
High voltage, Croatia Y2k5

author - cnainee / 10. 10. 2005


author - malyfred / 8. 10. 2005 /
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location: Riga, Latvia; time: April 2005


author - malyfred / 6. 10. 2005 /
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ANGELA: "What are you doing?"

RICKY: "I was filming this dead bird."

ANGELA: "Why?"

RICKY: "Because it's beautiful."

ANGELA: "I think maybe you forgot your medication today, mental boy."

(American Beauty)

location: Plzeň; Czech Republic; time: October 2005

Poezie pro chodící

author - malyfred / 4. 10. 2005 /
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location: Prague, Czech Republic; time: September 2005

Vracím „úder”!

So this is Berlin II

author - dj / 2. 10. 2005


author - malyfred / 26. 9. 2005 /
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location: Prague, Czech Republic; time: September 2005

Summer’s Almost Gone

author - malyfred / 10. 9. 2005 /
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location: Prague, Czech Republic; time: September 2005

So this is Berlin

author - malyfred / 8. 9. 2005 /
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location: Berlin, Germany; time: July 2005

Walls of the World

author - malyfred / 4. 9. 2005 /
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location: Prague, Czech Republic; time: August 2005


author - cnainee / 1. 9. 2005
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