Problem of every blog is that all posts disappear in archive after while and they cannot return back to the front page unless the author changes the publishing date. That’s a cheap trick and we don’t like cheap tricks, right?
So I’ve created Archivist – plugin (for WordPress) that does this job in a nice way.

Copy archivist.php
file to your wp-content/plugins
directory and activate it.
All these settings can be changed in archivist.php
'number_of_posts' – number of posts from the archive that should be shown on the front page.
'random' – these posts can be selected randomly or sorted by date.
'frontpage_position' – where should be selected post(s) inserted on the front page. Picture above shows the situation where this value is set to 1. (Archive post is inserted after the first post.)
'from_categories' – it's possible to limit the categories where the post(s) are selected from. Just insert the list of category IDs.
'older_than' – defined in days. E.g. 60.
'newer_than' – defined in days.
'keep_the_limit_of_posts_per_page' – Set to "true" if the very last post(s) on the front page should be "removed" from the this page in order to keep the limit of number of posts per page. Set to "false" if these "removed" posts should be just "moved" futher. Only issue is when set "true" that you will "miss" these "removed" posts on the second page:(
'title' – defines how should be changed the title of selected post(s). There is added "From the archive: " before the title of each post by default.
Download – (WordPress 2.5 and higher compatible)
Other recommended plugins
Bohužel, komentáře nejsou nyní povoleny.
Moe 5. 11. 2005 / 20.37
You’ve done it again!
I love the idea.
Moe 5. 11. 2005 / 21.01
also a suggestion for future updates:
– An option to keep an archived post on the front page for the lenght of a day or certain time frame. This would allow visitors within a certain frame to view the same post from the past & possibly incite commentary.
malyfred 5. 11. 2005 / 21.34
Moe> That was my original idea for this plugin but I haven’t thought out any useful mathematical formula that would allow me to pick one RANDOM post from the archive and keep this random selection the same for the whole day.
Solution would be to save the selection to the database or to the file or something like that but that’s not acceptable for me.
Any suggestion?
If you don’t insist on the random selection you can achieve this behaviour when you set the ‘random’ parameter to ‘false’.
male.dei » Blog Archive » Plugin-addiction 6. 11. 2005 / 0.56
[…] I just can’t stop installing every plugin i run across. The newest is called “Archivist“, and is displaying a random post from the archive on the front page. Neat! […]
His Story 11. 11. 2005 / 7.24
The WordPress Plugins I am Using
1. Archivist
2. Get Recent Comments
3. Photopress Plugin
4. Subscribe me
5. WP-CC
IImage Gallery | skriker 27. 12. 2005 / 17.56
[…] Archivist […]
Markus 27. 12. 2005 / 21.41
a wunderful script, thanks for it!
Oyvind 27. 12. 2005 / 23.07
I would like the random post from the archive (made with this plugin) to be styled differently with CSS. For example with a different background to make it stand out, and maybe an icon or something to signal “from the archives”.
Would that be possible?
IImage Browser | skriker 28. 12. 2005 / 21.30
[…] Archivist […]
Paul Roberts 2. 1. 2006 / 15.20
I’m getting some errors when logging in/out to wordpress admin when the Archivist plugin is activated.
on logout:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at wp-content/plugins/archivist.php:1) in wp-login.php on line 9
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at wp-content/plugins/archivist.php:1) in wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php on line 233
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at wp-content/plugins/archivist.php:1) in wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php on line 234
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at wp-content/plugins/archivist.php:1) in wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php on line 235
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at wp-content/plugins/archivist.php:1) in wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php on line 236
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at wp-content/plugins/archivist.php:1) in wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php on line 194
on login page (form)
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /wp-content/plugins/archivist.php:1) in /wp-login.php on line 9
after logging in
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /wp-content/plugins/archivist.php:1) in /wp-login.php on line 9
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /wp-content/plugins/archivist.php:1) in /wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php on line 221
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /wp-content/plugins/archivist.php:1) in /wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php on line 222
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /wp-content/plugins/archivist.php:1) in /wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php on line 194
when already logged in it’s okay. I like the plug in unfortunately i have to keep deleting it if i log out of wordpress.
regards, Paul
Neuville 15. 1. 2006 / 20.14
Hallo, is there a way to make the plugin working if I’ve setup the number of posts per page at 1? I’ve just one post on the main page, and the randomness doesn’t appear…
malyfred 15. 1. 2006 / 21.35
Neuville:: oh, that was a bug. Download the version 0.4 and set the number of posts per page to 2. Because you actually want to show 2 posts per page, the “right one” and the random one, right?
