Jimbo Project: Handwriting recognition using an Artificial Neural Network

This work deals with recognition of isolated hand-written characters using an artifical neural network. The characters are written on a regular sheet of paper using a special pen that produces biometric signals which are after analized by a computer. In this document we describe our research and tests on different MLP and RBF network architecture trying to find a solution and compare it to the current based on K-means.
Download: Jimbo Project: Handwriting recognition using an ANN.pdf

Bohužel, komentáře nejsou nyní povoleny.
Dr.laheeb M. Alzoubaidy 20. 2. 2006 / 18.19
pleas i need this topic because i needed in my researches can you help me
Dr.laheeb M. Alzoubaidy 20. 2. 2006 / 18.22
i am Dr. laheeb want to compelete my research in this topic
ashutosh 7. 3. 2006 / 7.51
I am ashutosh, a student and i am interested in learning the possibility of handwriting recognition using ANN with xlminer.please please help and guide me.
Sorina 16. 3. 2006 / 8.07
I’a a student in my last year of university and I’m my final Paper is about handwriting recognition with the help of neural networks. Do you think you can help me , with more information about this domain.
malyfred 16. 3. 2006 / 13.41
Sorina&ALL:: Well, I am just working on my master’s theis on the same topic so if you have some specific questions you can ask me, but I am not an expert… yet:)
mangai 17. 3. 2006 / 6.55
please explain details in project
malyfred 17. 3. 2006 / 19.06
mangai:: What exactly do you want to know? The paper explains how the features were extracted, and what kind of networks (and their designs) we used.
We used JNNS for testing.
farhad 12. 4. 2006 / 12.00
i would like to ask if thre is some code related to ANN handwritting recognition in which i can use them in the matlab 7.many thanks
malyfred 12. 4. 2006 / 14.06
farhad:: As mentioned above, we’ve used JNNS so… no Matlab code is here:(
JOE NISHANTH 26. 7. 2006 / 15.40
Hai sir,
I am Joe doing my final year in engg.I would like to do the project in biometrics usnig ANN.So I need all the informations about this topic.Help me please….
shikhar singh 14. 11. 2006 / 19.37
heloo sir
i m in final year of enrr(cse). i would like to do project in neural network using matlab.so i need informations about this topic so plz help me
Pedro Navarro 5. 12. 2006 / 5.05
I really enjoyed reading through your thesis, even tho i have to finish an assignment very soon, and need to do a lot.
I think the way you explained the process was really good and helpful.
Bests of lucks for your thesis, and thanks for some useful information.
Seyi 26. 4. 2007 / 12.14
hi. i’m in final yr in systems engineering and i’m doing a project on Handwriting recognition and conversion to speech. be grateful if you can send me information
thanks a lot
jonithun 5. 5. 2007 / 19.19
I need a MATLAB programme for hand writing character recongniion by nearul network
plese i need it for avery important thing
Sunda 6. 6. 2007 / 6.01
I need a MATLAB programme for hand writing character recongniion by nearul network
Plz send me
sughosh 10. 7. 2007 / 10.51
i require new project based on matlab& neural network.
i also want new version of matlab to download.
srini 2. 8. 2007 / 15.36
sir i want to know lot about the topic to do it in matlab….. wil u help me ..
resham 18. 8. 2007 / 6.44
this is a worst project i have ever seen.please i request youll not to keep such projects on net and give wrong information to students.please improve upon it.its high time
Resham Naik,pcce 18. 8. 2007 / 6.49
this is a worst project i have ever seen.please i request youll not to keep such projects on net and give wrong information to students.please improve upon it.its high time
Nas 1. 9. 2007 / 13.33
Hi, I need a complete code of matlab for reconition hand writing of 7,8 and 9(Data for training set I can get from a file). please send to my Emai nike20n@yahoo.com
Nas 1. 9. 2007 / 13.37
I you have seen any Code about Artificial Cognition on Matlab or Java Please let me know, THX, Email nike20n@yahoo.com
toptri 5. 10. 2007 / 13.37
Can u help me with the code in Matlab? Thanks
my email: dinhtrictqh@yahoo.com
joe 11. 10. 2007 / 19.45
can u please give me some concepts and codings in matlab for the project face recognition……..thank you
mahesh.m 11. 10. 2007 / 23.48
hi thiz is mahesh..i am doing project on thiz..i am thankful to u if send me the projrct details and mat lab code for thiz…
manoj 12. 10. 2007 / 11.36
I am implementing neural in microcontroller.
