Character Map
Try to type all these characters on your keyboard:
Not easy, right?:) You obviously need new Character Map plugin in your WordPress if you want to use these weird characters in your posts.
After the simplest possible installation (unpack and activate it) – you get the "Character Map" button in the Quicktags area:

New window is opened when you click on this button and the whole new world of never seen characters is waiting for you.

Select the subset in the menu on the left side or turn it off by clicking on the name of the subset (in the menu or above the characters). Enlarged version of character is shown in the top left corner when you put the cursor over the character. Then you have to just click once and selected character is copied to the post text area.
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IImage Browser | skriker 2005-07-09 / 1.28 am
Trackback: IImage Browser
DarkStar 2005-07-10 / 1.26 pm
Useful. I will use it on my weblog. Thank you!
chels 2005-07-16 / 12.01 pm
how do you get an upside down excalmation mark? i’ve been trying for ages but i just can’t figure it out! please help!
yours thankfully
sophie (angry) 2005-07-17 / 6.49 pm
absolutely useful take this page of the net i wanted something to go on my msn im very dissapointing im telling every 1 not to come on yuh lik! absolutely useful thanks burr no thanks :@:@
inforedesign » Blog Archive » стартовый набор начинающего wordpress-блоггера 2005-07-20 / 10.13 am
[…] ки/вставки изображений в посты (спасибо Стрелку) Character Map — – таблица практически всех сим […]
malyfred 2005-07-26 / 8.25 pm
>chels And other characters work fine?
Scott Allan Wallick 2005-08-01 / 8.44 pm
I’ve loaded the plugin into WordPress and activated it; however, when I click on the icon in the “Write” screen, nothing happens.
Have I offended the WordPress gods?
Leanne Thorne 2005-08-03 / 7.42 pm
this is a pretty damn good thing to use it helps me out alot thanks for telling me about character map!! i found this out from a friend i recamand you get character Map NOW!!
..olivia; 2005-08-09 / 9.44 pm
hey ur site helped me alot! my MSN name looks really kool now. thanks alot again!
malyfred 2005-08-10 / 12.06 am
>Scott Allan Wallick Old problem that is same for IImage Browser plugin and I still don’t know the right solution:( For more details try: IImage Browser
keisha 2005-08-10 / 8.39 pm
» i love me my 2005-08-13 / 4.05 am
[…] installation? Two clicks and you’re done. Here’s what’s been added: Character map Event Calendar PhotoPress/li> Gravatar WP Amazon Fellow WP users I ask you, […]
buggs 2005-08-14 / 3.51 am
When I try to unzip it I get “compressed file invalid or corrupted.” Can you advise or e-mail t to me, please?
“Tindómierel sindaroniello…” » Blog Archive » Plugins imprescindibles para wordpress 2005-08-14 / 9.17 pm
[…] lank” title=”Abrir en una ventana nueva”> Character Map Version: 0.1 Plugin url: […]──────█████████═════█ 2005-08-25 / 6.22 am
nice -_- but you forgot the boldest characters █ ▓ and the triangles ►
[::..█─── -_- Artist with .4 -_- ───█ ..::]
loscive » image browger 2005-08-26 / 6.31 am
Theo Richel 2005-09-02 / 11.52 am
Nice work, and I am certainly going to use it. I find the text-cursor in the selection area unpleasant though and would also prefer that the character sets were not placed below each other, but in place of each other. Those are minor points of course.
Some characters show up in your list, but give squares in my WP-box, for instance the character A on the ninth line/block of chars (below the different W’s that DO show up in WP) is displayed as an empty square. Can I do anything about that?
malyfred 2005-09-02 / 10.35 pm
Theo Richel> Text-cursor is fixed. Re-download it again.
Squares instead of characters are shown because the font that you use in your browser or that is defined in the WP style doesn’t contain that character… I cannot affect this.