malyfred 15. 1. 2006 / 21.40
Paul Roberts:: That could happen after upgrading to WP 2.0 when you haven’t deactivated all plugins before upgrade as is suggested on the official WP page. Unfortunately I don’t know any workaround:(
malyfred 15. 1. 2006 / 21.45
Oyvind:: You can add an icon to the title of that post quite easily by adding it to the
If you want to modify the content of the post do it after the line:
$draft->post_title = str_re....
you can try e.g.:
$draft->post_content = “<div class=\”archivist\”> {$draft->post_content} </div>”;
Neuville 16. 1. 2006 / 21.21
Just downloaded, thank you! :-)
p.s. Is there a way to build a sort of random posts panel, where random items are smaller than the main post, and users can choose to view an item by clicking it?
Paul Roberts 18. 1. 2006 / 22.46
it does it on at least 2 sites i run wordpress on, i did the upgrade as suggested and deactivated all plugins before upgrade. i’ll set up a test install on my 1& server and see what happens.
[quote]Paul Roberts:: That could happen after upgrading to WP 2.0 when you haven’t deactivated all plugins before upgrade as is suggested on the official WP page. Unfortunately I don’t know any workaround:([/quote]
blau 22. 1. 2006 / 22.42
I’m trying Archivist on a locat development setup. I want to show the most recent post from category X (id=8) in the last 7 days. The values I set are:
no. post 1, random=false, frontpage pos. 1, from cat. 8, older than -1, newer than 7.
And I have a test post newer than 7 days, in cat X. Any idea why it does not show my test post? Am I the only experiencing this problem?
malyfred 23. 1. 2006 / 15.26
blau:: There is an additional condition hardcoded in the plugin that selects only post older than the oldest post on the front page (to avoid having the same post twice on the page).
If you want to turn it off – delete:
AND post_date_gmt <= '$oldest_post'
Oyvind 28. 1. 2006 / 23.57
Regarding post #14: I can’t find “$draft->post_title = str_re….” anywhere? Not in index.php, not in the archivist.php file… Where is it?
malyfred 29. 1. 2006 / 13.29
Oyvind:: Archivist.php line #157
Andy 30. 1. 2006 / 4.19
I’ve only just switched to WordPress 2.0, a brand-new installation and this is one of my first plugins. I really like it but I have to switch it off whenever I want to edit an old post, same problems that Paul Roberts reports above. Clearly, there’s something going wrong and it’s a great shame. I hope it can be resolved soon.
Paul Roberts 18. 2. 2006 / 21.02
re: post #10 & #16
it seems to be working fine now with 0.5, i think it might have been that the main site was passing css files through php to use ob_gzhandler, when i added the code to the admin css file the problems with archivist seem to disapear. (fingers crossed)
sternenlicht 20. 2. 2006 / 7.33
i really love the idea of archivist.. but it wont work like i want it to do.
if i chose a category, it displays nothing on the front page.
i want it to show the last 5 post (ordered by date) fürm the category “news”
my testingblog:
i really would be thankful for your help!
malyfred 20. 2. 2006 / 19.27
sternenlicht:: What about comment #18?
andre 22. 2. 2006 / 5.08
0.5 seems to be conflicting with the WP polls plugin I get a header error when i try to vote on a poll with archivist activated. Otherwise it is a cool plugin. Sorry had to deactivate because of the error.
jonnie 30. 3. 2006 / 15.51
I would like the random post from the archive (made with this plugin) to be in a sidebar.
Would that be possible?
malyfred 30. 3. 2006 / 16.02
jonnie:: No, but I think there are other plugins that could do that.
jonnie 30. 3. 2006 / 16.07
Thank you anyway!
parol 5. 4. 2006 / 0.05
Kjempe kuuuul hjemmeside du har.
Clark 14. 6. 2006 / 17.05
Great plugin as are all of your others that I use!
1. I am curious if there would be an easy way to display an archive post every 3 posts or every other not jsut one instance. I have a long list of short posts on the front page and want to have multiple instances of archived posts be inserted.
2. Can this plugin be moded to also insert archived posts into a category page, where the archive posts are from a different category.
malyfred 15. 6. 2006 / 0.04
Clark:: both things are possible even if you have just tiny knowledge of PHP.