Mohammad 18. 11. 2007 / 11.54
please send me handwriting recognations matlab source code.
thank you very much. god by
Agung Triayudi 21. 11. 2007 / 18.01
please send me handwriting recognition matlab source code n visual c++ source code.thanks before
Arief Sukmawan 3. 12. 2007 / 17.08
please send me matlab source code for prepositioning and segmentate characters in ocr.
thanks before
abhilasha 6. 12. 2007 / 12.58
I need training data set to train a neural network(back propagation algorithm).Its better if data is related to bioinfomatics(like skin cancer,glaucoma,ect..) otherwise any data set would do.
please help me.
mamta 7. 12. 2007 / 7.50
hello sir
i am working on similar project please forward me matalb code ond recognition details as i am not perfect and expert in it
ram 7. 12. 2007 / 8.24
hi there, i was in search of kinda similar project in matlab can plz help me regarding this…hope u reply me
Thank you
benz 18. 12. 2007 / 11.13
i want to know more about this topic for my project.
benz 18. 12. 2007 / 11.15
please help me out on this project,i want to see more projects similar to this project…reply me must iam thankfull on it…
nicole 30. 12. 2007 / 21.22
hi there,
i’m doing a similar project in matlab, but using audio visual information. would appreciate some input from you regarding this. need the concept urgently, if possible a backbone for the matlab codes. thanks!
Deepanker 8. 1. 2008 / 17.57
i aM A PROJECT ON “Artificial Neural Networks in Handwriting Recognition”
Deepanker, NEW DELHI, INDIA.
rajesh 14. 2. 2008 / 12.26
Hi friends actually i am very interested to know the how character recognised by using the neural networks concepts.I am new ANN so plz send the overview/intro about this one.
plz help me
yash goel 23. 2. 2008 / 20.06
i need the source code in c++ language or in matlab of handwritten hindi character recognition using multilayer perceptron (neural network). i need it within 5 days.
if anyone has this code, i request to u to send me.
meha 14. 3. 2008 / 12.33
hello sir, actually my thesis topic in mtech is the same so i need programming details and matlab code for it please send if u have it.
negar 23. 3. 2008 / 20.20
I’a a student in my last year of university and I’m my final Paper is about handwriting recognition with the help of neural networks. Do you think you can help me , with more information about this domain.
sameen 28. 3. 2008 / 17.36
I need a project that is based on neural networks using any program ( matlab, c++, prolog, n etc).
If you could be of any help i will be very grateful. please.
I’m on a dead line with my projects date. I know I’ve said on such a short notice but a project on neural networks is hard to find which has not been uploaded on the internet. Kindly help me in this regard please.
I will be waiting for your response.
please send it to sameenhkhan@hotmail.com
Dayashankar singh 22. 4. 2008 / 5.01
I am working on thesis titled ” Handwritten Hindi character recognition using gradient feature extraction” Pls send me Matlab code for the same especially how to compute gradients of various features such as curve, circle, semicircle etc.
Dayashankar singh 22. 4. 2008 / 5.55
Respected Sir
I am doing masters for which I need Matlab code for Handwritten Hindi Character recognition using multilayer perceptron . I am on adeadline with my thesis work date. Pls. help mein this regard .
I will be waiting for your response.
Pls send it to dss_mec@yahoo.co.in
Shweta 23. 4. 2008 / 19.20
Hello Sir,
I am a computer science student and doing project for handwritten character recognition. Plz send me the code of Backpropagation algorithm in java for recognising handwritten and scanned characters…I need it urgent Sir…
Aloke Kumar Das 26. 4. 2008 / 17.26
Hello Sir,
I am a computer science student and doing the project for handwriteen charater recognition. Plz send me the cod of handwritten charater recognition in java or matlab ….i have to submit it immediately..so its urgent
Please send the code to aloke2008@gmail.com or aloke1985@yahoo.co.in
hello 26. 4. 2008 / 18.06
What the hell is wrong with all of you?!! Can’t any of you spell? Half of you are graduate students, for God’s sake! You can’t just leave sketchy, incoherent pleas for “guidance” on some random dude’s website and expect them to email you code for your thesis! Jeez.
