 14.58

    i am thinking of taking my laptop apart to have a look at headphone connection (green). will taking all the screws from the bottom be enough or do i need to take the keyboard out to get to any screws.

    Your help would be appreciated.


  2. cnainee 7. 4. 2007 / 9.47


    I am not sure if you had to remove keyboard too, but I guess so. The most hidden screws were around the LCD display. You have to remove (just slide to right/left, with enough force) the slim black plastic parts near the display and you will get to screws that holds it.

    …sorry for the late answer…

  3. joe 1. 6. 2007 / 4.45


    Thanks for this page. I am owner of acer aspire 1363wlmi and my question is if there is some way to put the bluetooth inside the laptop? u know what I mean there is a buton on the laptop next to wifi buton but there is not bluetooth inside . I am using the one via USB port but I think this would be better.

    thanks for any answer


  4. joe 7. 12. 2007 / 3.13


    I did ask about that bluetooth for aspire 1363 wlmi. Any idea how to get it inside?

    thanks a lot

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