I’m just finishing my uni studies so I don’t have a time to add these features at the moment:(
Clark 16. 6. 2006 / 8.01
Good luck at the uni! I’ll see what I can hack out. Thanks for all of the great work!!!
E 14. 7. 2006 / 20.02
What do you consider the “Front Page” I installed this plugin and nothing happens.
Lorelle 3. 9. 2006 / 19.08
I’m in love! Totally and completely. I’ve been looking for something like this for over a year, getting totally stuck with the random and specific category queries. This is a dream. It worked first time out with WordPress 2+. Excellent.
Couple of things. I’d like the ability to move the archive post feature to the top of the posts on the front page, not just in second place. Any ideas on that?
Also, why isn’t this in the WordPress Codex Plugin List or I’ve been hunting. Get this in there so others can find it. It’s a “featured post” WordPress Plugin, so make sure those words are in the description to help others find it.
I will be featuring it on my blog soon, so hope your server is up to it.
malyfred 4. 9. 2006 / 1.07
Lorelle:: Archivist is in the “Randomness” section of the Codex. Feel free to add it to other categories or change the description – Codex is open for everybody. My english is not very good so I have problems to find the proper descriptions quite often.
To place the “featured post” (you see – I’m learning fast:) to the top of the page – just set ‘frontpage_position’ to 0. That should work.
Lorelle 9. 9. 2006 / 23.31
Excellent. I searched the Codex and didn’t find it, but I’ll make sure that it gets put in the right place now that I know. Thanks. And you make sure it is listed in the database, as that is where people do their real plugins hunt. Only plugin authors can submit and your English is beautiful!
Yours Truly,
God-Mother of the WordPress Codex ;-)
Lorelle 10. 9. 2006 / 0.27
I am now experimenting with this and trying to add CSS to customize the look of the featured post. This is what I have but the CSS DIV is not showing up on the page:
if($drafts = $wpdb->get_results($query)){
foreach($drafts as $draft){
$draft->post_title = str_replace("%title", $draft->post_title, $archivist_settings['title'] );
$draft->post_content = "<div class=\"archivist\"> {$draft->post_content} </div>";
$my_posts[] = $draft;
Thank you so much!
The English Nomad 12. 9. 2006 / 16.32
Hello, malyfred!
I find your plugin to be exactly the sort of thing I’m looking for.
Unfortunately, I can’t use it at the moment because there’s a slight bug which occurs: it creates a ‘From the Archive: …’ post below the newest post which is fine, but then beneath that it shows the newest post and another ‘From the Archive: …’ post again.
I’m using version 0.5 of your plugin with the default settings I think. How can I get rid of this repetition?
Michael 31. 10. 2006 / 9.33
I do this in a nutshell: First, thanks for this great plug-in. Second, is it possible that through the use of this plugin an article can be shown twice on the frontpage? (If I, say, have written ten articles in ten years and I keep the default options in the plugin and the frontpage shows four articles, theoretically it could happen that I can see one article twice…)
malyfred 31. 10. 2006 / 11.28
Michael:: No, this cannot happen, because there is an additional rule applied, that selected post must be older than the oldest post on the page.
malyfred 31. 10. 2006 / 11.30
The English Nomad:: This sounds like some kind of collision with other wp plugin.
Michael 31. 10. 2006 / 12.25
Good. Thanks for this really great plugin!
Michael 28. 11. 2006 / 20.46
Oh my, it’s me again: How can I exclude a specific category of being shown in the “from the archives”-article. I know that I can define specific categories to be shown, but my question is the other way round: how to exclude specific categories.
This would specifically usefull, because I do not want my daily links or sponsored posts to be shown again after they went into the archives.
vijay 11. 12. 2006 / 21.53
Is there any way to keep the ‘removed post’ when one uses the ‘keep_the_limit_of_posts_per_page’ option?
Apart from this little glitch, I am totally in love with this plugin.
Den 3. 1. 2007 / 18.24
Thanks a lot for giving this your consideration…
Wally 10. 1. 2007 / 19.18
wonderful plugin. I have been using it for a few weeks before I discovered that the post and the post listed in recent post sidebar are different. I have reloaded the file to get default settings back. no change.
any thoughts?
Podchef 11. 1. 2007 / 2.26
Thanks for fantastic plugin!