And if any of you morons asking the author for help knew anything at all about the problem domains you’re asking about, you’d know that these are not trivial tasks! If this is a last-minute thing, and you don’t (apparently) have any grasp of the theoretical foundations involved, then YOU ARE SCREWED. Moreover, what have you been doing all semester, or in your classes, for that matter?
44 posts at this point!
b.n.arathi 1. 5. 2008 / 10.04
i need a simple mini project on fractal geometry or neural networks.
please send me the code to aradvg@yahoo.com
hello 1. 5. 2008 / 10.22
sir i want to replace name b.n.arathi to
arunshyam 22. 6. 2008 / 16.52
I am working in Matlab, on Handwriting recognition methodologies …
Can you please help me in getting the details of code in matlab for the same…
Thanks in Advance…
arunshyam 22. 6. 2008 / 16.53
I am working in Matlab, on Handwriting recognition methodologies …
Can you please help me in getting the details of code in matlab for the same…
Thanks in Advance…
ArunShyam…Pls send me the details to arunshyam@gmail.com
geen mariam 2. 7. 2008 / 8.02
im a student doing character recognisation using neural network project. v r using kohenon algorithm. can u help 2 do the project
P M Riyaz 30. 7. 2008 / 8.21
I am an engineering student. I am on project on pattern recognition using neural networks. Can any body help me . If you have source code please send me.
Neha Lunia 31. 7. 2008 / 10.54
I m intrested in this project and I m doing research in this. So, please guide me and provide the coding and documentation of this project. If possible provide the coding on VB.net
Thank u
Sara 1. 8. 2008 / 3.24
plz could u send me the coding of OCR in matlab or in C on ma email…. imginative@gmail.com
i shall be thankfull to you.
regards !
Shiv 11. 8. 2008 / 11.05
I am doing a project on online handwritten character recognition .So can i get some help from your site regarding the Neural network if possible please mail me .
thank you.
sumontra 12. 8. 2008 / 16.28
hello sir,
im a student doing my final year comp sc.engg.
i already got a industry based project for the mega one..i was just thinking if could do some compact and useful application based on artificial neural network for my mini project..if you could suggest something please….!
Thank you.
rishi 23. 8. 2008 / 11.18
i need codes on hand written character recognition and gerneration please help me
anipriya 27. 8. 2008 / 4.45
sir, i am an IT student.I want to do a project in ” to maintain a record of n students by using a code without using pen and paper”.please send me the code for this to ani.priya2@gmail.com.I really need it urgently.
shalini 30. 8. 2008 / 19.01
I am an engineering student i want do do the project on handwriting recogntion. i would be gratefull if u could
send me the details of the project.
thank you
Deepu 12. 10. 2008 / 16.44
hello sir…
i m doing my engineering project on handwritten recognization. plz send me the details and the code for the same…..
waiting for u r reply.
sundar 14. 10. 2008 / 18.45
i am doing a project on printed character recognition. kindly send me the matlab code of your project at the following id at the earliest..sundar001@gmail.com
Indra 17. 10. 2008 / 16.36
Am a research scholar doing raeching in handwritten recognition and distortion
Am very much interested in knowing handwritten recognition and distortion. Pls send me any related coding in java. This is will be great help to continue my reasearch
Reva 23. 10. 2008 / 9.29
HEllO sir,
This is Reva…….I am doing my final year project in this one…….pls send the code and documents…which is very helpful to me………..
Thanks & Regards,
dta 6. 11. 2008 / 8.14
im doing my final year project about “Handwritten Recognition using Neural Network”
if u dont mind, please send me some literature about the topic in matlab and c#
to my email
i appreciate it so much sir, thanks
best regards,
horace 10. 11. 2008 / 14.52
am also doing the same project(Handwritten Recognition using Neural Network).if anyone has the code please send it to my email
this will be greatly appreciated
dewi 24. 12. 2008 / 5.42
I am a student. I am interested in Handwritten Recognition using NN. Could you help me, with more information about this area? I need also source code in Matlab…
Thanks you very much for your attention.