Character sets one below the other are for those who want to work with more sets at the same time…
malyfred 2005-09-02 / 11.06 pm> █▓► have been added.──────█████████═════█ 2005-09-04 / 2.57 am
this characters are also possible
A)as wildcard* subdomains
(exception:──────█████████═════█ 2005-09-04 / 3.01 am
sorry a bracket in the text
(exception: Ie´s without IDN support)
B)as subdomains in browsers with IDN support
Theo Richel 2005-09-05 / 11.32 am
Thanks for the quick reaction, but I uploaded your new versions with the improved cursor (which I could check), but whenever I try to open WP now I get the message
‘Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/virtual/site407/fst/var/www/html/idealist/wp-content/plugins/character-map.php:1) in /home/virtual/site407/fst/var/www/html/idealist/wp-admin/admin.php on line 10’
I have checked the WP support forums and according to their suggestions there is an error in your line 1, but that one looks perfectly allright to me. Switching the plugin off is a solution, but not the solution I am looking for ;-). Any ideas?
malyfred 2005-09-05 / 12.47 pm
Theo Richel> Do you use UTF-8 encoding on your web?
You can try to open character-map.php and re-save it in some UTF compliant editor. But don’t do that in Notepad! UTF has optional two bytes at the begining and you have to avoid to have them there and notepad adds these two bytes always to the file.
Theo Richel 2005-09-05 / 1.37 pm
Yes my web uses UTF-8 encoding. My problems appeared before I opened character-map.php. I edit my php-files with Frontpage 2003 (set to UTF-8). I tried what you said, but there is no improvement.
malyfred 2005-09-05 / 7.20 pm
Theo Richel> Ok… re-download it again:) and be sure you don’t download it from the cache of you browser
Theo Richel 2005-09-06 / 10.26 am
I have deleted my temporary internet files, downloaded the CM-plugin, deleted the old CM from my site, unzipped and uploaded and activated the new version.
The quicktag is there, the error message is not displayed anymore, but I cannot use it since clicking the CM quicktag has no effect whatsoever. Nothing happens. Logging in and out makes no difference
Theo Richel 2005-09-06 / 10.33 am
Oeps, disregard my latest complaint. The CM-window was hidden behind another window. Everything functions as should. Thanks.
wordpress plugs at P.C.P.A. Blog 2005-10-05 / 10.20 pm
[…] Character Map – Плагин добавляет таблицу спецсимволов, для их вставки в посты. […]
Skate fate! » Blog Archive » IImage Browser | skriker 2005-10-14 / 12.42 pm
[…] skriker […]
Archivist | skriker 2005-11-02 / 9.24 pm
[…] Character Map […]
Alexis 2005-11-07 / 3.25 am
heya!i was just wondering if like you don’t have all the letters that you want how do you add more…liek they have the funky backwards letter R and all that but i don’t have that so can you email me and tell me!??thanks!
malyfred 2005-11-07 / 6.09 pm
Alexis> Just open
in UTF-8 compliant editor and add:$f['@'] = '';
wher @ represent the character you want to add. There are several subsets so add it to one of them or add your own subset.
Croila 2005-11-25 / 12.07 am
Hello, I couldn’t get the Character Map button in the “write post” area in WordPress to do anything either. I tried it in both IE and Firefox, and absolutely nothing whatsoever happens when I click on it. I would love to be able to use character map as it’s such a good idea, but any advice would be very gratefully received!
Kind regards,
malyfred 2005-11-25 / 12.27 am
Croils> It’s probably collison with some other plugin. Try IIB page and Comment #456 because IIB and CM (and many others) share the same code for quicktags button.
Jennifer 2005-11-25 / 9.19 pm
I’m having trouble that was mentioned by a previous poster, but I also found out something interesting, if it wasn’t mentioned or you don’t know: Nothing happens when I click on the button in “Write Post.” However, when I click on the button in “Write Page,” the popup window comes up fine. On my “Write Post” page, the buttons carry over to a second line, because I’ve added extra buttons. Could that be the problem? Is there a way to correct that?
Also, I don’t think it’s a problem, but I edited line 1102 (according to my Editpad program; I can’t remember if that’s accurate as with other programs), where it says this:“../wp-content/plugins/character-map.php”, “charactermap”, “width=600,height=600,scrollbars=yes”);
I put character-map.php in a folder, called “character-map,” so I added that folder name after plugins/.
malyfred 2005-11-26 / 1.53 am
Jennifer> I guess that the Comment #34 could be the answer for you as well. It depends on the way how you have added the additional buttons.