Dirk 14. 1. 2007 / 18.00
great plugin, well done, I love it
looks and works wonderfull on my site
david 21. 1. 2007 / 12.13
Wow — what a great plugin — one-click install, easy customization, works just as advertised. Thank you!
waffles 26. 1. 2007 / 18.11
@vijay – If you still want only 10 posts showing on your front page, just keep the extra post that comes with the plug in and change the number of posts shown (set in the options page) to 9.
Dave 1. 2. 2007 / 23.28
I too have to switch the plugin off to add posts and turn it on again afterwards. Any workaround?
Lorelle 10. 2. 2007 / 3.13
Hi, malyfred,
I will be promoting your Plugin again in the next week or so, and I wanted to know how to set it to do excerpts instead of the full post.
I will also be testing this in WordPress 2.1. Have you?
Tedski 12. 2. 2007 / 6.22
I have my “archives” on a seperate page. Is there any way to for this plug-in to make the random entry appear on that page?
E 20. 3. 2007 / 2.06
Can I set Archivist to show one selected post, not only a selected category?
ste 12. 4. 2007 / 12.14
I’ve activated the plugin but nothing happens on front-end. Must I do something else? Maybe to include the php page into other pages?
Scudfish 12. 4. 2007 / 23.54
Worked like a charm!
Thanks for sharing!
TJantunen 20. 4. 2007 / 18.03
Thanks, this is a great plugin!
T 20. 4. 2007 / 18.11
Archivist, very handy plugin for WordPress…
I got idea from my friend Daryl W.T Lay blog How To Earn Money Blogging to install plugin called Archivist. It is a plugin which shows your old posts randomly in your front page. I think that it is a superior way to get more attention to your older to…
bo 28. 4. 2007 / 23.45
i’ve been using archivist for a few days now on my blog and i think it’s great. the only problem i have is that it displays pages as well and not only posts as it’s supposed to. do you know how to get this sorted, malyfred? my site runs on wp 2.1.3. thanks
bo 29. 4. 2007 / 14.03
alright, for anyone having the same problem as described above (comment 59), here’s the solution:
on line 116
add “AND post_type = ‘post'”
after “WHERE post_status = ‘publish'”
Lorelle 30. 4. 2007 / 1.53
I’m sorry to everyone here that Malyfred isn’t responding. I know that English isn’t the native language here, but if you want some limited help, I’ve written extensively about this fabulous WordPress Plugin at Revitalizing Your Blog’s Past Posts – The Archivist WordPress Plugin. I hope that helps answer some of your questions.
Wrhona 4. 5. 2007 / 19.12
Hi! Thanks for this plug-in, but I don’t get it. It doesn’t seem to work on my site. What am I doing wrong?
malyfred 10. 5. 2007 / 22.43
@bo What version of WP do you use? Probably some old one, no?
malyfred 10. 5. 2007 / 23.00
@Lorelle Thank you. Any help is a appreciated.
jon 28. 5. 2007 / 3.39
Thank you SO much! This is EXACTLY what I was looking for.. beautiful!!
jon 28. 5. 2007 / 3.57
Got it pretty much doing all the things the way I want them to but have just one question; how can I tell it to ignore “pages” (and just include “posts”)? I considered using the ‘from_categories’ rule but I don’t think I can assign categories to pages so that doesn’t seem useful for this exclude. Appreciate any advice!
jon 28. 5. 2007 / 5.32
Sorry, one more question; is there a way to tell it not to show duplicates? (eg. if number_of_posts is set to 5, I’d like all 5 to be unique.)
jon 28. 5. 2007 / 5.43
gah, I see Bo already answered my first question, trying that…
malyfred 29. 5. 2007 / 0.45
@jon There must be something wrong with your WP in general because the Archivist simply cannot retrieve the same post twice from the DB in one query.
How old is your WP installation? What version of WP do you use now?
jon 29. 5. 2007 / 8.39
Thanks malyfred.. I’m using the current WP 2.2 version. I’ve been playing with Archivist for the last day or so and have seen it happen about 4 or 5 times so far (though I haven’t seen it duplicate something more than 2 on the same load yet.) Fwiw, I have about 100ish posts in the can and have the front page set to load five at a time (all archiver generated random.)
malyfred 30. 5. 2007 / 12.38
@jon Could you give me a link to see it in action?