Dian 14. 1. 2009 / 16.55
hellooo everybody ^_^
I really need your help to give me the information of handwritten recognition using backpropagation ANN and also its source code in MATLAB.
if anyone has the info and code please send it to my email
Thx for your kind attention.
procyon 16. 1. 2009 / 11.56
Hi !! I am an engineering student and i am taking neural networks course.This handwritten recognition is our project and i need the matlab code . Will anyone send me the code i really need it .
amutha 24. 1. 2009 / 6.04
hi sir,
I am final year engineering student,i doing neural network for recognition of handwritten character and digits. so i need more advanced details about that…
plz help me.
veerendra 27. 1. 2009 / 15.17
Sir,i am engineering student,doing project in character recognition using neural networks. sir,i need java code for this so pls send it to my mail
MythiliMani 29. 1. 2009 / 6.46
hai sir… its me Mythili..,doing project in “DYNAMIC CHARACTER AND PATTERN RECOGNITION USING NEURAL NETWORKS” IN VB.Net.so i need to know more about this project and also source code for this project…
If anyone has the information about this proj plzz send it to my mail id (mythlimani@yahoo.co.in)….
thanks for ur attention friends..
sunil 6. 2. 2009 / 12.40
i want code for handwritten char recognition using winner take all network of artificeal neural network
vishal 7. 2. 2009 / 8.24
sir,I urgently required code of character recognition using ANN in java. so kindly reply with the code.
ripal patel 19. 2. 2009 / 8.51
hello i am working on nueral network base textural classification please send me your code so i can take refrence ofr it coz now my work is done just i have to implement it using matlab so i really need it.
thank you
rahul 20. 2. 2009 / 10.43
can u give me any project code in matlab based on neural network
visish 5. 3. 2009 / 12.14
can u please send me the code of this project in java or matlab
visish 5. 3. 2009 / 12.15
can u plz send me the code of this project in java or matlab
visish 5. 3. 2009 / 12.16
plz send me the code of this project in java to sruthipdeep@gmail.com
Sneha 11. 4. 2009 / 19.01
I m final year student and doing project on “OCR using ANN” so can u plz send me the code for feature extraction i.e. finding parabolic curves steps………
Arun 13. 4. 2009 / 8.21
i am doing a project on hand written character recognition using BPA and RBF. kindly arrange me the matlab code for this project at the following id at the earliest..arun019@rediffmail.com
sowmya 22. 4. 2009 / 6.56
can u plz send me the code for handwritten charecter recognization usins c#, matlab.
bipin 22. 4. 2009 / 21.16
hello sir
i need a complete code for “handwritten character recognition using neural networks”.
i will b vry thankfull 2 u
bipin 22. 4. 2009 / 21.18
hello sir
i need a complete code for “handwritten character recognition using neural networks”.
i will b vry thankfull 2 u ,plz send it 2 curly_bips@yahoo.co.in
keti 28. 4. 2009 / 13.46
i m working on ocr and i need a complete code of “handwritten character recognition using neural networks” in matlab
if u sent it to me i wll be very thnakful 2 u
plz send it on meetketi@yahoo.co.in
Akhil 18. 5. 2009 / 15.19
hi…i’m very much interested in this field..and wuld like 2 hav a small workin model of this project…can u mail dat 2 me at wizardakhil@gmail.com
requset code(matlab) 27. 5. 2009 / 7.52
Hi, please,I need a complete code of matlab for reconition hand writing of 7,8 and 9(Data for training set I can get from a file). please send to my Emai
requset code(matlab) 27. 5. 2009 / 8.01
Hi, please,I need a complete code of matlab for recognition hand writing of 7,8 and 9(Data for training set I can get from a file). please send to my Email
soumya 28. 5. 2009 / 20.08
hello, myself doing project on “Handwritten character recognition using multiscale training technique” i kindly request you to send the me the complete code based on above topic which can be implemented using Matlab. thanking you.
Divid 3. 7. 2009 / 21.50
Hello, I’am doing project on “Handwritten character recognition ” kindly ,could you send me the complete code based on above topic.
Thanks a lot
LawCK 16. 7. 2009 / 8.01
I am working a handwriting recognition project WHICH need Matlab or C++ source code for reference. Anyone can help?