Jennifer 2005-11-26 / 2.17 am
Ok, I tested out deleting the plugin I used that added a button (the one I added myself is done correctly, and poses no problem). It worked! The plugin I used (footnotes) isn’t necessary to me, and I might contact the author just to let him or her know, but I just want to let you know that’s what the problem was. Thanks!
peter 2005-12-17 / 5.30 am
hhgrtfd 2005-12-23 / 10.06 pm
not much help ! i need more help you comfused me forther
IImage Gallery | skriker 2005-12-27 / 6.01 pm
[…] Character Map […]
Frank 2006-01-11 / 11.12 am
Tried to d/l this file and got a corupt error msg from WinZip — I would like to try it out – can you help
carlo 2006-01-18 / 3.52 pm
i dony know
pyro (confukkled) 2006-01-23 / 8.09 am
umm what windows version do u need to run this character map as i have windows xp proffesional and it will not work for me :S im confused can some one plz help me thanks :)fromur fiendly neighbourhood pyromanic x-pyro-x (A)
pyro (even more confukkled) 2006-01-23 / 8.15 am
it would help if i could spell but u get my drift right? nothin has never not worked for me and this has blanked me completely sorry for writing again but i had to explain the silly spelling mistakes
from ur*
and the A in the brackets is supposed to be an angel :) if u have answers plz email me on or
thank you very much and i hope to hear from u :D
malyfred 2006-01-23 / 3.53 pm
pyro:: This plugin for WordPress CMS doesn’t depend on the OS version or whatever. It should work everywhere.
veronique m. 2006-02-16 / 8.37 pm
sorry to bother, but
would you happen to know why i’m getting this fatal error message :
Call to undefined function: add_filter() in wp-content/plugins/character-map.php on line 1070,
well, many thanks
malyfred 2006-02-17 / 7.06 pm
veronique m.:: Yes, automatic detection of “stand-alone” mode doesn’t work properly at your server…
Download the version 0.2 which has been improved in this detection.
veronique m. 2006-02-17 / 9.28 pm
OK, thanks for your answer. thanks for the plugin as well, that looks great, and though i probably won’t be able to use it : my server does stand the 0.2 version.
SuMu 2006-02-25 / 3.32 pm
i got a bad message:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/sumu/public_html/sumu.psychomuell/wp-content/plugins/character-map.php:882) in /home/sumu/public_html/sumu.psychomuell/wp-admin/plugins.php on line 16
I use WP 2.01
Kevin 2006-03-09 / 4.58 am
wow, thanks!
Ăňđřěŵ 2006-03-11 / 1.06 am
u guys are retarded they dont ever check the post
malyfred 2006-03-11 / 2.35 pm
SuMu:: That looks like some misconfiguration of your server because the variable $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] or $_SERVER[‘SCRIPT_URI’] is not set by your server properly.
rhys stuckey 2006-03-22 / 8.33 pm
i wrote u name in da sand but da sea wash it away i wrote u name in me heart and it satys there still
Lisa 2006-05-29 / 1.19 am
omg it’s so useful on messenger x]
michelle 2006-06-17 / 12.32 pm
•˙•˘ZoE †[ LµvS]†JoSh˘•˙• 2006-06-21 / 7.35 pm
i love joshhhhhhh!!!!!!! •˙•˘ZoE †[ LµvS]†JoSh˘•˙•
heather 2006-06-26 / 5.47 pm
sum1 send me character map
Mimi 2006-06-27 / 5.30 pm
Graduation was so sick..i looked nice
kiana 2006-07-11 / 8.51 pm
i need kiana in fancy letters for my msn name oki thankz
tan 2006-08-07 / 8.52 pm
your character map is the best
Andrew 2006-08-26 / 3.24 pm
Hi, can I have some good looking letter C’s (C)
ahmed al swaidi 2006-08-27 / 4.07 pm
i want charecter map
bianca 2006-09-03 / 3.45 am
can u pleaz rite my name bianca!
marcus 2006-09-06 / 10.16 pm
heather 2006-09-12 / 7.47 pm
Heather & Jeremy
kitten 2006-10-15 / 9.51 am
hi, just want to ask if character map is free? Please reply soon as poss. thanks.
