
High voltage, Croatia Y2k5

author - cnainee / 2005-10-10


  1. tofu007 2005-10-10 / 11.26 am

    Whau ;o)

  2. Johan Herdegård 2005-10-14 / 2.02 am

    Hi Martin! Been on vacation again!? :) Great to see you continue update your blog so frequently! Keep up the good work! /Johan, Uppsala, .se

  3. malyfred 2005-10-14 / 12.55 pm

    Hi Johan!
    “författare – cnainee” suggests that this is my friend’s picture but I am having my “little” vacation every weekend. Hit of the last weeks are horse races:)

    I still read at least few pages in swedish every week and that always remindes me your ICQ swedish lessons… I’ll need some additional soon I guess:)

    vi hoers

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