Hegade milind 18. 7. 2009 / 10.22
sir…….i want to do somthing new in that project…….sudjest me….
anjali singh 31. 7. 2009 / 9.02
hello sir,
i m a student of M.Sc. forensic science from Amity university & i wanna know abt upcomming project on the topic of handwriting plzz suggest me plz
Murali 1. 8. 2009 / 5.35
Greetings Sir. I am apparently making a thesis on “A Special Hybrid of a Keyboard and a Tablet” and I probably do require the code for Handwriting Recognition in java. Many thanks and well wishes and congratulations on the unprecedented work above which is very educational and informative simultaneously.Cheers.
CK LAW 5. 8. 2009 / 10.42
Need HeLP,
Request someone can giving reference on handwriting recognition project which use C++ or matlab and can download to FPGA board.
henna 15. 8. 2009 / 19.06
iam a final yr(cse) have selected neural network for handwriting detection using brain net topic as final yr project. so plz help me giving coding & ideas regarding this topic. i want to do this project using VB.Net technology.. so plz help
Pratap 17. 8. 2009 / 10.54
I am working on Mtech project on hadnwritten recognition using ANN in Matlab. Please send if you details related to it and matlab code to run it.
cinko 6. 9. 2009 / 15.42
i need a code for Flow Regime Classification Using Artificial Neural Network
Trained on Electrical Capacitance Tomography Sensor Data
Ketan 9. 9. 2009 / 10.04
I need a project that is based on neural networks named “Handwritten Character Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network” using VB.Net or Java.
If you could be of any help or if you have project with code then please send me, i will be very grateful. please.
I’m on a dead line with my projects date. I know I’ve said on such a short notice but a project on neural networks is hard to find which has not been uploaded on the internet. Kindly help me in this regard please.
Thank you!
I will be waiting for your response.
please send it to my email address.
srinu.g 9. 9. 2009 / 11.38
hi,iam srinu
i need a project that is based on neural network named “continiouse word speech recognition using Artificial neural network.java,c,c++,matalabe
moonheart 16. 9. 2009 / 23.43
plz i need source code for handwritting recognition ….. if u can help me this is my mail i_love_rain_87@yahoo.com
and i wanna ask if i can do this work in C# language …. thx alot
Rinku 6. 10. 2009 / 16.22
Hello Sir,
I want to developed project on Character Recognision and Geometrical shapes recognision using neural networks .
Please Help me by providing code.
Thank You.
soumya 8. 11. 2009 / 7.29
hi.. i doing project on handwritten character recognitio using multiscale neural network training.. would you send a report material.. kindly do the needfull..
Hemanth kumar K.S 13. 11. 2009 / 7.31
pls send the MATLAB code for handwriting recognition using artificial neural network
Siva Kumar 24. 11. 2009 / 23.48
Hello all,
If someone working on the hand writing recognition project, could you please help me?????
Rashmi Shakya 21. 12. 2009 / 19.55
I am the student of MTech. I am doing work on OCR handwritten project on Matlab & neural n/w. so, plz send me code on matlab
nidhi yadav 23. 12. 2009 / 8.30
i m doing etc eng i want code for handwritten digit recognition using neural network plz as soon as possible
esam 15. 1. 2010 / 2.58
hello there
i am a final year student am doing the same thing hope u can help
kevin 25. 1. 2010 / 12.19
hi, im now doing the same project and im stuck n need some reference. hope u can help.
i need your source code, hope you could send to me at uselessdragon@hotmail.com
su 27. 1. 2010 / 11.09
hi, i’m doing my final year project using neural network and matlab. I have to predict an equation using mlp backpropagation and rbf network. In my project, i use demi span as input and the output is height. I really need the source code for my project.I have search everywhere but still did not find source code for dynamic neural network. hope u can help me asap. please kindly email me tokime_ee@yahoo.com..tq
divine87 3. 2. 2010 / 17.53
i am kinda interested in your topic. i am also in my final year and need to do image tp text conversion in mobile phone using java., hope you could help me with this. you can just send me a copy of your code at divine.gracia@yahoo.com.,
thanks you so much., :)
bharath 11. 2. 2010 / 15.46
hello sir, i am working on this project(hand written character recognization ) i want the code of this project in C# so please help me out…and i want the documentation of this project please help me by providing code and documentation.