kitten XXX
chantelle 2006-10-24 / 10.28 am
can i have a character map please
moty66 2006-10-25 / 2.59 pm
Thank you so much
You helped me to save lot of time :)
keep up good working
moty / italy
Haze 2006-12-01 / 7.05 pm
ok wtf i downloaded it but when i duoble click on the folder it opens and has a file comes up and says “character-map.php” and when i open that….nothing happends gayy
Emma coyle 2006-12-17 / 6.12 pm
***Emma Coyle*** im wuvin mi ee peepz frm dwn da street lyk xox***
kristy 2007-01-15 / 10.50 am
i dont no how to use this fuked up site… i want a k0ol msn name but i dont no how to do it.. this is useless n stupid!:(
maeva 2007-01-25 / 6.26 pm
maeva 2007-01-25 / 6.27 pm
i agree kristy :|
LJ 2007-01-28 / 8.57 pm
my friend has this thing on MSN (her name like) its the word LOVE in a box that is upside down… i was wondering… how do you do this cause i think it wiked…
shannon barnes 2007-01-29 / 10.21 pm
i really need chatacter map
Johan 2007-03-14 / 3.47 am
Thank you for this plugin, I do like it ! Those times I do work to turn my blog from Dotclear 1.2 to WordPress 2.1 and your plugin will be a good help for me to write posts in my native language ;-) ..
But I’ve had to make a very little change in the code to make it fully-WP 2.1 compatible (for example : the ‘Character Map’ button didn’t appear in the editor’s menu bar when editing an existing post) :
For the function callback_charactermap(), I’ve changed the line #1074 to :
if(ereg(“(post-new|post|page-new|page|comment|bookmarklet).php”, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]))
I hope it will help..
GRAEME 2007-03-25 / 2.31 pm
bee bee ( not my reel naME!!) 2007-03-27 / 6.45 pm
i have character maps but when i press copy the letters dont go where i want them to! why?? some1 plz help and give me a tutorial on how to use it coz i’m stuck and need help now!!! thnx =o) (^ _ ^)
Alicea 2007-04-06 / 8.14 pm
Hiyah this hing is boooooooooooooooring man get bent!
Amy 2007-04-14 / 11.38 am
how can you add letters on character map cause i have just been on it and i clicked on copy and add didn’t come up
imparare 2007-04-15 / 7.59 am
Interesting comments.. :D
Felicity 2007-04-30 / 10.39 am
how do i get the trademark symbol and the copyright symbol??
malyfred 2007-05-10 / 11.32 pm
@Felicity have you tried “Letterlike Symbols” and “General Punctuation”?
Thiss-Lil-Chikka 2007-05-13 / 8.55 pm
¿ there is your upside down question mark its acutally a spanish symbol loool
tanz 2007-06-29 / 8.20 pm
does this also work in Invisionfree forums?
Kellie Louise 2007-09-09 / 2.46 am
is there an easyer way to do it like weird maker where you write it in the press enter and it comes up?
emilyy 2007-11-02 / 9.39 pm
omgg! cant someonee put tha writin on wierdmake or sumthinn??? its soooooooo confussin!!!! PLEASE helppp mee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bekki 2007-11-14 / 11.29 am
Hey People This Is So Cool Help Me!
Rosie..x 2007-11-14 / 11.32 am
Heyy Guys! I don’t Really Get What This is
But Oh Well
SAVE ME..School is soo Boring!
jordanne 2007-11-17 / 1.01 pm
kk i got it this is rubbish
sarah 2007-12-01 / 5.20 pm
this is a bag of wankkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk btw any 1 wana fite whit im in the mood and btw ur all finkin mongs who use this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@
Franshane 2007-12-12 / 8.01 am
hi when i put fancywritings on my msn it all turned out weird can someone teell me how to do it without it turning all demented
stacey macdonald 2008-01-17 / 9.20 pm
veryy cool lol
you should know 2008-02-17 / 4.38 am
im comment 94 !
cerena king 2008-02-27 / 6.39 pm
sfe 2:Rain,charlotte,luke,marc,dunconxx love somebody deep 2 my heartxx
lala 2008-03-20 / 2.45 am
cool but io have charecter map but i dont no how to change the font to the really cool small letters nd it is annoying me:)…no seriously it is….any way yer nice website coolness any way must be going u no /// places to go people to say && anyway must go i likke .. a long gud bye// do i…….well yer tjhanks it helped me alot i now no how to use it im so excited yer
cooldude 2008-03-20 / 2.48 am
shit this website is effen awsum!
