3-iron - 85%

It's kind of fashion of this year to admire work of korean movie director Kim Ki-duk. But 3-iron is his first movie that definitely deserves that. His other movies were interesting, strange, unusual but… not perfect. Something was always missing, unfinished or exaggerated. Not this time!
3-iron is beautiful.
(category: Film)
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Peter 2005-09-19 / 7.08 pm
hey Martin,
How’s life in Praha? Enjoyed last week’s draw against ajax and the win of Banik against Heerenveen?
I noticed most of your posts only appear in one of teh colours (many posts are not available in pale skriker and vice versa)
And how did the mushrooms go. Still eating them?
malyfred 2005-09-19 / 7.55 pm
Hej Peter,
this ‘post problem’ is solved now. It was because I was testing some plugins for this web. Thank you for your ‘bug report’!
It’s wonderful indian summer here but too cold for mushrooms… so we have to eat dried mushrooms in the soup, only:) I guess you don’t have mushrooms at all in your ‘forests’:) and that’s the reason why I hesitate a bit to ask you if you like them. Do you?
Anyway, football – you know that I am not the biggest football fan under the sun but I was watching Sparta-Ajax and I think Ajax should won. They were playing much better. There is quite big disappointment about Sparta this year in our league. They are 5th and not getting better…
What about you? How are you doing? When do you want to ‘leave the country’? Is there some time for me about the begining of January to visit you? What about to organise some farewell party?
maykiyy 2005-12-14 / 2.36 am
SAM 2006-01-01 / 3.13 am
jam 2007-12-03 / 6.49 am
i love this movie…lol