bharath 11. 2. 2010 / 15.47
hello sir, i am working on this project(hand written character recognization ) i want the code of this project in C# so please help me out…and i want the documentation of this project please help me by providing code and documentation.sudheer.rockzzz@gmail.com
bharath 11. 2. 2010 / 15.48
hello sir, i am working on this project(hand written character recognization ) i want the code of this project in C# so please help me out…and i want the documentation of this project please help me by providing code and documentation. sudheer.rockzzz@gmail.com
mohammed alwjeeh 13. 2. 2010 / 11.41
thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks you !!!1
su 18. 2. 2010 / 5.27
i’m working with neural network using matlab. i have to predict an equation. i use continuous input and need to produce continuous output. But, i have problems here. how can i have continuous output because the neural network that i have learned before just produce discrete value output such as 0 or 1 only..i don’t know what code i have to write..
please help me..what should i do to have continuous output?? please email me tokime_ee@yahoo.com asap..tq
sagar 23. 2. 2010 / 9.01
i just need a demo of how to write code for Radial basis neural network
no matter for any applicatiion
send me on my email pls
Pajos 26. 2. 2010 / 17.38
Prosimte mam projekt do skoly na rozpoznani cisel pomoci neuronove site a mam na to vyuzit matlab mohl bych to s tebou prokonzultovat?Diky moc
pankaj 13. 3. 2010 / 14.24
plz send me code for this
joshua 21. 3. 2010 / 14.58
dear sir ,
i would be grateful if u email me the complete matlab code for handwriting analysis
joshua 21. 3. 2010 / 14.59
my email id id joshuacool4@gmail.com
A. Roy 1. 4. 2010 / 14.51
I, want to work with character recognition project/ any application using ANN, Please guide how can i strat……….please.
I will wait for a positive reply.
HAHAHAHAH 14. 4. 2010 / 11.33
and you call yourselves graduate students.
pffffft. go home, study and do your OWN god damn homework11!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
you fail lots!
sayab 15. 4. 2010 / 9.02
plz send ppt slides
zain 13. 5. 2010 / 10.41
hi sir
i want to do a project of hand writing recognition in neural networks…can u plz snd me the matlab code of this project…i will b very thankfull…
my email id
James Brael 3. 6. 2010 / 2.14
Could you please send me the MATLAB code. I am very interested in taking on a project like this.
James Brael 3. 6. 2010 / 2.14
Could you please send me the MATLAB code. I am very interested in taking on a project like this.
My email is caglarozdag -at- hotmail -dot- com
sarah 5. 6. 2010 / 18.09
im a final yr student and im intersted in ur this project..plz send me its matlab or c/c++ code.
my email is sarakhnn@yahoo.com
kyari 10. 6. 2010 / 16.47
am a final year student writing my project on optical character recognition using neural network with matlab please help me with the code
roopal 22. 6. 2010 / 20.37
please give all details regarding this project with code.
Sneha Pahade 6. 7. 2010 / 5.48
Hello sir,
I am a doing master in engg.Wish to do research in Handwritten numeral Recognition. I will be thankful to you if I could get some details of this project for my reference. And also I had a query if I could do d same project in language other than Matlab
subashree 22. 7. 2010 / 18.12
hello sir,
im dng my final year B.E in eee. im r interested in doing my final year project n neural networks in matlab.kindly suggest me some topics.my mail id is sweeti022@gmail.com
Sandip 24. 7. 2010 / 10.34
Can I have the code of handwriting recognition, I will be doing it as my final year project.
Sam 28. 7. 2010 / 4.37
As I am working in the related field . Please send me the code . I need it. mail id : bisw2010@gmail.com
nysha 30. 7. 2010 / 14.57
hi sir,
I am final year engineering student,i have to do a system for recognition of handwritten character and digits using matlab. so i need more advanced details about that…
plz help me.
ayush 8. 8. 2010 / 19.22
i need matlab code on hand recognition
plz help
anjaney 5. 9. 2010 / 7.33
sir, i want a source code in java or c# for optical character recognition and hand writing
vinayak 8. 9. 2010 / 7.51
hey can u help on text or handwriting recognition using techniques in speech signal processing to vinnu.su@gmail.com
all 22. 9. 2010 / 8.20
well guys look like tis forum is closed