*m*a*r** 2008-03-21 / 4.20 pm
i dont know how to work this it is stupid coz u av u to pay 4 it thts rediculous.
eesh.i meen why would you pay for fancey letters i would like to suggest that you make the letters free if possible
thank you
*m*a*r** 2008-03-21 / 4.22 pm
again poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
i meen come on make it freee please!!!!!!!!
dorky dork there theres a metaphore
im done
lalu 2008-03-30 / 12.59 pm
u no wat ya might aswell go on messletters if ya want gd righting it is exactly the same but better
maddy 2008-04-01 / 2.20 am
this is a good thing to use but i dont know how to make it?
natalie 2008-04-01 / 3.03 pm
i♥louise pentland &+ lucy england ;) x3. ♥
louise 2008-04-01 / 3.03 pm
i♥lucy england &+ natalie jenkins
+ i love harley chillcot babesxx
harleys girl xxo 2008-04-01 / 3.04 pm
i love harley sooo much xxx
♪ ♫ bitch ♪ ♫ 2008-06-05 / 1.34 am
♪ ♫this sucks shit i only like the fuckin music notes! ♪ ♫
♪ ♫ maya ♪ ♫ 2008-06-05 / 1.41 am
hello! i love this website its pretty, but the whole thing is just ridiculous!
i like this, but now everyone is using it for two reasons.
TO look good on msn or just trying to look cool!
i hate people who do that please comment back if you think im not right.
i asked all my freinds they say ”i hate this web but i like the looks of it”
”the creator is a butthole!”
thats baically what most of my freinds say about this website, this stupid website.
or email me on
email me and tell me what you think about this website.
Please use good grammer or i will not be accepteing those comments.
thank you for reading this quick and easy note! and please, respect it the way i do.
i love this website like i said but i think its just a joke!
i only go on it and listen how everyone says how good it is and how bad it is, but mostly there about how good it is.
please emaiill me, you can add me too.
i dont except swearing either.
Thank You Everyone.
♪ ♫ maya ♪ ♫ 2008-06-05 / 1.48 am
HEy the person in fornt me that is called b**** please dont use that language and i liek the music notes too, but please dont mature like me For example.
♪ ♫ bitch ♪ ♫ 2008-06-05 / 1.49 am
whats your fuckn problem?!
u mature my fucking ass!
i hate this web as much as you do, but dont call me imature!!!!
i hate ppl who call me that!
you ugly bastard go to hell!
♪ ♫ maya ♪ ♫ 2008-06-05 / 1.53 am
im mature. I go to university and i have good marks and good results. Im learing to be a lawyer too.So please respect that.!
Maybe i will meet you on court one day.
Me being famous will be cool, but being someone like you is imature!
and dont take what i say that seriously. But some i think you need to.
and learn some spelling skills would you?
and beware of polices!
you going to be caught doing somthing bad like vandilism.
well i think you’ll be!
Beware and good luck out there in the real’ll need the gool luck.
♫ L a u r a ♫ 2008-07-02 / 8.37 pm
omg! its a place for ppl 2 put comments not 2 fight[maya] i dont think.. ppl will give a S***!! i no sumone that graduated from university!!!
♫ L a u r a ♫ 2008-07-02 / 8.40 pm
MAYA IF YOUR MATURE.. Then y are u fighting who ever started it im finishing its fucking bull.. and if you r mature then you wouldnt be fighting if your fighting back your just kike her!!!!! :@
Hillary 2008-08-05 / 8.42 pm
can this work for me or not because i want this to go on my msnn
СОВА 2008-11-02 / 2.39 am
“Ты один из немногих, кто действительно хорошо пишет”
Тимон 2008-11-02 / 4.40 am
“замечательные посты”
herbie 2008-11-02 / 6.50 pm
livin for the weekend
Алекс 2008-11-03 / 2.43 am
Атос 2008-11-03 / 6.08 am
“Полезного много”
Sergejpinka 2009-01-11 / 2.20 pm
I’ve a question: your Character Map WordPress plugin, works with Wprdpress 2.7?
Thank you! :-)
Sergejpinka 2009-01-11 / 3.51 pm
i’ve tried your plugin, don’t works.
“The plugin file dosen’t exist”
Саня 2009-05-11 / 6.44 pm
Ну почему вы решили эксклюзивно так? Ищу, как можно раскрыть данную гипотезу.
Rihanna Mayson 2009-05-18 / 8.54 pm
I love the character map its soo cool and it helps a loy for yuur siggy so thanx..!
MeggoSexxx 2009-07-12 / 9.17 pm
asha bowe 2009-10-31 / 5.43 pm
bthany 2010-08-11 / 12.12 am
urh hey, emm, when i put some characters on my msn name they come out as squares, is there anyway to stop this? xx