Oxiskesse 23. 6. 2007 / 20.37
Sorrey plezes :(
rWong vategorg…
wiull be carefujl
jonsf 24. 6. 2007 / 15.30
V3mO5m hi jonsf!
kely 24. 6. 2007 / 22.13
Teloch 7. 7. 2007 / 12.58
Great idea! Very useful plugin.
Wu-kung 8. 7. 2007 / 13.56
Wonderful Plugin. Thanks a lot to the autor!
As already in #59 stated, I, too, have the problem that it displays pages as well.
I tried the hint of #60 and modified line 116 as advised:
$query .= ” WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ AND post_type = ‘post’ AND post_date_gmt
Wu-kung 9. 7. 2007 / 13.06
Part2: … however, the modification leads but to an error-message. Would be nice to get a hint how I can manage that problem. THANKS a lot.
Wu-kung 10. 7. 2007 / 8.47
Sorry! Now added :-)!
melanie west 13. 8. 2007 / 7.26
anybody please help me –
i have been trying to make it work in my site but i am no php expert. i download as instructed and change the php file accordingly but it still not showing up. can someone please show me their archivist.php so i can compare or copy.. please
thanks again!
AltaGid 21. 8. 2007 / 0.09
Hello! Help solve the problem.
Very often try to enter the site, but says that the password is not correct.
Regrettably use of remembering. Give like to be?
Thank you!
mercedes parts 13. 9. 2007 / 17.16
great plugin i have ever meet
Boris 26. 9. 2007 / 8.24
Hey Malyfred,
upgraded to WP 2.3 and noticed that Archivist doesn’t work anymore. Do you have any plans to update the plugin? Would be great! Cheers
fahdos 26. 9. 2007 / 13.57
the same probleme, don’t word with wordpress 2.3 :'(
Tech Help 24. 10. 2007 / 19.56
Hey there Malyfred,
Love your plugin. Works great in my WP2.3 theme.
Is there a way to use a php archivist call like
Tech Help 24. 10. 2007 / 20.00
Oops code got cut out…
Is there a way to use a php call like — code — php get_archivist_post — endcode — or some other method to place a single random post somewhere on the page other than directly above or below the regular posts?
I am trying to find a way to place a single random post in a div that runs across the bottom of the page.
Thanks for your help!
Chris 22. 11. 2007 / 14.49
I use Archivist since Version 0.5 and love it. Upgraded to WordPress 2.3.1 and it still works, although there are different archive posts shown in the content pane and in the recent posts widget output.
So I checked here and upgraded to Archivist 1.1, but I only get the following error message on the top of my site and in the recent post area:
WordPress database error: [Table ‘XXXX.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT * FROM wp_posts ,wp_post2cat WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ AND post_date_gmt
malyfred 22. 11. 2007 / 23.06
This is a bad news – the database schema is quite different in WP2.3 ( and Archivist is not yet compatible with WP2.3:( There is no easy fix for this – I have to install new version of WP – learn the new db tables and then fix the Archivist. I’m sorry it’ll take some time:(
You can fix it though – if you can live without specifying the categories. Try:
$archivist_settings['from_categories'] = "";
It should help.
Ryan 25. 11. 2007 / 20.42
Hey Malyfred, must compliment you on the excellent WP Plugin. If you have a static homepage, what is the workaround. Currently, I have a 3 column blog with a static homepage showing articles from specific categories. Enabling Archivist shows an article from the archive under every single article i have on the home page
Jayshree 7. 12. 2007 / 1.30
I m trying to have this plugin on my site, but its somehow not working.
I uploaded the plugin, and activated, and changed the settings according to my needs ( as per instructions above) , but still, nothing happens on the main page.
do I need to add something to my index page ?
I m sorry if this is really stupid question, but I m not that much IT literate person. Please help.
Thank You.
Ecomytymnbync 18. 12. 2007 / 8.02
Test drive the car under varied road conditionson hills, highways, and in stop-and-go-traffic;
Bill Masella 9. 1. 2008 / 1.37
How can I modify Archivist so that it replaces my last post (most current post) on my main page if the current post is older than 3 day.
Basically what I want to do is as the post stagnates start rotating through Archive posts but as long as the post is current keep that one on the main page.
I couldn’t find a way to do it unless I missed something somewhere.
Jessi 19. 2. 2008 / 21.49
Do you have any idea if there’s something similar for Blogger?
Trevor 10. 4. 2008 / 14.13
Are you planning on updating this for WP 2.5? Greatly need something like this!
Sightings 18. 4. 2008 / 6.28
Great plug in, would love to see it upgraded to 2.5!
Lebanos 20. 4. 2008 / 11.37
When I clicked on “automatic upgrading” under the “Archivist” plugin, the plugin get updated with ImageGallery plugin instead and the Archivist disappeared.
Even the link on my plugin list goes to your ImageGallery plugin page on WordPress.
I fixed the problem by installing again the Archivist plugin and it works fine but the update message appears again and leads to ImageGallery.
Hope you can fix this. Thanks for great plugin.
Lycka till
GIBBS12 30. 5. 2008 / 13.56
great plugin, i love it!
A question about reusing blog posts - Netpond 2. 6. 2008 / 2.32
[…] in four hours it rotates the oldest post on my blog to the newest. Here’s plugins: Archivist – Archivist | skriker Oldest 2 Newest – WordPress ‘Oldest to Newest’ PluginRun Your Own […]
Slaejkjq 24. 6. 2008 / 23.15
Yes, you can see more about this here:,
Lalya 4. 7. 2008 / 15.48
Hi! I’m still using wordpress 2.3.3 and the archivist seems only compatible with wp2.5 and higher. Where can I find older versions of the plugin that are compatible with wp2.3?
WordPress Plugins Database » Plugin Details » Archivist 24. 7. 2008 / 7.30
[…] Visit […]
WP-Plugin For Random Posts On Frontpage? - Netpond 29. 7. 2008 / 4.29
[…] use Archivist: Archivist | skriker __________________ Get Hosted […]
Wordpress tuned up! | Der Frei-Gen Blog 25. 9. 2008 / 22.22
[…] von Content und Inhalten an verschiedensten Ecken im Blog wird aufbereitet durch die Plugins Archivist 1.2, Get Recent Comments 2.0.2, Popularity Contest 1.3b3, Show Top Commentators 1.06 & WP-PostViews […]
Plugin WordPress: Archivist » Archivi Blog » WordPress Italy 28. 10. 2008 / 21.08
[…] La cosa che mi dava fastidio era il dover spacciare per “nuovi” degli articoli che magari erano stati pubblicati mesi prima, ma per fortuna mi è venuto in soccorso Archivist. […]
How to Display Old Archived Posts | 7. 1. 2009 / 15.31
[…] ones that you had written months or years ago. An excellent and simple way to do that is using the Archivist WordPress […]
AP 7. 1. 2009 / 15.47
This plugin works with WordPress 2.6.5 as well as 2.7. I have tested it on both the versions and you can tweak it a bit as I have highlighted it on this page
Thanks for the great Plugin!
Fail Funnies 26. 1. 2009 / 0.52
Awesome plugin/wordpress trick. I am going to incorporate this into my blog.
osobo 18. 2. 2009 / 7.15
Новый способ давления на кандидата на пост Главы г. Химки
Новый способ “наказать” тех, кто посмел участвовать в выборной кампании не на стороне действующей власти изобрели правоохранительные органы г.о. Химки.
Руководствуясь не нормой закона, а чьей-то “волей” сотрудники милиции решили “проверить” все фирмы, внесшие денежные средства в избирательный фонд неудобных кандидатов.
Начались “проверки” с телефонных звонков – где директор, сколько человек работает на фирме. После чего последовали “письма счастья” с просьбой предоставить всю бухгалтерскую документацию, учредительные документы фирмы, и даже, план экспликации БТИ.
Такие запросы химкинским фирмам рассылает 1 отдел Оперативно-розыскной части № 9 Управления по налоговым преступлениям ГУВД Московской области за подписью начальника подполковника милиции Д.В. Языкова.
И всё это в то время, когда Президент дал прямое указание правоохранительным органам о прекращении всех незаконных проверок малого и среднего бизнеса. С это целью внесены изменения в Федеральный закон “О милиции” – из статьи 11 этого закона исключены пункты 25 и 35, на основании которых ранее правоохранительные органы имели право проверять финансово-хозяйственную деятельность предприятий.
Видно, об изменениях действующего законодательства местные правоохранительные органы не уведомлены. И не смотрят телепередачи с выступлениями Президента.
Может быть, эта публикация подвигнет их к исполнению указаний Президента, а также к изучению и соблюдению действующего законодательства
Archivist - WP Plugin Archive 28. 3. 2009 / 20.50
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